The Seren Trilogy

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The Seren Trilogy Page 9

by Darren Lewis

  “Get that worried look off your face.” Plume whispered as he helped Cast up the steps. Rox snorted and rolled her eyes. She had grown used to her protector's acerbic little comments but this one held a grain of truth. As leader she didn't want to seem nervous in front of her family. Cast nodded his thanks to Plume and walked slowly to his daughter.

  “Zest says it's almost time and then he got very excited and I couldn't understand him at all.” Rox smiled. At least they would be pulling her friend out of danger soon.

  “I've asked my boys and girls to circle the temple.” Plume told her. Rox sighed and Cast nodded. After Plume's speech last season to the assembled rabbits, a few of them had sought Plume out and asked if they could also be trained to protect Rox. At first he had sent them away with a few choice words ringing in their ears. However, Cast had eventually convinced him, after many “discussions” that Rox could be better protected by a small group rather than just him. Plume had relented, as nothing was more important that his leader and started training them. Rox thought it was ridiculous. She wasn't a child. But Plume being Plume had told her to mind her own business and to keep her twitchy nose out of it. Rox looked at Plume and smiled sweetly.

  “Thank you, Plume. Where's your stick?”

  Plume's ears went flat.


  Ellie's mind raced. Dragons, rabbits, magic, danger! What were they going to do? They were leading the dragons back home. She needed to get away from her house and find Rox. Cole tried to soothe her thoughts but he was just as overwhelmed as his rider.


  Rox stood next to Cast as he raised himself onto his hind legs and thrust Seren into the blue sky. He began chanting the same phrase over and over, his tone more commanding each time he repeated it. The power of the words caused the air to crackle and Rox could feel it dancing across her body. She looked down and saw her fur was standing on end and making her itch, as if a thousand ants had suddenly appeared and were racing all over her. Rox rubbed her fur down only to cause little blue sparks of electricity to snap and crackle against her paw, making her jump. A buzzing sound above distracted her, causing her to look up. A black hole now hovered in the air above Cast. The outer edges seethed and writhed with tiny lightning bolts. It grew as she watched, expanding to allow her friends through. The hole itself was flat against the sky, but Rox could see into it. It reminded her of looking into the warren entrance at night.

  The rabbits were agitated so Rox patted her paws in the air for calm, though she was feeling quite nervous herself at what she was witnessing. She had never seen Cast use his magic in such a way. Cast himself trembled with effort, his back legs wobbling under the strain. Rox shared a look with Plume, who shook his head slightly with worry.

  The buzzing grew louder and Cast raised his voice further to be heard. Then with one almighty cry he thrust Seren into that expanding hole. Lightning travelled down the magic staff and into Cast. There was an explosion of white light and all the rabbits were knocked flat. Then silence.


  Cole felt himself tugged sharply to the left and strained to stay level as Ellie screamed in fear of being thrown loose. His face was a picture of pain as he attempted to resist what had now turned into a strong pull.

  Cole! What's happening? Is it Corvus and Malachite?

  I don't know! It's too strong! Hang on!

  Up ahead they both saw an expanding door of bright light. Ellie closed her eyes and hugged Cole tightly.


  Rox had been thrown several feet down the hill and was nose first in the grass. Her ears were ringing and she felt bruised all over. She pushed herself over and looked to the top of the hill. There she saw a sight that made her gasp in amazement. Where the black hole had been there now hovered a beautiful red dragon, sweeping its wings wildly to stay aloft. It was looking around, an obvious confused expression on its face. This was not where it was meant to be.

  The dragon tilted its head, as if listening to something. Rox saw it nod as it flared its wings and landed. Rox made her way cautiously back up the hill, all aches and pains forgotten as she marvelled at such a wonderful creature. Then she heard a cry that seemed to stop her heart and freeze her blood. It was a human cry filled with anguish. Rox would know that voice anywhere. A voice that should fill her with joy now filled her with dread. She raced the distance to the dragon as fast as she could and then around it. Rox saw her friend, Ellie, the girl she had entrusted her life to a season ago, kneeling on the ground, holding the still body of her father.


  Although Cole didn't know how these creatures had brought him here, he could see in Ellie's memories who and what they were. Her sadness became his as he watched Ellie holding Rox and Cast on her lap, stroking the fur of both. The dragon watched as other rabbits came closer, warily keeping their distance from him. A brown rabbit, holding a stick, hopped over to Ellie. He then laid a paw on the unmoving rabbit's body.

  “Rox, he's still with us. Let's get him back to the warren.”

  The black rabbit that Cole had identified as Rox didn't answer and the brown rabbit looked imploringly at Ellie. Ellie nodded and lifted both rabbits in her arms gently.

  “Show me the way, Plume.”

  As the small group descended the hill slowly, Cole looked back over his shoulder to where they had emerged, close to a human building. They needed to act fast, because of Fortisan's and the rabbits help, Cole knew the rabbits were now in danger. The dragons would be coming.

  Chapter 3

  Plume walked the tunnels of the warren, his mind racing at what Ellie and Cole had been telling him. Dragons! Dragons that would declare war upon humanity. But it wouldn't stop there. Because they had aided Ellie and Cole, the rabbits were now a target for these vengeful creatures. Plume shook his head and rolled his eyes, thinking, this is what you get when you try to help.

  Plume stopped outside the rabbit hole he was looking for, and took a deep breath. He wasn't looking forward to this. He entered and saw at the back of the hole was Rox. She was leaning over her father, a paw resting gently on his head.

  “How is he?” Plume enquired quietly.

  “Alive, barely.” Rox replied without turning, her voice tight with emotion.

  “I'm sorry, Rox, but we need you.” Rox shook her head.

  “Not now, Plume.”

  Plume sighed with frustration. He wasn't the rabbit for this. He wished Ellie was a rabbit again and could be here instead of him.

  “Yes, Rox, now. The last thing Cast would want is for you to be moping around. He'd want you to do something, be the leader that you are.”

  Rox spun quickly in anger.

  “A lot of good it did him! I asked him to do this!”

  Plume nodded.

  “Yes you did and he accepted that. He was saving Ellie's life. Cast knew the risks and still chose to do it.”

  Tears ran down Rox's face.

  “Get out, Plume. Just get out!” she cried.

  He nodded sadly and turned to leave. Before entering the tunnel, he said one more thing.

  “We need you, Rox. I need you.”

  Rox closed her eyes.


  “What are we going to do?”

  “Dragons! And bigger than him!”

  “We should hide. Hide until they're gone.”

  “No! We should warn the other warrens, they can help.”

  “Help? What kind of help against a dragon.”

  “We can't just ignore this.”

  Ellie closed her eyes and put her head in her hands. She was sitting at the edge of the woods so she could see the hill and temple. She expected a dragon to pop through any second. Around her were the rabbits that had been on the hill. After Cast had been carried away, Ellie had embraced Rox once more before the black rabbit had gone with her father. Ellie and Cole had been explaining the situation since. Understandably, a lot of the rabbits were frightened.

  “I'm sorry but you should go.”

  Ellie looked up
tiredly into the face of a dark brown female rabbit. Ellie could see the rabbit wasn't being deliberately horrid, she was just very scared. Cole rose from his position next to Ellie, making a lot of the rabbits flinch in fear.

  “Come on, Ellie. We'll find another way.”

  Ellie nodded sadly and mounted her dragon.

  “Please tell Rox thank you. All of you stay safe.”

  The red dragon turned to leave the woods.


  Ellie turned and squinted into the gloom of the wood. She saw Rox and Plume bounding towards her. Ellie leapt from Cole's back and ran towards Rox, who jumped high and straight into Ellie's outstretched arms. Ellie hugged Rox fiercely.

  “I'm so sorry about your father.” Ellie whispered. “How is he?”

  Rox reached up and rubbed her cheek against Ellie's.

  “He's still alive, just very weak.”

  Plume tapped Ellie on the leg and she looked down.

  “Where do you think you're going?”


  The dragons were nearly ready to leave. Each had flown out briefly to feed and all had now returned. Their plan was simple. Eliminate the rabbits, find Cole and the girl and learn what they could from them. If they could do this without being seen then so much the better, but who would believe a story about a group of dragons?

  Malachite sat alone in a dark corner of the cave, his body quivering with tension. Only one thought was on his mind. She's mine, the girl is mine!


  Because of Ellie and Cole's size, the group stayed where they were rather than going back to the warren. Rox, who had been so distraught earlier, was now in charge. She had strolled amongst her family, offering words of encouragement, calming them down. She had then taken a position next to Ellie and Cole and began speaking to them all.

  “One season ago we were faced with what seemed an impossible task. To perform our duty and make the world turn. But we were successful. That day stands as a proud moment in our memories, a day that we did not give up, a day that we did not hide or run away. A day that we won!”

  Ellie could see the rabbits staring intently at their leader. They seemed mesmerised.

  “And now we face twenty one dragons. Creatures that will be against us. That will hunt us no matter where we go. Make no mistake, they will wipe us out.” Rox thumped a paw on the ground with her last few words. Rox then looked at the ground and continued quietly.

  “The day will come when we are no longer here. The world will stop and turn to ash.” She paused to let the thought sink in. Then raising her head sharply she cried loudly. “But not today!”

  Ellie saw each rabbit stand or sit up a bit straighter, determination and defiance flashing in their eyes. Ellie had to admit she felt like standing proudly and screaming her defiance at the sky. Rox rose on her back legs and gazed over her family.

  “I don't ask you all to do this. You must look inside yourselves and then volunteer. There is no shame in fear.”

  The rabbits were silent, so everyone heard Plume muttering at the back of the crowd.

  “Depends what you're afraid of.”

  Rox sighed but Plume had broken the tension and a lot of the rabbits began chuckling.

  “Please decide. But decide quickly.”


  Apart from a slight breeze from the sea, rustling leaves and creaking branches, the woods were silent. On the hill, dandelions bobbed and swayed in the wind. In the distance, on the coast, a steam train ferrying tourists chugged past. The train driver blew the whistle. It sounded strangely alone and ominous as it echoed around the countryside.

  At the top of the hill, near the temple, stood Plume and nine rabbits. They were the ones who had asked to become Rox's protectors. Plume twirled a staff and waited. All in all he was quite happy. After the meeting, Rox had sought him out.

  “Did you do that on purpose?” she asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Make that joke?”

  Plume had been puzzled.

  “What joke?”

  Rox smiled and nodded.

  “I thought so. Thank you, Plume.” She had then lent forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. Plume had a hard time concentrating after that. So much so, Rox had to explain her plan to him twice. All that time, Ellie had been grinning at him. He wanted to give her a jab with his staff.

  And now he was about to face dragons! His eyes widened and heart raced at the thought. He stopped twirling the staff and planted it firmly on the ground. He grinned.


  Zest was frantic! He had volunteered to stay behind in the tunnels after Fortisan and the rest of the warren had helped Ellie escape. After the dragons had calmed down, Zest had snuck back into the cave to spy on them. He thought it would be helpful if he could tell Cast what was going on. But every time he had tried to send a message there was no reply. It was like Cast wasn't there. Zest kept trying, he had to warn him.


  Ellie's stomach growled. She grimaced and Cole huffed.

  “Sorry.” She whispered.

  Rox placed a paw on Ellie's hand.

  “I'm glad you're here with us again.”

  Ellie smiled.

  “Me too, I think. I just wish none of this was happening.”

  Rox nodded and gave Ellie a lopsided grin.

  “I know. But who better to deal with it than us?”

  Cole glanced over at Rox, who was sitting on Ellie's left. The three of them were lying under a rhododendron bush in the woods, not far from the hill.

  “Ginger told me lots about you.” Cole said. “So much in fact that I actually believe that.”

  Rox grinned broadly.

  “How is that daft cat?”

  Ellie looked back and forth from Rox to Cole.

  “How do you know Ginger?” Ellie asked, shock apparent on her face.

  “Who do you think sent her to look after you?”

  Ellie opened her mouth but nothing would come out. She gave up and shook her head.

  “Thank you.” Was all she could say.


  Malachite trembled with excitement. They were ready. Corvus turned to face them all.

  “Remember. We find the girl and Cole. Any who stand in our way will be removed.”

  Then one by one the dragons took flight in the cave and entered Cole's thread. Malachite took one last look around what had been his home for so long and then followed his brothers and sisters.


  At the sound of frantic running, Ellie, Rox and Cole shuffled forwards to see who was making such a noise.

  “Rox!” someone shouted urgently.

  “Shhhh! Over here!” she responded.

  A young grey rabbit came into view. He slid to a stop in front of them, breathing heavily.

  “Rox…Cast, he's awake!”

  Rox took a deep trembling breath and then smiled. Cole butted his head gently against Ellie in relief.

  “Okay. Thank you, but try and be quiet please.”

  The grey rabbit hopped around agitated.

  “No, no. It's more important than that! He had a message through from Zest.” The rabbit stopped, his eyes widening in fear.

  “Well!” Rox prompted him.

  “The dragons are coming!”

  Chapter 4

  Plume watched in fascination as the air above the temple once again started to crackle with energy. His heart was racing hard but his face was calm.

  The crackling grew louder and Plume smelt the air changing as electricity charged the area around them. There was a whoosh of air being expelled above the temple and a massive black dragon emerged at great speed. Plume had to turn quickly to watch this creature bank sharply and begin gliding back towards him. Its eyes were fixated on the rabbit. More whooshing noises and yet more dragons filled the sky. Each following the same path as the first. The black dragon set down near Plume just as the final dragon emerged. Plume didn't bother watching, his eyes held the eyes of the black dragon.

“Where are they?” it roared.

  Plume narrowed his eyes and then very slowly and deliberately, with his free paw, brushed the fur on his chest, pretending to remove dragon spit.

  “The girl and the red dragon! We know you're protecting them.”

  Plume gave this some thought.

  “Well,” he began. “Yes, yes we are. They told us these oversized lizards want to hurt people and we decided to help.” Plume grinned.

  Corvus' eyes flashed in irritation as he studied Plume and his friends. He snorted a sarcastic laugh.

  “Little rabbits.” Corvus looked at the staff Plume held. “And what do you think you're going to do with that stick?”

  Plume's face went motionless and his grip tightened on the staff. He took a breath and beckoned the dragon closer.

  “Firstly, this is a staff, not a stick. But more importantly, it's not mine. A friend let me borrow it.”

  “So?” questioned the dragon.

  “Well, this staff is called Seren. It holds our magic. Also, this hill has hundreds and hundreds of rabbit tunnels dug beneath it. I think it's what humans call `unstable.' ”

  The black dragon looked puzzled and glanced around at the others. Malachite barged his way through shouting.

  “Just eat him and grab one of the others!”

  Plume smiled at them. He raised Seren high and drove it hard into the ground at his feet. White light blazed, causing all to wince. The magic that had been unleashed had quite a remarkable effect on the area of the hill the dragons were standing upon. Due to years of tunnelling from rabbits, moles and other burrowing creatures, the hillside collapsed. The dragons disappeared in a vast cloud of dust and dirt, tumbling into the newly formed crater. Plume leaned over the edge, waving dust from his face.


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