Torrid Love: Friends to Lovers Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 1)

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Torrid Love: Friends to Lovers Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 1) Page 22

by Scarlett Avery

  “Oh. You saw him?”

  “I did. I saw him again tonight. We just had dinner.”

  “That’s good,” I keep my tone casual.

  “Not really.”

  “What happened?”

  “He’s changed, Dom. A lot. He’s a bit of a douchebag now.”

  He’s always been one in my book.

  “Why do you say that?” I chance.

  “He spent most of the evening talking about himself and then he wanted to convince me to accompany him to his private club.”

  A lump forms in my throat. “Did you go?”

  “Of course not. I told him I wouldn’t set foot in a club without you.”

  “He knows about us?”

  “Like I said, he spent most of the evening talking about himself. I had a small window of opportunity to mention we were together. In any case, he’s not worth another breath.”

  “How long is he here for?”

  “I’m not sure and I don’t care. I suspect once his legal troubles are behind him, he’s out of here.”

  Thank God.

  My heart is beating so fast, I’m surprised I can still hear his answer.

  “Rod, I have to go.”

  “Oh shit, seven minutes went by already? I can’t believe I wasted all that time talking about Gideon. Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow night.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, Rod.”

  I hang up.

  I’ve never been so thankful to end a phone call in my life. The worst part is, it was with the man I love. The man I’ve been hiding a big secret from—one that could unravel this relationship faster than ice melts under the sun.


  Needing time to gather my emotions and compose myself, I walk to the other side of the boat and stare out into the dark horizon reliving the terrifying moment when Gideon stopped being the guy Rod trusted to watch over me—when he was on stage or running from one interview to another—to become a monster capable of the unspeakable.

  ‘No, please don’t do this. Don’t hurt me.’

  I can hear myself begging for Gideon to stop.

  I can still picture the evil glee in his eyes as he forcefully entered me.

  I can still see the expression on his face when he grunted he was going to take what he wanted from me.

  I still remember how he smirked, insulting Rod for being too much of a wimp to pop my cherry first. He was man enough to defile me and claim the prize.

  My hands are trembling.

  A river of tears rolls down my face.

  You’re safe. It’s behind you. You’re safe.

  I repeat the comforting words in my head, but they never reach my heart.

  I draw in a shaky breath and wipe my cheeks. I blink, and I’m back, missing the blissfulness I left behind in LA before Rod’s troubling phone call.

  Do I tell him?

  This would destroy him.

  I doubt I could handle it if he looked at me differently, and treated me differently.

  This would destroy me.

  How can he possibly deal with me being soiled and tainted?

  This would destroy us.


  I love Rod so much I can’t risk bringing up the past. Not to mention, Gideon is just passing through. His life is in London now—far away from me.


  Just when I was willing to allow myself to ignore the shadows of the past, they come looming back into my life, threatening to shatter a perfect relationship. A perfect love.



  “It’s good to be us,” Loki says before bringing his glass to his lips.

  “Damn right!”

  We’re sitting in a booth at Vego’s Lounge finishing off a second glass of champagne.

  “I can’t believe you managed to impose that clause in the contract and Veemonth Records’ lawyers agreed.”

  “They need us more than we need them,” I say.

  “You’re right. A few edgy videos could double their downloads overnight.”

  “Dom is already excited and her head is bursting with ideas.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “Yeah, my girl’s pretty creative,” I wink.

  “Your girl,” Loki echoes. “I can’t believe how much this relationship has changed you, Rod.”

  “She’s changed me for the best.”

  Those words feel sorely inadequate, though I’m not sure how to phrase how this woman makes me feel.

  “Wow,” Loki says, “I’m blown away. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get over this.”

  “You have plenty of time. Things are pretty great between the two of us. She’s a keeper.”

  “If you can be tamed, anything is possible,” he chuckles.

  “Don’t be so down on yourself. There’s a woman out there who would be willing to accept all of your many, many, many flaws,” I joke.


  We both laugh.

  “Have you heard back from Gideon?” Loki asks.


  Thank God for small favors.

  “I still can’t believe all the terrible things he said.”

  “It’s more than just what came out of his mouth. It’s his whole demeanor. I don’t hold a medical degree, but I doubt it’s a good idea to mix steroids, Viagra, alcohol and a shitty personality together.”

  Loki laughs. “If he’s juicing as much as you say he is, chances are he can’t get it up without Viagra. I have no explanation for the booze or moronic personality.”

  “Enough about Gideon. I doubt I’ll hear from him ever again. I’m sure he got the message.”

  “You’re right. Do you want another drink?”

  I check the time on my Cartier watch.

  “It’s nearly eleven. I’m going to head out soon to pick up Dom.”

  She got back this morning and other than a quick kiss, she’s been locked inside her studio working frantically. If I don’t pull her away from her iMac, she’ll still be there on Monday morning.

  “Talk about dedication,” Loki says. “Any big plans for the weekend?”

  “Dom looked exhausted when she got back this morning. Twelve hours of hard work later, I’m sure there isn’t much left to her. I doubt she’ll have the energy to do much more than hang out at my place.”

  “Why don’t you guys come over for a barbecue tomorrow night? I’ll invite—”

  A text flashes on my phone. I lower my eyes, expecting to see Dom’s name.

  “The girlfriend is ready to go home?” Loki chuckles.

  I grab my phone and frown when I see the name on my screen.

  “It’s Holt?”

  “He’s texting you? Isn’t it the middle of the night in London?”

  I shrug. “I have no idea.” I do a quick Google search. “It’s already morning for him. It’s seven o’clock Saturday, London time. He’s up early for a weekend.”

  “I guess you don’t have a choice when you have a kid,” Loki says.

  His phone chimes in.

  “Holt just texted me as well,” he says.

  “Did someone hack—”

  “Whoa!” Loki says. “Rod, you need to read Holt’s message.”

  I do.

  “This must be fake news,” I say rolling my eyes.

  “Didn’t you say Gideon had changed?”

  “Yeah. He’s an asshole, not a predator.”

  “Rod, I know you wouldn’t be sitting here if it weren’t for that man, but this is fucked up. Gideon always came across as a decent guy. This article paints him in a very different light.”

  I stare down at my phone and re-read the first headline again.


  Jesus Christ.

  Although the headlines are screaming at me, I honestly don’t know what to make of them.

  I don
’t know why, but Dom comes to mind.

  “Listen, Loki, do you mind if we cut this short? I’m going to pick Dom up. If I don’t, she’ll be cross-eyed soon. I’ll call Holt while I’m waiting around for her since I’m sure she’ll beg for a few extra minutes.”

  “Sure. Tell me what Holt says.”

  “I will.”

  “I can’t wrap my head around this.”

  “Neither can I,” I admit. “We’ll talk tomorrow morning about dinner at your place. I’m sure it’s fine, but I want to confirm with Dom.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I leave Vego’s Lounge troubled and confused.

  Only a dickless prick would force himself on a woman.

  Gideon might be a lot of things, but these accusations seem unbelievable.



  I’m glad to be home, even if I barely saw my boyfriend.

  Part of the reason is work. The other part is the news he dropped in my lap on Tuesday. I know it’s ridiculous to think just because I’ve been able to mentally and emotionally move past Gideon’s assault, I could keep it a secret from Rod forever. Since we plan on spending a quiet weekend at his house, I’ll tell him the truth. Isobel and I had long chats about it for the past two evenings and she convinced me it’s best if Rod knows. She’s right. Keeping this buried any longer will cause the demise of our relationship faster than being open and honest with the man I love.

  “I’m hungry,” I complain, rubbing my eyes. “And tired.”

  I’ve been hunched over my iMac for so many hours, I lost count. I sent the team home hours ago. Everyone is exhausted. I guess I shouldn’t complain too much since it gave me something to focus on instead of the rattle of my nerves. I may have made the decision to tell Rod, but it still doesn’t mean I’m not scared shitless.

  I head to my small kitchen to eat some food. Rod asked Marissa to order some wraps so I wouldn’t starve.

  The man is so attentive.

  As I walk by the reception desk, the office phone rings.

  Who’s calling at this time?

  Only in LA.

  I pick up on the second ring.

  “Upon A Star Productions. Dominika speaking. How can I help you?”

  “Wrong number,” the muffled voice on the other end says. The call cuts off before I have time to respond.

  This has been happening a lot lately.

  Jenny, our receptionist-slash-intern, has been complaining about dropped calls for the past couple of days.


  I drop the phone in its cradle and resume my mission.

  I grab a wrap from the refrigerator. I’m already salivating. I take a huge bite and chomp down.


  God, this is delicious.

  I’m just about to take another bite when I hear the roar of the engine of a car, followed by the sound of screeching tires and then the explosion of glass shattering.

  I jump in fright.

  Footsteps crackle against glass.

  What the hell is going on?

  I drop my wrap and pat my body in search of my phone to call 911.


  I left it in the editing room and there’s no phone in the kitchen.

  “Where are you, bitch? I know you’re in there, Dominika,” a voice I’ll never forget shouts.

  This is not happening.

  My heart is pumping so hard in my chest, it hurts.

  Oh, my God.

  I look around, but there’s nowhere to hide.

  No back door to escape through.

  No secret passage out of here.

  I’m trapped.

  As I frantically try to figure out how to save myself, the sound of the footsteps grows louder.

  No, no, no.

  Then I see him.

  A face I was hoping to never see for the rest of my life.

  I’m so terrified, I freeze on the spot.

  “Gideon?!” I choke.

  There he stands.

  The guy who sexually assaulted me right after one of Rod’s biggest concerts, without an ounce of remorse, guilt or regret.

  Memories of my attack assail me.

  I can’t breathe.

  My chest rapidly rises and falls as I became more and more aware of my predicament.

  Holy Jesus.

  “You didn’t expect to see me, did you?” a sneer curls the corner of his mouth.

  “Wh—what are you doing here?”

  “Sweet little Dominika,” he says in a low, mocking voice. “Did you miss me half as much as I missed you?” he smirks, taking another step forward. I instinctively take one back. “Your boyfriend told me you had a little studio right next to his, so I thought I’d stop by for a visit. Nice digs, by the way. Sorry about the window. I just had to see you.”


  I don’t clue in at first, but when I blink again, I notice.

  Gideon’s beer gut has been replaced by a flat stomach. His t-shirt stretches across his broad muscular shoulders revealing a buff-looking physique.

  His hair is now sprinkled with even more silver strands.

  His eyes are still black as tar and as dark as Satan’s.

  He notices me staring and smirks.


  It’s only when I snap out of my trance that I realize how bad things are looking for me. Gideon’s intimidating size blocks my path to safety.


  “You’re looking good, Dominika,” his gaze rakes down the length of my body, making me feel dirty. “Really good.” His eyes are fixated on my breasts, rising and falling.

  “Get out!” I shout.

  “Not a chance. You and I need to catch up,” he smirks again. “I’m glad to see you’re back to being a blonde. I hated it when you dyed your hair black. Luckily I held onto a lock of your hair for safekeeping after we made love.” Scavenger. “I jerked off so many times smelling your perfume. You know how much blondes make me hard?”

  For a long time, I thought my hair color had provoked Gideon’s savage assault. Men have fetishes. Maybe that was his. I died my blonde hair jet-black soon after that tragic night because I never wanted another man to hurt me ever again. I was grasping at straws to explain why a man I trusted would violate me.

  “We never made love! You raped me!”

  He takes several steps forward.

  Vomit rises up from my gut.

  How do I get out of here?

  “So you’re the bitch trying to bring me down?” Huh? “Did you go to that reporter to start spreading nasty rumors about me because you don’t remember what happened between us that night?” the muscles in his jaw clench and he narrows his eyes.

  “Wh—what?” I stammer, confused.

  “I never raped you, Dominika.” His demonic eyes fill with irritation and… hatred? “This stupid reporter keeps telling me an idiot bubblehead claims she has proof I hurt her. Is that you?”

  “What reporter? What are you talking about?”

  “You were begging for my dick.” Each word slices through my soul. “Not to mention the slutty outfit you were wearing that night sent a clear message—you looked like a virgin desperate to be treated like a whore.”

  “You’re a filthy pig! There was nothing wrong with my clothing. I was wearing a jeans skirt and a t-shirt from Rod’s band,” I spit out.

  I really don’t know why I thought he deserved an answer.

  “You weren’t wearing a bra—your nipples were staring at me—and your skirt was so short I could practically see your dripping pussy.” He’s lying. I’ve been wearing bras since I was twelve. My skirt hit me mid-thigh and my size small t-shirt was too big for me. “I gave you what you wanted, Dominika. Plain and simple. You’re still a tease now. Nice little top,” he licks his lips.

  “I never wanted you. I never wanted to be hurt, humiliated, or raped.”

  “That’s your story now? Is that why you’re after a quick pay off or maybe you’re pining for your fi
fteen minutes of fame?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Liar!” The word comes out with such violence, I flinch.

  “Please, leave me alone,” I beg. “I never talked to any reporter. You told me not to tell and I haven’t. Nobody knows.”

  “So your boyfriend still doesn’t know we made love?”

  I cover my ears. “Stop saying that! Stop saying that! Stop saying that!” I yell.

  Gideon lets out a roaring laugh. “Rod still doesn’t know I took something precious from him? Something he’ll never have. He may be the one fucking you now, but you came all over my cock before his.”

  “A victim doesn’t enjoy being assaulted.”

  He takes another step and now he’s standing right in front of me. Please, God, save me. “You liked it rough, bitch. We both know it,” he brings his hand up to my hair.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me!”

  He ignores me and caresses my hair with the back of his hand.

  I’m so scared right now, I could die of fright.

  “Remember how you moaned when I came inside your tight virgin pussy? I can still smell your innocent cunt, Dominika.”

  I flinch away from him.

  “Fucking animal!”

  “Why don’t we have an encore so I can show you how much of an animal I really am. I’ve learned a few new tricks since we were together.”

  “Don’t you dare touch me!” I repeat.

  Every part of me is shaking like a leaf.

  God, please save me.

  His eyes blaze with fury. “I’m going to do a lot more than touch, you fucking whore. I took your pussy, let’s see if your boyfriend has already taken your ass. My guess is, you’re still a virgin there.”

  A sob catches in my throat and tears fill my eyes.

  He’s going to hurt me again.

  Panic strikes.

  There’s no escape and I know he won’t hesitate to use force to immobilize me. Now, he’s bigger and stronger. I can’t allow this to happen. I won’t survive this time.

  I need to get away from him. Now.

  I try to run, but he grabs me by the arm.

  Fuck! I’m no match for him.

  “Let go of me!”

  Gideon shoves me up against the fridge so hard the impact steals my breath.


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