Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1)

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Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1) Page 7

by T. M. Grinsley

  His cock plunged inside me, and feeling his thrust, I moaned his name. I matched him thrust for thrust. Looking into Ari’s eyes, my vision became clouded and a memory, not my own, flashed before my eyes.

  I panted as he pressed me against the wall. Our passion burned for each other’s touch. Locking my hands above my head, he nipped my neck and trailed kisses down my chest. Using his hips to keep me against the wall, he used his free hand to rip my shirt off. Feeling the cold wind against my nipples, I cried out when his mouth took in my breast. Sucking and pulling with his teeth, wetness pooled between my legs, begging to be touched.

  As if sensing my need, his fingers teased my folds, causing my hips to push up, giving him easier access. A guttural groan came from his throat, then his fingers plunged inside me. Using my hands, I pulled his pants down, freeing his shaft. Gliding my hands over his shaft, I guided him towards me, telling him that I was done with the foreplay. I needed him, right here and right now.

  Thrusting inside me, he pushed me to the edge of my sanity. Moaning his name, his thrusts became faster, the pressure building inside me. I was close. Threading my hands through his hair, I slammed my lips against his. I wanted him for all eternity. He was mine and mine alone. Our souls blended as one, while our bodies were joined. As our bodies began to climax, and his seed spilled into me, I whispered, “Habib Alby.”

  He placed a gentle kiss on my temple and looked me dead in the eye. For a moment, I saw fear, but it was gone in an instant. “Hathor may never find out.”

  Ari pounded into me, whispering my name, so no one could hear us. My nerve endings were on fire and a tingling sensation started on my forearms. Focusing on him, I matched him, thrust for thrust. His body tensed, telling me he was seconds away from cuming inside me. Tangling my hands deeper into his hair, I bit his shoulder to suppress the scream that was building. The sensation that washed over me was more than lust. It felt like we were becoming one and belonged together. I felt like we were joined by more than just bodies. It was the most sensational thing I had ever felt. With one final thrust, he exploded inside me. Resting his head on my chest, I felt his erratic breathing. His penis twitched inside me, releasing the last of his cum.

  “Habib Ably,” I whispered as my feet touch the floor.

  Ari was in the middle of buttoning his pants, when he froze. Turning his head slowly to look at me, his face was unreadable.

  “What did you call me?” he asked, keeping his face a blank slate.

  I scratched my head, unsure what he was asking. “I didn’t say anything, Ari. At least, I don’t remember saying anything.” Staring into his eyes, I looked for the sparkle that always made the stupid grin appear on my face. But it was gone. “What’s wrong?”

  “We need to get back to the others.” He tucked himself back into his pants and went to make sure the coast was clear.

  I straightened my skirt, wondering if not for the first time, if I was moving too fast with this one. Normally one night stands wouldn’t bother me, but I really liked Ari. I didn’t feel like I had to play the rich party girl, or show him my tits to get some action. I could just be me. If my hair was a mess and I had no make-up on, I wouldn’t care what he thought. Maybe I was wrong about him.

  Ari looked over his shoulder with a look that made my panties drop. “Why are you wearing a skirt anyway?”

  I grinned to mask my insecurity. “You never know when you need easy access.”

  Reaching for my hand, we ran to catch up with the group. Kris eyed me suspiciously and bit her lip, trying not to say anything. I smiled broadly at her and wiggled my eyebrows. Rolling her eyes, she turned her attention back to Malik.

  When we rejoined the group, Ari let go of my hand and walked over to Malik to whisper in his ear. They stepped away for a moment to talk and from the looks of it, they were arguing profusely. Ignoring the guys, I walked to Kris and put my arm around her.

  Trying to shake my arm off her shoulders, she groaned when I refused to budge. “Keep your distance, you smell like sex,” she grumbled.

  “But it was amazing sex.” I gloated.

  Keeping my arm around her, we headed over to look at some of the carvings and paintings on the wall. It seemed like boring stuff to me, but Kris looked like a kid in a candy store. I watched as she seemed to soak up the symbols and pictures; she even gasped a few times along the way. I asked her what they meant and she just shushed me. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that she knew what everything on the walls meant.

  I turned, so I was leaning on the wall as I thought about what happened back in that alcove. It was weird. One minute I was getting hot and heavy with Ari, the next I was with another man in a different time frame. Not to mention, he said ‘Hathor may never find out.’ Needing to confide in my best friend, I decided to tell her everything. “We need to talk. I don’t know what’s going on anymore, Kris.”

  Kris sighed. “I wish I knew.”

  I rested my arm on the head of a statue while we talked. The statue began to move slightly and then there was nothing. I fell backwards into darkness, screaming for help. My arms flailed, trying to grab anything to stop my fall. Kris grabbed my arm, doing everything she could to pull me back up, but she lost her balance and fell into the darkness with me. The opening that we fell through began to shut, slowly snuffing the light out of this dark abyss. I saw Ari and Malik running towards the opening with frantic looks on their faces. They were too far away to save us. The red headed girl from the group, Amy, dove onto her stomach trying to reach a hand out for us. The doorway was getting smaller and if she didn’t move, she would be toast.

  Kris and I both screamed for her to move as the door slid shut. Amy registered what was going on, but it was too late. We heard echoes of the guy’s shouts sounding around the room. Amy’s screams overshadowed the guys’ as her body was cut in half. There was a loud thump next to us, and warm liquid fell on my head. The room was encased in complete darkness, causing me to freak out. Reaching out in front of me, I called out to Kris until I felt her hand touch mine. Keeping a firm grip on her hand, I scooted closer to her, trying not to freak out. The echoes that once filled the room were now silent.

  I felt Kris moving around, then her phone lit up the room. Smacking my head like a complete idiot, I reached into my pocket and pulled out mine. We both turned on our flashlight feature, when a maniacal chuckle filled the room. I shivered from the menacing tone, trying to decipher where it was coming from.

  There was a whoosh, and one by one, torches shot to life all around us. Once the room was lit, I looked to see Amy’s upper half was on the floor, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Blood was dripping down the wall.

  Kris stood up, she gave me her hand, and helped me up, too. Covered in dust and drops of blood, we looked around, trying to find out where we were, then Kris looked me in the eye. “You just had to lean against the freaking statue, didn’t you?”


  ~ Kristina ~

  “How was I supposed to know that would happen?” Jo asked, trying to play the innocent card.

  I raised my eyebrow at Jo. “Seriously? With the amount of movies we watch, it never occurred to you there would be a hidden secret passageway, wires lying around waiting to unleash God knows what, or HIDDEN DOORS LEADING TO A DARK ABYSS THAT COULD CHOP SOMEONE IN HALF?” I screamed, trying to keep my cool. The past twenty-four hours had been complete hell and the last thing I needed was to fall into a room with no way to get out and the sound of a crazed lunatic reverberating off the walls.

  “What crawled up your ass?” Jo snapped.

  Keeping my back to her, I followed the torches along the hallway, or what seemed to be a hallway, to find a way out. The walls were etched with strange markings I had never seen before. Most of them seemed to be faded with time, soon to be lost for all eternity.

  Thank goodness the fall wasn’t that far or I would have been toast. My injuries from yesterday didn’t need friends. It was still hard to breathe at times, b
ut it was manageable. My ribs screamed for me to rest and my head wasn’t far off. But I decided to keep it hidden from my friends to stop them from worrying about me.

  “Kris, I am trying not to freak out here. Why won’t you talk to me?” The sound of Jo’s voice, made me turn around and fully take a look at my best friend.

  Her hair was soaked in blood, dark patches of dirt covered her left leg and arm, and her eyes were constantly roaming our surroundings.

  “If I would have known we were going to reenact the scene from Carrie, I would have made you wear different clothes. Those stains are never going to come out.” I said, trying to lighten the mood. Odds are, things are going to get a lot worse before we get out of here. I needed our heads clear so we can work together to find a way out.

  Jo chuckled, and her body seemed to relieve some of the tension in her shoulders. “What can I say? I have to be ready for every opportunity.”

  Jo shrugged her shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. “Kris, tell me what’s going on? I have known you since we were kids. I know you are hiding something from me.”

  Squeezing her tight, I rested my chin on her shoulder and contemplated telling her everything.

  “And don’t you dare pull the ‘I’m man, you female, card’, well you aren’t actually a dude; you have a vagina. But it sounded right in my head, because I have no idea where we are and you are the only one who knows anything about Egyptian stuff. And you are the only chance we have of getting out of here.”

  Slapping my hand over her mouth, I had to press my lips tight to stop the grin from forming. When Jo was scared, stressed out, or out of the loop she tended to babble on and on, until someone said something.

  “Did I ever tell you, you talk too much?”

  “Es ut e ov e.” Her voice sounded muffled with my hand over her mouth. When she was done, Jo licked my hand and smiled in triumph when I gave her a disgusted look.

  Rubbing my hand over my dirty shorts, I was glad for the comic relief. If we had any chance of getting out of here, we needed to stay calm.

  “That I do. Alright, seeing as we have all the time in the world.” Sitting down on the floor, I pulled Jo down with me and told her everything that’s happened. Being thrown against a wall, seeing a naked woman who looked familiar and put markings on my arms. Malik calling me a weird name and following my every move, acting like something was going to happen. Not to mention, looking at me like I am the most precious thing in the world.

  “And that isn’t even the half of it. When I confronted him on the bus, he told me he would tell me when the time was right! What the freak does that mean? He keeps calling me Ruwhi and you would think, since I know most Egyptian languages, I would know what he is saying. Ugh. Why are men so infuriating?” Falling backwards onto my back, I put my arms behind my head and looked at the ceiling. I remembered the look on Malik’s face when the door closed; that look was etched into my brain.

  This morning was probably the best time I have ever had with a guy. I decided to wear a simple top and forgo my normal nerd attire. Then he asked if I was ill because he was expecting me to wear a new mummy or book shirt. After that, our conversations all day were a breeze, except when asking him what Ruwhi meant, who the naked woman was, why I have glowing markings only he can see, and who the hell he was.

  I should be freaking out and running the other way, but a part of me wanted to bash his skull on the side of the curb and demand answers. Man, when did I get so violent?

  “Sounds like you’ve got it bad.” Jo said with her head resting on her knees.

  “You have no idea. I know I should be freaking out and running the other way, trying to get away from him, but I don’t want to. Another part of me wants to bash his skull in on the side of the curb and demand some answers and stop being so cryptic. Then another part of me wants to lock him in our hotel room and have my way with him.”

  “Aww, my innocent scholar is smitten with the mysterious sex god. How cute.” Jo tickled my side, causing us both to laugh.

  “Whatever.” I smacked her hand away from my ribs and kissed her cheek. “Thanks girl.”

  “No problem.” Jo looked around the room and the worried look that she had earlier, was now back. “How are we going to get out of here, Kris?”

  “Well considering the only option is to grab a torch and see where this room takes us, we should probably get off our butts and start looking for a way out of here.” Jo was up on her feet, dusting off her legs by the time I was done.

  Giving me her hand, she hoisted me up on my feet and we went to work. We each grabbed a torch and started to look around the room for another way out.

  Thirty minutes into our search, we had covered every square inch of the place and found no hidden button, lever, or switch to get us out of here.

  “Well, that was a bust.”


  The wall I was standing next to started to shake, causing us both to take a step back. Loose dirt fell, and the center of the wall opened to reveal a small doorway into another room. Flames erupted on each torch along the walls in the room, leading to a hallway at the far side.

  Jo went to step into the room, but I grabbed her elbow and yanked her back before her foot hit the ground. “Whatever you do, be careful.”

  As if sensing my warning, she carefully put her foot down and scanned the room for anything that moved. All was clear, so we both took another step. Halfway into the room, there was still about fifty feet left until we reached the other side.

  Menacing laughter sounded from the other room, echoing around us, causing us both to stop dead in our tracks.

  “Oh come now. You didn’t think I was going to let this be easy, did you?” I recognized that voice, but with the small holes opening all over the walls, I didn’t have a chance to figure out who it was.

  “Kris?” Jo grabbed my arm and held on for dear life. The only sound in the room was the small holes opening and locking in place. Holding my breath, we both stood there, silently waiting.

  Doing a one-eighty, I gripped Jo’s hand as hard as I could and ran. I heard the sound of small claws coming from the small holes, and I prayed to the gods that whatever was making that noise was not what I thought it was. Nearing the door, it started to slide down from the top, intent on trapping us.

  “KRIS!” Turning back to Jo, I saw scarabs pouring out of the walls, heading our way. Trying to block out the vision of them crawling onto my skin and eating my flesh, I looked back at the entrance, noticing the door was almost closed.

  Jo and I ran as fast as our legs could carry us to the door. I glanced back at the scarabs and wished I hadn’t. They were right on our tails.

  “SLIDE!” I screamed. Reaching for my inner fast pitch player, I angled my legs and slid under the door. Feeling the rock graze my chests, we made it to the other side before we were squished to death. We could hear the scarabs clawing on the other side, and my body shook, thinking about what could have happened.

  Breathing heavily, I ignored my body’s protest, and thanked the gods for making it out of that room alive.

  Jo and I didn’t wait long before we were back on our feet trying to get out of this place. If The Mummy movie or history books taught me anything, this was only the beginning.

  There was one torch waiting for us next to the door we just slid under. Jo went to grab the torch, but my gut told me I needed to do it, not her. Wrapping my hand around the wooden handle, I took one last look at Jo and walked forward.

  “Kris, who was that voice?” Jo looped her arm through mine, not wanting us to be parted. Her arms were trembling and if I was honest with myself, I was terrified at the thought of what lies ahead.

  “I don’t know. But whoever it is, she wants us dead.” Keeping the torch in front of us, we walked along the corridor, keeping our eyes open for anything that moved.

  Darkness would have surrounded us, if not for the torchlight. Rounding the corner, there was a large room ahead. Light shined in the corridor, causing
my steps to quicken, wanting to get out of this place. Emerging into the room, any hopes of finding a way out, vanished.

  Large rectangular structures, with fire burning bright, wrapped along the walls, pictures worshipping the goddess, Hathor, were painted all along the walls, and in the center of the room stood Cleo. She was surrounded by hundreds of slithering snakes.

  Cleo no longer wore her tour guide attire and held a clipboard. She had small black strips of cloth zigzagged across her midsection, leaving little to the imagination. Her long black hair swung loose behind her back and her eyes were vacant. Gone were her irises; her eyes were now solid black.

  Fighting the urge to scream and run away, I stood my ground. Jo released my arm, standing a shoulder’s width away from me, and we waited.

  “Welcome, Kris and Jo. So wonderful of you to finally join me. Kris, or should I call you Keket? Prophet of the ancient world, daughter of Eayni, and protector of our world. And Josephine, daughter of Eayni and Iabet. Born of the same seed but different womb.” Cleo said, while snakes slithered over her feet.

  The snakes hissed and lunged for one another, but not once did they harm Cleo.

  “I must say, I wasn’t sure at first. But then again, you both are not too good at keeping secrets, now are you?”

  Moving slightly in front of Jo, my arms started to tingle, and I felt power surge inside me.

  “Who are you?” Jo spat. Earlier she was scared, but from the sound of her voice now, she was pissed. She made an attempt to stand beside me, but I refused to let her pass.


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