Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Cara Covington

  “I’ve been almost afraid to believe,” Jordan’s words trembled with feeling.

  This, Tracy knew, was the next level of their relationship, and she rejoiced in the depth of the emotions so freely shared. Words held tremendous power and theirs—heartfelt and hesitant—performed the miracle now of strengthening their spiritual bond. “You’re both here with me now, and while we’re together, it’s all so real, and so right. When I’d be gone from you, it was still right, but I’d wonder if it truly was real, or just made that way because I’ve wanted this—wanted us—so desperately. I want to be worthy of what we have together. I want to be worthy of you both.”

  “One day at a time,” Tracy said. “One day at a time, and then those doubts will ebb. Trust me on this, darling.”

  “Tracy’s right, love. Only time and having us here day after day will ease those fears. So we live one day at a time, and love one day at a time, and see just where it takes us.”

  Awed, Tracy realized it was there with them now, that aura that enveloped Jordan and Peter when they looked into each other’s eyes, when their gazes connected and the love flowed between them.

  In that moment she understood that Peter was right. How easy it was to slide into the pool of their love, for in their expressions she could see reflected the feelings she’d held for Jordan Kendall in the secrecy of her heart all these years.

  She didn’t feel excluded from them. Even as she understood that for one heartbeat of time they only saw each other. That was as it should be. It didn’t detract from the reality that this was their moment together. It belonged to all three of them.

  Tracy shivered, incredibly moved when the men—her men—reached for each other, when their hands stroked arms and chests and their lips met, the gestures seeming so very tender and worshipful. Trembling, she stretched a hand out to each and rubbed up and down their backs, a loving touch, a touch that meant she cherished them, and what they had together.

  Jordan and Peter both shifted, and while they kept one hand on each other, they each used the other one to touch her, to pet and caress, so that her flesh pebbled in response to the arousal they bred in her. Together, the three of them formed a perfect circle of desire.

  “You and our woman gave me such an unbelievable gift not so long ago.” Peter said the words interspersed with kisses on Jordan’s neck and face. “I think it’s time we treated you to the same pampering.”

  “Mm, yes.” The image captured Tracy’s imagination. She loved both men, equally and without reservation, yet she recognized they had individual needs.

  Jordan needed to know how incredibly special he was, how important he was to her, and to Peter, too. That he would ever doubt it, that he would ever feel less than boggled her mind and hurt her heart.

  “That sounds hot. What do you have in mind?” Jordan used the fingers of his right hand to stroke under Tracy’s breast, and the fingers of his left to trace a light pattern up and down Peter’s cock.

  Peter’s hand fisted Jordan. Even as Tracy shivered with arousal, she saw how different Peter’s handling of that delicious cock was from her own.

  Jordan returned the favor, and Peter closed his eyes on his own shiver. When he opened them again, he said, “Jordan, I want you in the middle of the bed, but close to the end, here, and on your hands and knees. I want to fuck you while Tracy sucks your cock.”

  “Oh, yes.” Tracy shivered. She wanted to heap so much love on Jordan that he would never again doubt his worthiness.

  “Mm, I’ll have to find some way to keep my own mouth busy,” Jordan said. He leaned over and kissed her. “Any suggestions on how I could do that, Tracy?”

  Tracy felt herself getting wet. “I may have one,” she said.

  Jordan moved slowly, crawling onto the massive bed, then wiggling his ass when he got into position.

  Tracy giggled and said, “Nice ass.”

  “It certainly is,” Peter agreed.

  She took the few steps over to the bedside table and grabbed a condom and the lube. Returning to the end of the bed quickly, she gave Peter the gel. The condom she tore open herself. Peter’s cock stood erect, pulsing ever so slightly with his arousal. Fisting Peter’s cock, she gave him a few good, strong strokes. Then she bent over and sucked him into her mouth, taking him deep. She loved his flavor, and when he groaned, and grabbed her hair, she smiled. Releasing him, she rolled the latex into place, and gave him another couple of strokes just to be certain it would stay put.

  “Our woman is a tease,” Peter said.

  “Thank God for that,” Jordan said.

  Tracy took a moment to simply watch the men. Peter had one leg, bent at knee, on the bed. The other he had firmly planted on the floor. His hands stroked Jordan’s bare ass, and Jordan groaned, closed his eyes, and pushed his ass toward him.

  Peter met her gaze while he opened the lube and squeezed a generous amount of the gel on his fingers. He dropped the tube beside him and then began to run those coated fingers up and down the crack of Jordan’s ass.

  “Mm, that feels good.” Jordan’s eyes remained closed as he pressed himself against Peter’s hand.

  Tracy couldn’t wait another moment. She got on the bed and moved toward Jordan. He opened his eyes and looked at her. In his expression she read heat, and longing, and love.

  “Kiss me, baby,” he said. “I need to taste you.”

  Tracy was happy to comply. She mated her lips to his and kissed him, giving him all she held in her heart, all that she was. Their tongues danced, a slow and sensuous ballet. She tapered the kiss, smiled at him, and then maneuvered herself under him, so that she lay on her back. His penis stretched out, hot and hard and delectable, mere inches from her face.

  Just as her lovers had different tastes, they had different scents. Inhaling deeply, she took in Jordan’s particular aroma. Why did just the smell of him make her nipples hard and her heart pound?

  “Let’s get you ready for me, sweetheart.” Peter’s voice, unusually deep, skittered over her skin. She looked up and watched as he centered his hand, watched as he pressed it forward, delving between to the globes of Jordan’s ass.

  Jordan inhaled deeply, and by the sound of it, Tracy knew he’d breathed in through his teeth. Then he moaned, and pushed his ass closer to Peter.

  Tracy wrapped her fingers around Jordan’s engorged cock, turned her head slightly to the side, and stretched up so she could lick him. He quivered in her hand. Tracy did it again, smiling when Jordan moaned and dipped his hips down toward her.

  “Sweetheart, you’re killing me.” Jordan’s words sounded breathless.

  “Which sweetheart are you talking to, babe?” Peter asked.

  Tracy heard the laughter in Peter’s voice.

  “Both of you.” He gave a short bark of laughter tinged with frustration. “My God, you’re both a couple of teases.”

  “You in a hurry there, lover?” Peter asked him.

  “Damn it, you two, do something.” Jordan’s tortured plea ended on a shuddering sigh, because Tracy moved at the same time Peter did.

  She sucked his cock deep into her mouth, her tongue avid in stroking the rigid shaft, her mouth eager to coax his seed out of him. She could see the action of Peter’s hips as his cock penetrated Jordan’s anus. The sound of his balls slapping against Jordan seemed to reverberate deep inside her, tickling her clit and making her moan around Jordan’s cock.

  “Give me some of that nectar of yours, Tracy.” Jordan bent down and blew hot breath on the already moistened folds of her pussy.

  The sound that came out of her echoed with desperation. She spread her legs and pushed her pussy up toward Jordan’s mouth, wordlessly begging him to take what he wanted.

  “Mm.” Jordan buried his face between her legs and opened his mouth over her cunt. Using lips and tongue, he sucked and lapped at her, sending her to the very edge of bliss. She sucked harder on his cock, her excitement feeding on the taste of him, the scent of both of her lovers so close, the aroma of the
m mingling and shooting straight to her clit. Grunts and groans and strangled sighs became everything. She was close, so close, to coming. They were close. Needing more, needing all, she moved her hand and gently cupped and squeezed Peter’s scrotum.

  “Yes!” He pounded into Jordan once, twice, and again and then held himself still, pressed forward, his shout of victory bouncing off the walls as he came.

  Tracy bowed off the bed as her climax erupted, the spasms of rapture sharp and sweet, and amplified by the taste of Jordan’s seed as it shot out of him, hitting the back of her throat. Greedy, orgasmic, Tracy swallowed every drop he gave her.

  Slowly her senses cleared. The strains of smoky jazz floated in the air, punctuated by the sound of three people fighting for breath. Tracy shivered as tiny electric-like shocks sizzled through her, aftershocks of an orgasm that had evolved into so much more than any she’d had to date.

  “Move, baby. I don’t want to squish you.”

  Having felt the force of Jordan’s orgasm, she was surprised he could form a coherent sentence. Moving took more effort than she could have imagined. She wiggled and squirmed until she was clear of the man-sculpture hovering over the bed.

  Peter rested his face on Jordan’s back, his hands pressing into the bed on either side of Jordan, holding most of his weight.

  Jordan, seeing Tracy was clear, simply collapsed, face-first, onto the mattress. Peter stayed in him and on him. Both men wore a sheen of sweat, mute testimony to exertion and ecstasy.

  “We’re going to kill each other,” Peter said.

  “Yeah, but what a way to go.”

  Tracy smiled in response to Jordan’s deadpan delivery. “I didn’t know it could be like that—powerful and simultaneous. Every time we make love it’s better than the last.”

  “It is.” Jordan turned his head and gave her the most heart-melting smile.

  “Hold still, babe.” Peter placed a kiss on Jordan’s shoulder then eased away from him. Tracy watched him move like a drunken sailor toward the bathroom. Moments later she heard the sound of the toilet flushing, and then water running.

  He came back into the room carrying a washcloth and towel and cared for Jordan much the same way they’d cared for her that first time.

  “What do you say we all go relax in the spa?” Jordan said.

  “Oh, yes, that would finish the evening off nicely.” Tracy loved soaking in the churning froth.

  “Not quite,” Peter said. “But almost. You two go get into the water. I’ll be right back with some snacks, since we didn’t eat our dinner.”

  Just the mention of food made Tracy’s stomach rumble. Peter chuckled, placed a kiss on her complaining abdomen, and practically bounded from the room.

  Tracy thought she might be able to move in a day or two. She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the sweet lassitude enveloping her.

  She shrieked in surprise when Jordan scooped her into his arms. She must have dozed off because she hadn’t even noticed him move off the bed.

  He carried her the short distance to the hot tub, then got into it with her still in his arms. “I want to never be without one of these,” she said as she relaxed on the bench. She closed her eyes and eased her head back. The sensation of hot water bubbling over and around her began to work on muscles that had, only recently, been getting a lot of exercise.

  “Didn’t your mom and dad let you use theirs?”

  “No. Their en suite bathroom was their private oasis. Still is, as a matter of fact.” Tracy grinned then turned her head to look at Jordan. “You’d never know they’ve been married thirty-two years. It’s been just the two of them at home for a couple of years now, but I’m still cautious when I drop over to see them. Sometimes, they’ll be upstairs, and the first sound I hear when I arrive is mom’s giggle.”

  “That’s really nice.” Peter came in carrying a tray. He’d cut up some cheese and poured out crackers onto a plate. A bunch of grapes glistened in a bowl, and the Riesling he’d opened already had condensation forming on the outside of the cold bottle.

  He set everything down on the ledge that curved along the back half of the tub. Then he slipped into the water and sighed. “My parents are still in love, too,” he said after a moment. “But they’re very discreet about love play. I have three brothers and two sisters, so I know they’ve had sex. But growing up, none of us ever heard even the smallest giggle.”

  “Different strokes for different folks.” Tracy barely got the words out when the men laughed, and she closed her eyes in response to her own unintentional pun.

  They nibbled, sipped, and relaxed, comfortable in the silence.

  “I want to plant a tree tomorrow,” Peter said.

  “Didn’t you just do that?” Jordan asked.

  Tracy groaned, and splashed a little water at him.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You bought a tree?”

  “I did. I thought it would be kind of symbolic—the three of us putting down roots, together. We can plant it after you get home from work tomorrow.”

  Tracy looked at Jordan to see his reaction to the idea. He met Peter’s gaze, and then hers, and nodded slowly.

  “We don’t have to wait until evening. We can do it in the morning.”

  “No early meetings tomorrow?” Tracy asked. She scooted closer to the tray of nibbles and grabbed a cracker and a piece of cheese.

  “Just one, but it’s here, in Lusty.” Jordan helped himself to a couple pieces of cheese. “I hired a man this afternoon who has been out of work for a while. He needs the money now, and I need someone to finish up those odds and ends out at the new hangar.”

  “Oh, yeah? I bet he was glad to finally land a job,” Peter said. He pulled a grape off the stem, set it atop a small piece of cheese, and popped the two into his mouth. “How long had he been looking?”

  “Not that long, actually.” Jordan leaned back against the edge of the tub and closed his eyes. “An acquaintance called me about him yesterday. He quit his last job a year ago so he could care for his mother during her last months.”

  “Ah,” Peter said. “Of course you’d give him whatever you could find for him to do. What’s his name?”

  “Joe Grant, from Hewitt, just outside of Waco. Anyway, I’m meeting him at the airfield at ten, so that will give us plenty of time to plant that tree after breakfast.”

  “Mm, and no early alarm means we can play a bit longer tonight…if the two of you are interested,” Peter said.

  “I’m in,” Tracy said.

  “No, darling, that’s going to be my line,” Jordan quipped back.

  Tracy wondered if she imagined that Peter seemed to be on alert after Jordan told them about his new hire. She met his gaze, but then after a moment he winked and closed his eyes. She had the same sense she’d felt a couple of times in the last few days.

  Maybe it was her imagination. Or maybe there was something going on with Peter Alvarez, something he was determined to keep to himself.

  Chapter 15

  “His name is Manny Ramirez,” Adam said, “nineteen years old. Until a few months ago, he was a card-carrying member of the Los Príncipes, a small but not quite harmless gang that’s been operating mostly in both Houston and Dallas.”

  Peter got into the cruiser and closed the car door. He looked over at Adam Kendall, whose expression, as usual, was inscrutable.

  He fastened his seat belt, even though going anywhere in town never took more than a few minutes. “Is he the son of Portia and Joaquin Ramirez?” He’d met the couple at Susan, Colt, and Ryder’s ceremony the month before. Joaquin was a former marine who’d served during the first Gulf War. He’d been one of the first to volunteer when Peter and Adam had hastily mounted a rescue mission. Together—and with the improvised help of Tamara—they’d extricated Morgan and Henry from the clutches of Preston Rogers at the airfield.

  “No, he’s their nephew. The boy didn’t grow up here in Lusty like his cousins, but he visited often. Portia and Joaquin took him in on
ce he made the decision to get his shit together.”

  “How’s he been doing with that?”

  “Pretty well, actually. You know that Joaquin has a computer software business?”

  “Yes. I believe he’s the one Morgan and Henry tapped to get their new computers up and running with the latest business-oriented programs.”

  “Well, Manny certainly takes after his uncle. The one thing the kid excelled at, all his life—beyond getting into trouble—has been computers. Manny has a real talent there. Joaquin has hired him, of course. He’d be a fool not to. Well, as long as he keeps his nose clean, which he seems to be doing.”

  “And Joaquin didn’t mind your asking Manny to go back to his old haunts and conduct this intelligence-gathering mission for us?”

  “Manny said he was glad to do it, and his uncle stood by him. Joaquin and I both think he’s been intent on making amends, but hasn’t had much of an opportunity to do so, until now.”

  Peter sat back as familiar streets zipped past. He’d asked for Adam’s help, so he couldn’t really protest the sheriff’s methods.

  The house, a pretty Victorian, stood on a quiet cul-de-sac about a block from the park. The door opened before they even gained the porch steps. A slightly plump, brown-haired woman with brown eyes and a big smile on her face greeted them.

  “Ah, Mister G-Man, it’s so nice to see you without that sling on your arm.”

  Peter laughed. “Nice to see you again, too, Portia.” Then he sighed as much for comedic effect as for reality. “No one in this entire town is going to let me forget that I didn’t duck fast enough last month, are they?”

  Portia shrugged. “It’s a small town, Peter. We have so little entertainment here.” The laughter in her eyes belied that statement, of course.

  “I just made a fresh pot of coffee,” she said, holding the door open for them. “Come in. Manny is in the living room with Joaquin.”

  Peter immediately felt at home in the Ramirez house. The dark polished wood of the doorframes glistened in morning light that filtered down from skylights in the ceiling of the entrance hall. Clean and fragrant, the home spoke of a life of comfortable affluence.


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