Maitland Maternity Christmas

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Maitland Maternity Christmas Page 11

by Judy Christenberry; Muriel Jensen; TINA LEONARD

  "I'd be delighted to do so," Tom assured her, happy again.

  "I think something blue to match her eyes and show off her pretty blond hair would be nice."

  "Perfect. You have a great eye, Mrs. Dee," Tom agreed.

  Claire stared at the two of them. Then she turned to Tom. "You said no pressure!"

  "You're right. But it would keep you occupied if we go look around, Claire. You might find something you like. It can be part of your Christmas present," Tom suggested.

  "No! You're not going to buy my clothes!"

  They had a lively discussion on that topic until they'd finished eating. Claire stood to help clear the table.

  "Now, you two go on," Mrs. Dee ordered. "I'll have this cleaned up in no time, and you've got your shopping to do."

  Claire didn't know what to do, but Tom didn't share her indecision. He kissed Mrs. Dee on the cheek, thanked her for dinner and led Claire out to his car.

  "Stop looking like I'm going to torture you. We're just going to look at a few dresses," Tom teased.

  She didn't say anything. She was pretty sure they'd be shopping in stores she didn't normally enter. Thank goodness she had a credit card. But it wasn't how she'd intended to spend her savings.

  Of course, after Tom's news, she'd have probably sat in a corner worrying about tomorrow. Maybe he was right. It wouldn't hurt to look.

  Once they'd entered the Christmas crowds, they were swept up into a buying mania. Tom suggested several silly gifts for his sisters, a tiger-striped sweater for Diane that Claire definitely dismissed, and a Mommy shirt for Suzanne. Claire stared at that, then questioned Tom. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Is she happy about becoming a mommy overnight?"

  Tom laughed. "Much to my surprise, she is!"

  "I'm not sure. It seems a little pushy."

  "Okay," Tom agreed, still chuckling."Come on, let's find the dress department."

  As expected, Tom's suggestions were very expensive, but she enjoyed trying them on. When she found one dress - a royal blue as Mrs. Dee had asked for - it made her feel like a princess and she couldn't resist. "This is the one," she said to Tom as she twirled around in front of him. "It would be perfect for a lot of different occasions. I'd get many uses out of it. I don't even feel guilty buying it."

  "You are so right. That one's perfect." He gave her a brief kiss. "Go get changed."

  As she returned to the dressing room, the saleslady said, "Your husband is wonderful. Some of them are such grumps when it comes to buying their wives pretty dresses."

  Claire started to correct her but decided not to bother. Besides, even if Tom wasn't her husband, he was definitely wonderful. Which, as he'd said, was the reason she thought she shouldn't marry him.

  Oh, well, she decided with a sigh. She'd enjoy it tonight. After this weekend, she'd have to look at her life and make some decisions.

  She came out of the dressing room back in her own clothes, carrying the dress she'd chosen. The saleslady reached for it, hanging it on a nearby stand and putting it in a plastic bag.

  "What a lovely choice. I hope you enjoy it." She handed the bagged dress over to Claire with a smile.

  Claire stared at her. "But you haven't rung it up yet. Here's my card."

  "Oh, I used your husband's card, Mrs. Blake. It's all taken care of."

  "Come on, honey, people are waiting," Tom said, tugging on her arm.

  "But - " she began to protest. But a crowded store was no place to argue over finances. She followed him to his car. Then she dug in her heels.

  "That was unfair!" she snapped, having let her anger build while they navigated the crowds.

  Tom opened her car door and turned to look at her. "No, what would've been unfair would be for you to spend your hard-earned money, more than you usually spend, on a dress for my benefit."

  "But if I buy the dress I'll wear it other places. There's no reason for you to pay for it."

  Tom shook his head, a rueful look on his face. "Okay, fine. I'll tack its cost onto my bill. Now let's go home. I'm tired."

  She nodded and got into the car. He was right. It was late. She'd had a long day. "Just drop me by the hospital and you'll be home in no time."

  "I'll follow you home."

  She knew better than to argue. He was very protective. With a sigh, she nodded and got out of his car when they reached the hospital. Once she was in her own, she drove out of the parking lot, Tom right behind her. At home, she unlocked the door to her apartment and waited for Tom to get there.

  "Thank you for keeping me busy tonight. You were right. I would've worried myself to death."

  "Are you going to be able to sleep now?" "I'm sure I will. I'm tired." She knew she was lying, but she hoped he didn't. "Call me if you can't sleep."


  Tom was edgy the next morning. By nine o'clock, he couldn't seem to do much but stare at the telephone, waiting for it to ring. Finally he called his father's house. "Mrs. Dee, have you heard from Claire?"

  "Why, yes, she called a few minutes ago. Asked if it would be all right if she got here about ten to help me make those hors d'oeuvres we looked at yesterday."

  "Great. How about I join you for lunch. Can you handle that?"

  "Of course. I'm sure Claire would like that."

  "Okay. Thanks."

  He hung up and tried Claire's apartment. No answer. After listening to the answering machine, he left a message for her to call him. He didn't think she would. He was pretty sure she was still there, worrying about tonight.

  He shouldn't have left her alone. He was sure she hadn't slept at all. She had to resolve some issues with her son before she could make a decision about Tom. He figured he was as nervous as she. He certainly hadn't slept a lot last night.

  Tom had never found a woman he couldn't live without, until he met Claire. He'd do whatever he could for her. In return, all he wanted to do was share his life with her. If he could convince her.

  ''Mr. Blake? Mr. Michaelson's attorney is on line two,'' Carol announced, interrupting his thoughts. He didn't want to deal with other people's problems right now, but he couldn't put life on hold. At least he would see Claire at lunch.

  He'd hoped to get away by eleven for an early lunch, but he got mired down in negotiations. It was almost noon when he grabbed his briefcase and ran past Carol's desk. "I'll be at my father's house," he said, not stopping in case she tried to slow him down.

  Eagerness bubbled up in him as he got closer to the house. He hoped she'd been thinking about him, and happy about the prospects of meeting her son. Most of all, he hoped she'd let him hold her.

  He entered quietly and stood at the door to the kitchen, watching her before she realized he was there. She looked tired, worried, but she was wearing an apron and doing as Mrs. Dee suggested.

  "Well, looks like this kitchen has a surfeit of great chefs this morning," he said, keeping his eye on Claire.

  She jerked the knife away from the ham and cheese and stared at him in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

  Mrs. Dee winked at Tom. "Oh, did I forget to mention that Tom was joining us for lunch? "We're so close to his office, he likes to do that some days." "No, you d-didn't say - I mean, of course, he - I don't want to be in the way."

  "Don't be silly," Mrs. Dee said. "We're having leftover casserole from last night. You did like it, didn't you?"

  Tom grinned. Mrs. Dee was good. Now she had Claire worrying she'd offended the housekeeper instead of thinking about how to get away from him.

  As Claire assured her she loved the casserole, Mrs. Dee was taking a pan out of the oven and asking Claire's help in setting the table.

  "I'm going to go wash up," Tom said, knowing Claire was in good hands. "Be right back."

  When he reached the table, Claire was sitting in the chair she'd occupied last night. "I'm not sure I'll be able to eat anything, Mrs. Dee. I've sampled so much this morning. Those little quiches were a great breakfast. And the cheesecakes! They're heavenly."
/>   "Thank you," Mrs. Dee said as she joined her at the table, the same time Tom sat down. "We've gotten so much done this morning. You're great to work with, Claire. You don't make a fuss about things."

  "You two ladies seem to work well together," Tom said, smiling at both of them. But he took Claire's hand in his and squeezed it. "How you doing this morning?"

  "Fine," she said, demanding her hand back, her voice clipped.

  Tom let it go. First he wanted her to eat. A few minutes later, when they'd finished, he asked Mrs. Dee to excuse them. Claire protested, but he took her hand and tugged her after him. They went to a door under the main staircase.

  "This was my mother's favorite room," he announced, catching Claire's attention. It was a warm room, comfy. His mother had done it in chintz, a big stuffed sofa and chairs, a charming desk over by the window.

  "I love it!" Claire exclaimed, moving into the room without any prodding from Tom. "It's - You must miss her very much."

  "Yeah. Come sit down. I have some things I need to tell you."

  Immediately she froze.

  "Come on, Claire, it's nothing bad."

  With great reluctance, she followed him to the sofa. He looped his arm on the back of the sofa, but she kept her distance.

  "When I talked to Jordan's parents last - "

  "Jordan? His name is Jordan?" Claire's eyes were wide and she leaned toward him.

  "Yes, that's the name they gave him."

  "I've wanted to know his name for so long. I didn't even know his name. Any stranger would be given that, and yet I didn't know." Tears filled her eyes.

  "Oh, sweetheart," Tom whispered, pulling her into his embrace. "I'm sorry. I think I understand how difficult this is for you, and then I trip up on something like that."

  She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "I should've asked sooner, but it's all happening so fast. I can't believe I forgot to ask about his name! I'm being ridiculous, I know, but - "

  "You're being a sweet, caring person, as usual."

  "I guess," she said, frowning. "I've worried all night. It's possible he may not like me.

  He hugged her close again. "What's not to like? You're bright, beautiful and loving."

  She shivered and, in spite of telling herself she shouldn't rely on Tom's strength, she buried her face in his neck.

  "We'll go over after dinner this evening. Everything will be fine."

  She nodded but didn't look at him, afraid he'd see her fears in her eyes. They'd kept her up most of the night.

  Her eyes began to close and she caught herself, trying to sit upright so she'd stay awake.

  Tom kept her in place. "Just relax for a few minutes, sweetheart. It's going to be a long day."

  That made sense, so she let her eyes close. Just for a few minutes.

  When Tom felt Claire's body relax against his, he gently eased himself out from under her, slipping several pillows under her head. Then he took the throw from the back of the sofa and draped it over her.

  He suspected she'd gotten little sleep last night. He'd known the meeting would be traumatic, but he hadn't really understood how much until she reacted to knowing the boy's name.

  If the evening didn't go well, he knew Claire would be devastated.

  Back in the kitchen, he explained where Claire was. "I don't think she got much sleep last night."

  "Is something wrong? She seemed nervous this morning, but I thought maybe it was working with me. She's such a delight.

  I tried to make her feel at home," Mrs. Dee said, a frown on her face.

  "No, it wasn't you. I'd tell you, but it's Claire's business. I've already butted in enough. Now, where's one of those cheesecakes? I don't want to be done out of my dessert."

  After tasting several desserts he checked on Claire again before returning to the office. She was curled up on the sofa, sleeping peacefully. With a sigh, he refrained from touching her, but it was hard.

  Then he stepped back into the kitchen.

  "She's still sleeping. Don't let her leave here. Tell her I'm coming here to meet her." He realized he'd forgotten something else. "Um, I forgot to tell you we were joining you and Dad, if he's going to be here, for dinner again."

  Mrs. Dee smiled. "You know you're always welcome."

  "Bless you. I promise we won't eat here every evening.

  "Keep Claire here and call me at the office if there's any trouble."

  "Will do!"

  When he returned from the office four hours later, there had been no calls from the house. Several times he'd started to call, but he decided he'd be hovering if he did.

  So he parked in front and rang the front doorbell. He hoped Mrs. Dee sent Claire to answer it. It would give him some privacy for a hello kiss that he'd been hungering for for several hours.

  The scenario played out perfectly and he swept Claire into his arms and lowered his lips to hers. She was trying to say something, but he ignored her.

  "Come on in, son," his father's booming voice interrupted the kiss.

  He released Claire and looked up. His father and Megan Maitland were standing in the entry way to the living room.

  "Hi, Tom, hope we're not intruding," Megan said, chuckling.

  Tom wrapped an arm around Claire and moved toward them. "Hi, Megan, Dad. I didn't know you'd be here."

  Hugh Blake smiled. "Well, it is my house right now. I usually eat dinner here. And I snuck Meg away from her family for tonight. I hear you and Claire are joining us."

  "Yes, if you don't mind. We won't be hanging around. We've got an appointment later, but it's easier to eat here than to go out."

  "You're right," Megan agreed. "The restaurants are so crowded these days. In fact, all of Austin is crowded. Of course, it's good for business, but it makes it difficult to get around. By the way, we were just admiring your Christmas tree."

  They'd reached the living room where the sparkling tree, its lights turned on, dominated the room. "Yeah, thanks. We had a lot of fun decorating it, didn't we, honey?"

  Claire had said nothing since he'd arrived and the frozen look on her face worried him.

  "Yes," she whispered.

  The four of them sat down and Hugh offered Tom a glass of wine. He refused.

  So did Claire. But Mrs. Dee brought her some Diet Cola. "You want something from the kitchen, too?" Mrs. Dee asked Tom.

  Tom grinned at Claire. "Diet Cola sounds good. I'll - "

  Before he could move, Claire leaped to her feet. "I'll get it." And she ran from the room.

  "Claire seems uneasy, Tom," Megan said with a frown. "She's a lovely young woman and a valued employee at the hospital. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'm not sure - "

  Claire entered the room with a full glass and handed it to him. "Thanks, Claire."

  She sat down beside him, twisting her fingers in her lap, but he noticed they were shaking. "You nervous about tonight?"

  With a gasp and a frantic look at the other two, Claire nodded.

  "It will be all right," he said, trying to reassure her.

  "What's tonight? Something exciting?" Megan asked, a smile on her face.

  Claire leaped to her feet again, but Tom grabbed her arm so she couldn't leave. "Thanks for asking Megan, but it's personal."

  He pulled Claire back to the sofa and kept his eyes on her. He changed the subject, asking Megan and his dad about their wedding plans, but suddenly, Claire interrupted Mm.

  "I think I should tell them about tonight, Tom. Then we'll know whether they - " She hesitantly turned to Megan. "There's something I'd like to share with you and Mr. Blake." Claire paused momentarily. And then with a deep breath, she carried on. "I had a baby when I was a teenager and gave him up for adoption. I'm going to meet him for the first time tonight."


  Claire stared at the couple, watching for signs of horror. Not only had she revealed her secret to his father, but also to Megan Maitland, her employer.

  Megan's reaction was unexpected. She immediately m
oved to the sofa where Claire was sitting to take her hand in hers. "Oh, my poor dear. No wonder you're nervous. I thought it was me. I'm sure everything will be all right. However, as it happened, I didn't actually have to go through that stress, since I thought my baby was dead."

  Claire stared at her. "You - you really had a baby out of - I mean - "

  "Oh, yes. You're definitely not the first to make that mistake," Megan said. "And while I didn't have to prepare to meet my child later, I had to tell my other children what I had done." Megan was smiling, so Claire guessed it turned out okay.

  "But how - if your child was dead - then - " She couldn't seem to put together a coherent sentence.

  "Thank God he wasn't dead. My father lied to me."

  Claire gasped again. "My parents lied to me, too."

  "Well, they thought they were doing the best thing for you, dear. How old is the child? He can't be too old."

  "He's fifteen. I was fifteen when he was born."

  "My, you were young. Your parents were probably feeling more guilty for their own behavior than yours. Don't be so nervous. I'm sure things will work out."

  "You're being very gracious, Mrs. Maitland...and Mr. Blake. I'm sorry I imposed my problems on you." She didn't look at Tom, sitting on her other side.

  Mr. Blake said, "If you're going to become a part of our family, as Tom hopes, Claire, we would meet the boy anyway. Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed about. You made a mistake. You're not the first or last to do so."

  Claire blinked her eyes to keep the tears from falling. "That's more than generous of you, sir. Thank you."

  She saw the quizzical look the older man sent his son. He was probably wondering what kind of idiot Tom had gotten involved with. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go - powder my nose before we leave."

  "Hurry. We don't want to be late," Tom called.

  Once they were in the car and driving to the Browning house, Claire apologized. "I'm sorry I told your father and Mrs. Maitland about my problems. I know it wasn't polite conversation, but it was all I could think about. And I thought you should know if - if they hated me."


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