Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4 Page 8

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Now you know the next step, which is to go and talk to her. I think we deserve to share a pizza and beer, and you can sleep on the sofa tonight.”

  “You know I’d love to but I’m not sure it’s a good idea in light of the gossip that’s already out there.”

  “It’s out there and whether you do or don’t, they’ll have had you sleeping here.”

  She’s right about that.

  Shaking my head, I smile at my friend. “I’ll stay…but only because you have a new comfy couch.”

  “And here I was thinking it’s my delightful personality that had you staying.”



  A warm mug of coffee is in my hands as I stare down the road at the other cabin that has been sold. Aiden’s truck is parked outside.

  The realtor sign has been gone for about a week and until now I had no idea that anyone had moved in. With all the rumors floating around, my gut told me that it was Rae who’d bought the place, and with Aiden’s truck being there it’s obvious she has.

  Aiden had told me that they were only friends, like brother and sister, so why was his truck parked outside before sunrise? I’ve been sitting on my front porch since about four thirty, unable to sleep. He’s evidently been there prior to that point, otherwise I would have seen him arrive.

  Taking a sip of the lukewarm coffee, my hands shake with having the evidence of Aiden’s lie in my face. I want to believe that he told me the truth, but with not talking to him for weeks my confidence in us ever being together has gone straight down to zero.

  Swiping at the tears slowly running down my cheeks, I know that I’m going to have to talk to him soon because I can’t keep avoiding him, especially when I’m constantly at his family’s horse farm. It’s become tiring and I can’t carry on.

  I need to ask him outright what’s going on and whether or not we have any chance, because the not knowing about Rae and him, and him and me, has left me feeling very alone. I have a feeling what his answer will be, but I need to hear him tell me that he’s with Rae so I can finally try and move on.

  Either way, my life is now my own and I’m determined to enjoy it as best I can, regardless of my slowly breaking heart.

  Rubbing where it aches, I stand and move inside with one final glance down the road. At that moment the door to the other cabin opens and out steps Aiden looking delicious in his jeans and checkered shirt, and holding Rae’s hand in his. He tugs her to him and wraps an arm around her shoulders before he lifts her up and into his truck. They’re laughing as though they don’t have a care in the world…my heart breaks into a million pieces as I realize that I at least have my answer.


  “Remind me never to stay over at your place again. My back hurts,” I grumble over to Rae sitting beside me in my truck. She looks fresh and well slept while I spent the whole damn night tossing and turning from thoughts of Sarah and the lumpy sofa that I’d originally thought comfortable.

  “Poor baby.” Rae smirks. “You need to go and see Sarah. Perhaps she’ll forgive you for being a dick and offer to massage all your aches away.”

  “I’d be so lucky.”

  “Aiden,” she starts, her voice serious, “please don’t let her walk away from you because of your stubbornness. I can see how special she is to you. After breakfast you need to track her down and start acting like the guy who is in love with her.” Rae fluffs her hair and pouting, coats her lips with pale pink lip gloss.

  Little does she know that I’m well aware of Sarah’s whereabouts. I saw Greg carrying a box of stuff into the cabin farther down the street. Sarah had told me about the place, but I had no idea that she had moved in.

  Rae raises a brow. “So is that a yes I hear?”

  I roll my eyes and chuckle. “I’ll talk to her after I drop you back at home.”

  “I’ll accept that especially since I don’t want to be stuck at your home with Diego.” She shudders. “What’s his story? Doesn’t he realize how old I am?”

  She’s referring to Diego’s flirting, which he does every time Rae is close. “I’ve told you before he only keeps doing it because you give as good as you get back, which only encourages him.”

  “So today I’ll ignore him, huh? We’ll see if it works.”

  I smile to myself because her silence will only make him worse, but she doesn’t need to know that.

  I’m looking forward to the early breakfast today. Lucia told me Kasey would be there, having flown home on a late flight the night before.

  My brother has changed over the past few months and it drives me nuts not being able to get a take on him or what’s going on in his life. My thirty-one-year-old brother plays professional hockey on the Rangers team, which keeps him away from home too much and I miss him.

  Until I came home from the Formula One circuit in Europe, I had no idea just how much I’d missed my family and being around them.

  You get one family and mine are amazing and we’re all close. No matter how much we’re apart, when we’re together it’s like we’ve never been apart.

  So pulling up beside Kasey’s truck, I smile and rush Rae out and into the kitchen to find my brother resting his hip against the countertop, drinking coffee.

  I grin and just about give him time to put his coffee down before I drag him into my arms for one hell of a hug. “I missed you.”

  My eyes snag on Diego who quietly leans against the doorjamb behind Rae. His eyes are fixed on her with a serious expression on his face, and for the first time I wonder whether his excessive flirting is to cover up how much he likes her.

  I frown as Kasey says, “Missed you too, bro.” He hits me on the back and pushes me away. Turning, he grins at Rae. “My brother’s been holding out on me…He didn’t tell me you were gorgeous.” He slides a look at me before he moves closer to Rae. “You’re family, so it means I can do this.” He tugs Rae into his arms and gives her a hug.

  My eyes move back to Diego and widen when I see jealousy flickering in his eyes before he closes them. When he meets my gaze all emotion is wiped clean, which makes me wonder whether or not I imagined it.

  Diego steps into the kitchen and gives Kasey a shove. “Get off my lady.” He carries on moving toward the coffee machine. Pouring himself a cup, he glares at a laughing Kasey and an annoyed Rae.

  “I am not nor will I ever be your lady.” Rae proceeds to ignore my youngest brother, but not before I catch the once over she gives him in his gym shorts. She turns and smiles at Kasey, saying, “But I wouldn’t mind being yours.” She winks at him, and adds, “At least with you I wouldn’t feel like I was cradle snatching.”

  Of course that sets Kasey off, and he howls with laughter, tears running down his whisker covered face. “I like you.” He points at Rae.

  I watch Diego, my frown deepening. He slams his cup down, snapping off the handle.

  All eyes land on Diego as he gets up from the table and tosses the cup into the trash before he faces us.

  Kasey wraps an arm around Diego, chuckling. I shake my head at them and watch Rae. She has a small blush on her face and I’m not surprised since both my younger brothers are standing before her flexing their pecks while only wearing low-slung gym shorts.

  “You both need to find shirts before Lucia catches you.” I sling my arm around Rae and usher her into a chair. “I’ll grab us some coffee.”

  I shove Diego out of the way so I can reach the machine and glare at him. He grins and sits opposite Rae, who won’t look at him.

  I guess I need to start paying more attention because there’s something…and I’m not sure what or even if I want to know.

  “Lucia will be in here soon. She’s in the lounge talking on the phone with Emelia,” Diego offers after Kasey disappears down the hall to his bedroom. “She wants advice about neutral colors for the baby’s room. Poor Dante.” Diego shakes his head and grins. “I’m going to head over there once this fire that I’ve been called up to is under control.”

My heart freezes at his words. I really hate that Diego is on a hotshot crew.

  He refuses to meet my gaze but when he stands, I step in front of him. “You be careful.” I hug him and feel Rae’s hand on my back.

  “Be safe, Diego,” she quietly offers, holding Diego’s gaze.

  Diego hesitates, watching Rae, and I see when he makes the decision about his next move. He tugs Rae into his arms and holds her close, then he cups her face between his large hands and places a gentle kiss to her forehead before walking away.

  Rae doesn’t say anything but sits back down and takes a sip of her coffee, her hands unsteady.

  Clearing my throat, I greet Lucia, “We were promised waffles.”

  I’ll think more on Rae and Diego when my own life isn’t so messed up.



  My front garden is bursting with color, thanks to the previous owner and his green fingers. When he’d died the property had overgrown with weeds, but with some hard work before moving in I had it looking like a garden once again. I’m out watering it now when I hear a truck pull up. I know who it is and am not surprised. He dropped Rae off minutes before and now he’s here.

  My heart thumps in my chest and I really wish this confrontation wasn’t about to happen but I suppose it’s best to get it over with.

  I feel his eyes on me, so I slowly place the watering can down, and turn to face him. My eyes roam over his body and my mouth still waters at the sight of him in denim.

  His eyes are as focused on me as mine are on him and when our gazes finally lock, I remind myself why I haven’t made any effort to get in touch with him…and my reason is the redhead down the street.

  “You lost?” I ask, and see his mouth tighten.

  “No, are you?”

  I close my eyes and breathe through my temper at Aiden before I snap them open and answer, “I know exactly where I am. I’m in my new home.”

  “Greg?” he asks.

  “Greg is living with his boyfriend. He and I are in the process of getting a divorce.”

  Aiden steps close until we’re nearly toe-to-toe. “After all this time, you’re finally getting a divorce and you have this place, which I’m presuming is yours and not his,” he drops his hands to his sides and whispers, “and you’ve been avoiding me. Why?” He’s upset, and considering where he slept last night, I don’t understand why.

  Sighing, I respond, “I didn’t think my single status mattered to you anymore.” I shrug and head inside, hoping he’ll leave.

  In the kitchen, I look out the window as my fingers grip the sink in front of me. I need to hold in my tears, but one escapes.

  “Sarah?” he whispers from behind me.

  I dip my head when I feel his hands on my hips.

  “I sent a couple of messages at first, but then they all kept saying undelivered. I figured you’d blocked me. Then I heard you’d gone out of town with Greg…I didn’t know what to think. I waited for you to get in touch with me, but you never did.”

  I swallow and try to control my tears, but they fall anyway as I admit, “Greg blocked you on my phone. I had no idea and he only told me yesterday. As for going out of town, that was to talk to his lawyer about the divorce…I’ve heard the gossip, Aiden.” His caressing thumbs freeze on my hip.

  “I told you that there was nothing between Rae and me,” he growls and then sighs, dropping his chin to my shoulder.

  His closeness and having his hands on me makes me want to forget why I’ve kept my distance, but it’s not so easy to forget.

  “I couldn’t sleep last night so I sat on the front porch and watched the sunrise…I saw you and Rae, Aiden. I know you spent the night at her place.”

  I slip out of his slackened grip. “I think it’s best if you leave and we both forget that there was ever anything between us.”

  “No,” Aiden hisses the minute the words escape my mouth. “No way. You might be able to forget”—he corners me—“but, I can’t…and I won’t.”

  His body against mine is so full of energy that it’s all I can do not to throw myself into his arms and beg him to take me. This is the Aiden I fell in love with and I realize that I’ve hurt him with my words.

  “I’m not going to tell you again, so listen to me…I have never, not once, considered Rae as anything except a friend or a sister. That is all. Last night I drank beer and shared a pizza with her. I slept on the sofa. The gossipmongers are always going to be around putting their own spin on things. But I’m telling you that you are the only woman I want, and the one and only reason I stayed away is because I thought that was what you wanted. I guess I better admit that I also wanted you to be the one to come to me this time. I wanted to know that I meant enough to you to risk that.” He dips his head.

  My hands reach up and caress his face. “Oh, Aiden. You mean everything to me, but with you staying away and then Rae, I thought you’d gotten fed up with waiting for me to be free. I’m sorry.”

  Aiden shakes his head. “I’m sorry, too, Sarah.” He smiles and drops his forehead to mine. “Tomorrow, I want you to really meet Rae, okay? I want you to see for yourself that there is nothing but friendship between us.” He laughs. “Actually you should have been at the farm this morning and seen Rae with Diego. I’m not sure what’s going on between them, if anything, considering their ages, but it would have eased your mind.”

  My heart thuds loudly in my ears at the look in his eyes as I whisper, “What now?” My hands sneak beneath the bottom of his t-shirt and when I feel the warmth of his skin, my fingers tingle. I caress back and forth on the skin just above his jeans and feel exhilarated when his belly quivers and his eyes darken.

  Feeling bolder, I dip just under the waistband and move my fingers closer and closer to the front when he captures my hands in his.

  “You keep doing that”—his eyes glitter with arousal—“you’re going to be touching more than you bargained for.”

  It takes me a second or two to get his meaning and then my eyes widen as I glance down and see the bulge behind his zipper. I swallow and meet his gaze.


  I’m trying so hard not to grab Sarah and take what she’s offering but I’m getting to the point of not being able to. She has me hard and throbbing behind my zipper and if I’d let her carry on with her fingers inside my jeans, then she would have encountered just how aroused I am.

  “I want you, Aiden.”

  I close my eyes and feel the burst of arousal as it shoots along my cock to leak as pre-ejaculate from the tip when Sarah rubs against me.

  “We’ve waited so long to be together, and we’ve waited even longer through different misunderstandings…I need you inside me.”

  I hear her words and am so damn lost that I can’t really think straight, so instead, I grab her face between my hands and bring her up to my lips. Her gasp of pleasure is lost in my mouth as I totally devour her.

  No one tastes like my Sarah and I’ve missed her so damn much because of my stubbornness.

  I kiss down her neck while my hands freely roam her body, touching her breasts and down her sides, finally landing on her bottom.

  It won’t take much more for me to come like a teenager. I need her and I need her now.

  Slipping my hand between us, I make quick work of her shorts, and before she can catch a breath, I have them and her little panties shoved down her thighs.

  She kicks them away and lifts a leg to hook around my hip. Just the knowledge of her naked pussy against me makes my dick twitch for a more physical connection.

  Unfastening my jeans, my hands shake when Sarah rubs herself against my knuckles. Her arousal coats my hands and drives me insane.

  Finally getting the zipper down, I shove my jeans and shorts away from my cock and nearly come when Sarah climbs up me, her legs wrapping around my waist.

  Her arms slip around my neck as her lips search and find mine.

  I flip us around and use the fridge to keep us upright while I grasp hold of
her hips, rubbing her along my shaft. Her wetness coats me and as I lift her and slowly lower her on my length, my toes curl in my boots.

  “God, you’re so big,” she moans, her head tilted back against the fridge while she holds my gaze.

  If I wasn’t so damn lost in the feel of her tightly wrapped around my cock, or fixated on the wet warmth that bathes me, I might have found humor in her observation, instead it’s all I can do not to come here and now without even moving.

  Holding her gaze, I clamp my jaw together and slowly slide out to the tip, and just as slowly glide back inside.

  Her tight little pussy quivers around my flesh. Sarah is as close as I am to releasing. I pin her hips in place and thrust and thrust…until her head starts thrashing side to side, and I know I have her.

  I dip my head and using my teeth, I nibble on a protruding nipple through her shirt and feel her pussy clamp around my cock as her release floods me. Her channel ripples and pulses and after one last thrust, my flesh hardens, lengthens, and then I’m coming so damn hard that my eyes roll.

  My hips grind against Sarah and her core continues to grasp me, prolonging my release. It feels so damn good and when my gaze finally comes back into focus, the sated look on Sarah’s face does something to me.

  I grab the edge of her shirt and lift it over her head. Her bra quickly follows along with my own shirt. Her gorgeous breasts are pressed against my chest as I take her mouth in a soft kiss.

  The soft kiss soon turns heated and my arousal isn’t easy to hide as I’m still inside her.

  She smiles against my mouth and her sex squeezes the life out of me.

  “God, Sarah.” I rest my face in the curve of her neck while I try to catch my breath. “Your sexy body makes me wild.”

  She chuckles. “I noticed and you won’t hear any complaints from me…other than I think you need to carry me to my bedroom because I don’t want you to leave the warmth of my body.”


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