Roomies with Benefits: A Brother's Best Friend Baby Romance

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Roomies with Benefits: A Brother's Best Friend Baby Romance Page 58

by Amy Brent

  “I invested it and let it sit until I was ready to build my business. Then yes, that’s what I used,” I said. “I figured it would only be for a year or two. Plenty enough time to divorce and get her settled in the States before I went back for Melissa.”


  “She wouldn’t grant me the divorce, said she’d fallen in love with me. She was a manipulative bitch, told me she was pregnant when she wasn’t. I took her back to my parents when I thought she was pregnant, and that’s when Melissa saw her. She was there trying to patch things up with her idiotic family, and I was there with this fucking manipulative Russian bitch on my arm.”

  “So, she wasn’t pregnant?” he asked.

  “No. She faked a fucking miscarriage, and I didn’t find out until later that she wasn’t pregnant to begin with.”

  “How’d you figure that out?” he asked.

  “When she got pregnant with Max,” I said.

  “So, she was manipulative and a bitch, but you slept with her anyway?” he asked.

  “She had long legs and nice tits. Who the fuck cared when I was drunk enough?”

  “That’s why you sleep around, you know,” he said. “Because she got away, so you replace the hole you created with women who aren’t her to try and forget what you did.”

  “I know,” I said.

  “That’s why you wanted to help people, wasn’t it? Crusade around the world and write books. You wanted to help people because you couldn’t help yourself.”

  “I get it, Michael. Back off,” I said.

  “You still love her, don’t you? Did she make another appointment? Is she coming back to you?”

  “Yes, Michael, all right? She’s the one who got away because I fucked up, and yes, she’s coming back next week. Are we done here?”

  “Yeah,” he said as he finished his beer. “We are.”

  I threw back the rest of mine before throwing a twenty on the table. I suddenly didn’t feel like drinking anymore. I pulled my keys from my pocket and rushed back to my car, racing home before Michael could catch up with me. I needed to think, and I needed to breathe. I never thought I’d ever see that woman’s face again, much less be accompanied by all the emotions the memories of her conjured. I had been a fucking idiot, and she deserved better. She obviously carried it around like I did, and my heart broke at the thought of it. She fell in love and got married. Created a family and had it ripped away. Her heart had broken twice, and in the midst of it all, she sacrificed herself so she could still be the provider and caretaker her daughter needed her to be.

  But who took care of her?

  I skidded into my driveway and schlepped on into the house. I tossed my keys and wallet into a bowl by the door as I poured myself into bed, suddenly exhausted from the entire day. Memories of her body came flooding back in an instant. The way her hips moved against mine, hesitant and exploratory. The way her lips kept peppering my ear with questions as I touched and kissed her beautiful tits. The way her pussy was so tight around my teenage cock as my lips ran down her skin.

  The only thing I wished I would have done was taste her beautiful pussy. I was an idiot at eighteen. I had no idea the way women could taste. All I’d wanted to do was take her virginity, so I could feel like a man.

  My cock was pulsing against my pants, and I pulled it out without a second thought. I remembered how her hair splayed across my chest. How wonderfully her hips rode mine underneath the stars at night. My cock leaked all over my hand as I remembered how her tits bounced for me. We’d been watching the stars as my fingertips played with her pussy, and soon she had straddled my lap underneath the summer midnight moon as my dick sank into her warm depths.

  I pumped my cock while I remembered how delicious her kisses tasted. I thrust into my hand, recalling how she moaned every time I marked her skin. I could feel her skin pulsing against my neck, raising the hairs on the back of my neck as her sweet voice suddenly appeared in my ear.

  “I love you, Brandon,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too, Melissa. I’m coming for you. I’ll always come for you.”

  I pumped hard into my hand as my balls curled into my body. My toes tensed, and my legs pulled taut. My hips were off the bed as I groaned out into my room. Her scent was underneath my nose as my come poured onto my work shirt. I stroked my cock, imagining I felt her arm slink around my waist.

  I looked up, and for a split second, I saw her. I saw those golden brown eyes that twinkled with the stars. I saw her rich smile, her gleaming white teeth contrasting with her long, dark hair. I reached over to cup her cheek. I reassured her I still loved her. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t love the woman I married and that it was all just an arrangement and that I’d never stopped wanting her.

  Dreaming of her.

  Wishing for her.

  But as my hand fell upon her cheek, she disappeared. My come slid down my shirt, plopping onto the bed next to me, and I sighed as I smelled her perfume from earlier today filling the caverns of my room.

  My mind was filled with her, and all I wanted to do was help.

  Chapter 8


  “Fuck, Melissa.”

  His cock was plunging into my depth. My toes were curled, and my body was on fire. My tits bounced in his face, and my hips were thrusting. His eyes were stark blue, and his sweating dark hair was dripping into my face. I could taste his come on my lips as he pounded into me, my legs wrapping around his waist while the headboard knocked into the bed.

  “Holy fuck, your pussy’s so tight.”

  My fingernails clawed at his back. I clung to him, reveling in how soft his skin was. His cock was massive between my legs, pressing against the back of my clit as my hand snaked between our bodies. I could feel how swollen I was for him, how desperately my body wanted to come around his cock. My pussy was greedy, massaging him for the thick streams of milky goodness that it wanted to swallow down.

  If only he’d allowed it to slide down my throat earlier.

  “Melissa. Oh shit, Melissa. Just like that. Squeeze me just like that.”

  “Brandon. Oh, yes.”

  My eyes peeled open from my dream with my hands buried between my legs. I was flushed with lust as my fingertips worked my clit with visions of the dream still at the forefront of my mind. I rolled my hips into my own skin, thinking about how real it all felt. How my pussy still throbbed like his cock was still there. How my legs ached from riding his fucking face.

  Holy hell, it had felt so real.

  “Brandon. Yes, Brandon. Just like that. Oh fuck, doctor. You like being called that? Doctor?”

  Faster and faster my fingers swirled as his body jumped back into my mind. Snapshots of me ripping his clothes off. Buttons flying and zippers sounding. His lips had placed open-mouthed kisses along my chest, pulling my nipples between his teeth. He didn’t recoil at my stretch marks, only traced them with the tip of his tongue.

  “Melissa. My Melissa.”

  His words echoed in the forefront of my mind as my toes began to curl. I envisioned him reared back onto his knees, plowing into me with all his might. I thought about how wonderful his grown ass cock would feel pulsing against my walls as my juices spilled out onto my bed. My toes finally curled as my back arched off the bed, his name getting caught in my throat as my orgasm barreled through my body.

  I could feel the sweat trickling down my back as my body quaked with the morning sun rushing along my skin.

  Just as my back dropped to the bed, my alarm went off. I laid there, trying to catch my breath as I heard my daughter stirring in the next room. I gathered myself enough to go wash my hands, making a mental note to change my sheets later. She came wandering into my bathroom, her eyes heavy with sleep as she rubbed them. I smiled at her as her black curly hair stuck to her face, her chubby little cheeks imprinted with her blanket on her cheek.

  “Sleep well?” I asked as I started brushing my teeth.

  “Yeah,” she said slowly.

  “Ready to go to daycare today?” I asked.


  “No? Why not?” I asked.

  “Gotta get clothes on.”

  I giggled at her as I spit the toothpaste in the sink. I went downstairs and made her breakfast so I could get a quick shower, and then I managed to get us ready in record time. We ate, got dressed, and hopped into the car before we started on our way to daycare. Sarah still looked a bit tired as we drove down the road, so I made another mental note to let her teacher know she didn’t sleep well last night.

  Maybe they could nap her in another room so she could get a bit more rest today.

  I kissed her goodbye and watched as her teacher held out her arms for her. Sarah hugged her around her neck before she was picked up, and I couldn’t help giggling at the sight. She was so tired, probably from staying up too late to play with her toys, and her chubby cheeks rested on the teacher’s shoulder as they disappeared behind the locking double doors.

  I went to work and stopped at Ava’s desk. I picked up the small cup of coffee she had sitting there for me, but she was already busy with calls. I could see the furrow of concentration on her brow as she started writing something down, so I took out a pen of my own and ripped off a corner of that piece of paper.

  Dinner tonight? Appointment went well.

  I left her with the note and made my way to the elevator. I stepped in just as someone was getting out, but I was too busy to see who it was.

  That is, until a hand descended lightly onto my forearm.

  “Miss Conway.”

  “Oh, hey there, boss. How are you?” I asked.

  “Good. Listen, I was wondering if we could get together on your lunch break and talk,” he said.

  “Oh. Sure. Is everything all right?” I asked.

  “Yep. Everything’s fine. And don’t worry, lunch is on me. I’ll bring it by your office around, say, twelve thirty?”

  “Sounds wonderful. I’ll be expecting you.”

  I watched my boss walk down the hallway, and then I saw Ava crane her neck around. She waved the note at me before giving me a thumbs up, and I waved to her and blew her a kiss. I stepped into the elevator and made my way to my office, and the entire morning was spent running idiotic calculations, balancing budgets, and wondering what in the world my boss wanted to talk to me about.

  I had just finished running the balance sheets to all the department heads when my boss appeared at my door.

  “Sorry for being late,” I said as I took out my office keys. “I wanted to get those balanced budgets out before lunch.”

  “Not to worry. I only just got here,” he said. “Fancy a burger and fries?”

  “Oh, is it from that place down the road? What’s it called, Hops?”

  “It’s not a burger if it’s not from Hops,” he said, grinning.

  We walked into my office and sat down on the couch at the corner of the room. There was a small coffee table where we could put our stuff, and I was waiting for him to strike up the conversation. Whatever it was he wanted to say or ask, he was more than welcome to. I was just concerned it was about my job performance.

  “I wanted to talk with you about your appointment,” he said.

  “Oh. The therapy appointment?” I asked.

  “Yes. How did it go? How are you feeling?”

  “Well, I suppose it went well. Well enough to schedule one for next week. And I’m feeling like I’m a few more steps closer to figuring out what’s going on.”

  “Good. That’s good,” he said.

  “Is there something wrong?” I asked. “With my job performance, sir?”

  “Oh, no. Holy—no, Melissa. Absolutely not.”

  “Then why are we having lunch? I don’t want to be offensive, but I want to make sure I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “I have a question I want to ask, but it’s a bit embarrassing,” he said.

  “Oh? What kind of question?”

  “I wanted to make sure nothing you were experiencing here was taking a toll on you.”

  “As in?”

  “At the expense of overstepping my boundaries, you’ve been a part of this family here for years. I remember when you first got here. Bright eyed with your shoulders rolled back. You were proud and confident. I knew I’d hired the right person the moment you walked in for your first day.”

  “Thanks,” I said, smiling.

  “I’ve seen the change that’s slowly happened with you. I want to make sure this company isn’t somehow part of that change.”

  “You want to make sure this company isn’t the source of my depression,” I said plainly.

  “They diagnosed you?” he asked.

  “Not officially. But he’s leaning that way, I think. And no. There’s nothing you or the company is doing to contribute to that. If there was, I’d let you know,” I said.

  “Good. Good, good, good. I wanted to make sure. Because if there is, I’m here to talk about it so we can try to find a solution for it.”

  “Thank you, boss. That means a great deal to me.”

  Lunch wrapped up, and I got back to work. I snacked on my fries as I started in on calculating profit percentages and predicting the next quarter’s earnings. The owner wanted these on his desk in order to figure out what to do with the company bonuses for everyone this year, so I wanted to make sure every number was completely accurate.

  By the time I’d delivered the percentages and predictions to my boss, it was time to go home for the day. I packed up my things and swung through to get Sarah. Then I went home and started cooking a meal for the four of us. I knew Ava would bring Logan so the kids could play, which was just fine with me because I wanted her ear to talk to. I wanted to get her opinion on how the session went, especially since I felt so good about it.

  “Smells like lasagna in here!” Ava called out.

  “Logan!” Sarah squealed.

  The kids ran and embraced before they stumbled up to her room. Already I could hear balls being thrown against the wall with Logan’s giggle ringing out in the house. If there was one sound that could fill my chest with pride, it was the sound of children giggling in this house.

  Oh, how it filled my soul.

  “So,” Ava said as she placed a glass of wine next to me. “Spill the beans. How’d it go?”

  “Much better than I thought. He did recognize me, too.”

  “Oh shit. He did? I bet he felt like an ass,” she said.

  “He recognized me instantly, and I could tell he was uneasy. But it was nice talking with him.”

  “Did you talk about what I asked you to?”

  “I did. He was telling me it wasn’t my fault and that if I wanted to place blame, it was a bit Carl’s fault but a lot of the other driver’s fault.”

  “See? That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” she said.

  “I know, I know. It was nice to talk to him, and he looked concerned. You know, like he cared about what I was going through.”

  “He’s one of the most popular psychiatrists in the world. I would fucking hope so,” she said.


  “Yes, honey?” Ava called out

  “Chocolate milk, please?” Logan asked.

  “For dinner, honey. Not right now.”

  “I can make that happen,” I said.

  “He’s been on a massive kick lately. They gave it to him at school, and now that’s all he wants.”

  “I guess it could be worse,” I said.

  “So, did he agree with your doctor’s diagnosis?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so. He said we needed to have a few more sessions for us to dig a bit deeper, which tells me he doesn’t quite agree. And I don’t, either. It’s not like I don’t function,” I said.

  “You made another appointment?”

  “For next week at the same time, yes.”

  “You still have feelings for him, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Nah. I don’t think so.” I could feel the bl
ush rising to my cheeks, and I knew Ava saw it. I clocked her smirk out of the corner of my eye, but all I did was sip my wine. The lasagna still had a few more minutes to cook before I started making the salad, so I tried to occupy my mind with that.

  But all I could think about was Brandon’s sweating body pounding into my hips.

  “I think you still have feelings for him,” she said.

  “I really don’t think I do.”


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