Roomies with Benefits: A Brother's Best Friend Baby Romance

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Roomies with Benefits: A Brother's Best Friend Baby Romance Page 24

by Amy Brent

  “Come on,” she grabbed for her panties and pulled them back on primly, as though she hadn’t just let me rail her on the kitchen counter. “Don’t let breakfast go to waste.”

  “I’m pretty sure the coffee’s cold,” I pointed out with a smile, and she glanced up at me slyly.

  “Well, you’re not,” she remarked, and I groaned at the cheesiness of her comment but couldn’t keep the smile from my face.

  “Okay, I’m going to have to punish you for that one,” I warned her playfully, and she cocked an eyebrow, her eyes shining slightly.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I shot back, picking up my mug and taking a sip. And, the way she was looking at me across the table, I was pretty sure she was trying to get me to take her up on her challenge. And I would – make no mistake, I would – but for now, I needed to feed her and bathe her and fuck her all over again.

  Chapter Eleven

  I slipped my hand into his and revelled in the fact that I could actually do that without worrying about what it meant. There was something so natural about touching Cormac, something that matched being out here in the woods. I didn’t even mind the cold so much, if it meant I could spend some time with him outside of the cabin.

  “You sure you want to come with me?” Cormac looked over at me, slight incredulity on his face, and I rolled my eyes and nodded.

  “For the last time, I want to help out,” I reminded him. “I know you don’t think I can handle any of this mountain man stuff but I can.”

  “You’re not going to carry a lot of wood, though,” he warned me, glancing down at my belly. “Not while…”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I waved my hand. “Whatever you say. I’m going to need to be a big, brawny mountain lady if I’m going to stick it out out here, aren’t I?”

  He grinned.

  “I’d like to see that,” he remarked, squeezing my hand as we made our way into the forest to collect wood for the fire.

  We had been practically joined at the hip this last month, since I had told him that I was pregnant and we had pretty much confirmed that we were actually going to give this a go with each other. I mean, not that that was hard, given that it was just the two of us out here, but still – I would have happily cut myself off from the rest of the world if I thought that it meant I could fall in love with Cormac in peace.

  Because that’s what was happening, even if neither of us had said it yet. We were falling in love. I had only been here a couple of months and I had always had this cynical view on love, that it was something that wasn’t going to happen in less than a year, not properly, but that had been before him, before this, before us. Before all that had happened to change my mind. I glanced over at him and grinned widely, unable to keep the smile off my face; that had been happening a lot recently, making it hard to do normal stuff like eat or drink or make out. Not that I let it stop me.

  I had that nagging feeling though, at the back of my mind, that I was keeping something big from him, something that could get in the way of what we had worked so hard to build between us. I had hardly been able to believe it when he had told me what had happened between his best friend and his fiancée; that story had sounded nearly too insane to be true, but I could see from the pain in his eyes that he wasn’t lying to me. Why would he? He was telling me the truth because he wanted us to be able to be honest with each other, and that was his way of making sure we were.

  So when it had come time to ask me about my past, I had ducked his questions. I hadn’t lied to him, outright – not really. If he’d asked me outright if I’d dated a small-time drug dealer who had ended up landing me slap-bang in the middle of a dumbass deal gone wrong, I would have told him the truth and said yes. But he hadn’t asked that. He had just asked who I had dated before him, and I had answered him honestly; that I hadn’t really dated anyone before him, not properly, not the way the two of us were currently together. Sure, I’d been with Richie a couple of years, but what I’d shared with him wasn’t even in the same ball park as everything I shared with Cormac.

  Still, I felt guilty. I knew I was keeping something from him, after he’d been so upfront with me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I was setting myself up for unneeded drama down the line by pulling this shit. But I had to dismiss those thoughts, because even if that was true, it was too late to tell him now. I would have had to admit that I’d lied to his face when he’d first asked me, and I couldn’t do that. And besides, enough time had passed now that I was sure Richie had forgotten all about me; he had always had a bunch of girls on the side, and no doubt he just fell into one of their arms as soon as I was gone. Probably glad that he didn’t have to keep up the pretence with me any longer, if I knew him at all.

  “What are you thinking about?” Cormac asked, and suddenly I was reminded where I was; far from the city, from Richie, from any of it. I cleared my mind and smiled at Cormac, dismissing the bad thoughts from my head at once.

  “Oh, nothing,” I replied, skipping a little ahead of him playfully. “Hey, keep up, you’re falling behind.”

  “Slow down,” he scolded me playfully. “You need your rest. I shouldn’t have even of brought you here in the first place.”

  “You really going to keep me locked away in that cabin of yours for the rest of the pregnancy?” I cocked my eyebrow at him. “You know we’re going to need to go to a doctor at some point, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he waved his hand. “I just like having you all to myself for now.”

  He finally caught up with me, and slid his arms around me and pulled me into a soft kiss, the kind that made the soles of my feet tingle with the thrill of having him close. I let my hands rest on his chest for a moment, feeling his heartbeat, and then pulled away from him suddenly.

  “Catch me,” I teased him, shooting a look over my shoulder as I darted through the forest away from him. He glanced around and then took up the chase, a smile spreading out over his face, and it was so good to see him give up some of the control that he often seemed to hang on to with such intensity.

  I darted behind a tree, my heart beating quickly. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I loved the fact that he was actually coming after me; Richie would have just stood there and waited for me to give up on my game, but Cormac actually let me indulge the goofy, weird side of me that sometimes needed to come out to play. Not that I was thinking about Richie. Nope. Not one bit, not at all. I wasn’t thinking about him or what I’d kept from Cormac, not any of it, because that would have spoiled our day and-

  Suddenly, he emerged around the side of the tree, and I let out a squeal and darted away again; I knew he was stronger and faster than me, but I had the benefit of the trees being closely packed so that I could dart easily in and out of them, where he had to take his time and move a little slower.

  I could hear his footsteps as I made my way further into the woods, the sun darkening above the thicket of leaves that seemed to cut me off from the rest of the world. When it was just the two of us out in this place, it was easy to forget that there was anyone else out there in the world at all; I felt as though as we were the first or last people on Earth, outliving everyone until it was just the two of us making our way through these quiet, still woods all by ourselves. It was a thrilling thought, even though the high-tech cabin was just a few minutes’ walk away.

  I found myself behind the trunk of a thick oak and pressed my back up against it, feeling the bark and the way it dug into my back and appreciating just how real everything felt right now. Back in the city, I had spent so much of my time drifting through my own life, disconnected from what was going on. But I felt alive, buzzing with energy and electricity, the cold air fresh in my lungs, the sound of the leaves organic above me. My breath was making little puffs in the air in front of me, and my hands were already getting cold, but I didn’t care. I could have stayed out here all day if he’d let me, if he’d been willing to indulge me.

  Suddenly, I heard his footsteps crunching on th
e fall leaves below me, and he emerged out of nowhere from around the back of the tree. Catching my hands, he pushed them above my head and held me in place as he leaned down to kiss me once more. I felt something kindle to life in my stomach as our lips met, and when he pulled back I could see that he was feeling the exact same thing.

  “Caught you,” he murmured, and I smiled shyly back.

  “What are you going to do with me now?” I asked, my heart beating quickly in my chest.

  “Hmmm,” he trailed a finger down the side of my neck, my hands still pinned above my head; I was surprised at how much it turned me on, to have him taking control of me like that. I bit my lip and eyed him, a hunger pulsing in my veins, as I waited for him to respond. He knew that I was desperate to hear what he had to say next, and he loved making me wait.

  “Turn around,” he ordered, and I did as I was told; he let go of my hands and I placed them on the scratchy bark for balance, my knees threatening to tremble out from underneath me if I didn’t.

  I heard him taking his belt off, and my heart leapt up in my chest; I knew I could trust him, that he wasn’t going to push me any further than I wanted, but still – was he going to hit me with that thing? Before my mind could linger any further on that discomforting though, he grabbed my hands and wrapped the belt around them, drawing them up above my head and looping the belt around a thick branch protruding from the tree. My toes curled in my shoes. We had never done it like this before, with me all tied up, and I had no idea how to feel about it – I couldn’t get through the blur of arousal at his touch, but I guessed that was a good sign.

  “Is this okay?” He asked, running his hand up my side and leaving a trail of tingles in his wake; I nodded.

  “People don’t come through here often, do they?” I asked.

  “Maybe they do, maybe they don’t,” He teased, sliding his hand over my neck and making me moan. “What happens if we get caught?”

  “You’ll just leave me out here?” I suggested, and he gripped my hips and grinded himself against me lightly; I could feel that he was already getting hard. I had always known he had a penchant for being the one in control when we were fucking, but this was something else entirely and it was seriously doing it for me. My legs were trembling a little, and it had nothing to do with the cold air out here.

  “Maybe I will,” he replied playfully. “Maybe I’ll come back and pick you up later. Maybe I’ll strip you down and leave you out here all night…”

  The thought of that drew a moan from my lips, taking me by surprise; this was kinkier than I’d ever gotten before, and my body was responding to it in ways it never had before. I felt as though my thinking mind was retreating and pulling back a few notches, letting me give myself over to this moment, to Cormac, to all of it and more. It was a strange feeling, but a good one too – almost like a relief, after all the panic I’d been having about Richie and not telling Cormac about him since I had been given the chance.

  He pushed my dress up a few inches, and I felt my skin prickle at his touch as he rolled the hem of it up and over my hips so that I was exposed. I flushed bright red. I had never done anything like this before in my life – sure, I’d wondered what it would be like to be so damn into someone that you couldn’t hold back, not even when it was ridiculously inappropriate to do anything sexual, but I had never had that kind of connection with someone before him. My heart was racing and I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like if we were to get caught right now. A billionaire who’d hidden away in the forest, and then was found like this? I would never hear the end of it. Neither would he.

  “Mmm,” he sighed, and slowly walked around me, taking his time, taking me in. I wriggled back and forth a little, testing the bindings that were above me, watching him closely in the hopes that I would figure out what he wanted to do next. Some part of me just wanted to get down to it already, knowing that we were risking a whole lot with every second that passed, but another part was happy to let him tease me. There was something inestimably sexy about the way he looked at me when he had me where he wanted me, like I was some perfect sculpture that he had carved with his own hands, like he was proud of his work.

  He finally ended up back behind me once more, and ran his cool hand up the small of my back, making me shiver. I leaned my head up against the tree, the bark scratching against my skin, and tried to ignore the rush of desire that had just overtaken me. I had to keep myself in control, no matter how badly I wanted to just turn and beg him to take me already.

  His hand slid down and over my panties, cupping my warmth through the fabric and holding it there; I gasped loudly, any sense of composure that I had been clinging on to dropping away from me just like that. I needed him inside me. There was no time to waste. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones or maybe it was just the circumstances, but I needed to feel his perfect dick inside me in the next ten seconds or I was scared that I might blow a fuse.

  “Cormac,” I half-turned as well I could over one shoulder – I couldn’t look him in the eye and somehow that made it even more impossible, my body craving the sight of him as well as the feel. But not being able to have what I wanted so badly just made it all the hotter. He really knew what he was doing. With just a little exchange of power, he had me practically begging for him already. And I had a feeling that he had a lot more up his sleeve once this was over.

  “Yes?” He asked, pressing his fingers against me. Even through the fabric, the feeling was intense, more than I was used to. I must have been soaked already.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded, feeling a little silly just coming out with it like that but knowing no better way to describe it. “Please, just fuck me…”

  “Ask me again,” he ordered, and my head jolted up. I didn’t know what else I could say to get him to see how badly I needed this, but I would do anything to get him to believe me.

  “Please, Cormac, please,” I whined, sounding like a petulant teenager and not caring one bit. “This isn’t fair…”

  “Nope,” he agreed, and I shifted my weight from foot to foot, knowing that he was enjoying my torment and wondering how much longer he was going to make me weight for some relief.

  “Not fair at all,” he agreed, slowly slipping his fingers into my panties and pulling them down my legs. As soon as the cool air hit my pussy, I let out a gasp – he was going to give me what I wanted. Finally. I felt as though I had been waiting hours for this, even though it had only been a few minutes. With Cormac, I just wasn’t used to not getting what I wanted when I wanted it, but I guessed that this worked for me even better than I known.

  I heard him unzip behind me, and then felt his cock nudging up at the entrance of my slit. I tilted my head back and moaned softly, anticipating how good it was going to feel – but he didn’t move. I held myself there, waiting for him to thrust up into me with that familiar growl of pleasure that always escaped him when he entered me for the first time, but he didn’t move a muscle.

  “Cormac?” I asked, my voice high and desperate-sounding, even to me.

  “Fuck yourself on my dick,” He demanded, his tone low and commanding, sending a sharp shiver through my body. “Do it.”

  It took me a moment to understand what he was asking me to do, but as soon as I did, I began to move. I slid myself back, and he took hold of my hips to guide me, and before I knew it I had him buried to the hilt in my pussy. My mouth dropped open and I used the leverage of my bound hands to move back and forth, taking my time, wondering how I had never thought to do this before; he wasn’t moving, but I was rocking myself back and forth on him, pleasuring him, focused on the way his breath seemed to pick up with every motion I made. He had been bound and at his mercy, and yet he was letting me set the pace. An interesting combination, an intoxicating one. I arched my back and went faster, unable to reach those spots that I had been craving since the last time we had been together like this. I needed him to thrust back against me but I knew he wasn’t going to do that yet; I didn’t know h
ow long it was going to be, but he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying making me work for this.

  “You look so good like that,” he remarked, letting his hands travel lazily up my sides and beneath me to my breasts; even through the dress, the feel of his hands kneading and gripping me was enough to edge me closer, to inch me further to the place I knew I needed to be. My hands were straining above me, tugging hard against the leather of the belt, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t focus on anything but Cormac and the feel of him inside me, the silent willing that was pulsing through my system to get him to move and thrust back so I could-

  It took me by surprise when he actually pushed back against me, thrusting his cock up to meet the way my hips were grinding back against him. I gasped and held still for a moment, so shocked that I had no idea what to do, and then he began to fuck me properly and I was glad that I had the leather belt above me to keep me upright because otherwise I might have keeled over from the almost painful pleasure that washed over me in that moment. He just felt so goddamn good - maybe it was my pregnancy hormones trying to connect me to the man who had knocked me up, but there was something deep and raw and impossibly hot between us every time we did something like this that felt like drawing in to someone I’d needed to know all my life.

  The angle made him feel bigger than normal (not that he was lacking in that department in the first place), and the sensation of him filling me up like that was all I needed to get me there. My clit was pulsing, desperate for attention, and where I might have slid my hand down between my legs to push myself over the edge, they were bound above me so I couldn’t do anything to them. I groaned desperately, and he seemed at once to know what it was that I needed. Slipping his hand between my legs, he stroked my clit a few times, in pace with his movement inside of me, and I felt my legs buckle and threaten to give out beneath me as the orgasm finally hit me with the force of an atom bomb.


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