Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1)

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Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1) Page 5

by T. M. Grinsley

  “Uh oh, I know that look.” I heard Jo say.

  Don’t you dare do it, Jo.

  “Hey doc, I hate to burst your bubble, but I believe you are incorrect.” Dr. Hawass had started to say something else, but dead silence followed after Jo’s comment. I’m sure if someone dropped a penny on the ground, everyone would have heard it. But alas, we are in the desert, so all I heard was the wind kicking up sand and the echo of birds chirping off the rocks.

  “Excuse me. We have had this discussion before, miss. I ask that you allow me to teach our group, without interruptions. Now, as I was saying.”

  Taking my glasses off, I pretended to clean them, while I waited for Jo to respond. “Well you see, if you had your facts straight and my friend didn’t know the correct facts, then I would not need to correct you. Because obviously, she knows more than you.” Slam and dunk. I’m dead. Putting my glasses on, I saw Dr. Hawass’s mouth drop open and the entire group was in shock.

  “Well, miss. If your friend cares to correct me and inform the group, then by all means. Do so.” Dr. Hawass sneered.

  I looked around the group and noticed Malik and Ari leaning against the rock wall with smug looks on their faces. They were enjoying the show.

  Taking one last look at Jo, I mentally reminded myself to kick her ass later. “Well, for starters, the Forgotten Kings, a.k.a. the Old Kingdom, was in the Fifth Dynasty, which was around 2400 B.C. not the Fourth Dynasty, which you just said a minute ago. The Fourth Dynasty was called the Golden Age, lasting from 2600 to 2490 B.C. So that means, their predecessors were in the Fourth Dynasty, not the Third. Lastly, the Pyramids of Abusir originally consisted of fourteen pyramids from the Fifth Dynasty. Reason being is because Abusir was the primary burial site for the Pharaohs of the Fifth Dynasty in ancient Egypt.”

  “Bam! She just owned your ass. Now, while you go about talking nonsense to these people about facts you do not know, me and this future scholar, who is going to annihilate you at just about anything Egyptian related, are going to explore the ruins and have some fun.” Jo made a shooing motion with her hands and pushed me in the opposite direction, away from the group.

  Keeping my head low, and trying to avoid whatever backlash he was about to give, I made a mad dash for the nearest temple. Granted, with it being 112 degrees outside, I was sweating profusely, and wished a swimming pool was nearby. I may love Egypt, but I was not a fan of the heat.

  “Josephine Clayton, remind me to kick your ass when we get home. What the hell was that?” I asked, trying to keep my cool. But this was ridiculous. “Yes, I know that I know my stuff when it comes to history, but he is a renowned archaeologist and he will bury me before my career even starts!”

  “Slow your roll. First of all, did you just cuss? Second, he should not be. He is dumber than a bag of rocks if a 27 year old can school his ass in history. Third, he is an old has-been and needs to move aside for the next best thing. I am just trying to help, Kris.” Jo placed her hands on my shoulders, trying to reason with me. I knew she meant well, but me and confrontation were not friends.

  “You are lucky you are my best friend. Or else I would throw your ass in the nearest tomb and let the bugs eat you alive.” I tried to sound evil and menacing, but it was impossible.

  Giving Jo a hug, all the anger I held before vanished without a trace.

  “Well, that was a sight to see. I have never seen Dr. Hawass that pissed in all my life. I mean granted, he is an old geezer who needs to be put in his place, but well done scholar.” Ari patted my back with a Cheshire grin on his face. I looked to see if Malik was with him, praying he didn’t think I was a complete lost cause, when I saw him trying to suppress a smile that would break his cold mask. Well I wouldn’t say cold, more like he was trying to keep his face blank of emotion, but that seemed to be impossible whenever he was around us.

  “How do you know Dr. Hawass?” Jo asked, looping her arm with mine.

  “He is Malik’s uncle.” Ari pointed behind him to Malik and my body froze.

  Oh, good God, no.

  “I cannot wait to hear what he has to say tonight. Last time was a bit of a shock, but now... I got to say, scholar, you are truly one of a kind.” Malik crossed his arms and gave me a wink.

  “Wicked! Kris owned your uncle and now we have our own personal tour guides. Thank you, Gods of Egypt.” Jo threw her hands in the air and bowed.

  “Personal tour guides?” Ari asked, watching Jo do whatever Jo was doing. I think she was trying to recreate the rain dance but for the desert gods.

  “You know, since you all have probably been here and have loads of access to stuff. You can show Kris and I some of the restricted section.” Jo stopped her new dance and waited for the guys to respond.

  They both looked at each other and a secret language seemed to pass between them. Malik seemed to tense, but Ari shook it off like it was nothing.

  Clapping his hands together, a wicked grin appeared on his face. “Alright, first stop. Ptahshepses.”

  Not giving Jo a moment to respond and do what she does best, I placed my hand over her mouth and followed Ari to the tomb. Malik decided to stay in the rear and not say a word. I glanced back a few times at Malik to see what was up, when I noticed he was glancing at every direction and avoiding looking at us.

  Who are these guys?


  ~ Kristina ~

  Making our way to a large rock wall, we rounded the corner and found two massive pillars holding up a massive roof. The walls were made of large rocks stacked on top of each other, with pictures depicting a time period long ago. The pictures were painted on every surface, giving us a glimpse at the artistry back then. Most of it has been chipped away from thousands of years of battling the harsh weather, but a few of them remained intact.

  Weaving around fallen pillars, we made our way to the temple. It wasn’t like the other pyramids that could be seen for miles. This one was covered in sand and looked like the entire temple was underground, except for a few sections. Mind you, back then it was probably a site to behold, but with all the storms that happen in the desert, I’m surprised it’s not completely covered.

  “My uncle took me here a few years ago. The markings inside are truly spectacular.” Malik stood next to me with a look of awe. Standing shoulder width apart, he stood at the entryway to the tomb with a look of awe on his face.

  Normally I would sit in the background and wait for someone to do something, but this was what my heart craved. My inner scholar was crying out to see what was inside. A part of me felt like I had been here and it was time I returned home. Granted, that sounds completely ridiculous, but who cares? Untold secrets lay ahead and I was dying to take a look.

  “Want to show me what’s inside?” I asked, taking a page from Jo’s book. If these guys planned to stay around and help Jo get in trouble, I might as well join them. Dr. Hawass was probably planning my death as we speak.

  Malik seemed caught off guard at my question, but quickly recovered and started in, waiting for me to follow. Removing my arm from Jo’s, I went to follow Malik, but noticed Jo and Ari waited outside.

  “Aren’t you coming?”

  “Nah, I don’t want to look at some dead person or catch a weird deadly disease or be cursed for all eternity. You go on ahead with the sex god. I will be waiting here with Ari.” Jo replied, turning her back to me and sitting down on the steps.

  I looked to see Ari looking back and forth between me and Jo, unsure of what he should do.

  Shaking my head at my best friend and her bluntness about how hot Malik was, I walked past him, but the grin plastered on his face did not go unnoticed.

  “Sex god, huh?” Malik asked as he walked past me.

  Groaning loudly, I followed the man that was either going to kill me inside this tomb and bury my body so no one can find me or give my inner scholar a massive hard on from everything inside.

  Keeping my head low, we just passed the sixth open room along a wide corridor that c
ontinued farther into the earth, and entered a large opening filled with treasure. By treasure, I mean hieroglyphics covered the walls from top to bottom. Torches covered in cobwebs adorned the walls, small pots and broken pottery littered the far wall, and five massive pillars adorned each wall, holding up the ceiling so it didn’t cave in on us.

  Walking around the room, the pictures on the walls showed what life was like for the person buried in the tomb and how it came to an end. You could see them being born, growing up to become who they were, and how life took them too soon.

  The painting on the wall depicted a hole in the person’s heart, with something standing over it. Taking a closer look, I tried to see what it meant, but the painting was nearly gone.

  Feeling an odd sense of déjà vu, I continued to walk around the room and was in awe. Tomb raiders most likely have taken everything of value, but to me gold and jewelry were never important. The body seemed to have disappeared from the room, leaving a large, empty, cement block in the middle of the room. Flowers and animals were carved on the walls of the stone, showing that this person was deeply loved.

  Malik started talking about something, but my eyes wandered to the far wall and something inside me called to it. The paintings on the wall looked to be untouched and completely preserved. Taking my steps one at a time, I slowly made my way over.

  With each step I took, the pictures on the wall started to glow. Power pulsed through the room, making my heart skip a beat. The pulsing increased the closer I got. I tried to stop my steps, but a force took over my body and pushed me closer.

  I was a foot from the wall, when I felt my fingers itch to touch the surface. My heart began to pump faster, feeling an inner need to know what mystery this wall held.

  Placing my hand on the wall, wind howled inside the tomb, throwing around everything in its wake. A strong gust threw me against the wall, trapping me in its power. The howl of the wind carried the scream of someone who long ago passed. My ears began to hurt from the intensity inside the tomb, but my gut told me I knew who the scream belonged to. Using every ounce of energy inside me, I fought against the strong winds, to see Malik thrown from his perched position on the floor to the outside of the tomb.

  Regaining his balance, he rushed back towards the room, but an invisible barrier blocked him from re-entering the room. A look of sheer panic crossed his face, making him pound against the barrier keeping him at bay. He screamed, but his words fell on deaf ears.

  Feeling the wind dissipate, the strong wind released me from its grasp, making me fall hard on my knees and yelp out in pain. Looking around the room, the torches that were once coated in cobwebs, now roared to life. Fire crackled and emanated light, showing a room once lost to the world, now brought back to its former glory.

  The walls, which were once chipped and faded, now looked as if they were only painted yesterday. Scared to move an inch, I turned my head to the wall behind me. Where my hand was touching ancient Hieroglyphics before, now a new message was written.

  ابنة الحياة.الوصي على السلام

  الدفاع عن دمي

  تحقيق السلام في هذه الأرض

  لسفك الدماء قريب

  “Daughter of Life, Guardian of peace, Defender of my blood, Bring peace to this land, For bloodshed is near.” Reading the words aloud, trying to figure out what it all meant, a weird feeling started to form in the pit of my stomach. Going over what the passage said several times, my forearms began to burn with an intensity unlike any other. Fire danced along my skin, causing me to grit my teeth. Glancing down at my arms, the hieroglyphics that appeared in my journal the other day, were now permanently etched into my skin.

  Trying to bite down on a scream threatening to escape, fire exploded in my veins, causing darkness to cloud my vision. I felt a light touch on my forehead and looked to see a woman, completely nude, kneeling before me. Her skin was tan, but her features were blurred.

  “You were not meant to awaken for thousands of years, my child. But the balance has shifted. You have protected my people for thousands of years and I ask you, once again, for your help. My greatest enemy has awakened, seeking revenge. The elixir that once was, is no more. Use your gifts to protect my daughter and defeat this enemy. For you are the only one who holds the key.” Feeling a sense of peace spread throughout my body, causing the fire to dissipate, I held her gaze, afraid to move.

  “Awakened? Protected? I am just 27 years old, born and raised in Pennsylvania, and just graduated. I am nobody.” I replied, trying to make sense of all this.

  “You are far from that, Nabiin. Your knowledge is vast, your heart is pure, and your drive is unlike any I have ever known. Blood of my heart, you are the child of Eayni. Protect Josephine from what is to come.”

  Looking down at my arms, what once burned, now glowed, causing me to look away, then it vanished from sight. “What the-“

  “You bare the mark of Eayni and myself. Our markings must be hidden from the untrained eye. Only those pure of heart will see who you truly are. Beware who you trust my child, for your journey has just begun.” Feeling soft lips on my forehead, the naked woman began to stand and walk away.

  “Wait! I don’t understand. Who are you? What am I?” Questions started to spew from my mouth and panic began to set in. Markings were just burned into my skin, glowed and now disappeared. A naked woman was telling me I was reborn for, whatever it is that she wants me to do. Feeling my heart race, trying to catch my breath, she placed her hand on my shoulder, causing the hysteria to subside.

  “Kristina Bulfer, daughter of Cynthia and Jason Bulfer. All will be explained in time. You know in your heart what is true. You feel the power pulsing in this room and your soul cries out to the paintings on this wall. For the answer lies in your heart. I will always be with you. But I fear your friends need you now. When the time comes, you will remember it all. Until then, protect Josephine and do not let the enemy win.” With one final kiss on my forehead, the naked woman was gone and my body gave way.

  I felt my head bounce off the ground, causing a splitting headache to explode in my skull. My body was fighting the darkness that threatened to consume me.

  Massive arms slid under my neck and knees, lifting me off the ground. Pain shot through my body, causing a small whimper to escape my lips.

  “I’ve got you, Ruwhi.” Malik carried me outside the tomb in the long hallway that led outside the temple. Setting me down gently on the ground outside the tomb, he refused to let me go. Resting my head against his chest, I did everything I could not to pass out.

  Getting my breathing under control and trying to keep the pain at bay, I looked up at Malik. “Why do you call me that?”

  “Because it is what you are.” Malik’s strong hand cupped my cheek, causing me to lean into him. “Laqad aintazarat waqtaan tawilaan balnsbt lk. I have waited a long time for you, Ruwhi.”

  With one final look into the deep green eyes that seemed to be capturing my heart, I tried to move from my spot to get away from this place, but pain shot up my spine, causing me to cry out.

  “Take it easy, Ruwhi.” Malik pushed me back against the wall and gasped when he saw my arms. Fear and concern flashed in his eyes, but vanished right away. The man who always looked emotionless, now looked… Well, I don’t know what.

  “Malik, what is going on?” I asked, trying to keep the panic at bay.

  Leaning forward, he kissed my forehead and cradled me in his arms. Feeling the butterflies explode inside me, I tried to ignore the small sigh wanting to escape my lips. “I promise to explain everything, but we can’t do it here. We need to be somewhere safe.”

  Ignoring the pain shooting up my back, I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he carried me outside. Ari and Jo spotted us emerging from the temple and bolted our way.

  “What the hell happened?” Jo screeched. Since she seemed unsure of where to touch me, I reached out and grabbed her hand.

  “Looks like the dead dec
ided to fight back.” Trying to lighten the mood, I started to laugh, but soon regretted it. Feeling Malik’s arms tighten around me, we made our way to a large rock, where he gently laid me down.

  I went to move, but Malik growled in protest. “Alright, Werewolf. Don’t bite my head off.”

  “There are far worse things than Werewolves.” I heard him say under his breath. Feeling his hands roam over my body, checking for blood but avoiding my personal areas, he soon found I had a few cuts and bruises all over my dust covered body. Malik and I were both covered in dirt and cobwebs.

  Jo asked what happened, but Malik kept telling her ‘not here’ and refused to give any more information. Jo soon gave up on asking Malik nicely, and started demanding answers.

  “Will someone-“

  “Well hello, travelers.” All four of us turned our heads at the woman who spoke. Making her way to us around the fallen rubble, the woman, with jet black hair pulled up into a bun, with pale white skin and dark eyes, wearing the normal archeological gear, was almost upon us. Tightening my hold on Malik, he helped me to a sitting position while we waited for her to get to us. She carried a small clipboard with her, which told me she may be with the tour.

  “Dr. Hawass sent me to find you all. I hope everyone is alright.” Her dark eyes scanned the four of us, making me shiver under her gaze. “Looks like the both of you had quite an adventure. Dr. Hawass will be most excited to hear what you four have been up to.”

  Taking one look at this mysterious woman, my blood turned to ice and I instantly didn’t trust her. Something about her screamed for me to run the other way.

  “I’m sorry, but who are you exactly?” Jo moved to stand in front of me and blocked her from my view. Ari moved to stand next to Jo and waited for the woman to respond.


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