Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series)

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Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series) Page 14

by Jacelyn Rye

  “And this is Lashes.” Margaret walked to the beautiful gray dapple tied next to Bourbon. Unlike Bourbon, Lashes was fidgety and anxious now that Margaret and William had arrived. “Isn’t she pretty?”

  William gave Lashes the same loving rub down as Bourbon, and looked into her big brown eyes that were shielded with the longest lashes he had ever seen on a horse. He smiled, understanding her namesake. “She seems like a feisty one, to me.”

  “Oh, she is.” Margaret said matter of factly. “But, don’t you think that just adds to her beauty?”

  William stopped petting Lashes and looked at Margaret. Her hair was braided into a single braid that wrapped around and draped over one shoulder. She wore a simple, white button down blouse, tucked into brown riding pants that hugged every curve, and black riding boots that came to just under her knees. He couldn’t deny that she had every base covered when it came to her looks. And as far as her personality, he thought she was a lot like Lashes, feisty.

  “Yes,” he answered, but wasn’t quite sure if she was still asking about the horse, or something else.

  “Yes, what?” Margaret prompted.

  “Yes, she’s feisty…and beautiful.” William knew he just answered a loaded question, but in all fairness, it was the truth. And he wasn’t talking about Lashes.

  Margaret smiled, “Shall we?”

  William nodded and helped Margaret up into her saddle. She was confident, he liked that about her. He could tell that she had been riding for a long time and felt comfortable taking control of her horse. He quickly mounted Bourbon and said, “Lead the way.”

  With a few clicks of her tongue and a gentle nudge, she and Lashes turned from the corral. Bourbon knew what to do, and William had to smile at the horse’s understanding to follow the beautiful and the feisty. Margaret led them to a heavily wooded path through the aspen trees that began just beyond the barn and the corrals. The path was only wide enough for one horse at a time, and William realized his view from Bourbon was not too shabby at all. The forest was magnificent and quiet, but William hadn’t noticed. His eyes were locked on watching Margaret. Her straight back gently swaying with Lashes gait, and the view of her straddling the saddle, was more than he had bargained for. He couldn’t help but stare at her perfect, round ass that gently pressed up and down into the saddle with each step. William took a deep breath. He could feel his body reacting to the vision and had to stand up in the stirrups to adjust himself against his trousers. Ah shit, I’m in trouble. But despite his admission to himself, it didn’t matter how beautiful the scenery to the left and to the right was, he didn’t take his eyes off her. And as much as he liked Bourbon, he wished they were riding the same horse, with her sitting in front of him, and he wouldn’t have to wonder what that ass felt like as it pressed up and down in a saddle.

  He had become so entranced with the rhythm of her riding that he almost didn’t notice that she had twisted her body around and put her hand on the back of Lashes’ rump to look at him. Margaret couldn’t have been more pleased to see that William was most definitely noticing, and by the way he was transfixed, quite enjoying the view. His eyes bolted up to hers, knowing he had been caught. “How are you guys doing back there?”

  “Uh…oh, good. We’re good.”

  Margaret just smiled and turned back around to resume her intoxicating sway. William wasn’t sure how long they had been riding when the trail finally widened enough for the two horses to walk side by side. He actually wouldn’t have minded bringing up the rear for the entire ride, but he rode up along side of Margaret when she and Lashes slowed for them to catch up.

  “Well, what do you think?” Margaret asked as he looked over at her.

  “Think about what?” He was starting to feel embarrassed at the question, considering all he had been thinking about on the ride so far.

  “The ride. Are you enjoying the ride?”

  “Oh! Yea, it’s really…” William stopped, trying to find something to say other than how amazing it had been to watch her ride a horse. “…a great day for ride.” He managed to say.

  “I agree. I try to ride as much as I can. But, it’s not much fun to ride by myself. And since you are here to ride with me, I am especially happy. In fact, I have a feeling that this will be one of my favorite days of riding.”

  They rode on the path for quite awhile, making small talk about the horses and how the leaves were starting to change colors. William was just simply trying to keep his eyes on the trail in front of him, knowing how good Margaret looked sitting in that saddle.

  The trail ended and opened up into a lush, green pasture that was lined with aspens and pines all around the perimeter. “Here we are. The Texas Field.” Margaret announced.

  “The Texas Field? Why Texas?”

  “Someone once flew over it and told Daddy how it was shaped like Texas, and the name stuck.”

  “Well, I guess that makes sense then.”

  “It’s actually my favorite place on Daddy’s land. I come here all the time. But, you’re the only person I’ve ever brought here. I was thinking that maybe after today, it might be a favorite place of yours, too.”

  William slowly nodded, but didn’t quite know what he was agreeing with. Other than he was certain that this would be a day he wouldn’t forget. He looked around the field and then back to Margaret. “ is a beautiful field, that’s for sure. But, you said that you had something to teach me?” William’s eyes scanned back and forth. “Is that something out here?”

  Margaret giggled, “You’re awfully impatient, William. But, yes, as a matter of fact, it is out here. Follow me.” With another click of her tongue, she held the reins against Lashes’ neck and urged her on. Bourbon again obediently followed as they walked along the edge of the field to a grove of aspens. Margaret led them to a tree that had fallen with age but had gotten caught by the other trees and had formed an almost perfectly horizontal hitching post. She swung her leg over the back of Lashes and hopped out of the stirrups. William followed her lead and tied Bourbon to the tree with enough slack in the reins that the horses could graze on the long grass beneath them. “There’s a spring not far from here. We can water the horses when we’re done.” Margaret said as she ran her hand down Lashes’ neck.

  Margaret walked to the side of Bourbon where two large saddle bags were fastened behind the saddle. As she unlatched the buckle, William asked, “Can I help?”

  “Sure, you’re such gentleman, William. I just love that about you. Here, can you take this and spread it out under the trees over there?” Margaret handed him a folded, thin, blue blanket. William looked at her, obviously not expecting a blanket for some reason. To answer his questioning expression she explained, “I thought it would be nice to have a picnic under the trees.” She raised her eyebrows and looked at him in complete innocence.

  “Oh, okay.” William turned and walked to the clearing, shaking his head at himself for jumping to conclusions about a blanket, which was apparently for a picnic. Although, to his defense, he was still having a hard time getting the vision of Margaret riding in front of him out of his head, and the last thing on his mind was eating.

  By the time he had cleared away the sticks and rocks and smoothed out the blanket, Margaret had brought the rest of the supplies from the saddle bags. She had two large cloth sacks and a canteen. “I don’t know about you, but I have quite an appetite after that ride. How about you, William, are you hungry?”

  William looked at her and slowly nodded his head.

  “Good, then let me take care of that.” She took his hand and pulled him down with her onto the blanket next to the sacks. Margaret began pulling wrapped items from one of the sacks, “I have sandwiches, does that sound good?”

  Again, all William could answer with was a nod of his head. Although he was always hungry and his mother often joked that he was going to eat them out of house and home, he actually was having a hard time concentrating on food. But amazingly, he somehow managed to eat, all
while making Margaret laugh at his various stories. He was finding that he loved it when she would touch his chest gently push him when she heard something that was especially funny to her. He realized that he had been laughing a lot too, something that he hadn’t been doing for a very long time.

  “Thank you, for lunch. It was good.” William said when they finally stopped laughing at his latest story.

  “Well, William,” Margaret said as she began to untie the ribbon at the end of her braid and looked back to him, “You’re very welcome. I like that I can give you what you like.” She ran her fingers through her hair, loosening the braid so that her hair fell freely into waves that covered her shoulders.

  William watched the whole process, and couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to run his fingers through her hair. She gently shook her head, and looked at him with eyes that seemed to be trying to tell him something.

  He cleared his throat, “So...what exactly did you plan on teaching me?”

  Margaret smiled, “I thought you’d never ask. Come with me.”

  She stood, grabbed the other cloth sack and beckoned for him to follow her. They walked through the grove on what appeared to be a game path when Margaret turned to him, put her hand on his chest and whispered, “Wait here.”

  William nodded, confused but definitely intrigued. Margaret quietly veered off the path and made her way toward a broken and jagged pine tree that looked like it had been struck by lightening years ago. She approached the tree carefully, making very slow and deliberate movements. William watched as she set the sack on the ground and pulled something out of it. With her other hand, she slowly reached into a large serrated hole in the trunk. He furrowed his brow, trying to figure out what she could possibly be doing. His eyes widened as he watched her carefully pull her hand out from the hole, holding a pale yellow honeycomb, dripping with honey. In slow motion, she moved the honeycomb to what he could see now was a mason jar, and gently placed it inside before placing the lid over the mouth and twisting it closed. She turned and smiled at William, who was beyond shocked at what he just witnessed. Bees were buzzing all around her, landing on her, and yet she was perfectly calm and clearly not being stung.

  She gracefully made her way through the tall ferns and back to William without so much as a single bee in tow. “This, William, is for you.”

  William held out his hand and took the jar. He looked at the pleased look on her face. “I…I…can’t believe you just did that. How did you learn to do that?

  “Well, I’ve been doing it ever since I was little so I really don’t know. I guess I’ve never been afraid of bees, so it’s never seemed like that big of deal.”

  She stepped onto the trail in front of him and motioned for him to follow. She knelt down on the blanket and patted it for William to join her. He was still in shock, and gazed into the little jar which, by now had been almost half filled with honey oozing out of the comb. He handed her the jar and sat down next to her. “Well, I have to say, that is definitely something that I didn’t know how to do.” He smiled and looked at her.

  Margaret looked into his eyes, and down to his lips. The slight flicker of her eyes to his lips made William instantly want to pounce on her lips, they were right there for the taking. If ever there was a moment made for a first kiss, this was it. But something in him stopped him from advancing any further. He looked to her lips, but then made himself look away, and out into the field.

  Margaret sighed, and looked out to the field too. Without looking at him, she asked, “Well, do you want a taste, or not?”

  They both turned their heads and locked eyes at the same moment. “The honey,” she said quietly, “Do you want to taste it?”

  William swallowed, but felt his mouth go completely dry. He could only barely whisper back, “Sure.”

  Smiling and biting her bottom lip, she turned and picked up the jar. Lifting the lid, she tilted the jar so the honey could run down the side and be within reach. As it crept to the mouth of the jar, William sunk his finger into the warm sweetness. He twisted his hand so that his finger was completely coated. Just as he was bringing it to his mouth, Margaret stopped him by grabbing his hand. He looked at her, in genuine surprise.

  Margaret didn’t say anything. Still holding his hand, she moved to where she was kneeling right beside him. “Wait...let me taste first.” She slowly turned his hand and brought his finger up to her mouth. Holding his hand in both of hers, she leaned forward until the tip of her tongue touched the base of his finger. In one slow, deliberate motion, she moved her tongue up the entire length of his finger, gathering the honey as she did. When she reached the tip of his finger, she looked into his eyes. “Mmmm…I want more, okay?” William slowly moved his head up and down. She bent William’s hand down slightly and put her mouth over his finger. Her eyes never left his as she wrapped her lips and tongue around the entire length of his finger and slowly sucked the honey allowing it to slide down her throat.

  Slowly, and quite by design, she took his finger out of her mouth and licked her lips, “Now, it’s your turn to taste.” William knew exactly what she meant, and he knew exactly what he was going to do. He had never had such an exhilarating feeling as being in her mouth. A rush of animalistic desire flooded his body and he had never wanted something as much as he wanted to feel Margaret’s warm mouth again. That juicy mouth of hers was going to be his. He wasn’t going to fight it any longer. He leaned forward and engulfed her mouth with his. The taste of honey that met his lips only incited him with even more eagerness to taste every drop. She more than happily allowed his kiss, as she opened her mouth fully to consent to everything he wanted to give her.

  Margaret’s mouth was soft, wet, and warm, and William was going to finally give in to feeling it. He put his hand behind her head and he came to his knees. Still exploring her mouth, he leaned forward, pushing her body back until she was lying on the blanket, and he was over her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him until his full weight was on her body. William pressed into her, and she widened her legs to allow William to fit between them. His mind flashed to watching her straddle the horse, and watching as she moved up and down on the saddle. He was instantly hard, knowing now that she had allowed her body to become exposed in such a way, for him. He felt her start to move her hips, in the same slow motion as riding the horse and he was wild with desire. He moved his tongue in and out of her mouth, ravishing her tongue with his. His mind was buzzing, and it felt good.

  Margaret was more than accepting of William’s voracious tongue as she returned every ounce of desire with her own body. She breathlessly moaned into his mouth, “Will…yessss…”

  Hearing her call him Will snapped him out of his mind numbing experience. Will. That is what Sarah called him. Sarah was the only one that ever called him that. Oh my God, what am I doing? What about Sarah? He stopped kissing Margaret and paused over her face.

  She looked up, with questioning eyes, and pulled on his waist, encouraging him not to stop. William breathed heavily and closed his eyes. “I…I’m sorry, Margaret. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Yessss, William, yes you can. I want you, please…don’t stop! Don’t you want me, too?”

  “No, it’s not that. I mean yes…I do. It’s just that…you’re not…” William couldn’t believe what he was saying, but now it was too late to stop what he had started.

  “It’s just that I’m not…what, William?”

  All William could do was stare at her, truly not knowing what to say, yet knowing that his body wanted him to just shut the hell up and pick up where he so incredulously left off.

  Margaret pressed his hips firmly into hers and tightened her legs ever so slightly around him to keep him in place. “It’s that I’m not Sarah. Right?”

  William could only nod, in disbelief that here he was, completely entranced in Margaret’s body, and somehow the moment had gotten turned around to be about Sarah. Margaret must’ve known this was delicate terr
itory, and if she had learned anything from William’s fishing lesson, it was to be patient and wait for the right moment to set the hook.

  She pulled William’s head back to meet her lips and whispered, “You’re right, William. I’m not her. I’m not a thousand miles away. I’m not the one that you haven’t seen for a year. I’m. Right. Here.” She lifted her head and gently kissed his lips. “I’m right here, William. Feel me. Do you feel my body under yours?” She leaned even further to kiss him more slowly and passionately. “I’m not her, William. Kiss me, William, because I know you want to.” Her kisses were coming as quickly as her plea to him. “I’m not some childhood crush. Kiss me, kiss me and show me that you know I’m here. Kiss me, William. Because I’m not her.” She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him deeper into her kiss.

  William couldn’t react; his mind was reeling from her words and the feel of her tongue begging to be kissed back. He held his mouth on hers, letting her convince him, letting the actuality of her words sink in. He slowly started to move his tongue around hers. He knew she was right. She wasn’t Sarah, but she was completely willing to be his. And as his kisses gradually became more and more hungry on her mouth, he realized that he was willing to accept that this in fact, was his reality.

  Sensing that she had successfully reeled in her catch, Margaret moaned between his lips, “William… Please, don’t stop.”

  William moved slowly from her mouth and started a trail of kisses down her neck. Margaret turned her head, easing his access. Bracing himself over her with one hand, he slowly brought his other hand to run down the other side of her neck. His hand slowly moved down her neck, over her collar bone and onto her heaving chest. As his hand pressed into her breast, she moaned as he began to rub and gently clutch it. She arched her back, pushing herself into his hand even harder. Every movement that she made, she was telling him that she completely wanted him, and whatever he wanted to do to her was more than fine by her. William continued to massage her beautiful full breast until he could feel her nipple grow hard from under her thin shirt. He lifted his face from the nape of her neck and looked at her. She looked up at him as she moved her hands to her blouse, and one by one, unsnapped the buttons of her shirt. She pulled the shirt open, revealing her voluptuous breasts that were straining within the confines of a white lacy bra. His eyes drank her in. She pushed on his chest so he could lean back on his knees. She held out her hands and he pulled her up to a sitting position. Slowly, she pushed the shirt off of her shoulders, and pulled each arm free. He looked at her body, wanting to touch every inch of her creamy skin. Following her example, he slid each thin shoulder strap of her bra down, and helped guide her arms out of it. He stared at her for a moment longer, knowing what he wanted to do, but still unsure of actually doing it. She smiled knowingly at him and placed her hand behind his head and wove her fingers through his hair. With a slight pull, she started him on the path to where her breasts were pressed together and he gently buried his mouth between them. Putting one hand behind her back, using the weight of his body, he pushed her back down to a laying position so that her red hair splayed across the blanket. She was quiet, but breathing hard as her eyes gave him permission to continue. She put her hands along her sides, but made sure he could feel her hips rising to keep contact with his. William looked down at her breasts. He had imagined this ever since the day of fishing when he couldn’t take his eyes off of them being pushed out of her tight corset top. He slowly reached down to her trembling body and unhooked the center clasp of the bra. As soon as he released it, her breasts bounded out their constraints and stood at attention for William. She caught her breath as he slowly ran his hand across them, stopping to circle the buds of her nipples. She arched her chest again, and he could feel her body responding to his every touch. He cupped them and began to rub and grip them until Margaret couldn’t contain her moan of pleasure any longer. That sound sent a shockwave through him, and all he wanted to do was make her do it again and again.


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