Dragon Knight Of Khoth

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Dragon Knight Of Khoth Page 19

by Brenda Trim

  Cambree was lost in a haze of what seemed like endless burning and tearing. Each time Mack moved her hands Cambree’s bones and muscles felt as if they were being set on fire and then pulled apart, but then a cooling sensation immediately followed.

  “This is an intricate one, Winky-Dink. It’s going to take me some time to work through each layer. Sure you don’t want something for the pain?” Mack paused, but never took her hands from Cambree’s body. Sweat beaded the spirited female’s brow, causing her spiky black hair to lay flat against her forehead.

  “No, keep going if you can.”

  “You got it,” Mack said and continued what she was doing.

  Her hands moved and shifted causing the agony to build. Cambree managed to remain silent for fifteen minutes until Mack’s hands moved in a twisted arc over her heart. It felt like an icicle stabbed her organ, and she screamed out loud.

  Lorne squeezed her hands and kissed her cheek while Mack swiped an arm across her sweaty face. “Almost done,” the female muttered. Several more movements of her hands and the pain disappeared.

  Suddenly, Cambree’s dragon roared to life, and tears of happiness streamed down Cambree’s face.

  “And, that folks, is why I’m the Patron Saint of Khoth.” Mack’s sarcastic remark brought a bout of laughter from the group, and Kyran stood beside his mate, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

  “Oh my Gods!” Cambree exclaimed and pulled Mack into a hug. “You did it. I can feel her again. Is my mark back?” she asked and looked to Lorne.

  Lorne peered inside her gown and smiled. “Yes, beautiful one. You’re going to be just fine. Mack, I don’t’ know what to say except you are a true warrioress. I can never repay you for what you’ve done today.”

  “You can repay me by getting mated and naming your first dragon after me,” the female said and wrapped her arm around Kyran’s waist.

  “What do you say, Cam? Will you mate me?” Lorne asked.

  Cambree’s heart was too full for her chest and threatened to break through the protective cage that surrounded it. “Yes!” she blurted.

  Lorne leaned over and claimed her lips. She heard someone say they should give them some privacy, but Cambree paid no attention to the others in the room. She was too busy kissing her mate.

  * * *

  Chapter 21

  “Girl, that dress is slammin’,” Mack spouted as she entered the room. Cambree turned and smiled. “And, you look much better than a few days ago,” Mack observed as she joined Cambree’s mom, Elysia, and the two queens. To Cambree’s surprise, they insisted on helping her get ready for her big day.

  She and Lorne didn’t wait to schedule their ceremony. Neither of them wanted to waste another second apart. She came too close to dying and was done questioning everything. Her blessing from the Gods was returned, and Fate was smiling upon them.

  “I’m much better, thanks to the Patron Saint of Khoth,” Cambree joked.

  Elsie rolled her eyes and groaned. “Geez, you’ve got the poor woman convinced you’re royalty.”

  “Not royalty, El. A saint. There’s a difference,” Mack said with a wink.

  “Speaking of which,” Cambree interjected, “I have a gift for you, Mack. I had to go to one of your competitors so it would be a surprise. I hope that’s alright,” she explained as she reached for the gift bag by the vanity, and handed it to the spiky-haired female.

  “A present for me? You shouldn’t have,” Mack boasted with a wide smile, “but, I’m thrilled you did,” she added with a laugh.

  Cambree watched Mack dig into the bag with fervor. She pulled out the garment and held it up. “Holy shit! This is perfect!” she exclaimed and turned the t-shirt to where the others could see it.

  “Do you like it?” Cambree asked as she stared at the custom-made top. It said Patron Saint of Khoth across the top and beneath the words was a cartoon image of a spiky-haired female holding a tiny dragon in her hand.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? It’s winky-dink Mack,” the female shrieked. “Of course, I love it! And, just this once, I’ll let it slide that you didn’t ask me to make it. Thanks, bitch,” Mack said and hugged Cambree so tight the breath whooshed from her lungs.

  “Don’t worry, Cam. Mack means that in the nicest way possible,” Elsie said with a shake of her head.

  “Well, to me, you’re a true heroine,” Cambree’s mom added. “And, not only because you saved my daughter. You also saved Keira and brought Angus back to Khoth. The Gods knew what they were doing when they sent you here all those months ago,” Trina divulged.

  “And, I’ve been doing their work ever since. Lazy fucks,” Mack muttered making Trina gape at the female.

  “No. You’re simply the best for the job, and the Gods recognize that,” Keira said happily and then Cambree heard music outside the window. “I’d say that’s our cue. It’s time to mate your dragon.”

  Cambree swallowed past the lump in her throat. She was suddenly overcome with emotion. No words left her mouth, and she nodded as she stood from the vanity chair. Their small group exited the room, and Cambree spotted her father waiting outside the door. The others walked ahead, and Godrich grabbed her elbow, stopping her movement.

  “I cannot tell you how happy I am today. Not because you’re getting mated but because I know you’ve found true love, sweetie. It’s written all over your lovely face. Enjoy this moment, and thank the Gods for bringing you and Lorne together,” he stated and leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek.

  “Thank you, Papa. I am eternally grateful for my blessings, and for your constant love and support,” she replied and kissed her father’s cheek. “Now, take me to my dragon,” Cambree added with a wide smile.

  “Absolutely,” Godrich said with a wink and guided Cambree toward her future.

  As they reached the courtyard, Cambree’s breath caught. To her surprise, the area chosen for her ceremony was the same location where King Angus and Queen Keira were mated. And, it was decorated just as lavishly. Thousands of sprites glowed in the night sky, and the lavender hue of the moon was the perfect backdrop. Each flower in the garden was in full bloom, and their petals opened to the sky as if celebrating the occasion.

  Cambree’s heart leaped in her chest when she spotted Lorne. Her handsome knight waited impatiently, shifting foot to foot. Legette and Angus stood next to him, beaming ear from ear. Lorne’s green eyes met hers, and he stopped fidgeting then smiled. Butterflies took flight in her belly as she walked toward her mate.

  She’d always thought Lorne looked sexy in battle leathers, but to see him in a suit was beyond scrumptious, and her mouth watered at the sight. The white button-down shirt highlighted his dark skin tone, and the black jacket and slacks were tailored to perfection. He was the quintessential combination of distinguished and rugged. And, he belonged to Cambree.

  She smiled when Lorne’s gaze perused the length of her dark green dress. Mack was right about the plunging neckline, she thought as she watched his eyes fill with lust. All that mattered to Cambree was that her gown matched her mate’s eye color as was the Cuelebre custom.

  Heat suffused the back of her neck, and Cambree prayed she wasn’t going into heat. Her hormones were in overdrive as it was. She didn’t need to add uncontrollable arousal to the mix. She took several deep breaths as her father walked her down the long path leading to her mate. When she reached Lorne’s side, he grabbed her hand.

  “You take my breath, beautiful one,” he whispered in her ear.

  “So do you,” she muttered then felt her cheeks redden. She felt clumsy and awkward and didn’t know how to act. It was all so overwhelming.

  “Hey, this is about you and me. Nobody else. Focus on me, and my love for you,” Lorne declared, and Cambree gazed into green eyes that melted her heart.

  “Okay,” she agreed, and they took their place in front of King Angus.

  From the corner of her eye, she could see her father and mother. They stood holding hands, and Cambree hoped
she and Lorne would have the same devotion after centuries together.

  The king lifted his hands, and a hush fell over the crowd. This moment would forever be etched in her mind, and it was perfect. Luckily, there was no fear of Cyril ruining her special day with an unexpected attack. Not only were cannons along the castle walls, but Angus also called in three witches from the Tehrex realm. Their magic, combined with the Cuelebre shaman, provided new protections for the city.

  “It hasn’t been long since I returned to Khoth, but I can honestly say conducting mating ceremonies is one of my favorite privileges as king. I am honored to join one of our most valuable Máahes and his chosen,” Angus declared and opened his mouth, exhaling dragon smoke.

  The white cloud formed above their heads and made Cambree’s skin tingle all over. She glanced at Lorne and saw the awe on his features as the king reached up with his index finger and drew the Gods rune. The moment the symbol was complete, blue light pulsed outward and lit up the night sky. Everyone’s attention went upward. The colorful sight was familiar, but it meant so much more to Cambree now that it symbolized the beginning of her mating ceremony. The sprites were energized by the magic and danced about in joyful abandon.

  “Cambree has chosen Lorne, and they are to be united for all of eternity. Family and friends have gathered to join in the celebration of their love and commitment.” Angus recited then traced a Uniting rune in his dragon smoke.

  “With a touch of your hands, you reach each other’s thoughts,” Angus added. Lorne squeezed her hand, and his joy, relief and arousal, which mirrored the emotions churning through her body, instantly bombarded Cambree. “With a gaze, you touch each other’s soul.”

  Cambree stared into green eyes and knew she found the one male that would adore her for all eternity.

  “Your gaze fell upon me, and brought me life,” Lorne vowed.

  “Your kiss touched my lips, and reached my heart,” Cambree added then Lorne bent and gently pressed his mouth to hers.

  A tendril of her soul left her chest and twined with Lorne’s. It filled every cell in her body, rejoicing at their union.

  “I vow to love you as my most precious treasure. To put you in the highest place of honor and respect. To stand as your pillar of support, and shoulder of strength. To cherish and care for you, for all the days of my life,” Lorne pledged to her.

  “And, I promise from this day forward, I will give you all my love, and you shall not walk alone. As your love is my anchor, and your trust my strength, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home. As the smoke rune bonds our pledge, it has no beginning and no end. And so shall my love for you, until the end of time,” Cambree returned.

  “The pledge you’ve made in front of these witnesses is everlasting and unbreakable. You will walk together through deep green forests and on shores of white sand. You are the star of each night, the brightness of every morning, and the story of each guest,” Angus continued. “May your future be blessed with many dragonettes,” the king murmured and smiled at Cambree. He knew she struggled with her Tuya blessing, yet understood how far she’d come to reach this moment. “And now, it’s time to seal the bond with your mating flight.”

  Cambree accepted the container of glass beads formed at her Civappu. “Ready, beautiful one?” Lorne asked with a smile.

  “Uh huh,” Cambree said with a gulp as she took a deep breath and turned. This was the hardest part for her, and her knees shook as Lorne unzipped her dress.

  For dragons, this was a natural and beautiful part of the ceremony, but her nerves were frayed as she glanced to the crowd. Cambree wished she were bold and secure, but the truth was, she wanted to run and hide. It was embarrassing to undress in front of a group, even if they were close friends and family.

  Suddenly, Cambree’s gaze landed on her parents, and she felt their unconditional love. She saw pride, admiration, and pure elation in their tear-filled eyes. She had no reason to be embarrassed. This was her time with Lorne, and she needed to embrace every aspect.

  Her trepidation evaporated, and she returned her parent’s smile. She turned to her sexy mate and allowed her happiness to shine. Lorne winked then quickly shed his clothing. It was time to fly with her mate.

  Their friends and family spread out to allow room for their dragons. Cambree placed the jar on the ground and summoned her beast. In a flash of bright light, she shifted. Her large, slate-gray dragon stood before Lorne and trumpeted to the heavens. He handed her the container of glass and quickly shifted. Another blast of light and his dragon emerged. She acknowledged his beast stood much taller than hers, and Cambree felt its power course through her body. It was exhilarating, and she couldn’t wait to fly beside him. His dragon trumpeted and angled its head in invitation. She launched into the air, clutching the beads in her talons. Moments later, Lorne passed her in the sky, and Cambree increased her speed, following him straight toward the purple moon.

  “It’s time to call your dragon fire, Mate,” she instructed.

  His dragon nodded, and a second later its wide chest heaved. When its jaws opened, Cambree tipped the jar and dumped the colorful beads. Lorne released his fire, and the heat and flames melted the glass pieces. They twisted and sizzled as mist filled the sky, and the glass fused together.

  Cambree startled when lightning flashed, and struck the glass sculpture, morphing the shape even further. It plummeted to the ground and landed in a cushion of smoke provided by the king’s rune.

  Lorne flew next to Cambree, and they glanced at their sculpture. She could easily see the countless branches and twists to their mating sculpture. The shape of a tree was distinctive, but Cambree also saw a heart in the middle. Theirs was a true love that would grow strong roots, and stand the test of time.

  “I never knew I could feel this way. I’m so glad you were my first,” she murmured.

  “First and only,” he corrected with a chuckle. “Beautiful one, you are my everything. I’m a dragon knight, not a poet, but I promise to love you until my very last breath,” Lorne declared and blasted a sheet of fire that arched above them.

  Cambree raced toward her mate and trumpeting her love for all to hear.

  Lorne couldn’t wipe the smile from his face, no matter how hard he tried. It was official. He and Cambree were mated. He was filled with a purpose he didn’t know existed. All he wanted was to love and protect her. More importantly, he needed to claim her in every way. He glanced to his alluring mate and shot her a knowing look.

  Pink tinged her cheeks, and her freckles darkened as she nodded shyly. Gods, he adored her.

  “We’re in the middle of our celebration. Wouldn’t it be rude to leave?” Cam asked mentally.

  Mated dragons shared a deeper level of intimacy; therefore they could send mental images along with their thoughts.

  “I need you. I can’t wait,” Lorne murmured and sent a picture of his intent once they were alone.

  Cambree’s blush deepened as their gazes locked. Her lust was evident even before the scent of her arousal reached his nostrils. Lorne’s shaft immediately hardened, and he was tempted to grab his mate and take her to their room.

  Unfortunately, she had a valid point. They were in the middle of their mating celebration, and Lorne didn’t think her parents would appreciate their disappearance. Angus would understand, and so would Legette. Both knew the inescapable draw of a mate.

  Lorne watched Cambree run a finger over the heart in the middle of their glass sculpture. “It’s my heart. You own every piece of it now,” he murmured, bending down to kiss her cheek.

  The quiver to her body made his cock jerk with need. To hell with the guests, he thought as he grabbed her in his arms.

  “And, you said you aren’t a poet,” she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Lorne chuckled and claimed Cambree’s lips. “I’m about to romance the fuck out of you,” he murmured against her mouth.

  Without looking back, Lorne trusted one of his friends to look aft
er their sculpture and make excuses for why they were leaving. Cheers and clapping exploded as they walked away, and Cambree buried her face in his neck, embarrassed by the attention.

  When they stepped inside Tatenen, Lorne nearly toppled on the stairs when Cambree nibbled his ear. His groan echoed around them. “You’re playing with fire, beautiful one. If you’re not careful, I might take you right here where anyone could see.”

  “Then hurry up,” she chided, surprising him.

  Lorne raised an eyebrow as he stared at his mate. “Look who’s gone all bossy. Is this what I have to look forward to now that we’re mated?” he teased as he picked up his pace.

  “Yep. Didn’t you know Tuyas turn into sea hags once mated?” Cam countered, and he squeezed her ass in response.

  Cambree squealed and squirmed in his arms which caused her dress to shift, and gave Lorne a perfect view of her breasts. He recalled the time he watched her in the gym, and how he felt guilty for staring. Now, she belonged to him, and he could gawk and grope for the rest of his days. He was a lucky sonovabitch.

  “You’re so sexy,” he confessed as they reached the bedroom. Lorne opened the door and smiled when Cambree gasped.

  “Who did all this?” she exclaimed as he set her on her feet. She stepped into the room and gazed at numerous lit candles scattered throughout the suite.

  “I think Elysia did it. When Angus asked which room I wanted for tonight, I told him I didn’t care as long as it had a view of the gardens,” he explained as he guided her to the open window.

  Cambree glanced across the lush grounds then turned back to Lorne and smiled. “It’s perfect. Everything about tonight has been perfect,” she stated and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “The night is just getting started,” he husked and cupped her face. “I hope you’re not tired, beautiful one,” he stated then claimed her lips.

  Sweet sherulla exploded across his tongue as he forced her lips to part. Cambree moaned, and Lorne latched onto her ass, tugging her against his aching cock.


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