Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 27

by Carrie Whitethorne

  She slid on the trainers with a huff and faced him, glaring as he took her arm roughly.

  Snatching her arm away, she whirled on him. “Don't,” she began, then paused. They were in the ballroom at Houska, she realised. “What are we doing in here?”

  Callan walked away from her, shaking his head.

  “Callan, why are we in this ballroom? I thought we were coming to see Markus?”

  “We are, but you aren't yourself and I want to know what's going on before we do,” he said, turning to face her.

  No, don't…

  The sadness in his eyes made her heart ache. She wanted to go to him, to hold him, to apologise, but instead she said, “There's nothing going on with me, I'm just tired! Why is everyone saying there's something wrong? I'm not precious, I just need time at home!”

  Becoming angry, her hands began to smoke.

  “Really? What's that for?” he snapped, flicking his chin upwards indicating her hands.

  She looked down and gasped, quickly shaking them.

  Stop. Stop.

  “Nothing, it's nothing,” she said quietly.

  “If it's nothing you'll let us have a look, then, won't you, Lottie?” Dane said from behind her.

  She jumped, eyes wild with panic. “What are you doing, Callan?” she asked, her voice trembling as she turned and backed toward the glass doors.

  Why am I scared? It's only Dane…

  “Calm down and let Dane help you,” Callan said softly, stepping towards her cautiously.

  “Calm down? I was fine until you all decided I was nuts and arranged an intervention!” she hissed. Her head snapped round to Dane as she growled, “Get the fuck away from me!”

  Dane flicked his eyes to Callan and said, “Lottie, listen. You've have a rough few weeks, let me help you.”

  “There's nothing wrong with me!” she shrieked, her eyes flashing violet.

  “There you are,” Dane purred, a smirk spreading across his lips as pain splintered through her neck and everything turned to darkness.

  Suspended in darkness, she tried to get her bearings. She was weightless, unable to feel her body. No arms to move, no legs. She couldn't sit up but, then, she wasn't sure she was laid down.

  She could hear them talking. She wasn't sure who they were, but they were talking. Unable to make out the words, she strained to hear, but they faded away before she could make any sense of them.

  She felt cold, frozen to her core. Wherever that was.

  Where am I? This isn't right. None of this is right.

  She called to Callan to help her. To Dane, Markus, anyone.


  No answer came, just eerie silence in the darkness.

  Why can't I hear my heartbeat? Am I dead?

  She began to panic. Fear flooding her as she fought to break free from whatever hell she was trapped in.

  I need to get out. Where am I? Is this my own head? Where's my fire?

  At the thought, a simple, violet flame appeared.

  There you are. I knew you wouldn't leave me. Where are we?

  Footsteps echoed, but she couldn't see where they came from.


  Dane! Where am I? what happened?

  Nowhere. Nothing. It's fine. I'm just going to take this and I'll leave you to it. I'll come back, I promise.

  The flame died and she screamed at him to bring it back. Begged him not to take it, not to leave her here alone. There was no reply and she was overcome with sorrow.

  Where's Callan? Why hasn't he come for me?

  Because he doesn't want you.

  Dane? Why would you… that isn't Dane. Who are you?

  Laughter was all the response she received. Cold, mocking laughter.

  Lost, terrified and alone, she blocked out the sound and waited. She didn't dare think incase the voice returned with more hateful words, and didn't know what she was waiting for. An end? Rescue?

  The laughter continued for what felt like hours until, finally, it stopped. The silence was somehow worse.

  Suddenly, the voice returned in a high-pitched shriek. Unable to cower, unable to cover her ears, Charlotte had no option but to listen to the chilling, echoing sound until it trailed away in a strangled wail.

  Has it gone? Dane?

  When she received no response, she called Callan's name. Again, no response.

  I'm dead. When did I die? In the cave? In the cottage? Was I in the car with mum and this was all in my head while I passed? What the hell is this?

  No. If this is the accident I never had the kids. I know they're real. They must be real. Callan is real.

  The murmured voices returned and she strained to make them out.

  The tiny flame returned and warmth spread through her. She could feel her arms, move her legs. She had substance again. Her head moved. She sat up.


  Oh, my god its Callan. I'm here!

  She tried to call out to him but her mouth wouldn't move. No sound stirred in her throat as she trashed her head, fighting to let him know she was there.

  Warm tears ran down her face.

  Why can't I speak? How is anyone going to find me if I can't speak?

  The flame grew larger, brightening the space around her. The impenetrable blackness beyond was less terrifying now she knew she wasn't alone. She had her fire. Her lifelong friend and protector.

  It grew brighter still, warming her face. Staring into the light at its base, she considered her options, then closed her eyes and wished for rescue. Beyond her eyelids, the light flashed blinding white. She screwed her eyes tightly shut and turned her face away.

  “Charlotte? Come on, please, open your eyes. Please.”


  I can speak! I said those words!

  “I'm here, it's okay. Open your eyes.”

  “I'm scared. Callan I can't. That light…”

  “Close the curtain,” he said. The light dimmed slightly. “Charlotte, try now.”

  Blinking against the light, she smiled, then frowned as she remembered what had happened. “Callan, I…” she began, then began to cry.

  “Shh, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't you,” he whispered as he cradled her head. “It wasn't you.”

  “It was, I said those awful things to you, to Fe, to Dane! Oh god…” she sobbed.

  “It wasn't you, Lottie,” Dane said softly. “It was someone else. We've sorted it. You're okay now.”

  She pulled away, searching Callan's face, “What does he mean?”

  Callan sighed, “Whoever else was there, in that cave, came back with you.”

  “What, like a possession?” she asked, confusion knotting her brows.

  “Not quite. A sliver of someone, just enough to influence your mood. Your shadow was trying to oust it, that's why you were so tired. It was a constant drain,” Dane explained. “Father removed it.”

  “How?” she asked as the answer twinged in her neck.

  “Callan knocked you out,” he smirked.

  “I'm sorry,” Callan said, hanging his head. “It was that or drug you and if you'd caught me you could have…”

  “Thanks,” she sniffed. “Who was it? Him?”

  “No. Markus looked and it wasn't him. We don't know who it was but he was certain it wasn't,” he said.

  She gasped, “My fire, he took it!”

  “No, he didn't,” Dane said quietly, his voice thick with remorse. “I did. And then I put it back. It's all there, every bit.”

  Thank god it wasn't Markus. As nice as he is he's said himself that he can't be trusted.

  “That really happened? All of that?” she asked, looking from Callan to Dane.

  “What?” Callan looked confused.

  “I heard you all talking, but it was dark and I had no… body. I was cold, I thought I was dead. Then Dane came and took my fire and a voice laughed at me. Then it screamed and went away.”

  “Then, yes, it happened,” he smiled, sadly. “Do you think you could sit u

  She nodded and he helped her, kneeling before her. Her head spun with the motion. “How long was I out?”

  He checked her eyes and said, “Two hours. Markus is due to return shortly, he'll be pleased to see you awake. Are you hungry?”

  “I could do with a drink of something cold, my throat feels like it's full of razor blades.”

  “I'll go,” Dane offered.

  “No, I need to check on the children. I'll go. Will you be okay?” Callan asked.

  “Don't be long,” she said with a thin smile.

  “Dane, I'm sorry,” she began.

  He shook his head and took the seat beside her. “I'm sorry, I should have spotted that sooner. You just sleep such a lot anyway I didn't… Oww!”

  She punched him in the arm. “Dane! I don't sleep a lot!” she laughed. “I'm okay now. You two caught me. Again. I'm a bloody liability.”

  “You were much more fun, possessed. Your language was extremely colorful,” he smirked.

  She flushed, remembering what she'd said. “Sorry, I try to keep it to a minimum with the kids.”

  The door opened. “Charlotte, you're awake,” Markus said with a relieved smile.

  Callan returned by the fireplace of the study, a bottle of Coke in his hand, “Markus, did you find anything?” he asked, crossing the room to stand at Charlottes side. Dane moved away, allowing him to sit.

  “Yes, and no,” he sighed. “The stone is alexandrite. The precise stone is called the Alexandr Stone. It's the rock in its purest form. Unfortunately, it was lost to us when the Russian's discovered it and gave it to their Prince as he came of age.” He rolled his eyes.

  Charlotte swallowed a mouthful of her drink and said, “Sorry, can you explain?”

  Dane smiled and said, “We still don't know who removed the warlock and infiltrated your mind. Neither myself, nor my father could work it out, they masked themselves well.”

  He waited for her to respond. She gave a nod and he went on, “To find out, there's a stone we can use but we don't know where it is. The Druids hid it and the Russians dug the bloody thing up.”

  “Brilliant,” she sighed. “So now we play hunt the gemstone?”

  “Pretty much,” Callan laughed.

  “The Druids are very good at finding lost things,” Markus said. “Konrad is looking into it as we speak.”

  “So, we just wait?” she asked, perplexed.

  “Yes,” Markus answered, simply. “I think you're long overdue a rest my dear. I'm very happy to see you alive and well after your adventures by the way.”

  She grinned and said, “Thank you. Your armor saved my life, you know.”

  “Yes, so I understand. I shall replace that immediately, of course. We can't have you running around unprotected.”

  Callan took her hand and squeezed gently. “Do you feel well enough to go home?” he asked.

  “Yeah, do you mind, Markus?” she asked. “I need to get my head around all of this and spend some time with my kids. I haven't seen them properly for weeks.”

  “Of course, of course,” he smiled, striding forward to shake Callan's hand. “I shall visit you in a few days, deliver your new armor personally. Goodbye for now.”

  “I'll bring the kids back for you, I'm going to go and find Ally,” Dane offered.

  “Thank you,” Callan said, shaking his hand.

  He leaned over and kissed Charlotte's cheek. “Stop scaring me,” he said quietly in her ear, then disappeared.

  “Ready?” Callan asked, turning her to face him.

  She looked up, meeting his gaze and said, “I am, take me home.”

  * * *

  About the Author

  Carrie is a budding fantasy romance author. She can usually be found reading fantasy novels, watching fantasy TV and playing fantasy games online when her children have finally gone to bed.

  Her lifelong love of all things fairy and folklore are her inspiration. Being a romantic at heart, she's combined the two for her first book series, Riftkeepers.

  She lives on the edge of the Lake District in the north west of England with her husband and two children.

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