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Trailed Page 28

by Naomi Niles

  When the recital was over, Beth’s mom came up to me, holding her daughter’s hand. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done,” she said.

  “I was tearing up,” I told her. “I couldn’t believe how amazing she was.”

  “Who are you?” Beth pointed at Dwayne.

  He smiled and got down on one knee in front of her. I watched closely. “My name is Dwayne. Is your name Beth?”

  “Yes, it is, and I’m the best swan that ever ever existed. Two evers.” She held up two fingers.

  “I say three because I have never seen a swan walk on her tippy toes the way you did.”

  “You found a good husband,” Beth told me.

  “He’s not…” We all started laughing.

  “You’ve done so much for her, Gillian. I really think that we’re going to commit to getting her on stage.”

  “And, I will do everything I can to make it happen.” Beth was whispering something in Dwayne’s ear. He nodded along, then whispered something back.

  “What are you guys talking about?”

  “Nothing,” they both said.


  “Come on, Beth. If you want to get ice cream, you have to leave now.”

  “On more thing!” She wrapped her arms around my leg to give me a hug. Then she hugged Dwayne, and he went beet red. “Bye,” she called as she waved and walked off.

  Dwayne stood up. “I have a secret.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m not telling.” He turned around to walk away with his butt shaking just enough to keep me looking. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I could still feel the warmth where he squeezed my hand.

  “Stop that,” Lexie came up and whispered in my ear.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re falling for him.”

  I didn’t say anything, not at first. This was no time to be defensive. I had to know whether or not she was right.

  “That’s dangerous.”

  “I’m not having this conversation.”

  “Just think about it before you jump in.”

  “I will.”

  After a moment, a pair of hands came up behind me and wrapped around my waist. His breath poured into my ear. “I’m hungry.”

  “What did she tell you?”

  “Uh-uh, that’s a secret.”

  “Then, I’m not hungry.”

  “Suit yourself.” He started walking out the door.

  “Wait.” I ran after him into the parking lot. “Were you going to walk home?”

  “No, I just wanted to see you come after me like that.”

  “Get in.” I unlocked the doors. “I’m starving.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “What would you like to eat?” I asked when we got in the car.

  “Something meaty, like steak. A big filet mignon and a nice bottle of wine with a baked potato. I’m starving.”

  “Me, too.”

  “There’s a place up the street called Sergio’s. I’ve never been there before, but everyone says it’s really good.”

  “It sounds good.”

  Gillian got the car started. “What did that little girl tell you?”

  “It’s a secret.”

  “You have to tell me now.” She pulled out of the lot.

  “No, it’s between the two of us. I made a pact.”

  “A pact?”

  “She made me pinky swear I wouldn’t tell anyone. ‘Never, never,’ she said. That’s two nevers.”

  “You’re adorable.”

  “I really liked that. I can tell that the dance studio means a lot to you.”

  “When Lexie got the small business loan, I was working ten hour shifts every day waiting tables. They didn’t even pay minimum wage and the tips were terrible, but it kept me going. Without that job, I wouldn’t have been able to pay rent.”

  “But you quit anyways.”

  “I did, and I hated myself for it. I thought for certain I’d end up on the streets, but she had kids waiting to start classes right away. Everything worked out.”

  “It’s amazing that it did. You took a huge risk.”

  “I don’t regret it. Working for the dance studio is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

  “I admire your courage, Gillian.”

  “I’m not sure if it’s courage or stupidity.”

  “It’s courage, determination, hard work, and dedication.”

  She turned to me, a warm smile across her face. “Thank you. That really means a lot to me.”

  The restaurant was in a small, retrofitted home with private garden patio and music playing over loudspeakers. When the waiter showed us to our table outside, I pulled back Gillian’s chair.

  “Thank you,” she sat down.

  “Of course.”

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” the waiter asked.

  I turned to Gillian. “Merlot?”

  “Fine with me.”

  “Bring me a bottle of vintage merlot.”

  “Vintage?” Gillian asked when the waiter left.

  “You deserve the best.”

  “When I first met you,” she said, “you were quiet and stiff. You hated talking to people and nobody else seemed to notice. It was hard to watch, honestly, because they kept hounding you. Now you’re different. You’re wild and unpredictable. It’s exciting to see you opening up.”

  “It’s you.”


  “Yes, it’s all your fault. I don’t know what it is about you, but when I’m with you I find myself doing and saying things that I never thought I’d do. I don’t even know where it comes from. It scared me at first because when I was in the navy, I prided myself on being controlled and disciplined. I didn’t want to lose that. Now, I can’t stop myself. I have to follow this through and see where this goes.”

  She met my eyes. “You do?”

  “I like you, Gillian. I really like you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She went to say something, but was interrupted by the waiter. “Here you are,” the waiter set down her glass and started pouring her wine.

  “Thank you.”

  He poured my wine and took our orders. Then when he left she went quiet and looked down at the empty plate on her placemat.

  “What is it?” I asked, certain that I’d come on too strong.

  “It’s not you. I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Michael. I think he’s going to take this pretty hard.”

  “Screw Michael. This is about us.” I took her hand and squeezed it. “I’ll put him in line.”

  “I’ll let you handle it, then. It’s probably better to do it sooner, rather than later.”

  “I don’t even want to talk about him. He’s not going to matter in the long run.” I took a sip of my drink. “My brother’s coming to town next Friday. He’s doing a show.”

  “I’ve never seen him play. Is he any good?”

  “He’s amazing — when he can stand up straight.”

  “He’s a country singer.”

  “Yeah, I never got it. There’s no point in playing a genre that most people hate, but he’s done pretty good. He’s been on tour several times and has three albums out.”

  “It’s not easy to break into something like that. He might be a complete screw up — and I know he is — but it sounds like he’s got something.”

  The waiter came out with two steaming plates with thick strips of filet mignon. Gillian dug into her food while I watched, eating slowly. She wasn’t putting up a front. She really felt comfortable being herself around me. It was refreshing.

  When I finished, I set down my fork and took a drink of wine. “Do you want to know what that girl said?”

  “Yes,” she took a sip. “I’m dying. You have to tell me.”

  “She said that you were sad and now you’re happy.”

  “She said that?”

  “Yes, she did. You want know what I told her?”


  “That I’m going to make sure you stay happy.”

  She set down her glass and leaned in to kiss me, this time taking control — her lips, like a flower bud opening slowly, her tongue bursting into my mouth. I let the moment go on as long as I could, relishing every second of her gentle touch.

  When she pulled back, my body was on fire, tingling, soaring, my heart pounding out a pagan beat. I looked down to see goosebumps on her arm. I traced my finger over them. “You’re beautiful.”

  “I don’t know how you do this to me. You’ve got me thinking about you all day, looking for excuses to call you. I feel like I’m sixteen.”

  “Sitting on the bleachers, pretending to do your homework.”

  “You remember that?”

  “Yes, and I knew that you were there to watch me. I liked you, too. I wanted to talk to you, but I was always too scared…and I knew that your brother would kick my butt if I did.”

  “He still might.”

  I flexed my arms and watched her shiver. “I can whoop him.”

  Gillian downed her wine. Her movements were flowing, and her face was flushed. “Why don’t you let me drive?” I suggested.

  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” I paid the bill and brought her back to the car. We drove back to her house. She was too buzzed to drive home when she dropped me off, so I thought I’d give her time to come down and clear her head.

  When I stopped the car, she pulled me towards her and kissed me. “You’re coming inside.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  We were kissing and pulling off our clothes the second we got in the door. By the time we got into my room, Dwayne was naked, and so was I. He laid me down softly on the bed, his body pressed against mine, his tongue pouring into my mouth, like a much-needed taste of water after a trek in the Sahara.

  The closeness and the feeling bare flesh sticking to flesh, all compounded the sense of intimacy that I’d first felt in the restaurant. We had no walls between us, no judgment, no hesitation. We were two naked people moving together for one shared purpose.

  It wasn’t self-satisfaction that was driving me. It was my need to let him know how much I appreciated him. I reached down to grab his cock while he focused on my neck. I slipped my hand over it and watched a shudder pass over him.

  He reacted instantly, rose his head up in a growl, and dove down, his teeth, digging into my skin. He wanted to pleasure me as much as I needed to pleasure him. It wasn’t about me any longer. It was about the act of appreciation, a deeper need beyond the physical.

  He took his time, his lips and teeth moving down my body, lapping at my nipples, over my stomach, to the space between my legs. He dove his head in, his tongue so warm and wet as it moved through me. His fingers were teasing my clit. He was watching my reaction as he swept his tongue through.

  To him, the pleasure of seeing me happy was enough, but I couldn’t stand it. I wanted him to feel the way I felt. I needed him to know I cared. He kept at it, his finger going the places his tongue couldn’t while a raging storm built up inside me.

  He moved faster, in time with my pulsing body, begging to take him in. His eyes never left mine. There was no predatory grin this time, no laughing or teasing. This was serious business, something sacred that we shared together.

  “Ah,” I gasped. He dug his finger in deep and hit my spot, letting it rest there while he watched my mouth flutter.

  Then he worked his tongue through, focusing on my clit, and that electric sensation it brought. I was starting to grow frantic. The tension was rising, an explosion was coming — and I wouldn’t hold up to it.

  He pulled back, his eyes still on mine. “You’re so beautiful.”

  He reached up to kiss me, his cock sliding up my thigh until it rested in the spot between my legs. He rose up so he could see the reaction on my face when he pushed it through. He was gentle, and slow, but my body was screaming. I couldn’t sit through this. The pressure was too much. It was too overwhelming, and he was moving faster now, his lips still pressed against mine.

  He rolled in hard, let his cock rest on my spot, then jerked back and slammed through over and over, all while his finger circled my areola, teasing my nipple. He knew what I wanted, where to push in and when to pull out. It became a dance, a carnal rhythm, and we were moving together.

  I cried out as a storm erupted through me. It swallowed me quick, powerful bursts, one after the other until they melded together and there was nothing left, no individuality, just one, beautiful entity. I could actually feel him as if he were a part of me, sighing softly as a hot stream poured into my body.

  He collapsed beside me. “You want to take me home?”

  “Stay with me.” I rolled over to face him.


  I nodded. He pulled me close and let me rest my head on his chest. It was the first time I’d ever let a man stay the night. I’d never wanted this kind of intimacy before, but I couldn’t live with the thought of him leaving after what we’d just done.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I woke up to the scent of sweet lilacs and sex with Gillian resting on my shoulder. I lay there quietly, careful not to wake her up, watching her sleep, her chest rising and falling slowly. My stomach jumped when her eyes began fluttering open and she smiled.

  “Mmm,” she sat up. “That was amazing.” Her voice was low, profound even. She propped herself up with her head resting in her hand. “Breakfast?”

  “I don’t want to leave this room.”

  “Don’t. Stay right here. I don’t have to go to work for a few hours, anyway.”

  I glanced at the clock on her nightstand. “I have to be at work soon.”

  “Aw, come on.” She kissed me. “One more go,” she urged and reached out to grab my bulging cock.

  “God,” I groaned. “I want to so bad, but I have to go.”

  She kissed me. “Call me the second you get off. I don’t want to go the rest of the day without hearing your voice.”

  “You couldn’t keep me away.” I stood up and started getting dressed.

  The drive to work was slow. Traffic was heavy and my mind was still back in that room, staring down at her while I slammed into her. She was so pliable, so responsive. I needed to be gentle and handle her with the care and devotion she deserved, but nothing I did would ever be enough. She deserved a king, not a security guard.

  Fred was at the front desk on the ground floor talking to a woman wearing a pale blue skirt suit with blonde hair. She turned to me when I walked in, her cold glare a clear sign of trouble. Fred excused himself and pulled me aside.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “The cameras still don’t work, and they’re starting to notice. That’s the office manager, Julie. The woman is a snake. She said that we need to get things working as soon as possible and find out what is going on or she’s going to go with another company.”

  “Seriously? She must know that it isn’t our fault.”

  “It’s about results,” she interrupted as she walked up behind me. “I have to find men that can take care of the job. If you can’t do that, then maybe somebody else will.”

  “This is the guy I told you about,” Fred told her. “He’s fresh out of the navy after a decades-long stint in the SEALS. You can’t ask for a better guard.”

  She looked me up and down like a piece of meat at the supermarket. “I don’t care who he is. Find the people sabotaging the security system and get those cameras working. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said.

  “Good. You’re working nights.” She walked away.

  “What does she mean?” I asked Fred.

  “They came by last night to take out the cameras again. We need somebody here at all hours.”

  “Are you sure that’s going to be enough? Shouldn’t we notify the police department?”

  “They’ve already been notified, but there’s n
othing they can do without some sort of identifying information that we can use to hunt these men down.”

  “What about prints?”

  “They used gloves.”

  “These guys are professionals.”

  “I know. That’s why you’re here. Find whoever is doing this.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  My hunting instincts had been dulled by the thought of Gillian. When I sat down in the office, I saw her face when she was sleeping. Instead of the cameras, I saw her body below me. She’d become my obsession.

  I was falling for her. In the back of my head, I knew that it would happen. She’d always been there, that little girl staring at me with wide eyes or sitting on the bleachers watching me run. My feelings ran deeper than I thought. They had always been there, I realized, buried under the Afghani sands, hiding in the night during basic training. They were dormant, and now that I’d left the navy, they were coming back to life.

  I shook my head and went back to the cameras, watching as the contractors walked into the building to fix the cameras that’d been taken out the night before. When the feed came back up, I watched closely, zooming in and out, hoping to find something that would lead me to the men trying to sabotage the building.

  I spent all day going over the feed form the night before. I watched as a man, wearing the same hoodie he wore last time, got out of the same Toyota and walked to the back of the building. He sliced the wires with his knife and got back into his car to drive away.

  His face was covered, so I couldn’t see him. I tried looking over the car for identifying marks like faded paint or dents, but the image was too grainy. All I could get were the last two numbers in the license plate: 65.

  At the end of the day, I locked up and drove to the store to buy a bouquet of flowers. I wanted to do something for Gillian to let her know that I appreciated her. When I pulled in, she was leaning against the building, talking to Lexie. She hopped up to run over to the car, clearly excited to see me.

  When I got out, she threw herself into my arms, showering me with kisses. “These are for you.” I reached back to hand her the bouquet.

  “They’re wonderful. Thank you, Dwayne.”


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