Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1)

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Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1) Page 12

by T. M. Grinsley

  “Thank you.” I said. The horse shook his head, causing his mane to fly everywhere and he huffed loudly. I backed away, trying to avoid being whipped by the stallion’s hair, but he followed my movements. I laughed at the stallion’s playful manner and planted a kiss on his neck.

  Knowing the guys were waiting, I scratched the horse’s neck one more time and turned to see the two men with their arms crossed, staring down at me. Wanting to have a little fun, I mimicked their position.

  “I’m waiting, Kris.” Malik said, with no emotion in his voice.

  “Waiting for what?” I asked innocently.

  “Don’t test me, woman.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “I told you not to leave the tent!”

  “Oh for Pete’s sake! You tell me last night you love me, I am this lost love from thousands of years ago, we make out on my cot, and now you are going all he-man on me. Sorry dude, but fuck off. I may remember a few things from the past, but that does not give you any reason to act like this. If I want to go off and have a little fun, I do not need to consult you.” I snapped. If this is what Malik was really like, I wanted nothing to do with it. Last night was amazing. He was kind, sweet, and gentle. Now he is a brooding ass, who thinks he owns me.

  Malik took a step forward, which caused me to take a step back. “Sure you want to play this game?” He bent slightly, reading to pounce.

  Oh, shit!

  Without a second thought, I ran for it. Granted, running after everything my body has been through, may not have been the best idea, but sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind.

  Feeling a grin plaster on my face, I weaved between the horses, doing everything I could not to be caught. The black stallion, from earlier, followed my footsteps and seemed to be playing along as well. When Malik got close, the stallion would block his path, giving me time to escape.

  I reached the other side of the pen, ready to step under the poles, when strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up. Malik set me on the pole and I turned to face him. The smile that made my heart skip was plastered on his face and he was having a hard time breathing.

  “You. Are. The. Most. Infuriating. Woman. I know.” He said between each breath.

  “For a man who is supposed to be my protector, you are really out of shape.” I teased.

  Resting my hands on the pole by my hips, I leaned forward, planting a kiss on his lips.

  I went to pull back, but Malik wrapped his hands behind my neck and deepened the kiss. There was no anger behind the kiss, just pure passion. Feeling his hands loosen behind my neck, I pulled back slightly and looked into his dark green eyes.

  “Promise me you won’t do that again.” Malik asked, his breath brushing against my cheek.

  “Sorry, old man, I can’t do that.”

  Malik chuckled at my joke and helped me down off the post.

  “So this is the woman we are all risking our lives for? Doesn’t look like much to me.”

  Malik pulled me behind him and snarled at the man who made the comment. I looked around Malik’s shoulders and noticed he was one of the men who was glaring at me when Ari and I walked by earlier.

  “What business do you have here, Amon?” Malik sneered. He kept his arm behind him, keeping me from moving. To be honest, the way the man was looking at me, I had no intentions of moving, anyway.

  “I wanted to see the Prophet for myself. If she claims to be the woman who will put an end to Hathor, prove it. Make her demonstrate her powers.” Amon spat back. Placing my hand on Malik’s shoulder, I felt his body tense at my touch.

  “Watch it, Amon. You have no right to demand that of her.” I saw a faint glow emanating from Malik’s arms, causing my breath to hitch. “If I were you, I would back away slowly and return to camp.”

  “ENOUGH!” A man dressed in all black, with a mask covering his face, appeared out of nowhere with Ari in tow. If I didn’t know any better, that sounded an awful lot like Dr. Hawass. “Amon, get back to your post and I don’t ever want to catch you challenging Malik again. Do you understand me?”

  Amon shot Malik a look, but when his eyes locked on mine, I saw nothing but hatred. He turned to bow before the man in the mask and stormed off.

  The glow coming from Malik’s arms disappeared and his body was no longer tense. He turned around and wrapped me in his arms. “Are you okay?”

  “Uhh, what was that all about?” I asked, a little confused. If these men were to protect me, as Ari had said, why were they fighting amongst themselves?

  “There are a few men who are on edge. Hathor destroyed most of our villages before you and Jo arrived. Once word spread of your arrival. Her sights were set on you guys.” The man in the mask said, answering my question. Removing the mask, I looked at the familiar face of Dr. Hawass, thankful he intervened.

  “Who are you people?” I took a step back and examined all three men. I should have taken a closer look earlier, but lately my mind was a complete mess. Ari wore black army pants with a gun strapped to his thigh and a tight black shirt that clung tight to his chest. Dr. Hawass wore a black Keffiyah with the symbol of Ra painted on each cheek. A Khopesh, ancient battle sword, was strapped to his hip, telling me he was not to be trifled with. Malik, on the other hand, was dressed just like Ari, but a hell of a lot scarier.

  “Malik, bring her to my tent. It is time we explained ourselves.”

  “Kris, what do you know about the Madjai?” Dr. Hawass asked.

  Ari, Malik, Dr. Hawass, and myself sat in wooden chairs in the middle of the tent I was just in earlier today. Malik stood behind me, no doubt looking like a brute protecting his mate, and Ari was trying to keep a straight face.


  “For God sakes man, sit your ass down and knock it off already. I am no threat to her.” Dr. Hawass snapped. He glared at Malik, who refused to stand down, which caused Ari and I to lose it. Ari fell out of his chair, clutching his chest from laughing, and I did my best to stay afloat. My stitches screamed at me to stop, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  Dr. Hawass and Malik watched Ari and myself in horror. “What on earth has possessed these two?” Dr. Hawass asked.

  “Malik. He-man. Me. Man. You. Woman.” Ari said between each howl of laughter.

  Hearing him say that only made it worse. Tears streamed down my face, as I tried to regain control of my laughter. But in all honesty, this is exactly what I needed. Since I got here, I have been a bundle of nerves and unable to enjoy this trip. Not to mention, a psychotic goddess was trying to kill me and Jo. It felt good to laugh and feel free again.

  After a few moments, Ari and I were able to get our laughter under control.

  “Now that that is over, Malik, sit next to your woman. She is safe while she is in my care.” Dr. Hawass nodded his head to Malik and directed his attention to me. “Kris, you may continue. Oh and please, call me Tarek.”

  Malik sat down in the chair next to me, which caused me to chuckle even more. He gave me his signature glare which caused me to roll my eyes and focus on Tarek.

  “The Madjai were an elite force that protected areas of the Pharaohs’ interest. But what a lot of people don’t know is that the Egyptians employed them to be mercenaries, to eliminate their enemies. The Madjai also protect ancient secrets so they do not get passed into the wrong hands. But they were erased from history over four thousand years ago. Why?” I looked around the room, looking at all three of the men, trying to figure out why they would ask me such a question.

  “Kris, we are the Madjai.” Ari said, with his elbows on his knees. “Our kind went into hiding to save the innocent. We had a target on our backs and we needed to do something. The Pharaohs learned what kind of weapon we could be, and hunted us down to near extinction. With the protection of Iabet, we were able to get away.”

  “Why would Iabet do that? No offense or anything, but you were skilled mercenaries. You are trained killers.” I shifted uncomfortably in my
chair, not sure if I felt safe or not.

  Malik knelt in front of me and took both of my hands in his. “Kris…” Malik looked over his shoulder to look at Tarek. Something passed between them and he nodded his head once. Malik turned back to me and sighed. “You are the creator of the Madjai. You started this group in hopes of protecting Iabet and Ra’s unborn child. Iabet was able to restore the bond between you and Ra. You promised to do everything you could to save their unborn child. But before we could be tasked with such a heavy burden, we needed to train and show our worth. We killed thousands who posed a threat to our Kingdom. You are our Master and when you were killed, Iabet did everything she could to keep us alive, so when you returned, we would serve you like we once did.”

  Ripping my hands out of Malik’s grasp, I shot up and backed away slowly from the men. I would never do this. Anger exploded inside my chest and I could feel Keket’s anger adding to my own. “I… no, you are mistaken.”


  “I AM NOT KEKET!” I screamed. Tears started to form in my eyes, making it hard to see. I was only alive because they believed I was this Keket and their master. Not only that, but Malik was in love with a woman who died thousands of years ago. He waited centuries to have her back, but I would never be her. I was Kristina Sahan Bulfer, a human, mortal.

  I saw Malik take a step towards me, which made me take one back. He didn’t love me. He was only fooling himself, thinking I was her. “Don’t you dare touch me.”

  “Ruwhi? Let us explain.” Malik said.

  “STOP CALLING ME THAT! I am not this Keket, Ruwh-whatever, or this woman who created the Madjai. I am just a girl who was born in the United States and wants to get her best friend back.” Tears streamed down my face, as I felt my world crumble around me. Jo was gone, I was in the middle of nowhere with a group of men who I didn’t know, and for the first time in my life, I felt completely alone.

  “Malik, stand down.” Tarek’s voice commanded. He stood from his chair and walked slowly towards me, his eyes seeking permission to come closer. “Kristina, please have a seat.”

  My eyes drifted to Malik, and I wished they hadn’t. The man, who captured my heart, was in love with Keket, but not me. I may have been her in a past life, but that is not who I am anymore. “Get him out of here.”

  “No!” Malik roared, his breathing becoming erratic. Ari bolted from his chair and held Malik back.

  “As you wish. Ari, get him out of here.” Tarek said as he moved out of the way so Ari could push Malik out of the tent. Malik fought with everything he had, but when his eyes finally looked into mine, he slumped in defeat. Our eyes locked only for a moment longer, before the tent flap closed, and I was alone with Tarek.


  “Please, call me Kris.” I interjected.

  “Kris, I know you may not trust us, but you can confide in me.” Tarek sat back down in his chair and motioned for me to join him. I stared at the closed flap for a few minutes more, before I went to join Tarek.

  “How can I confide in, let alone trust, someone I don’t even know?” I asked out loud, but it was more to myself.

  “Kris, you are not a dumb woman. You are incredibly smart, but I can tell that you have been hurt many times over. But if it makes you feel any better, I will tell you my story, to give you some peace of mind.” Tarek started his story when he was a young boy. Treasure seekers killed his village and he, along with a few others, were the only survivors. The Madjai saved them from the brink of starvation and gave them a choice. Join them or be forced to walk the desert alone, seeking shelter from the hard sun and miles of sand.

  Tarek and the rest of the survivors agreed to join and dedicated their lives to serving Iabet. They were told of the Prophet and her Protector, and how one day they would be reunited. How they would need to trained hard and prepare for the day of her arrival. For when the Prophet returns, everything as they know it, will change. For her powers alone, can destroy a god and alter the course of history. That is why there can be only one in existence at a time. Tarek went on about his training, but my mind kept wandering to how he and Malik met.

  “There is something you should know. You may not want to hear it, but I am going to say it anyway. Malik was the man who saved us from the raiders when I was a child. He risked his own life, coming out of hiding, to save us from dying. He taught us the ways of the Madjai. When we were old enough, he told us about the Prophet, who would return and finally put an end to all this bloodshed. He may seem like a brute, hard headed, and impossible to get along with, but he is the one man I would want by my side in battle. You need to tell him how you feel, Kris. It is the only way.” Tarek’s words wrapped around my heart and squeezed. He reminded me so much of my mother, it made me wish she was here.

  “How can I love a man, who is so focused on the woman I was? That is not me. I’ve seen memories of my past, sure, but that isn’t me. I am a girl who shies away from people who get too close. I keep my nose in books, to stay away from people, because I am afraid of being hurt. The only person I have ever trusted and fully been myself with, is Jo. And now she is in the hands of Cleo, Hathor, whatever her name is. Doing who knows what to her.” Resting my head in my hands, I let every emotion I was feeling come out. I was terrified for Jo.

  If what happened in the temple was any indication of Hathor’s powers, Jo was never going to be the same again.

  I felt Tarek beside me. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me towards him. I laid my head on his chest and continued to cry. Heavy sobs racked my body, making it hard to breathe. I would give anything to have my mother here with me. I needed her, now more than ever.

  Tarek held me for several minutes, before I was able to get myself under control. Using the back of my hand to wipe the tears away, I laughed at his tear stained shirt. “Sorry about that.”

  Tarek shook his head and helped me to my feet. “I may not have been blessed with children, but I do know a good cry is sometimes needed to put things into perspective.”

  “Thank you, Tarek.” I gave him a hug and prepared myself for what I needed to do. If I had any chance of saving Jo, I needed the help of these men.

  I felt Keket trying to penetrate my mind, but I locked her out. Her anger still flooded my veins, but I took a deep breath to get my emotions under control. There was a lot to do, but first I needed to gain the trust of the men and then rescue Jo. Straightening my shirt, I walked to the front of the tent and went to move the flap, when Tarek cleared his throat.

  “Malik is not a bad man, Kris. But I have a feeling he has no idea what he is in for.” Tarek smiled.

  Giving Tarek my best smile, I opened the flap and went to find Malik.


  ~ Kristina ~

  “Get a hold of yourself, man.” I saw Ari fighting to keep Malik at bay outside the tent. Malik’s hands were balled into tight fists and he looked pissed. Standing outside the tent, I watched the two men circle one another.

  “Ari, you are like a brother to me, but stand the fuck down.” Malik spat, trying to make a pass, but Ari blocked his attempts.

  “I am doing this for your own good. Kris is not Keket, man. If you would open your eyes, you would see this.”

  “ARI!” Malik went to swing at Ari, but his fist hit air. Ari dived under his attack and swiped at Malik’s legs. Malik tumbled to the ground, but rolled onto his back before his face hit the dirt.

  “Listen to me, brother. She is not Keket. The woman you loved turned on you. She betrayed everyone she loved, to protect herself. The woman you love is Kris. When she laid on the cot, fighting for her life, you told me how you felt. You would not eat or sleep as you told her to fight it. For days, I stood by your side as you begged her to come back to you.” Ari continued to dodge Malik’s attacks.

  I stood there, stunned, not sure what to do. Why was Malik acting like this? The two continued to throw punches, but Ari never backed down.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Tarek emerged fr
om the tent, baffled at what he saw. Ari and Malik had gained an audience from everyone in the camp. I looked at every warrior that came to watch the spectacle.

  “Tarek, something is wrong with Malik.” Ari huffed, as he tackled Malik to the ground. “His eyes are solid black and he thinks I am hurting Kris.”

  I looked back and forth between Tarek and the men fighting in front of us. A few of the Madjai tried to intervene, but Malik knocked them out cold. Anyone who came near him, he would attack, thinking they were a threat.

  The anger inside me continued to grow, as I felt Keket fighting to take control.

  “Get the hell out of my head, Keket. I do not have time for you.” I opened my mind for Keket, to let her in. She kept pounding against my head, so I figured it must be something important.

  “Go to him. Your bond is stronger than anything we ever had. He feels your emotions and is lost. You have not completed the bond, so what you feel seeps into his soul, tenfold.”

  “What do you mean, ‘our bond is stronger.’ What are you saying, Keket?”

  “I loved him the only way I knew how. I never knew love until I met Iabet. Malik was the only one to show me kindness and compassion. The man before you loved the idea of who I was, but never the woman I was. I showed him a false reality, because of who my father is. Our bond was strong, but the love he has for you… I have never seen anything like it. Only you can save him from himself. You must stop him before he kills his brother.” Keket urged.

  I debated on doing what she said, but then I saw Malik with his arms around Ari’s neck.

  “I don’t know how.” I felt the familiar tingle on my arms and my markings began to glow. My hands began to glow with power, lifting of their own accord.

  “Trust in yourself, Kris. Do not make the same mistakes I did. Listen to your heart and trust in the power the gods have bestowed upon you. You will know what to do.”


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