Jana's Journey: The Complete Collection

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Jana's Journey: The Complete Collection Page 14

by Stevens, Natasha

  “Do my masters want me to be on all fours while I do that?” Jana asked.

  They looked at each other. “That would be fine,” said Principal Stevens. “On all fours, like a little bitch dog.”

  There was a chirping noise as a telephone went off; Officer Schmidt took his phone out and looked at it, then looked at Principal Stevens and nodded.

  “Problem?” asked Principal Stevens.

  “Hmm. Pizza delivery guy just went up the access road. Wait here.” He bounded up the steps and went through the door, letting it close solidly behind him.

  Jana took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and thought of her mother.

  She looked up at Principal Stevens through a few stray strands of her hair. “Sir, can I suck your cock?” she said softly, looking him in the eyes.

  “We should wait for Officer Schmidt to return,” said Principal Stevens.

  “But I miss my Principal sir. Let me suck it while I stick this in my ass.”

  Principal Stevens smiled and patted her on the head. “That’s a good slave.” He pulled his pants down and offered his cock to Jana.

  Jana immediately bit into his cock and slammed her hand into his balls.

  She did not bite deeply into the cock; she knew she didn’t need to. The Principal shrieked in surprise and doubled over. Jana stood up and swung the heavy dildo as hard as she could into the side of his head.

  It made a very solid WHAP sound. While made of flexible rubber, the thing was large and weighed several pounds. The flex of it just added to the impact against the side of his head.

  The Principal’s feet went out from under him and he fell sideways, and there was another solid “whack” of his head against the linoleum. A low rattling moan escaped the Principal, who was lying face up; he stirred as if trying to raise his head.

  Jana used the heavy dildo to hit him again, and this time his nose exploded in a gout of blood, and his head slammed back into the linoleum again, and he made another rattling noise but lay still.

  Jana now noticed that a puddle of blood was forming behind the Principal’s head.

  She darted to the chain that had been used to chain her ankle to the floor; the leather band and its clasp was still open, and Schmidt had the key.

  Jana clamped it on the Principal’s ankle.

  Schmidt’s stun gun was lying in the open cabinet where he’d taken the dildo; Jana ran to it and grabbed it, pressing the trigger as she’d seen Schmidt do, pleased when a blue arc of electricity ran between the terminals.

  She considered zapping the Principal once for good measure, but she didn’t want to run down the battery. And he still hadn’t stirred.

  She walked carefully up the steps – adjusting the wedding dress to cover her breasts again – she regretted that she was barefoot, but the only shoes down here were elaborate high heels and those wouldn’t be useful.

  She waited, braced against the wall in front of the door, struggling to control her breathing; when Schmidt opened it, she would smash into it as hard as she could and try to get past him, striking out the Taser. Schmidt outweighed her by perhaps more than one hundred and fifty pounds, but perhaps with surprise she could get past him.

  It would be better than waiting here for these two psychos to finally kidnap her mother.

  She heard the beeping of the lock, and as the door opened, she slammed into it and it flew open and she saw a tall figure in dark green and grey clothing – she struck out with the Taser but the figure danced backwards – and her mind registered that it wasn’t Schmidt, and the figure jumped backwards again and she ran past the figure.

  A voice said, “JANA! It’s Matt! Stop! It’s Matt!”

  It was Matt. Alive. Or …? No.

  Jana turned and saw light and the hallway in front of her, another open door, and she ran at the light, still dressed in the wedding dress, her head spinning. Black spots floated in front of her eyes.

  Outside it was cool and raining; Jana’s body and lungs and brain soared at the oxygen, the fresh air, the smell of the trees and the earth, after a week in the basement. Her eyes hurt and she couldn’t stop squeezing them shut, but now the tears were coming again.

  Schmidt was lying in the mud. Face down, just outside the door. His wrists were bound behind him with plastic ties.

  Jana spun in a circle, her breath coming ragged. She was hyperventilating.

  “Jana?” said Matt. “It’s me. I … I’m sorry it took so long to find you. Are you okay?”

  She turned and looked at him. He was clad in camouflage clothing and had some kind of dark makeup rubbed on his face, though the rain was streaking it and making it run away; his hair was full of mud and leaves.

  “They said you were dead. Shot during an arrest,” Jana managed to gasp.

  “No,” he said. “They came to arrest me. I got away. I’ve been running for the past week. Trying to find you.”

  Jana struggled to breathe. “How … did you find me?”

  “I was waiting outside your mother’s house all night, every night. I thought they’d come there, and they did. They didn’t hurt your mother, I made sure of that. They stole something, I didn’t stop them because I knew I could follow them back here.”

  “Yes,” said Jana. “They stole her panties.”

  “Are you okay, Jana?” Matt was moving closer, slowly, his hands raised with the palms showing.

  She looked at him. She looked at the stun gun in her hand and dropped it into the mud.

  “I mean, are you … should we take you to the hospital now?” he asked.

  “I don’t … think so. I’m okay. They hurt me, but I’m … okay. A little … confused.”

  “That’s okay. That’s okay.”

  He moved closer to her and held out his hand; she took it and moved close to him and he put his arm around her and she collapsed against him and began to cry, and he began to cry too, both of them sobbing in the rain and holding on tight to the other.

  After a while they went inside.

  Courtney was standing in the kitchen; Jana hadn’t noticed her before. She seemed nearly catatonic, staring into space, but she said, “Hi Jana.”

  Schmidt had regained consciousness; he made some half-hearted threats and protests and Matt quickly picked up the stun gun and zapped him until her stopped moving, and then dragged Schmidt into the house by his feet, opened the basement door and tumbled him down the steps. Then he closed the heavy door with a resounding thud and moved the bookshelf back into place.

  “Fall down go boom,” said Courtney, and laughed hollowly.

  “How did you … get him?” asked Jana.

  “I hired a pizza delivery guy to come up here. I knew they had an alarm on the road there. Schmidt came out and told the pizza guy that he had the wrong address, and after the pizza guy left, I came out of the trees and choked him out from behind.”

  “Choked him out?” asked Jana.

  “Put my arm around his neck and cut off the blood flow to his brain until he lost consciousness. I’ll show you how to do it sometime later,” he said. “Then I went inside and saw Courtney. She told me how to open the door.”

  Courtney smiled wanly and recited the numeric combination that opened the keypad lock.

  “What happened to … Joshua?” asked Jana.

  “He’s in the hospital. He overdosed on drugs,” said Courtney in her ghostly vacant voice.

  “Hmmm,” said Jana. She somehow wasn’t surprised.

  “The videos are all on the computer here,” said Courtney. “Upstairs. They like to watch them.”

  “Jana,” said Matt flatly. “Do you want me to kill them? Or do you want to kill them?” He put his hand on the butt of the gun holstered on his belt.

  “No,” said Jana. “No, Matt. I want them locked up. Just like I was locked up. We can … tell the police? Or are they …?”

  Matt sighed. “It was Schmidt and two other officers who laid the frame on me and my friends. In the club I have a surveillance video of the b
ust and it shows one of the cops planting the drugs. That’s with my lawyer now, they’re already in negotiations with the city prosecutor; they’re trying to sort out which cops are involved and which aren’t. There’s still a warrant out for my arrest , but I had to run, I had to find you.”

  “I’ve watched some documentaries about prison. That’s where I want them. In there with other animals.”

  “Yeah. They won’t have a good time in there.” Tears were running down his face as he continued. “I couldn’t find Stevens, he was out here all week, and I checked property records but this place, it’s not in either of their names, I didn’t even know who Schmidt was until last night, and … I really fucked that up. Jana, I’m so, so sorry that I let them do this to you …”

  Jana put her arm around him. “You didn’t, Matt. They did it.”

  Matt commanded Courtney to make some coffee and some sandwiches; they removed the wedding dress and the gold enslavement ring, and Jana cleaned up as best she could and dressed in some of Courtney’s clothes.

  After they ate, they talked about what to do.

  Matt shook his head. “There will be trials, the media will be all over it. Your life and your name will be dragged out in front of the public, all this awful shit. Do you want that?”

  “I told you Matt, yeah, I do. No more secrets. No more shame. It’s how psychos like that thrive. In darkness. In secret. No more. I want everybody to know.”

  “It’ll cost a fortune. Good thing I have a fortune. But .. . you’ll be famous, and there’s probably money to be made. Books. Interviews.”

  “My own reality show?” she smiled. “Wonderful. Mostly though I just want to talk to my mother. There are … a lot of things we need to talk about.”

  “Do you want me to call my lawyer now?” asked Matt. “I have to turn myself in, you have to make a statement, an examination that won’t be pleasant.”

  “Nothing could be less pleasant than the last week.” She smiled cruelly. “Maybe we could … leave them down there overnight. Call the lawyer in the morning. Let them think they’ll be down there a long time. Let them get scared.”

  Matt smiled back and touched her cheek. “We do need some rest,” said Matt.

  Jana looked at the telephone for a long time, holding Matt’s hand, and finally picked it up and called her mother.


  Two years later

  Jana walked confidently and catlike through the beautiful historic streets of central Prague in the Czech Republic.

  Two months past her 20th birthday, Jana was no longer a shy and hesitant schoolgirl. Her shoulders were thrown back and her green eyes cut ahead of her like lasers. She wore jeans, high-heeled boots, and a tight t-shirt under an expensive leather jacket. Her blonde hair was drawn back in a ponytail.

  She wore black underwear. Since the day she had escaped, she had not worn white underwear.

  As she walked down the cobblestoned streets towards her destination, she thought of the end of her slavery, two years previously.

  When Matt had finally called the police, the next day, paramedics had removed Principal Stevens and Officer Schmidt from the basement very much the worse for wear. Principal Stevens had a concussion, a split scalp, and a badly bruised penis and a ruptured testicle. Officer Schmidt had a broken leg and a broken hip after Matt had tossed him down the stairs. Both men were nearly hysterical with fear by the time the police had arrived to take them, both quite sure that Jana and Matt intended to leave them to starve to death.

  The trial and subsequent civil suit had been one of the biggest news stories of the year. Principal Stevens and Officer Schmidt had been indicted for kidnapping, rape and sexual assault, unlawful imprisonment, and a whole host of other charges. Joshua Stevens had been indicted for rape, and Principal Stevens’ wife had been indicted on sexual assault charges. Joshua Stevens had overdosed on painkillers during Jana’s week of captivity; his mother attempted to hang herself in her cell but was stopped by a guard and put in a mental unit.

  Matt spent a lot of money hiring the best lawyers and detectives, and when the arrest began to be publicized, other victims of the Stevens family and Schmidt came forward. With the videos the men had made, and Jana’s clear and detailed testimony, as well as the testimony and additional evidence provided by Courtney and other victims, their fate was sealed.

  Principal Stevens, Joshua Stevens and Officer Schmidt received sentences of seventy-five years to life in different maximum security penitentiaries. Adriana Stevens, the principal’s wife, was given a fifteen-year sentence. Courtney received a suspended sentence in exchange for her testimony against the other members of her family. Various officers who had assisted Schmidt were charged and found guilty of an array of crimes.

  An enormous civil suit was filed against the Stevens family, Schmidt, and the Health Spa owned by Principal Stevens’ wife, as well as the corrupt police department in which Schmidt operated.

  Jana was fearless in the face of the media scrutiny. She gave impassioned and intelligent interviews, and entered into therapy with her mother, so that the two of them could learn to deal with the experience together, as well as finally discuss the public spankings and other abuse administered by her father. She graduated from high school and began studying psychology in university.

  Jana consented to Matt continuing his master / slave relationship with Courtney Stevens. In fact it seemed the kindest thing to do with her. Courtney was so mentally and physically distraught by the trial and the stress of her family being jailed that it seemed unlikely she would survive without them. She lost fifteen pounds, which she could hardly spare, and refused to speak for days at a time. She began abusing painkillers and alcohol, until Matt forbade it and forced her into a 12-step program.

  Jana and Matt both, of course, pitied her history of abuse, but could never quite forgive her for her participation in the drugging of the girls Joshua Stevens had raped. Matt moved her into his beach house and put her to work after she graduated high school, doing clerical tasks for Matt’s nightclub, app design, and security businesses, and she also began to take psychology classes and see a therapist.

  In the evenings, Matt and his friends enacted their dominant fantasies on her, all of which she had consented to in contract form, and all of which provided her with seemingly the only pleasure she felt in life. She gained most of the weight back but was still reluctant to speak and had a vacant and ghostly air about her, with omnipresent black circles under her eyes. She served Matt loyally.

  Jana remained chaste during this period, wanting to consider how she felt about all of it. Meanwhile, she and Matt became inseparable friends, working closely together during the trial and the time leading up to it. They practiced yoga together and Matt taught Jana how to shoot a pistol and about hand-to-hand combatives and self-defense. Jana became skilled at martial arts very quickly. She took kick-boxing and jiu-jitsu lessons with him three times a week, and by the end of the second year she was sufficiently skilled that probably could have competed professionally, had she so desired.

  Their relationship was deeply affectionate, but non-sexual, until the trial had finished, a bit more than a year after they left the country house and the basement dungeon behind.

  The night that the men were sentenced, they celebrated. Matt rented a room at the most expensive hotel in the city and they had a nice dinner together. Matt had suggested that they go to a nightclub or have a lavish party; Jana thought it didn’t seem appropriate and suggested they just spend some time alone together.

  “Let’s watch some funny movies on TV, drink a little champagne …”

  “Just like normal people?”


  But in the hotel room they both knew that it was time. It happened extremely quickly the first time; they were barely through the door before they were kissing passionately and pulling each other’s clothes off, and they staggered into the bed and he entered her, their bodies and hearts and souls finally comin
g together, and they made love passionately but never violently, until the dawn came.

  “Just like normal people,” she whispered into his ear as she held him and they drifted off to sleep.

  In the morning he was awakened by something wrapping around his wrist; he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his free hand, and saw that Jana was using her stocking to tie his wrist to the headboard, her mussed hair golden in the morning light.

  “Just like normal people?” he said to her, smiling, offering his other wrist to be tied.

  “Well, more or less normal,” she said, tying his other wrist and then reaching down to stroke his morning erection.

  After the trial was concluded, a major publishing house paid Jana a great deal of money to write a book detailing her experiences, and it became an international best seller. With the money pending from the civil suits, she was suddenly independently wealthy.

  She bought her mother the small house they lived in; she used some of the profits to set up a counseling center and informational website for victims of sex trafficking and sexual abuse, and began writing another book with collected case studies, advice, and educational resources for women attempting to deal with such situations.

  Jana eventually welcomed Courtney into bed with her and Matt, which made the now humble and beaten Courtney weep with gratitude.

  They all lived together in Matt’s beach house, working on their various projects and enacting all manner of BDSM sexual scenarios, and took lengthy holidays together – Europe, Central America, Southeast Asia.

  Now they were in Prague.

  Jana looked at her watch; she was a bit early but she supposed it didn’t matter. She turned off the main thoroughfare and walked down some dark streets. A group of surly-looking men in tracksuits passed by, and their heads turned to admire her beauty, but something in her bearing cut off any remarks or actions the men might have made, and they went on their way.

  Jana paid them little mind. She found the address she was looking for, and rang the proper doorbell; a buzzer sounded and she opened the front entrance door to a dilapidated apartment building. The entrance foyer reeked of urine and there was graffiti scrawled across the walls.


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