Torrid Love: Friends to Lovers Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 1)

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Torrid Love: Friends to Lovers Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 1) Page 18

by Scarlett Avery

  “Which one?”

  “I promised to sixty-nine you.”

  “Whoa! My feet have barely touched the ground. Can a girl get a minute?”

  “Weren’t you the one boasting about how a girl can never have too many sixty-nines?” he asks. “Let’s get to it, blondie!”

  We both laugh.



  “This has been the most incredible afternoon of my life,” Dom says smiling up at me. I wrap my arms a little tighter around her when an evening breeze blows through and kiss the top of her head. “I can’t include this evening in that statement.”

  “Why not?” I ask with feigned innocence.

  “You know exactly why not, Wolfe. Since I’ve been back from Europe, you’ve made it a point to rock my evenings.”

  Yeah, she’s been waking up sore every morning this week after riding my cock hard all evening long.

  “It’s your fault. You’re the one who tempted me with your irresistible offer. Once I buried myself balls deep inside your wet pussy without a shield, there was no going back,” I whisper in her ear.

  Fucking Dom bareback is the hottest thing I’ve ever done—and I’ve had my fair share of kinky fun with women—but none of those things come close to knowing no other man has ever taken her this way. Filling her with my cum has become my new favorite activity.

  “You’re impossible,” she says swatting my arm.

  Although the evening sky is already dark and I can’t see her blush, I’m certain her cheeks are flushed.

  “So, I did good?”

  “Are you kidding me? I love this.” She turns into my arms to face me. “When you said you had big plans for our first date, I thought maybe a nice dinner at an upscale restaurant or perhaps you had hired the services of a top catering company for something fancy at your place or mine, but I never expected anything close to this. Everything is perfect.”

  “We can do dinners anytime. There’s only one first date.”

  “True,” she concedes.

  “I wanted to make sure it was an evening neither of us would ever forget.”

  “Mission accomplished!” she smiles.

  “I chose this experience because there’s a symbolism to this boat ride. One that characterizes us.”

  “You lost me.”

  “For years, we’ve been drifting blind to our changing feelings about our friendship. It took a few detours, but we’ve finally docked at the same port.”

  “Look at you, Mr. Poet.”

  “You like that, don’t you?” I chuckle.

  “I do. It’s touching,” she says shyly.

  I kiss her forehead. “It’s from my heart.”

  She looks up at me, but doesn’t speak.

  We’ve been officially dating for four days now and the amazing thing is, I’m not itching to get out.

  Dom has me by the balls.

  I’m tamed. Willingly.

  And I love knowing she’s mine.

  I thought my brothers and Loki were going to give me a hard time, but I was wrong. They’re happy I came to my senses. So am I.

  When I woke up Wednesday morning with her wrapped around me, I knew our first date had to be memorable. I made a few phone calls and Larkin Gallagher—the owner of Dark Compulsion—came through for me. One of the club members owns a fleet of charter yachts in California. Luck was on my side. I was able to nab a cancellation on the rental of a 59 ft yacht complete with captain, five-star catered meal and plenty of champagne. It’s a lot of boat power for two people, but given the fact I was able to give my girl an incomparable experience, it’s worth it. We set sail at three o’clock this afternoon and we’ve been cruising the Pacific Ocean ever since. Now, we’re both standing on the upper deck soaking in the calmness of the dark sky against the water.

  “Turn around,” I tell her.

  She squints her eyes suspiciously at me. “Why?”

  “I thought you trusted me?”

  “Yeah, but the way you’re looking at me suggests you have something up your sleeve, Wolfe.”

  “Come on, blondie, stop being so melodramatic.”

  She studies me for a beat.

  “Okay, but you better not try anything sneaky.”

  “Of course not. Everything is aboveboard,” I grin from ear to ear.

  “Sure. I have my eyes on you,” she says before pointing two V-sign fingers from her eyes to mine.

  When her back is facing me, I rummage through the back pocket of my jeans until I find what I’m looking for.

  “I wanted you to have something to remember this night by,” I say slipping the necklace around her neck.

  “Ha!” she gasps. “What are you doing?” She tries to turn around, but I stop her.

  “Hold tight, blondie I’m not done yet.” I finish closing the clasp and I adjust her gift so it’s perfectly centered.

  “Oh my God! You’re crazy, Rod,” she says, her hands flying to the pendant. She turns into my arms. “What is it? I can’t make out the shape.”

  “Let me help,” I tell her. I pull out my iPhone and tap on the front-facing camera app. “Here you go,” I say turning the phone towards her.

  “Sweet baby Jesus are these diamonds?” she shrieks. Her eyes are so wide, they nearly take over her face.

  “As if I’d buy you something cheap. Of course they’re diamonds.”

  “No way.”

  “I’ve bought you jewelry in the past for all of your milestone birthdays.”

  “But nothing with diamonds,” she rebuts.

  “You weren’t my girl then,” I set her straight.

  She bites on her lower lip and stares at me through her lashes. “I kind of like it a lot when you say that.”

  “Get used to it because I’ll keep saying it a lot,” I offer a warm smile.

  “Still, Rod, this looks like it cost a fortune.”

  I knew this would be a tug-of-war. I’m used to it. Dom’s a giver. It’s a challenge for her to receive. It was the same song and dance four years ago when I bought her a house she couldn’t stop talking about in Venice Beach. She wouldn’t have it. She thought it was way too extravagant for a gift. In the end, I had to compromise. Although the house is under her name and paid in full, she insists on paying me back—with interest—a little every month. You can never accuse her of taking advantage of people.

  “Are you saying you aren’t worth it? Because I beg to differ.”

  “You sweet talker, you,” she swats my arm again.

  “I’m warning you, there will be no compromise. I want to see this around your neck,” I tell her.

  “Fair enough. I won’t fight you on this one. It’s too gorgeous. Although, I still can’t make out what it is.”

  “I bought it at Cartier—”


  “Didn’t you just make me a promise?”

  “Okay,” she concedes.

  “It’s called ‘Juste Un Clou.’ In other words, it’s a fancy and creative design of a nail.”


  “Really. The designer basically molded a nail in a circular shape and left a small gap. I thought the rose gold version would look beautiful against your skin complexion.”

  “I absolutely love it. Other than to take a shower, I’ll never take it off,” she says, lifting her chin up and giving me a little determinate nod.

  The significance of her words fills me with pride.

  “I’ll always be with you,” I say. Just as it should be.

  “I’ll always feel safe,” she says before falling into my arms. I bite the question burning my tongue. “I love knowing that.”

  I guess I slept like a rock the first night we were together because I didn’t hear her talk in her sleep. Dom has this nightly mantra, ‘I’m safe, I’m safe, I’m safe.’ It took every bit of my self-control not to drill her in the morning to find out what was troubling her. I promised not to push, and I haven’t, but now, I find it increasingly difficult to keep qui

  “Is there any reason for you not to feel safe?” I attempt.

  She looks up at me. “No,” she smiles shyly.

  “No one can hurt you anymore. Jarreth is dead,” I remind her.

  “I know. I’m okay, really.” Her shivering body betrays her words.

  From the first day I came to her rescue, Dom became the rock in the utterly chaotic world Mom’s poisonous aura cast over me. Dom gave me a reason to care and attend school. I never imagined I’d come to her rescue twice in the span of a few months.

  Dom’s tattoos aren’t a sign of rebellion or badassness. And they’re certainly not to ride a growing trend. Sure, they really suit her, but they aren’t meant to shake up the status quo. They’re to cover some pretty bad scars left behind by one of her mom’s douchebag boyfriends.

  After her dad left, her mom went on a dating binge. Every time I’d drop Dom off at her place after school, I was always suspicious of some of the men coming in and out of Natasa’s rented house. One day, as I was waiting outside her last class of the day to walk her home, a few of her schoolmates told me she’d left early in pain. That time of the month, they said. I immediately set off to her place to make sure she was okay. As I was nearing her house, I heard a horrible scream. As I turned the corner, I saw Jarreth Howard—Natasa’s latest mistake—dragging my best friend over the asphalt against shards of glass, rocks and God knows what else. He had both hands around her right wrist, leaving the left side of her body exposed. Her jeans protected her lower part, but her tank top did little to save her upper body.

  Jarreth was in his boxer briefs. Dom was screaming bloody murder. I didn’t think twice. I bolted towards them. The asshole jolted when he saw me, but it was too late. One punch and he was out. By the time I was able to calm Dom down, the police had arrived. I guess a neighbor made the call.

  Jarreth was using Natasa’s beat up backyard shed as a place to lure, drug and molest young boys. Dom caught him because she got home much earlier than usual. He received a record sentence after a staggering number of victims––all boys––came forth. Technically, he was supposed to rot in prison forever. To Dom’s consternation and mine, Jarreth’s prison bride––a former legal clerk––almost got him out early last year based on an alleged oversight from the prosecution’s office. Some of Jarreth’s inmates took matters into their own hands. Now, he’s six feet under.

  I stroke her lower lip with the pad of my thumb. “No one else has hurt you since Jarreth, right?” I ask.

  I’ve never prayed for a no so much in my life.

  She doesn’t answer.

  “Dom, I don’t want to push you, just tell me, please.”

  “I feel safe with you, Rod,” she says nestling her trembling body against mine.

  I could blame the evening breeze, but I’m no fool.

  Her evasive answer feels like someone just slugged my chest with a sledgehammer.


  I had my suspicions, but now I’m certain she’s keeping something from me. I swear to God, if I ever find out someone hurt her, I’ll go ballistic.



  In the month since we’ve been dating, this is the first time we’ll be apart. I’m leaving later with my team for three and a half days to shoot in Miami.

  One month.

  I still can’t believe it.

  To my surprise, Rod didn’t push further to find out if someone had hurt me after our first date. I’m grateful. I know eventually I’ll have to tell him, but I’m not ready yet. It’s too soon in our relationship.

  These last four weeks have been more blissful than I could have ever imagined. For the first ten days, we used my house as our kinky nest. Eventually, Rod started missing his massive Manhattan Beach mansion, so I packed a few bags and moved to his place. I thought I’d miss being in my own space, but nothing compares to falling asleep and waking up in his strong arms.

  I smile and hum to myself for no reason these days. Half the time, it’s like I’m walking on sunshine. Temperamental artists are a hell of a lot easier to handle because my utter happiness shields me from their capricious and irrational demands. After years of feeling defective, Rod brings out a whole new lexicon of emotions in me.

  I’m whole.



  Perfect just the way I am.

  It’s like he’s repaired the jagged crack in my heart left behind by my parents and my assailant.

  I’m unapologetic in admitting this relationship makes me feel part of something greater than myself. Something I thought would elude me for the rest of my life. Something I didn’t deserve. Him being a sex god is bonus. Thanks to my boyfriend’s remarkable prowess in bed, I went from a shy and insecure lover to a much more confident one. I wouldn’t call myself a maneater just yet, but I can hold my own and more importantly, I can satisfy him. It’s mind-blowing to hear him roar my name as he climaxes and to know I’m the one responsible for taking him over the edge.


  Other than my dreamy relationship, work has been pretty amazing. I’ve acquired a lot of new clients. Word of mouth is a powerful thing.

  Oh, you must be wondering what happened with Joel’s proposal.

  The British rock star is persuasive and incredibly generous. He showered me with extravagant flower arrangements and obscenely expensive video equipment for days in his attempt to sway me. He only stopped when he found out Rod was now my boyfriend. Johanna, Elsa and Isobel think it’s an amazing opportunity. Even Rod has been nudging me to accept. In the end, the decision was taken out of my hands––for now, anyway. Brawn Impulse’s latest hit exploded in the UK, Japan and Korea forcing them to postpone their American tour. Joel’s offer is still on the table.

  Rod has a jam-packed day of meetings. He was gone before I got up this morning. Since he’s insisted on driving me to the airport, I know we’ll have time to catch up before I fly out, but I wouldn’t mind stealing a kiss. Yeah, I know, I’m spoiled. What can I say? I’m lucky we work next to each other.

  I grab my phone off my desk to text him, but decide against it.

  “Some things are best delivered in person,” I say out loud.

  I still have a few things to knock off my list before calling it a day, but I could use a break. Not to mention, word has it Loki was in a giving mood this afternoon and stopped by Sugar Glaze Shack. There are donuts and then there are donuts. Sugar Glaze Shack’s are way up there.

  “A strong cup of coffee and a sweet treat is exactly what I need,” I declare, pushing myself away from my desk.

  I stand up, smooth down my hair and straighten the lower part of my dress to make sure I still look presentable. I changed and touched up my makeup not long ago because when we arrive in Miami, the team and I will be whisked away to a celebrity party. Traveling in jeans and Chucks won’t do this time.

  I pass my staff––who is so immersed in their work they don’t even bother looking up––and head to Pending Inference. As I stride through the industrial space, I smile at a bunch of familiar faces on my way up to Rod’s office. A short elevator ride later and I’m on his floor.

  “Hey, Marissa. Is Rod still in a meeting?” I ask his executive assistant.

  “He is.” The blonde squints her blue eyes at me. “He’s in the large fish tank with a few stuffy guppies from a big recording label and his shark-ally, Loki.”

  I laugh. “You kill me every time you say that.”

  “Well, it’s true,” she says. “That conference room looks like a giant aquarium and those idiots in there with them don’t look too smart––hence the analogy. It shouldn’t be much longer. Mr. Wolfe should be out any minute now.”

  “In that case, I’ll stick around for a bit.”

  “FYI,” she says, “I hope you know your dress will turn heads and don’t think I didn’t catch sight of the killer black heels. Very designer, by the way. Ahhh, if only I could walk in those without looking like a drunk sailor, I�
��d make the hubby very happy. I’m so pathetic at it, he’s given up on buying fuck-me heels. Bless him.” Marissa has a unique sense of humor. “Miami men won’t know what hit them. Oh, bite my tongue, you already have a man. The boss might veto your departure,” she grins from ear to ear.

  “Really?” I ask excitedly.

  She cocks an eyebrow.

  I only have eyes for one man, but I’m tickled pink by her compliment.

  “Where are you hiding the donuts?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Oh, so this little visit has nothing to do with a man but everything to do with dessert,” she sneers. My staff and Rod’s know we’re seeing each other. It’s amazing how many people weren’t surprised by the news. I guess my boyfriend and I were the only ones who were oblivious. “I’m glad to see you have your priorities straight,” she explodes in laughter.

  “You’re crazy, Marissa.”

  “Yeah, tell me something I don’t already know.”

  “So, are you going to tell me where you’re hiding the goods?”

  “Loki went a little nuts, so I had to display the goods in the small conference room near his office. That way,” she points to her right.

  “Can I bring you back one?”

  “God no. I’ve already had three. They’re addicting. One more and I’ll have to kiss my girlish figure goodbye.”

  “They’re sinful. The shop is a little out of the way, so I have no intentions on holding back.”

  “Go for it!”

  When I walk past the large conference room, I catch sight of something dark and delicious. I’ll be honest, I’m always weak at the knees when Rod wears a suit. Today, he looks good enough to eat. Gorgeous. Sexy. Domineering. Fierce. And mine.


  I stare at him.

  I’ll miss him over the next few days.

  After a steady dosage of his hungry cock, I’ll have to go without.

  How will I survive?

  A series of steamy scenes flash in front of me as I replay last night’s toe-curling embrace. Without warning, my body heats up to dangerous levels.

  Suddenly my cheeks burst into flame when my gaze locks onto a pair of dark chocolate eyes. His glance is so intense, I look away. I have to. The lust emanating from those smoldering brown eyes is enough to make me reconsider my business trip.


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