A Waterfall Wish

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A Waterfall Wish Page 3

by Anna Samuels

  ‘About twenty minutes from here I would estimate. It’s a cottage in a place called Brecon.’

  ‘Yes, I know! I drove through there on the way. So, shall we pick up your things and take you to mine?’ I questioned.

  ‘We can do…or you can simply drop me off and that will be that,’ she offered, looking down at me with wide eyes.

  ‘Nikki! The doctor told me to watch you. He said although he’s happy to release you, he wants someone watching you closely for the next twenty-four hours. You’ve been through a lot. Let me help you!’

  ‘But I’ll be fine. You don’t have to.’

  ‘I know I don’t have to, Nikki. The fact it I want to. Also, wouldn’t it be nice to have a bit of company?’ I suggested. ‘We’re both out here alone. I, for one, would appreciate a bit of time just…I don’t know…talking to another human being! And, well…you seem like a nice one…’

  ‘A nice human being? You’re talking me into this by calling me a nice human being?’ she laughed.

  ‘Why not? We have to laugh! That’s what you told me yesterday!’

  ‘I sure did, didn’t I?’

  ‘Yeah…so come on. Are you on board?’

  ‘I am,’ she nodded. ‘Thanks, Sarah. I think this is going to be fun.’

  ‘It is,’ I assured her. ‘Oh, and we need to get some food on the way back too…I didn’t have the chance yesterday.’

  ‘No…some idiot kind of gate-crashed your day, right?’ she chuckled.

  I laughed. ‘I wouldn’t call her an idiot…just a little clumsy, perhaps!’

  ‘Yeah right!’ she chortled.

  We made it to the car and I helped Nikki into the passenger seat before stowing her crutches along the back seat. I then climbed in and put on my seat belt. After Nikki had given me the address of her holiday cottage, I began driving. She was right…it was only twenty minutes away and we were parked up in front of the house quickly.

  Inside I helped Nikki collect her belongings. As it was only one, small suitcase, it didn’t take very long. Back in the car, we headed to the supermarket. Nikki insisted on coming into the shop and insisted on paying which I wasn’t happy with. She told me it was the least she could do and to avoid argument, I let her do it. Back in the car, we headed to my cabin.

  ‘Here we are,’ I told her when I pulled into the picturesque, wooded location.

  ‘Wow, this is gorgeous!’

  ‘I know, lovely huh? And there’s hardly anyone here! I suppose most people don’t holiday out of season and when it’s not school holidays.’

  ‘You’re right…it’s nice though. I love how peaceful it is!’

  ‘Me too!’ I agreed. ‘Let’s get you inside and then I’ll unpack the car.’

  ‘Okay,’ she nodded.

  I fetched her crutches and then helped her out of the car so she could make her way up the ramp. I unlocked the door and showed her in.

  ‘This is lovely!’ Nikki exclaimed as we went inside.

  ‘I know! I’m loving it! I love all the natural wood in this cabin.’

  ‘It’s great!’

  ‘Here, you get settled on the sofa and I’ll unpack the shopping.’

  ‘Okay…sorry I can’t help more.’

  ‘Don’t be silly! You rest and I’ll be back soon.’

  ‘Thanks Sarah.’

  I went back to the car and carried the bags up the cabin. It took me three trips to carry everything in as we had bought quite a lot of supplies. I then shut the door and began loading items into the fridge, freezer and cupboards. When I was almost finished, I looked over to where Nikki was sitting.

  ‘Are you hungry?’ I asked her.

  ‘I am actually,’ she nodded.

  ‘I was thinking about cooking this pizza for lunch. I’m feeling starving all of a sudden!’

  ‘That sounds perfect. Is there anything I can do?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes…stay put. Relax. I don’t want you lifting a finger.’

  She gaped at me. ‘Seriously?’

  ‘Yes!’ I exclaimed. ‘You’ve been through a lot! Relax!’

  ‘But what about you?’

  ‘I plan on relaxing with you,’ I smiled.

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Yes. I’m pretty tired after yesterday and I couldn’t face a trek out today-not with my muscles objecting every time I move. No, I’d like to stay in, eat a lot of yummy food and find out everything there is to know about you,’ I told her.

  She smiled at me with an expression of interest on her face. ‘Oh yeah? You want to know everything?’

  ‘Well, maybe almost everything…’

  ‘You’ve just described a perfect day, Sarah,’ she replied softly.

  ‘We’re going to be in each other’s company so it would be good to get to know you a little better.’

  ‘It would.’

  ‘So, I’ll cook this pizza and then join you.’

  She smiled warmly. ‘Perfect.’

  Ten minutes later, we sat down together on the sofas to eat pizza and talk. I felt a million times better once I had some food in my stomach and some energy again.

  ‘Ah, that’s better! I was so hungry!’

  ‘Same here…hospital food was pretty crappy. This is delicious!’

  ‘I know. Nothing beats a nice slice of pizza,’ I murmured and the bit into another slice.

  ‘So, I noticed you chose veggie supreme. Are you vegetarian?’ she asked.

  ‘I am, yes…well, I eat fish. I just don’t eat meat,’ I explained.

  ‘Me too! Snap!’ she laughed. ‘We really do match well,’ she commented.

  I glanced up at her smiling eyes and felt that now-familiar punch to my solar plexus. The effect she had on me was bizarre. I couldn’t quite get used to it at all.

  ‘So, tell me everything there is to know about you, Sarah.’

  I laughed, low and amused. ‘Where on earth would I start?’

  ‘Start with your family.’

  ‘Okay,’ I replied, clearing my throat. ‘I have a pretty traditional family background-Mum, Dad and an older brother. I’m close with all of them in different ways although Mum and Dad split some time back so now live apart.’

  ‘Oh right…what about your brother?’

  ‘He’s married with two young children. They’re four and two and just adorable. I love being an auntie but it makes me yearn, you know?’ I said, meeting her eyes.

  ‘You like kids?’

  ‘I love kids,’ I smiled.

  ‘Do you want children?’ she asked.

  ‘Most definitely! I would love to have children tomorrow…there’s a few obstacles standing in my way though unfortunately.’

  ‘Yeah,’ she sighed. ‘Like having a partner and finding a man to provide the sperm!’

  ‘There is that,’ I agreed. ‘What about you?’

  ‘What? Family?’ she questioned.


  ‘Well, my Mum and Dad are still together and live happily near me in Brighton. I have a younger sister and an even younger brother. My brother is at Uni still and my sister is an estate agent and is married with two little boys.’

  ‘How lovely!’ I smiled. ‘So, you’re an auntie too?’

  ‘I am,’ she smiled, ‘and I love it.’

  ‘And you live in Brighton?’

  ‘I do, yes. Where are you from, Sarah?’

  ‘Bournemouth,’ I told her.

  ‘Oh right! We both come from seaside towns!’

  ‘Yeah, we do! How strange!’

  ‘Kind of a cool parallel,’ she commented.

  I smiled at her. ‘So, do you have your own place?’

  ‘Yes, I rent a flat in the city centre. I did share with my partner but now I’m alone.’

  ‘Ah, I’m sorry…’

  ‘It’s fine,’ she murmured. ‘It’s best anyway as it was a difficult relationship.’

  I nodded. ‘How do you find living alone?’

  ‘It’s fine…I mean, I can do what I want and it’s p
eaceful. Sometimes I feel a little lonely but then I see friends and it’s fine…’ she trailed off.

  ‘I came away on this holiday to be out of the house when my partner leaves,’ I revealed quietly.

  Her eyebrows rose. ‘Oh right! So, you really have just broken up with her?’

  ‘Yeah…it’s all quite new at the moment.’

  ‘Were you living together?’

  I nodded. ‘We were, yes.’

  ‘That makes it harder, if I’m honest.’

  I sighed, heavily. ‘It has been rough. Being in her company for the past few days has been hell! I haven’t wanted to see her, let alone live with her!’

  Nikki frowned. ‘How come she was still around?’

  ‘Well she refused to go initially-as we share the rent, I didn’t feel able to chuck her out! She was waiting for a new place to be sorted with this woman she’s been seeing. It’s happened now so I thought I’d get away while she moves out and then when I get back home, it’ll be free of her and I can move on.’

  Nikki looked at me closely. ‘It’s not easy…’

  ‘Break-up’s never are,’ I commented.

  ‘Looks like we’ve both been through it lately!’

  ‘We sure have. I just hope I’m in for some good luck now! I could do with some!’

  ‘I’m sure things will right themselves, Sarah. You seem like a lovely woman so I’m sure it will all fall into place for you.’

  I met her eyes, but felt unsure.

  ‘What do you do for work?’ she asked then, changing the subject.

  ‘I’m a graphic designer,’ I told her.

  ‘Oh, interesting! Do you work for yourself or for a company?’

  ‘I work for a company. I really enjoy it to be honest and it’s something I like…I’m very fortunate work-wise.’

  ‘What kind of hours do you do?’

  ‘It’s regular-Monday to Friday, nine to five. I like having the weekends to myself and enjoy the hours I keep. What about you, Nikki?’

  She smiled at me. ‘I’m working in insurance. It’s not the most fun I’ve ever had but like you it’s regular hours…I work Monday to Friday too and have the weekends off.’

  ‘That’s good.’

  ‘It is, yes, especially when I had a girlfriend. It made a difference to be able to spend our weekends together.’

  ‘It does…’

  ‘So, Sarah,’ she began.


  ‘I’m just thinking what I want to ask you…what I want to find out…’

  ‘And?’ I prompted.

  She smiled. ‘I want to know absolutely everything.’

  ‘Absolutely everything?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yes. You intrigue me, Sarah.’

  ‘I do?’


  ‘Why do I intrigue you?’ I asked in a small voice.

  ‘To be honest, I don’t know. I just…I like being around you and you interest me.’

  ‘Oh, I’m not very interesting,’ I told her, blushing.

  ‘Actually, you are,’ she told me.

  ‘You’re embarrassing me,’ I replied, looking away.

  ‘Don’t be embarrassed, we’re just friends at the moment, right?’

  ‘At the moment?’ I questioned.

  She met my eyes with her intense gaze and held contact.

  Chapter 5


  ‘I, uh…I just finished a relationship, Nikki,’ I told her quietly.

  She met my eyes once more. ‘I know. So did I.’

  ‘I just…I don’t know if now is the right time for, um…well, for anything new…’

  She smiled widely. ‘Is that your way of letting me down gently?’ she chuckled.

  ‘I wasn’t letting you down! I was just being honest.’

  ‘I’m just messing with you, Sarah. Relax…I know you’re not ready for a new relationship! You just finished one last week! Anyone needs some time to reflect after a break-up.’

  I nodded, glad she understood.

  ‘Well, aside from people who have a rebound fling to make themselves feel better,’ she commented.

  I looked at her, incredulous. ‘Are you suggesting a fling?’

  ‘It’s an option.’

  I gaped at her.

  Suddenly she laughed and I knew she was messing about with me.

  ‘Oh Nikki! I thought you were being serious! I didn’t know what on earth to say to you!’

  ‘I was just kidding, Sarah! Wow, you really need to lighten up.’

  ‘I know,’ I sighed. ‘This trouble at home has me wound as tight as a string.’

  She frowned. ‘But you’re on holiday! Relax now, surely?’

  ‘I haven’t quite achieved that yes,’ I murmured, gesturing to the current situation of what had happened with her leg.

  ‘Ah yes…well, if I’m staying here with you, I’ll make it my mission to ensure that you chill out and enjoy some quiet, relaxation time.’

  ‘That sounds nice,’ I smiled.

  ‘What do you do normally-to relax I mean?’

  ‘I…well, I like to read,’ I said slowly, thinking about what made me calm. ‘I like to watch films and laugh at silly comedies. I enjoy walking on the beach, swimming and going for a run. Simple things please me,’ I told her smiling.

  She smiled back. ‘I like that about you.’


  She nodded. ‘It’s the simple things in life which make it what it is. For some people those things might have been expensive pursuits, shopping or over the top. You’re so normal when you list your hobbies. Just like me.’

  ‘So, what are yours?’ I enquired.

  ‘The same as yours pretty much,’ I told her. ‘I read, watch films, take a long bath, go on holiday…’

  ‘I forgot that one,’ I said, smiling at her.

  ‘Holidays are the best. Away from home and everything that goes with it. You can just chill out and do as you please. It’s brilliant.’

  ‘You don’t mind that you’ve ended up spending your quiet holiday with me?’ I wondered.

  ‘It’s been the icing on the cake. I’m loving every minute of it,’ she said softly.

  I held her eyes for a moment and then looked away feeling embarrassed. ‘I, uh…do you want to watch a film now?’

  ‘Sure,’ she smiled.

  ‘I’ll have a look at what we’ve got…’

  ‘Great. I’m just going to head to the bathroom,’ she said, shifting awkwardly with her heavy cast.

  ‘Oh, of course. Can I help you?’ I asked, immediately standing and trying to take her arm.

  ‘Thanks,’ she said as I heaved her up from the sofa. She stumbled a little with the weight of the cast and rocked unsteadily. I caught her arms with my hands and held her in place. ‘Take it easy.’

  ‘Yeah,’ she chuckled, looking down at me with an expression of humour. ‘I don’t want to be going arse over tit with this thing covering my leg!’

  I chuckled as my eyes held hers and I couldn’t look away as hers twinkled merrily. She had such beautiful blue, green eyes which shone when she laughed. It was captivating and I found myself lost in them.

  Suddenly, the air around us changed. It was if a light had been turned on inside of me. A sudden awareness…a shock to the system. Her eyes held mine and then dropped to my mouth with an expression of desire.

  I swallowed hard and dropped my hands from her arms. ‘I, uh…do you need help to get there?’

  ‘No…’ she replied quietly. ‘If you wouldn’t mind passing me my crutches, I’ll be fine.’

  ‘Okay,’ I said, turning to pick them up. They were lying against the other sofa end.

  ‘Thank you,’ she replied huskily.

  ‘I, uh…I’ll just find some films.’

  ‘Great. I’ll be back soon,’ she said, manoeuvring herself along with the aid of the crutches.

  I watched her go feeling unsettled and then turned to the cabinet below where the TV was. I searched through the DVD
’s which were there and pulled out two comedies. I then cleared up the plates while I waited for her to return.

  ‘Crikey, these things make everything ten times harder!’ Nikki exclaimed as she came back in slowly.

  ‘I’ll bet,’ I commiserated. ‘I think you’ll get more used to them in time though. Things will speed up as you use them more.’

  ‘I hope so. The way things are going, I won’t be much good to anyone when I return! Getting around for work’s going to be fun!’

  ‘Yeah,’ I murmured. ‘Don’t you work at a desk then?’

  ‘I do, but we have lots of meetings and lots of floors in the building I work in. It’s still going to be pretty awkward for a while.’

  ‘Just keep telling yourself it’s only six weeks. Also, you could have done so much more damage falling so far. You’re lucky it’s only the leg you broke!’

  ‘I don’t feel that lucky,’ she commented, taking her place on the sofa once again.

  ‘But you are! You fell a long way and only hurt your leg! Thank goodness it wasn’t your head or brain! It could be a lot worse! Also, what if no-one had been there? You were lucky that I happened to be mad enough to traipse all the way down that steep track to see the waterfall. Count your blessings! Honestly, you’ve been lucky!’

  ‘Well, when you put it like that, you’re completely right! Everything you said was spot on! I have been very lucky. You missed off one important other detail though…’

  ‘Oh yes? What was that?’ I enquired.

  ‘Meeting you,’ she said simply.

  ‘Oh…’ I replied quietly.

  ‘That was the luckiest part by far.’

  I smiled at her, feeling slightly embarrassed. ‘I, uh…found a few films,’ I said, swallowing hard and changing the subject.

  ‘Great! I don’t mind which one-I like most comedies.’

  ‘Okay then,’ I said, selecting one and going over to load it in the DVD player.

  ‘Is there anything I can get you before I sit down? Drink? Something to eat?’ I offered.

  ‘No, I’m fine,’ she told me gratefully. ‘Thanks though.’

  ‘Okay…shall I start it then?’ I wondered.

  ‘Yes please! I do love a good film!’

  ‘Me too,’ I said, settling back against the sofa. It felt strange to be relaxing down to watch a film with company. I had planned on a holiday to reflect and to be independent in my own right. It looked as if I would be spending it with the company of Nikki-and I found I didn’t mind one bit.


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