Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 22

by Cara Covington

  As far as she and Jordan were concerned, the man had failed in his duty, an intolerable reality. They wouldn’t be able to completely relax until the drug lord had been caught.

  Peter must have sensed the protection vibes coming from both her and Jordan.

  “It’s all right, my loves. We are supposed to be on the same team, he and I. Don’t forget that he was on the ball enough that day to realize Tracy was in trouble, and alert Morgan. As well, he wasn’t involved in that raid down in El Paso. Sometimes, busts go wrong. It’s just the way it is. ”

  “I suppose,” Jordan said.

  “How did he even know to come here tonight?” Tracy wondered out loud.

  “He’s FBI,” Peter said, as if that explained everything.

  The day after Peter and Jordan had stopped Manny Ramirez, the newswires had carried the story of the arrest of US Attorney Templeton Marsh on several charges including conspiracy to assassinate a federal law enforcement officer.

  That had been the good news. Unfortunately, Peter’s boss had called later that day with the news that the FBI had failed to arrest Miguel Ramos. Apparently, the man had fled El Paso, and was currently hiding somewhere in Mexico.

  Tracy didn’t imagine that Peter would be very happy to see Joe Grant, all things considered.

  “I’ll go see and what he wants,” Peter said.

  “No, love. Let him come to you. Home-field advantage.” Jordan reached around Tracy and ran a hand down Peter’s back. Tracy took Peter’s hand in hers.

  Grant came over to them, his gaze going from Tracy to Jordan, then settling on Peter.

  “I take it there’s some sort of party going on here tonight. Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I stopped by your house, and when I saw no one was home, I decided to drive into town and see if the restaurant was open.”

  “This is a party,” Peter said. “A private one.”

  Joe Grant looked around then offered Peter his hand. Peter didn’t hesitate to shake it. “It’s good to see you, especially without the sling. I’ll leave you to your party. I’ll touch base with you in a week or so. Perhaps you have some insights into our elusive quarry?” His smile faded, just a bit. “I don’t like the way that all came out, and I’d like to see what we can do about it setting things to rights.”

  “I’d be glad to meet with you in a week or so,” Peter said. “But tonight isn’t for cop talk. It’s for family.”

  Joe Grant nodded slowly. “Of course. I understand.”

  “And for guests,” Peter added after a moment. “Maybe you’d like to stay for a while? The food’s free, and you know Jordan’s brothers Morgan and Henry, and their fiancée Tamara.”

  Grant’s gaze followed someone moving on the other side of the room. Tracy tilted her head just enough to see it was Michelle Parker who’d caught his eye. Then he turned his attention back to Peter. “I’d like that, thank you. I didn’t spend a lot of time here, but what can I say? You have to like a town named ‘Lusty.’”

  Peter grinned. “Well, I certainly do.”

  Henry had obviously noticed the newcomer and sidled his way over to their table. He greeted Joe Grant like an old friend and invited the man to come and sit with him and Morgan and Tamara, and to meet some more of the family.

  “That was very well done, Peter.”

  Tracy turned at the sound of that sweet, almost melodious voice. “Grandma Kate! I didn’t see you arrive!”

  “You were busy watching over one of your men,” Kate Benedict said. “Perfectly understandable.”

  “Grandma Kate.” Peter bent down so he could kiss her cheek. “You’re looking very lovely this evening.”

  Kate laughed. “You are a smooth one. I thought that the very first time I met you.” She tilted her head to the side, and it seemed to Tracy that her grin turned a bit sly. “I understand you’ve been manfully enduring some pretty relentless teasing in the last couple of weeks.”

  “Oh? I hadn’t really noticed anything out of the ordinary,” Peter said.

  “Yes, a smooth one, all right,” Kate said.

  “Kate.” Jordan reached for her and gave her a big hug. When he released her, he took her hands in his and kissed them. “She hasn’t said how, but I have a feeling you may have had something to do with Tracy’s…um…confronting us. So thank you.”

  Kate laughed, and it seemed to Tracy as if the entire room full of Benedicts, Kendalls, and Jessops turned toward that joyful sound. “Oh, you young people. You’re all so certain I’m up to something when nothing could be further from the truth.” She made her way over to Julia who’d just returned with the drinks, kissed her cheek, and then sat down next to her.

  “I just love these parties,” Grandma Kate said. “So very many of my children and grandchildren gathered together in one place, at one time. How clever of our Kelsey to think of having them here.”

  Although the evening’s refreshments had been set up as a buffet, and everyone was encouraged to help themselves, there were exceptions to that rule. Before Tracy could offer, Ginny Rose came over.

  “What can I get for you, Mrs.…I mean, Grandma Kate?”

  Tracy smiled, because Ginny had caught herself just in time.

  “Oh, just some sweet tea, Ginny, thank you, dear. Where’s that handsome young lad of yours tonight?”

  Ginny’s smile softened. “Poor little man. Benny got his booster shot earlier today, and has been feeling a little cranky ever since. But he was so excited about the party tonight.” Then she looked over at the table where Adam and Jake Kendall were seated with Alex and Joshua Benedict and their fiancée, Penelope. Curled up on Adam’s lap, Benny Rose slept soundly, a contented look on his little face.

  “I offered to take him home, but Adam and Jake both insisted I should stay, on account of Tracy being my friend, and all.” She shook her head as if understanding the two men was beyond her.

  “They’re absolutely right, sweetheart. He’s as safe and as comfy on Adam’s lap, I’d wager, as he would be in his own bed.”

  “Yes, ma’am. He sure has cottoned to those two Kendalls.”

  Grandma Kate smiled, then leaned closer and lowered her voice just a little. “The real question is, how does Benny’s mother feel about those particular Kendalls?”

  “Me? About them? Oh. Well, they’ve…they’ve been very kind to Benny. And me, too, I guess. Let me go get that sweet tea for you now.”

  Ginny made very quick work of getting a glass of tea for Grandma Kate. She also brought over a couple of the smaller pastries on a saucer—the chocolate covered ones, which Tracy knew were Grandma Kate’s favorites.

  “Thank you, Ginny.”

  “You’re welcome, ma’am.”

  Everyone at the table followed Ginny with their gazes as the young woman went over to the next table and sat beside Bernice, Jonathan, and Caleb Benedict.

  “I never knew a woman could turn such a deep shade of red,” Julia said quietly.

  “It’s the fair complexion,” Grandma Kate replied, as if imparting a confidence.

  Julia grinned then met Tracy’s gaze. “So I guess I’ll never have that problem.”

  Grandma Kate looked at her granddaughter. “Your complexion may not be as fair as Ginny’s, but it’s still light. Of course, your beautiful hazel eyes can flash fire when you’re riled.” Kate smiled. “That can be just as attractive, to some men, as a good blush.”

  Julia’s smile turned a little sad. “I’m not interested in being attractive to anyone,” she said.

  “That’s all right, sweetheart.” Grandma Kate patted her hand. “You certainly don’t need to be anything you don’t want to be.”

  “I don’t?” Julia gave her grandmother a look that, in Tracy’s opinion, was laced with doubt.

  “Of course not, sweetheart. These days, a woman has the right to make her own way in the world, and I, for one, say ‘bravo!’”

  It seemed to Tracy that several of the single cousins in the room shared Julia’s doubts, but Grandma Kate
just smiled and sipped her sweet tea, seeming to be totally unaware of the familial scrutiny.

  “Jordan, I understand you’re about to take on a rather demanding project over in Waco,” Grandma Kate said.

  “I am. I’ve almost got all the people I need in place. Ground breaking is in a couple of weeks.”

  “That’s wonderful! I did wonder, though, if I could get you to do me a small favor before then?”

  “Of course, Kate, anything for you. Just name it.”

  “Do you recall that little house of mine, over on Maple, at the end of the cul-de-sac?”

  “The white Victorian, next to mine?” Julia asked.

  Grandma Kate’s eyes widened just a little. “Oh, that’s right! Your house is right next to my little one! And you’ve just moved in there, finally, too,” Grandma Kate said.

  “What about your house, Kate?” Jordan asked.

  “Well, I know it’s just recently been vacated, and I was wondering if you could have a walk-through, make sure everything is in a livable state—shipshape, as it were.”

  “Are you worried that the tenants damaged it? I believe that it was the science teacher from the high school who lived there for the past few years.”

  “Yes, Mr. Conroy and his wife April. Such a lovely couple. They nearly extended their lease when he retired, but then they decided to move to Indiana to be close to their sons. And who could blame them?”

  “Not me. But I’m confused, though. Every report the Town Trust received indicated that they were pretty good tenants.”

  “Oh, I’m sure they were. No, I’m not worried about any damage the Conroys may have caused, not at all! I just don’t want the new tenants, who are arriving next week, to find anything lacking. They deserve the very best we can give them.”

  “So you found new tenants for the house already, Mother?” Caleb Benedict asked from the next table.

  “I did, and I’m so excited! You know how I feel about supporting our men and women in uniform. Well, I’ve just leased the house to two former Navy SEALs! Apparently, the men are best friends, and were on the same team for years. They’re just back from Afghanistan, and are preparing to begin a tour of duty as special instructors over at Goodfellow Air Force Base.”

  “That will be quite a drive for them every day,” Caleb said.

  “A couple of hours each way, at least,” Morgan said from beside him. “I only did it for the last month of my enlistment, but a month was enough.”

  “I did tell them that, but they said it didn’t matter to them, that they wanted to live someplace that felt permanent. They said they’d heard of Lusty, you see, and thought it would be a very fine place to live.”

  Tracy noticed her best friend had just turned a very interesting shade of white. Apparently, Jordan noticed, too.

  “Are you all right, Julia?”

  Julia didn’t answer right away. She set her glass down carefully, then met her grandmother’s gaze. It seemed to Tracy as if she was looking for something. Then Julia swung her head to the left and glared at her brothers—none of whom appeared to even give her a passing glance.

  “Fine,” Julia said at last. “I’m fine.”

  “Of course you are, darling,” Grandma Kate said. “Now, I must go visit with some of the others. I think I’ll go and chat with Adam and Jake for awhile.”

  “I think I’ll go and see if Kelsey or Michelle needs any help in the kitchen.” Both Kelsey and Michelle were in the dining room, but Tracy thought it best to not mention that small detail to her best friend. Julia got up and made a beeline for kitchen, the door swinging hard in her wake.

  Tracy looked from Jordan to Peter. “I wonder what that was all about?” she asked.

  Jordan chuckled and put his arm around Tracy. “I think one thing you can count on, sweetheart. Whatever it is, we’re sure to hear about it—and sooner, rather than later.”

  Tracy caught Grandma Kate’s gaze and couldn’t help but smile at the twinkle of satisfaction in the older woman’s eye.

  “I think you’re right,” Tracy said. “And I bet it’s going to be downright interesting, too.”




  Morgan Ashbury writing as Cara Covington!

  Morgan has been a writer since she was first able to pick up a pen. In the beginning it was a hobby, a way to create a world of her own, and who could resist the allure of that? Then as she grew and matured, life got in the way, as life often does. She got married and had three children, and worked in the field of accounting, for that was the practical thing to do and the children did need to be fed. And all the time she was being practical, she would squirrel herself away on quiet Sunday afternoons, and write.

  Most children are raised knowing the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. Morgan’s children also learned the Paper Rule: thou shalt not throw out any paper that has thy mother’s words upon it.

  Believing in tradition, Morgan ensured that her children’s children learned this rule, too.

  Life threw Morgan a curve when, in 2002, she underwent emergency triple by-pass surgery. Second chances are to be cherished, and with the encouragement and support of her husband, Morgan decided to use hers to do what she’d always dreamed of doing: writing full time.

  Morgan has always loved writing romance. It is the one genre that can incorporate every other genre within its pulsating heart. Romance showcases all that human kind can aspire to be. And, she admits, she’s a sucker for a happy ending.

  Morgan’s favorite hobbies are reading, cooking, and traveling – though she would rather you didn’t mention that last one to her husband. She has too much fun teasing him about having become a “Traveling Fool” of late.

  Morgan lives in Southwestern Ontario with two cats that have attitude, a dog that has no dignity, and her husband of thirty-nine years, David.

  Also by Cara Covington

  Ménage Everlasting: The Lost Collection:

  Love Under Two Gunslingers

  Ménage Everlasting: The Lost Collection: Love Under Two Lawmen

  Ménage Everlasting: The Lusty, Texas Collection:

  Love Under Two Benedicts

  Ménage Everlasting: The Lusty, Texas Collection:

  Love Under Two Wildcatters

  Ménage Everlasting: The Lusty, Texas Collection:

  Love Under Two Honchos

  Ménage Everlasting: The Lusty, Texas Collection:

  Love Under Two Flyboys

  Also by Morgan Ashbury

  Siren Classic: Song of the Sirens 1: The Seductress

  Ménage Amour: Song of the Sirens 2: The Enchantress

  Siren Classic: Songs of the Sirens 3: The Beauty

  Siren Classic: Magic and Love 1: The Prince and the Single Mom

  Siren Classic: Magic and Love 2: The Princess and the Bodyguard

  Siren Classic: Magic and Love 3: A Prince for Sophie

  Ménage Amour: Reckless and Brazen 1: Reckless Abandon

  Ménage Amour: Reckless and Brazen 2: Brazen Seduction

  Ménage Amour: Shackled and Shameless, A Reckless Abandon Novel: Shackled

  Siren Classic: A Siren Adult Fairy Tale: Beau and the Lady Beast

  Siren Classic: Lily in Bloom

  Siren Classic: Made for Each Other

  Ménage Amour: The Lady Makes Three

  Ménage Amour: Wanton Wager

  Ménage Amour: Cowboy Cravings

  BookStrand Mainstream: A Little R & R

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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