INV 2 - An Invitation, Ariel's Pet

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INV 2 - An Invitation, Ariel's Pet Page 13

by Qwillia Rain

  “Ari, I came here because I want it to be Logan…but…since he's more or less MIA, I'm wondering what the hell I'm still doing here. This is a big waste of time. I think I made a mistake coming here. This isn't for me, I guess.”

  “Are you sure about that? I mean, you seemed so interested in being a submissive.”

  Despite how she'd teased Alayna about her interest in the lifestyle, she never thought her sister would become so disheartened as to give up after two weeks.

  “Yes, I did. But who I want doesn't seem to be interested in me.”

  Ariel muttered, “Sounds like we have the same problem.”

  “What's that?” Alayna asked.

  “Nothing, nothing,” Ariel avoided. She grimaced at the slip. Just because her sister was bummed over her situation didn't mean Alayna wasn't still as sharp as she'd been before she left.

  Ariel reminded herself to be careful not to give too much away.

  “What's going on, Ariel?” Alayna's voice was filled with concern.

  “If it's Logan you want, can't you request he be the one to train you?”


  Oh God, not the tone. She hasn't used that on me since I turned nineteen. Ariel covered her eyes and fought the urge to groan out loud.


  Qwillia Rain

  Alayna was still talking. “What is going on with you? And don't try to bullshit me.”

  She hedged her answer. “I don't like having Dane here. That's all.” Ariel worked to keep her voice neutral and tried to turn the conversation back to the reason her sister had called. “Let's keep this focused on you. If you're thinking about quitting, why are you calling me? Why don't you tell them 'I'm out of here' and come home?”

  “Well, Rick suggested I talk to someone I trust. I'm thinking of throwing in the towel. And there isn't anyone in the world I trust more than you, baby sister.”

  “I love you too, Al. But I want you to be sure.” And she did, Ariel realized. As much as she'd prefer to have her sister back home, to return to the routine Ariel knew and felt safe with, she wanted Alayna to be happy more. “Is there any chance you'll be happy if you give up now?

  Or will you regret not taking this chance?” Ariel winced at her challenging tone.

  “You know me. Eventually I would regret not seeing this through. I'm so frustrated here.”

  Alayna growled.

  “I thought you'd be getting laid like every day.”

  Alayna laughed. “Not once since I've been here. My first obstacle is to learn how to get myself off, but the information Rick gave me on masturbation techniques isn't helping either.

  “Damn, that sucks!” Ariel spat, feeling frustrated for her sister. “They gave you brochures?

  No hands-on stuff?”

  “I'm destined to never come in my life, Ari. Never,” Alayna moaned.

  “Wait a minute.” Ariel leaned back in the chair and shook her head. “Are you saying you're having a hard time getting off?”

  “Well, yeah, Ari. I-I…”

  Ariel knew, as close as they were, Alayna was having a hard time confessing such a personal thing to her. She heard it in her sister's voice.

  In a rush, Alayna explained, “I can't orgasm. That's why I wanted to come here. I was hoping someone might be able to teach me. But it isn't working out well.”

  “It's okay, Al.” She sighed and confessed. “I'm in the same boat.” At least I used to be.

  “Really? Why didn't you say something? Have we never had 'the talk'? How can we discuss everything under the sun but not something as important as this?”

  Remembering the stunning climax Dane had led her to in this very office, she wondered if it was the partner and not the technique that could be causing her sister's frustration. As for discussing sexual satisfaction with her sister, Ariel shuddered at the thought. “Eww, that would be like walking in on Mom and Dad when they had sex.”

  Al groaned. “Nice, Ari. Like I didn't have enough on my mind. Now you present me with that visual.”

  “I love you, Al, but discussing the birds and the bees with your big sister is not my idea of a good time.” She tried to keep it light, but she didn't want to downplay her sister's needs. “Have you talked to Rick about the issue?”

  “Rick's aware and, in the beginning, was eager to help me out. But now all we do is talk.

  I'm supposed to learn about my body and what turns me on before Rick and I can go further.”

  “It's all in the clit.” Ariel winced, then coughed.

  “Excuse me?”

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  “Well, it is, at least according to Dane.” Again she winced and knew Al would pounce on that in a second.

  “Dane? You've been discussing this with Dane but not me?” Alayna sounded surprised.

  “I wouldn't exactly call it discussing—Never mind. Listen, don't give up.”

  “Oh no you don't. You keep turning this conversation back on me, and I want to know what's going on with you.”

  “It's nothing, I swear.”

  Alayna didn't sound convinced. “Are you and Dane—?”

  “It's between Dane and me, and we're working it out. Kinda.”

  “Ari, you're struggling with something. Tell me; I'm here for you.”

  No way was Ariel giving her any ammunition. “I love you too, sis, but I need to take care of this on my own. I need to figure it out.” Again returning the focus to her sister, she added, “I don't want you to give up.”

  “You're leaving me feeling uncomfortable, Ari. Do you want me to come home? Because I will; you say the word.”

  She was so not going to be the reason her sister gave up. And she sure as shit wasn't going to let Dane say she had reneged on their bet by having Alayna come home. Winning was her only option, but she wasn't about to push aside her sister's wishes to do so. “I only want you to come home if you think you can't get what you need there.”

  “If I leave now, I know down the road I'll kick my ass for not seeing this through. But I'm so frustrated. Maybe I should speak with Dane. If I decide to leave, I have to give notice.”

  “Talk to him.” But keep your hands off hovered on the tip of Ariel's tongue, making her even more uneasy at the feelings Dane stirred up.

  “I will, I promise. I'll let Rick know I need a meeting, and he'll get in touch with Dane.”

  “Sounds good. I want you to be happy, Al. And satisfied with your decision, and not because I'd love to have you back home and the surf bum out of my hair.”

  “Thanks. I want you happy too, but you don't sound it right now.” Always the big sister, Alayna would try to think of ways to make things easier for Ariel. “Listen, I know I'm not allowed calls here, but take down Rick's cell number. If you need me for anything, you call it, and he'll get the message to me.”

  “Thanks.” Ariel wrote down the number. For the next few minutes she updated Alayna on the different happenings at the café and answered her questions.

  “All right, I've got to go, kid,” Alayna said when there was nothing else to share. “I love you. Behave. And please, please, please, try to get along with Dane until I come home. I'll be back before you know it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Getting along with Dane wasn't the problem, but Ariel wasn't about to let her sister know that. “I love you too, Al. And come home when you're ready.”

  Ariel held the phone in her hand for a moment, her mind trying to process what her sister had said. Alayna's training at A Master's Gift had seemed like the perfect fantasy adventure for her sister to take, even if Ariel regretted talking Alayna into it. Now, though, Ariel worried it was causing more harm than good.


  Qwillia Rain

  “It's not like I'm an expert when it comes to sex,” she muttered as she leaned back in the chair. Glancing around the office, she tried to avoid the images her mind supplied of Dane's directions four nights earlier and the shattering climax she'd experienced.
  “Al should be getting that, not me,” she grumbled. Heat filled her cheeks as her gaze fell on the sofa.

  The experience had eased the frustration that had plagued her since the morning she'd failed to finish with her new toy, but in its place she had another problem—an embarrassing one if a certain Dom tripped over her blue vibrator while working in the office. Rising from the desk, she pushed the coffee table out of the way and dropped to her knees in front of the sofa. “Where is that damned thing?” She shook her head. “I know I dropped it right here.”

  Leaning over, her ass in the air, her cheek nearly flat on the carpet, she scanned the area underneath the sofa and found nothing. The batteries and bottle of lube were safe in the brown paper bag she'd stashed in the back of one of the desk drawers, but the toy had been missing when she woke on the sofa Sunday.

  “Hmmm, I think I've asked this before, but I guess it bears repeating. Looking for something?” Dane's voice teased from behind her.

  She hadn't heard him enter. Ariel was sure the way she popped up at the sound of his voice, she must look like a squirrel that had spotted a newly fallen acorn, her eyes wide and mouth open before she was able to compose herself. Scrambling to her feet, she brushed at the knees of her slacks. Dane leaned against the desk, arms crossed over his chest and legs crossed at the ankle.

  “No, not really…” Ariel started to reply.

  “I'm surprised you came back. Although after the other night, I might start thinking you like having me tell you what to do.”

  The way he watched her made Ariel curse the fire she knew was in her eyes and the way her back went rigid, both obvious clues that she'd taken his bait. “I could say the same about you after Saturday morning.” She tucked her hands in her pockets and eased past the coffee table and closer to the door.

  “You might, but then I would have to point out that you're the one who came into the office.” He smiled at her.

  “Only to use the phone.”

  “And that makes me curious about why you would break the rules of A Master's Gift and subject your sister to punishment?”

  “I—No—I didn't do that.” Her eyes went wide again. She thought back to what her sister had told her before leaving for the mansion. Could Al really be punished for calling her? And how did he know that it was her sister she was talking to? Maybe he was simply guessing. It wouldn't be a huge leap for him to think she and Al would talk on the phone if they were apart.

  He knew how close she and her sister were. The comments he'd made about how long she and Al had avoided separation from one another reflected that understanding.

  “You were on the phone with her a few minutes ago, weren't you?”

  The look in his eyes stopped her before she could voice the lie about to form on her lips.

  “Think seriously before you answer, Ariel.”

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  “Why?” She swallowed, her gaze flickering to the door before returning to him. Neutral territory was her best bet. If she could make it to the door and into the dining area…

  “You have one punishment coming for talking to your sister. You lie to me, and you'll earn a second.”

  “Punishment?” She puffed up with indignation. “I never agreed to—”

  “But you did. When you agreed I was the boss in the office, you agreed to follow my instructions no matter what,” Dane reminded her.

  “But you never said I couldn't talk to my sister.” Ariel stepped closer, fists propped on her hips.

  “Ah, but that was a rule well understood by both you and Alayna when she agreed to be trained at the mansion.” Dane shrugged. “You break the rule, you deal with the consequences.”

  “And Alayna? Will she have consequences?”


  “From Rick?”

  Dane shrugged again. “Rick or…someone else.” Striding forward, he smoothed his hand up her arm and curled it around her nape. “Right now you should focus on the punishment I'll be meting out.”

  Ariel could have cursed her body's reaction. A blossom of heat radiated from the apex of her thighs. Her breasts tingled, and her nipples pressed against the silk cups of her bra. When she most yearned to distance herself from Dane, her body fought hard to draw closer to him.

  “So what's it going to be, Master Reese?” She infused as much disdain into her tone as possible and hoped he wouldn't know it for the lie it was. “A spanking? A command to suck you off?” Ariel ached to experience both, but she'd be damned if he ever learned that.

  “You really are going to have to learn a bit more about the lifestyle, Tink.” The calm and understanding in his blue eyes only increased Ariel's frustration.

  The damned man did not lose his cool. Why? Was it the dominant in him that held the reins on his behavior? Wasn't there something she could do to get past his control? She tried to push his buttons again. “Okay, so if I'm so ignorant, give me a little lesson or two on it.”

  Dane shook his head and stepped away, his hand slid from her collar and transferred to the pocket of his slacks. “You aren't prepared to listen, Ariel. I can see that. When you're ready, we'll have a long discussion about it.”

  Pulling a key from his pocket, he rubbed the pad of his thumb along the ridges. “What you need to do now is remove your clothes and go take a seat on the sofa.”

  “I don't—”

  “You don't get to choose, Ariel, remember. That was our deal.” He ignored her protest, went to the desk, and leaned down to unlock one of the drawers while she watched him.

  “What about Sadie and DeeDee?” Ariel's heart pounded in her breast. Had he found the bag she'd stashed in the desk? Her palms grew wet, and she rubbed them against her thighs.

  “They could walk in.”

  Dane shook his head as he pulled a brown paper bag from the drawer before shutting it again. “No. The girls left as I was coming back in.”

  “The front door?”


  Qwillia Rain

  “Is locked. As is the rear door.” Stepping past her, Dane set the bag on the coffee table.

  “Take off your clothes, Ariel.”

  Ariel kept her gaze on Dane as she toed off her sneakers. Her fingers worked the buttons of her chef's coat loose from collar to hem. She pulled it off her shoulders and took a moment to fold it before she passed it to his outstretched hand. Her slacks, panties, bra, and socks followed.

  “Now sit down.” Dane motioned to the sofa before sliding the buttons at the cuffs of his dress shirt free and rolling them back to the elbow.

  Ariel settled onto the cushion, grimacing at the chilled leather touching her bare bottom.

  She could feel the heat of embarrassment fill her face. The sensation grew worse due to the moisture developing in her pussy and the tight beading of her nipples as he watched her take a seat.

  “Last time I showed you how touch can increase arousal and provide climax.”

  He sounded like a damned instructional video. Ariel smirked and rolled her eyes. “Yes.”

  “And you learned you can come without having something in your pussy.”

  He scooted the coffee table closer to the sofa. Taking a seat on the thick oak table, he faced her and smiled. “This time I'm going to show you how a lover, without your direction, can satisfy you.”

  “Yeah, right.” Ariel snorted.

  “Open your legs and put your feet on the table.”

  “Excuse me?” Ariel watched him reach for the bag.

  “Feet on the table, legs open, Ariel. One on each side of me.” His blue eyes were cool, direct, no amusement whatsoever.

  With a huff, Ariel did as instructed. Her gaze focused on the wall beyond his shoulder.

  Fingers on both hands tapped out a rhythm against the cushions on either side of her hips. “You wanted to be a gynecologist, didn't you?” She dared to meet his gaze and cocked up the brow over her left eye. “I mean, it's the only explanation for your repeated determinat
ion to put me in these ridicu—”

  The stroke of his fingers over her sensitive flesh stole the rest of her complaint. She arched upward into his touch. The rasp of calloused fingers over her labia and down to the damp opening beneath brought a cry of surprise from Ariel. Or perhaps it was desire—she wasn't sure.

  One finger rimmed her vagina. She didn't dare look down, fighting the embarrassment whispering through her at the evidence of her arousal glistening on her pussy and beginning to wet the leather beneath her. The advance of his digits in her swelling folds and the way his fingertips rolled through the natural lubrication her body produced made her twist on the seat.

  She could feel him gathering the fluid before running his touch upward to coax the hidden knot of nerves from beneath its hood.

  Ariel's breasts throbbed, her nipples painfully tight. Her hips surged upward and rocked into his touch. The muscles in her thighs tightened as she shifted to brace her feet more firmly on the slippery oak surface of the coffee table.

  Dane's ministrations yielded faster results than hers had during their previous encounter in the office. “Please.” Ariel gasped. Her fingers scratched at the cushions for purchase.

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  Dane's expression remained smooth, unfazed. His free hand shifted to the bag and reached inside. Ariel knew her eyes went wide when he pulled out the blue vibrator she'd been looking for earlier.

  “Were you looking for this, sprite?” Dane asked. The twinkle in his blue eyes stirred her interest as much as the touch of his fingers.

  The stroke of his hand stole her voice. Barely able to breathe, let alone speak, Ariel only nodded and rocked her hips upward, pressing her clit against the pads of his fingers, wanting the pressure she hoped would assuage the ache.

  “No.” Dane shook his head. His hand left her crease to pull the bottle of lube from the bag.

  “You don't direct the play.”

  Setting the toy in his lap, Dane used his left hand over her lower abdomen. He pressed down, stilled her motions, forcing her to wait. A sound—not quite a growl, yet not a whimper—


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