The Seren Trilogy

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The Seren Trilogy Page 11

by Darren Lewis

  Malachite's eyes burned.

  “And yet you would still stand with them. Celestine would still live if not for them!”

  Eridan charged over and grabbed Malachite around the throat. He hauled the green dragon's ear to his mouth and whispered.

  “That's not a name you will speak again. I see what you are Malachite. Not only would you fight the humans, innocent or not, you would seek to punish them. You offend me!” with that Eridan shoved Malachite backwards. The green dragon stumbled and fell in a heap on the cave floor.

  “Do not attempt to follow me.” Eridan ordered as he left the cave behind.

  To guard against the day they would return, I slept for many years. Waking to explore and make sure they had remained in their cave.

  The image went dark and silent. Ellie had never known such blackness. She felt her eyes in the real world widen, in an attempt to see something in her mind.

  What's going on? Ellie asked.

  Wait. Eridan whispered to her.

  There was a pulse of orange light, followed by the sound of a chime. Again, but brighter and louder. The sound was one of the sweetest things Ellie had ever heard.

  It was the orb. When you and my son bonded it sent a signal out into the world. Eridan chuckled. Sounds happy doesn't it?

  It chimed once again and everything brightened as Eridan awoke from his slumber.

  I felt its joy. I could feel the bond between the two of you. For the first time in many years I reached out to the orb and saw you and I knew I had a son and that he had found a rider.

  Yes. Cole thought warmly. Ellie could sense both dragons smiling and it caused her to grin.

  I tried to get to you as soon as possible. Which is when I met your family and Ginger.

  Eridan tracked the source of the loud chime and Ellie and her friends saw her new home from the air. He glided past an upstairs window and landed rather clumsily in the garden, flattening the shed and knocking down bushes.

  I was a bit tired. Eridan thought, embarrassed.

  As the black dragon turned towards the house, a large ginger cat bounded out of the back door, quickly followed by a man.

  Daddy! Ellie exclaimed.

  Eridan built a massive ball of flame, to the horror of the man and cat, but surprised them both by lifting his head and shooting it into the air. It travelled about one hundred feet before exploding like a magnificent firework.

  It's a trick to destroy any thread a dragon creates so others may not follow. Eridan explained.

  Scared eight of my nine lives out of me. Ginger added wryly.

  The experiences and emotions of the day seemed to catch up with Ellie at that moment. The sight of her Dad made her wish for home and she wished she could be with them all right now. Ellie felt Cole's and Rox's minds pressing warmly against hers, comforting, like a hug, but in her head.

  After we had all calmed down and your Dad had stopped taking pictures with his phone, Ginger told us all what had been going on that day. We searched the house but you had already left. He retrieved the orange orb for me and I came to find you.

  Hang on, Ellie interrupted. They just let you go without arguing. Ellie didn't think that sounded like her parents at all.

  Well, no. Your Dad argued and talked……a lot. He wanted to come with me.

  Ellie sensed a strange feeling from Eridan, almost like his face was getting hot.

  What? She prompted.

  I promised to find you and take care of you……then I left, very quickly.

  You were afraid of my Dad?

  No, not really. Your Mum though, she was quite loud.

  Ellie laughed and was secretly pleased that her parents had managed to scare a creature that was the size of a bus and could fly and breathe fire.

  The image Eridan now showed was his leaving. Her family was in the garden, Dad, Mum and Jack. Each of them looked scared, but she saw something else in her parent's eyes.

  It's pride. They are very proud of you. Eridan whispered.

  Eridan moved the orb away and all came back to the hill where they stood. Ellie sniffed and wiped a tear away. Cole left Ellie's side and went to his father. They both stared at each other for a short moment before Eridan enveloped his son with his front legs and tail.

  “Hello, father. I'm Cole.” Eridan huffed a laugh and Ellie chuckled, sensing the love and pride of both these wonderful creatures. She then turned and studied the land around her.

  The woods burned.

  Chapter 7

  Eridan took the orb away from his son's broken wing.

  “Flex it.” He instructed. Cole slowly extended his wing, his face screwed up and ready for the inevitable flash of pain. But none occurred. It was healed!

  “Wow.” Cole remarked simply.

  Eridan smiled. “Come on; let's check on those dragons in the pit.” And the two dragons, father and son reunited, walked off.

  Ellie checked on Malachite to make sure he was still sleeping. Then she and Ginger sat down with Rox. The rabbit was staring at the blazing woods, her eyes full of tears. The smoke cloud was thick and the crackle of the dying trees could be heard by all. In the distance, Ellie heard the first fire engine sirens, but she doubted there was anything they could do. She hoped they realised this quickly and concentrated on evacuating all the nearby villages. To comfort herself as much as the others, she lifted Ginger onto her lap and placed a hand on Rox's back.

  “I'm sure, Plume's okay.” She told Rox, not quite believing it. Rox nodded.

  “Yes.” She whispered. “He's an annoying so and so, but…..” Rox stopped and looked down at the ground. Ellie cocked her head, waiting for her friend to finish. Rox took a deep breath and looked at Ellie. “He's a good friend.” Ellie nodded but saw something else in Rox's eyes, maybe Plume meant more to Rox than she would admit. Rox twitched an ear. “Cole and his father are coming back.” Ellie stroked Ginger's fur as she watched the two dragons approach. Her mind whirled with so many thoughts. She had to think of something but could not slow her mind down. The breeze blew hard at the back of her head and she instinctively looked around, her eyes finding nothing but the temple. The temple. Almost in a trance she lifted Ginger away and walked to the temple. As she neared the steps she found her thoughts calming. She ascended the steps and strode to the centre of the star that adorned the temple floor. Ellie was totally calm. She closed her eyes and thought.

  The fire will burn. The land will die. A war will be fought. Malachite! Cole, Eridan. Rox.

  Ellie's friends were watching her calmly standing in the temple. Cole had been about to go over but Rox stopped him.

  “No. This is special, she's talking. Just watch.” And the dragon had sat back down, puzzled.

  Mum and Dad. Jack! Human and dragonkind. The temple, the world. The orb.

  As Ellie thought about the orb she was astonished to feel heat rising from beneath her. She looked down and saw the star was glowing white.

  The orb!

  The star glowed brighter. The world was speaking to her! She had an idea. She smiled and ran back down the steps and to her friends.

  “I think I know how to stop this.”


  Eridan held the orb to his chest. His eyes were shut and his large mouth moved silently as he communicated with it. Ellie was almost holding her breath in anticipation. The orange orb was crucial to her plan. Eridan opened his eyes and looked straight at her, his face unreadable. He nodded slowly and handed her the orb.

  “You must understand, Ellie, its power is not unlimited. What you are planning will most likely drain it completely.”

  With her free hand, Ellie rubbed Cole's snout. He responded by playfully butting her tummy. She placed the orb carefully on his back.

  “We understand.”

  “You're not doing this alone!” Rox objected. Ginger also voiced her concern.

  “I'm supposed to look out for you.” the cat wailed sorrowfully. Ellie gave Cole a quick squeeze and then went and sat with her rabbit and

  “I need you here if this doesn't work, especially you Rox. Your family can help against the dragons.” Rox looked annoyed but didn't argue, knowing that Ellie was right. “Can you both go and see my parents, help them to safety?” Ginger nodded but Rox disagreed again.

  “I'll stay, but I'll stay here with Eridan and protect the temple. Ginger knows what to do.” Ellie reached and lifted the ginger cat up.

  “Go now. Tell them I love them.” Ginger meowed softly into Ellie's neck as she could hear the strain in the young girl's voice. Ginger then leapt away and sped off down the hillside. Rox stood up on her hind paws and lifted her front legs at her human friend. Ellie chuckled, causing a tear to shake loose and run down her cheek. The young human girl and the leader of the rabbits embraced fiercely.

  “You were the best of all rabbits and would've made a fine leader.” Rox said into Ellie's neck. Ellie sniffed and stroked Rox's fur.

  “I don't think Plume would like that!” Ellie joked. They gave each other a final squeeze and Rox jumped down. Eridan came and stood before Ellie and Cole.

  “I'm sorry that we didn't get longer together.” The black dragon raised a paw and stroked his son's head. “Just know that I love you, son.” He smiled at them both, his gaze lingering on Cole for a little while longer before turning quickly away. Eridan strode to the still sleeping Malachite and carried him into the temple.

  Ellie jumped onto Cole's back and moved the orb to her lap. The red dragon entered the temple, lay down and folded his wings in tightly. Both looked at the black dragon and the black rabbit that would stand guard over them. Ellie raised a hand in farewell. Cole looked over his shoulder at his rider, this very brave young girl.

  Ready? He asked.

  Yes, my friend.


  Corvus opened his eyes and then blinked furiously. They were covered in mud, dust, roots and grass. He shook his head wildly to clear it and remembered what happened. He growled and looked up to the rim of the pit he was in. Below him were about ten dragons, but it was difficult to tell they were so twisted together, either injured or unconscious. Corvus hooked his large claws into the dirt walls and started climbing the steep walls of the pit.


  Rox and Eridan watched as the orange glow of the orb mingled with the white light of the temple. It expanded and completely surrounded the temple. It started to pulse and writhe with energy. It reminded Rox of the magic Cast had used when saving Ellie and Cole and it frightened her. What made it worse to her was that it was silent. A few seconds later though she realised how fortunate that was when her excellent rabbit ears detected a scrabbling sound behind her. She turned and then frantically nudged Eridan. The black dragon saw what Rox had; the grasping claws and the head of Corvus appearing over the rim of the pit.

  Chapter 8

  Ellie and Cole closed their eyes and opened themselves to the orb.

  How odd! Thought Ellie. It feels alive!

  The girl and dragon used the memory of dragons past to picture where they had once lived. A time of peace, before the war and the suffering. The orb responded and glowed brightly. Ellie could feel the power held within the orb but understood there were limits. It alone could not take them where they wished to go. Ellie placed one hand on the orb and stretched the other to the floor and the star that had shone there. She asked a simple question.

  Please help?

  The orange glow dimmed and Ellie felt a wave of frustration. She was sure she had been right! Cole added his thoughts to hers and pleaded.

  Help us, please?

  Seconds that felt like hours passed and they both sensed a presence, something scary, something wonderful. It took no physical shape but seemed to loom large over both of them. It studied them as it pondered its choices and possible futures. Normally it would never interfere. It had lived for billions of years and would live for billions more regardless of what was happening today. But it recognised the girl and what she had done for it. Ellie sensed acceptance and she and Cole both thought they heard a voice, old and wise.

  Yes. The world agreed.

  Ellie grinned and ordered the orb from the image in her mind, the land of the dragons.

  Take us there!


  Rox gasped at the incredible spinning vortex that surrounded the temple. The orange and white light formed tendrils that appeared to fight and twist against each other, only to then merge to become larger and more powerful.

  Corvus had crawled all the way out of the pit but had stopped in his tracks at the amazing sight. He then shook his head and settled his eyes on Eridan. Since he had emerged from the crater, Eridan had not taken his eyes from Corvus to look at the scene behind him. He had to protect the temple. Reaching out he lifted a jumpy Rox onto his back and walked slowly to Corvus.

  “Brother.” Eridan greeted him.

  Corvus snorted but didn't respond. Eridan shook his head sadly.

  “Please end this now. We've all lost so much, let us not risk anymore.”

  Corvus' eyes flashed angrily.

  “I may not be as mad as Malachite, but the humans will never hurt us again. I will see to that. Now where is the girl?”

  Eridan rolled his eyes. Quite frankly he'd had enough. He cast a look over his shoulder at the raging storm and then laughed at Corvus.

  “Where do you think?”

  Corvus roared and immediately charged, not at Eridan and Rox, but around them, in an attempt to get to the temple. Eridan waited and then grasped Corvus's tail as he flashed passed. He then pivoted on his back legs and used all his strength to throw Corvus down the hillside.


  There was no sound, no sensation of movement, just a nice bright orange light. It reminded Ellie of lying on a lovely warm beach. Cole picked up on the thought and enjoyed it. He searched the memories of his parents and found one particularly nice one. Celestine was ducking her partner's head in the sea. The beach was wide and stretched as far as he could see. The sun beat mercilessly on the sand and the dragons, but what was heat to a dragon? Eridan launched from the water making Celestine rear back and plunge into the sea, tail and bottom first. Ellie and Cole laughed at the memory.

  It felt so real. Ellie heard the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. The tang of salt in the air made her wiggle her nose. The glow was still there but now she felt very hot and uncomfortable. She opened one eye and gasped. Cole reacted and did exactly the same. Standing in front of them, on a golden beach in the beautiful hot sunshine, water dripping from their large bodies, were a black and gold dragon. Eridan and Celestine!


  As Corvus crashed in a heap at the bottom of the hill, Rox heard a strange popping sound. Behind them, the maelstrom had gone. The temple stood empty.

  “Good luck.” Rox whispered.

  “Hold on! Here they come!” Eridan sprung forwards off strong legs and beat upwards to climb as quickly as possible. Rox saw not only Corvus taking to the air but the three dragons who had caused so much destruction to her home were heading straight for them. Eridan banked sharply towards the coast, away from them all. Now Ellie and Cole were safe, well, as far as he knew, they didn't have to protect the temple, they just had to stay alive. Rox scrambled onto Eridan's shoulder and she saw the train line that the humans used for their steam engines.

  “How strong are you?” She yelled at Eridan. She felt rather than heard what Eridan thought of that comment. “Alright then. Head for the train tracks!”

  Eridan thrust his wings urgently at the air, such was his size and speed they reached the tracks quickly. The dragon landed on the coast side of the tracks just as a steam train burst out of the tunnel and passed the dragon with a rabbit sitting on his shoulder. Eridan and Rox could quite clearly see the shocked expressions through the carriage windows. Cameras were thrust out and started snapping away.

  “Oh dear.” Complained Rox. Eridan waited until the last car had gone and then he dug his large claws into the ground around one part of the trac
k. Then with a mighty heave Eridan lifted and twisted a large section of metal track loose. It was bent, but good enough for what Eridan needed. He took to the air once again, holding the track lengthwise beneath his body so it would not be easy to see from the front. He located Corvus in the sky and headed straight for him.


  Ellie was surrounded by dragons of all colours and sizes. Of all the things she had seen that day, it was one of the most beautiful. It was like seeing a rainbow with wings, and teeth! As more dragons arrived she found that she could name each one. She even recognised those dragons that in her time that were causing so much destruction. It was too confusing so Ellie closed that door in her head. She was now sitting, waiting patiently near Malachite who still slept, while Cole told the story of how they came to be here.

  After Ellie and Cole had appeared on the beach in front of Cole's parents to be, events had moved quite quickly. Dragons did not yet have a reason to mistrust humans so were quite comfortable with Ellie. They had been brought to what Ellie thought must be a meeting area. It was a large valley covered in pristine, long grass. The dragons themselves perched on rocks that they must've moved into the area as they had been arranged into wonderful shapes and sculptures. To Ellie it resembled a perfect set of Jack's building bricks.

  Celestine and Eridan had listened patiently to their story and then decided to convene a meeting of all dragons. Ellie had felt Cole's wonder, joy and peculiar pain at meeting his mother this way as he spoke to her. She knew for now that Cole was quite happy to see his mother alive, even if she didn't realise she was speaking to her son.

  Ellie's attention wandered to the green dragon she was sitting near to, and she sighed. So much pain and suffering had been forced into Malachite's head he couldn't help being the way he was, it was something the dragons had to take responsibility for.

  “Ellie.” Cole whispered. Her attention snapped back to her friend who was motioning his paw at Eridan. Ellie shook her head.


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