by Ridley, Dale

  Sam blushed a bit at the praise. “That means a lot coming from you, Nathan. Now, please go before the people upstairs waiting to see you cause a riot.”

  Nathan nodded.

  “Do me a favor and keep Thomas here company for a while, will you, until I get back?”

  “You may be gone a very long time Nathan, but don’t worry, he’s in good hands.”

  She gave a winning smile.

  Nathan and Graham left, already in a low conversation.

  Sam watched as she closed the door behind them and put her back to the door. She closed her eyes for a moment before releasing a sigh. As she opened them, a look of disgust twisted her lovely features. It was like she flipped a switch of night and day inside herself.

  “So,” he said, drawing out the word slowly.

  “From the look on your face, I take it that you share your late uncle’s opinion of my involvement in this, especially now.”

  “You’re a plague,” she said in a low harsh voice.

  “An outsider that has allowed another outsider into our way of life.”

  Thomas wasn’t surprise, she was only one of many who felt that he didn’t belong here.

  “It has been a world that hasn’t been breached by the outside world since its founding. How can you both even begin to understand our devotion and sacrifices in this? All you see is your own vengeance and it blinds you. Now, Nathan has made you one of us.” She spat on the floor in insult.

  “That’s what I think of you, outsider.”

  Thomas’ anger rose and his hand went to the bullet fragment on a chain around his neck. He had refused to let them take it off before the surgery. It was his only reminder of his wife and what had happened to her. When his fingers touched it, his anger flared anew. The demon responsible for her death must pay. He took a moment to lock the beast back in its cage. He would need it for later.

  “The easiest thing of all is deceive oneself, for what a man wishes, he generally believes to be true.”

  “Oh, so you’re a philosopher now?”

  “Don’t be an ass Sam, it’s a quote by Demosthenes. But I said it in reference to you. You fool yourself if you don’t think vengeance doesn’t drive you also. Don’t deny it, I know the look. I lived it since my wife was taken from me, so save your speeches for those you now command. I know what I am and what moves me. Do you?

  “I am a free agent and that means your approval is crap to me. Got an issue with me? Get in line. I just went through this shit with that asshole, Graham.” Sam snorted harshly and Thomas anger flared once more.

  He gritted his teeth. “You and your late uncle walk around like your own lives were the only ones effected by this war. What about the rest of us who have loss love ones? You think you have your own personal license for revenge and others should wait on the sidelines where we belong?”

  He snorted his own contempt.

  “You just parroted your uncle’s words. Have I not bled for the same cause as you?”

  “Don’t you dare speak of my uncle? He was a true hero to this world. Us, not you, were chosen by the hand of god himself to bare the woes of the world. That gives us first authority on this war. Our forefather’s blood soaked each and every country in this world. A free agent? That’s the problem. You believe you have no responsibity upon your shoulders. You have been given a power that you probably don’t and will never understand. You don’t deserve such honor.”

  “Who deserves anything in life? The problem is that you all are scared of change.”

  “Its answers like that, that proves that you have no business here.”

  “Then you have to take that up with Nathan. But I want you to listen to me closely, since we are having this little heart to heart and this will be the only time I will say this. I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks, as long as the thing responsible for my wife’s death is dead or close to it. If you don’t trust or like me, then cool, stay the hell out my way. I have seen this type of bias and mistrust on the fields of battle, and it’s those ways of thinking that could cause a bullet in the dark from friendly fire. Whatever your opinion of me, save it and put it in your video diary sweetheart.”

  Sam eyes went round with indignation. “How dare you!! You sexist pig! You-,”

  The rest of her words were cut short by the opening of the door behind her. Graham stuck his head in tentatively.

  “Forgot my iPad,” he said in a mild form of apology. He came in and scooped it off the table by the door. “Is everything okay?”

  There was a moment of uncomfortable silence as two willful people stared at each other with utter dislike. Graham tried to defuse the tension by clearing his throat. “Um Sam, Nathan also sent me to tell you that the meeting is about to start.”

  Turning on her heels, Sam stalked pass Graham out the door and disappeared down the hall. Graham stuck his head out and watched her before shaking his head.

  “I don’t know what you did to that lady, big country, but if I were you, I wouldn’t turn my back on her for a second. I saw a woman with the same look in Pyongyang when she caught me in bed with her sister. I had to jump out a window to escape the knife she tried to stab me with.”

  “Just to get something straight, that look you just witnessed was for both of us. That was the look given to what she considers outsiders, Graham. Best you remember that or you may be running from another woman in the future.”


  On the wall, two monitors were running down information programs. The first one ran facial recognition program, while the second pick up all incoming data and updates on all current field operations. The woman in the sheer robe stood in front of the monitors as they moved in rapid speed.

  “I’m still running the facial recognition program on the faces that were caught in profile during the attacks. A couple of the men drew blanks, but many were found in one data base or another.”

  One of the monitors stopped flicking through profiles to identify a match. Isolated to a clear part of the monitor, the computer started rolling through recently known photos and information history.

  “Zaki Nasr,” Data support stated.

  “Once recruited and trained by Arafat’s personal elite bodyguard at the height of his power in Gaza. Wanted by Mossad for detonating a school bus of explosives right at a checkpoint of the Israeli border. A reward of one point five million dollars is the price on his heard unofficially. Last known sighting was in Miami, Fla in 2006. C.I.A. failed to assassinate him after failing to recruit him away from working for the Cuban cartels,” she read off quickly.

  “I have two known hits on the suspects that were downloaded into my data banks. And at the possession leader’s request, I have hacked into NSA main spy satellites and ran all descriptions of suspect profiles. As of last night, the satellites have pinpointed two locations. Second, I share with you the profile match of Alan Bennett.”

  The computer screen split into an extra section, showing a second man’s profile.

  “Mr. Bennett has multiple aliases. United States Navy Seal from 1991 to 2005. Honorable discharge. Side note, in the C.I.A. databanks, he has been honored with secret commendations for saving a couple of covert operations in his black ops file that is held by the pentagon. Known fighting in Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Believed to been a C.I.A. clean up man until he disappeared. He is responsible for leading the attack on the estate of the Ruling Minority Leader.”

  The whole screen was replaced with a detailed map of the United States.

  “NSA spy cameras have shown a positive match at two locations, as of twenty minutes ago. It’s Nasr and Bennett.”

  Nathan stood and put both hands flat on the table and looked around at the people in the room.

  “You were updated on what has been transpiring with our infiltration squads around the world. We have started our mission to cut out the underground support system of Anais.”

  He pointed to the screen where the two locations pulsated in green circ

  “The enemy is still out in the open, fearing no consequences for their actions and I vow to strike at every opportunity. The reason why I asked you here today is that the Ruling of the Eclipse votes on the overall actions of war dealing with the Guards of Gabriel. I ask for each of your votes now to step up our war efforts that will flush out the rats. How does the council vote on sending the guards into these areas to kill or apprehend these men by all means necessary?”

  One by one, a vote was taken. 12-0 for what Nathan had proposed.

  “Sam and Kimiko, you will both have separate commands of the guards for this operation. I want your units split into alpha and omega groups. Each one striking at both locations. The whole purpose is to capture, if possible, use force if necessary. Don’t forget that the dead do not talk, we need these men for information that will bring down Anais’ vast web. This mission is crucial to the security of the sect itself.

  ‘Data support will keep you informed on any changes that occur at these compounds and a lay out of them. I’m sorry, I can’t lead this operation myself, but know that we will all be with you. The sect values your bravery. Plan well and fruitful hunting.”

  The two men who represented those in Vatican City were as different as night and day. While one straddled the line of obesity, the other was almost rail thin. The thinner man’s head was shaven bald with trim facial hair and the round man’s hair was receding from the middle of his head outwards. They dressed modestly in grey and black, like two ordinary men enjoying a day off from work.

  That was not the case however. These two men spoke for the Vatican and those who controlled it. The Vatican itself was layered in three sections. The Pope, the Vatican, and a cabal of six men who controlled them. The names of these men were never known but their influence reached far and wide. Only dangerous men lived in secrecy. Their reasons were many.

  The round man smiled in greeting as Nathan entered the room alone and motioned for him to join them. The room they were in was used as a breakroom for the men and woman at the complex. The colorful plastic chairs scattered in random order. Nathan chose a blue one right across from the man.

  “Archdiocese, it’s an honor-,”

  “Please, no titles sir,” interrupted the thin man.

  “Names?” asked Nathan. The thin man shook his head.

  “Names are even more dangerous than titles, sir. Officially, we are not here. It’s the reason why we asked you not to meet us in a very lavish room.”

  “Fair enough. And why has your…brothers seen fit to make a visit at this point in time?”

  “The whispers we heard was that you are losing your grip on the demon. This is bringing the world on the brink of ruin. Our council warned your previous leaders that you couldn’t continue to pacify the demon without finding a way to kill it,” stated the Archdiocese.

  “Vatican City has been brief on the situation numerous times, if they think Anais can be killed, we are opened to suggestions. The problem is, however, that your brothers believe that it’s some kind of evil spirit that can be exorcised. You fail to admit that Anais is a fallen angel.”

  The Archdiocese hissed, like he was burnt.

  “That is debatable. And blasphemy, I might add. But still, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re losing control of the situation. Our brothers believe it’s time for us to take over the operation. We are calling in our maker.”

  Silence met those words. So that was the reason why they were here.


  “No?” the Archdiocese asked.

  “You stated your case and I gave you my answer. No. Our people has been pacifying the problem since the re-birth of humanity. Your order is old, but we are older. I will not let unqualified people take over something you have no understanding of.”

  He looked both men directly in the eyes.

  “Your order will be dead and wiped out within a week.”

  “But…but we were told you would honor the words of your forefather! You know the sacrifice we made for you! Will not be honorable?”

  Nathan studied the two men in front of him.

  “I have no problem having you here in an advisory role, but as far as commanding our operations, that’s not going to happen.”

  The Archdiocese’s face became red with rage. “This is an insult to the treaty you have with us! We are a powerful order in our own right. We don’t need crumbs you throw now to hide the fact that you’re an oath breaker.”

  “Call me what you will. I’m truly sorry that this misunderstanding is causing such a problem between us when the course of action calls for unity, but you’re under assumption that you know how to deal with something you don’t truly understand. It would be a grave error if I allow it to take place. I mean no insult to you and yours but neither will I lie to you or myself. You will be accommodated, but not in a command role.”

  The archdiocese looked ready to reply with angry words before the thinner one laid a restraining hand on his shoulder.

  “My brother, the possession leader is right.” He said in a very soft voice.

  The Archdiocese’s head snapped around in surprise and disbelief.

  “What? Surely you can’t be serious brother! Our order sent us here to take over a debt that was paid in our blood. Now you agree with this man?”

  “Sometimes it’s hard to accept a hard truth when it’s dealing with yourself, but as enlightened people, we must sit aside useless arguments about who is right or wrong and worry about who will suffer the most. The unsuspecting world. Whatever we have come here to say has been heard, contemplated, and rejected. What is the use of continuing to push an issue that will be more toxic than good? No, what we must do is compromise. These people are at war, what do they care about words spoken long ago?”

  “It’s not that we care not for our vows, friends, it’s just that as you said, my order is at war. My brothers and sisters are dying, even now as we talk, over something that shouldn’t have taken place. We may have had some setbacks but if I hand over this problem, the world is doomed. I’m willing to make a compromise of sorts, but I will not lose sleep if you go back to Vatican City angry at my decision. It’s something I’ll live with. You made sacrifices, this is true. But tell me where have you been now in our greatest need? If we fail, the whole world pays the price.”

  “Sir, it is not of our order to pick sides in conflict, especially when we voted to take over the handling of the demon. While we share your future of peril if the demon is left to his own devices, we do not share in the belief that it will bring about the apocalypse, as you say. There are many signs that judgement day is almost upon us but our order believes the demon is nothing more than one such sign.”

  “Then while the Vatican is wise in many ways, its ignorance in this matter is unacceptable. And because of it, I will not let you endanger everyone with such thoughts.”

  There was a long drawn out silence as the two men digested the words.

  “We will have to discuss this with our order. When a decision is met, we will continue this talk between our orders,” stated the thin man.

  “Until then, you are welcome to observe our operations, but let your leaders know, there’s no room from compromise.”

  “Understood,” he replied.


  The hot Arizona sun painted the sky a soft rainbow of colors as day was caught between giving way to the cooler night. Many people who never visit this far west believed that the state was nothing but a desert. But there were many areas dotted with trees. An ironic thought, Sam thought to herself, as she watched the sun sink slowly inch by inch, taking daylight with it.

  She motioned with a black gloved hand, causing black tinted visors to close with audible snaps as twelve men behind her closed jet black shock troop helmets. Sam flipped her own down and the swift coming night turned into a dark green picture as the light weight night vision technology in the visor was activated. Data support continuance outline of the area via satellite s
crolled down the right side as it rotated angles while underneath, infrared and motion sensors identified anything in front of them.

  The temperature around them was steady dropping, but she ignored the chilly feeling as she gripped the H&K MP5 tactical assault weapon. Switching on the strong infrared sighting beam, she chambered one of the sixty rounds in the head for something to calm herself and keep her mind off the impending assault. The MP5 would spray half of its clip in under twenty seconds, if that’s what she chose to do. Usually, the weapon held only a thirty round magazine but all sect weapons were modified and fitted with added improvements.

  Each round was capped with Camphine, an explosive liquid that detonated on impact, the sect only used such ammo when it went on code black alert. Not all held H&Ks. Four of the twelve held powerful tranquilizer needle guns, in case of an encounter with Pallida Mors or in the event that hostages were taken. There was a reason why the lethal MP5 outnumbered the needle guns, if the enemy even took a breath the wrong way, there would be no hesitation to kill him and whoever was with him.

  This was a very dangerous man. They were just outside of Springer Ville, Arizona, just minutes away from the border of New Mexico. The NSA satellite had matched the face of the wanted mercenary five hours ago, along with six or seven others on the property. Data support had not been able to match their shadowy profiles to any the sect had on file, but that didn’t make them any less dangerous.

  Sam and the rest of her team had moved into position to ring in the area, once they had arrived at the drop zone in sleek Blackhawk military helicopters that had taken off from the rooftop of the sect’s headquarters hour ago. She had kept her men out of sight as she split up her force, leaving her captain in charge of eight men not with her. Everyone had their orders but as an old military saying goes, a plan only survives until there’s first contact with the enemy.

  The area itself laid quiet, as if their targets had cleared out before they arrived, but she saw no update from Data Support of movement of any kind out of this area. It made her think that the enemy was up to something. Perhaps waiting on them. She couldn’t tell, but she disliked the eerie feeling of such stillness. The area consisted of two large barns on each side of the property with a smaller building flanking a slightly bigger one that was the main house.


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