Pleasure Slave

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Pleasure Slave Page 4

by Ann Jacobs

  He wanted to consume her, even rim her tight rear hole before…

  Guy longed to forget the preliminaries and take her now, feel her glove his cock again in her tight, slick cunt. He realized another benefit to his improved vision—strong enough to make him almost forget the scarlet color of his irises, which made him look more cyborg than human—he had a clear view of her pussy now, even though it wasn’t in his direct line of vision. A delicious sight it was, pouting and swollen within her glistening outer lips, already dripping pale, creamy honey. Being able to see the almost imperceptible tremor in her lush body as she lay there at his command sent a thrill through him, and her tiny whimpers, which he doubted would have been audible to human ears, bombarded him, inflamed him more.

  Even though Guy had come in her a few short hours ago, his cock felt as though it was ready to burst. He had to touch her. Experience her by feel, by taste, by the smell of his musk and hers, mingling to perfume the room. Her reddish-gold hair beckoned him when he stretched out above her, sparing her his weight by bracing himself on his knees and elbows.

  When he pulled her hair back, baring the satin skin of her throat and shoulders, the soft strands felt like silk. His nipples tingled from the weight of their new rings and the friction of them brushing against the soft flesh of her lush breasts. The tip of his cock probed her damp, warm folds, his lubrication mingling with her honey. The slickness eased the friction of flesh on flesh, its sound soft, gentler than the rasp of his rapid breathing against her throat.

  Oh, shit. He had to close his eyes. Seeing her expression, so full of desperate desire and unslaked need, threatened to shove him over the edge. Laying his cheek on her breast, Guy fought for the sort of self-control that would have come easily to the sexbot he was supposed to be. His nostrils flared. He felt them distending as he inhaled the incredibly arousing, flowery scent that clung to her skin and floated in the air around his head.

  She trembled, and the whimper that escaped her lips when he took a nipple between his teeth and worried the little gold ring with his tongue sounded more like a scream to his oversensitive ears. Gods, but she was responsive beyond his wildest dreams. He flailed her nipple harder, tugging gently at the chain that joined it and its mate to her pouting clit. The shudder that went through her when he tweaked her swollen clit between his thumb and forefinger told him how strongly his touch affected her.

  She came over and over, trembling and whimpering at each touch of his fingers, his tongue, even his ringed nipples against hers. His balls protested, telling him with silent agony that he desperately needed to come, too. Still he toyed with her, pleasured her, striving to master her body as she’d conquered his soul at first sight.

  Before he admitted his deception, he’d have her drugged with satisfaction. She’d crave him so much, it would no longer matter that he was a washed-up starship commander who was no longer welcome back home on Earth—a creature made as much of Pak Song’s bionic parts as his own human flesh.

  The large glass dildo sparkled in the lamplight, as though daring him to deny his own need and pleasure her more before taking his own release. He closed a fist around it, shivering at the cold, rigid surface that wasn’t unlike the cock of the sexbot whose identity he’d borrowed to have this time with Cassie. Rubbing the dildo between her breasts, Guy watched her tremble then swallowed her little scream when he took her mouth and tangled his tongue with hers.

  “Are you my willing slave?” he whispered when he broke the kiss.

  Her beautiful eyes opened wide, as though she could see through him as he could see through her. “Yes. I want you to take me, master me. Show me every erotic pleasure I’ve ever dreamed of. All the pleasures I will never know again.”

  Yes she would, although she didn’t know it yet. He’d pleasure her like this for the rest of their lives.

  Sitting back on his heels, he rubbed the dildo along her wet channel, dipping it into her cunt and then withdrawing it. Her whimper of protest made him bend, tongue her swollen clit and rub his cheeks, now roughened by several hours’ growth of beard, against the incredible softness of her mound. He’d never realized until now that the rasp of beard stubble against a woman’s soft, damp flesh could sound so arousing. So erotic.

  “Roll over now. I’m going to fuck your ass the way I promised you I would.” Reaching into her bag of toys, he found one of the condoms that had been considerately packaged with the anal plugs, and a lush, ripe banana. Quickly, he rolled the heavily lubricated condom over his erection. Then he peeled the banana and laid it on the bed, within Cassie’s easy reach.

  He loved her eagerness to please, the ease with which she let him lead her. He’d been right, for he’d pegged her as malleable as well as incredibly desirable the moment he’d first seen her. Her conspicuous desire to do his bidding made Guy’s heart swell with joy. The eager way her tight little asshole twitched when he rubbed his cockhead over it had him desperate. Desperate to take her, fill her, fulfill her and coax her to take him as he was, go with him wherever he led.

  “Oooh, yes. That feels divine.” Her breathy moans when he sank the long, thick dildo into her swollen cunt had him ready to explode. Slowly, he slid the glass in and out, changing the angle of penetration to enhance her pleasure.

  His cock twitched, demanding he glove it within her body. He tried in vain to counsel restraint and patience. Pretend you’re a sexbot. That you exist only to give Cassie pleasure. Pretend your cock and balls are controlled by those microchips embedded in your brain, like so many other parts of you.

  But his cock wasn’t listening. He had to speed this up or he’d lose control and come the minute he seated his cock in her tight, hot ass. He picked up the banana, bent over her upthrust ass, and slid the tip of it between her lips before straightening and aligning their bodies. “Nibble on it. Concentrate on the sweetness of the fruit, the full feeling of the dildo in your cunt. That’s my good slave. Relax.” Slowly, smoothly, he began to penetrate her tight ass. “You can take me. Gods in the heavens but you’re tight. Can you feel me stretching you, filling you?”

  “Ooh. I want you inside me so much. But you’re so big. It…it hurts.”

  He paused. “Too much?” He held his breath, willing himself to withdraw if that was what she wanted.

  “Yes. No.” She let out a keening sound that nearly made him lose control. “Oh gods, don’t. Don’t stop. Please. I’m coming.” Her asshole clamped down on his cock, and through the thin wall of tissue he felt every hard contraction of her cunt around the dildo. The erotic smell of banana and woman filled his nostrils, stole the last shreds of his control when she bit on the fruit as though devouring his cock. His balls drew up in their sac, and almost before he had time to anticipate the coming pleasure, his cock began spurting in long, fulfilling bursts until he was dry and she lay trembling beneath him, gasping out words of lust and love and…

  “I want to keep you, take you home.” A great sob sounded as if it were being wrenched from Cassie’s very soul. “But I know I can’t.”

  Chapter Four

  “But you can, my darling slave.”

  Guy couldn’t have asked for a better opening than Cassie had just given him. He lifted her, cradling her lush body in his arms before laying her on the bed and propping her golden head on a stack of scarlet satin pillows. Stretching out beside her, he met her gaze. “I have a confession to make.”

  “What?” A single tear made its way down her cheek, and he leaned over to catch the salty droplet on his tongue.

  “I’m not a sexbot. I’m a man. I’m an Earthling like you.” Please gods, let her accept me.

  “B-but your eyes…and your hard, hard body…” Cassie stroked his arm, tracing his biceps upward to his shoulder then down over pecs that had never been so prominent before his injury.

  He covered her hand, holding it in place above his heart. “I’ve been enhanced.”

  “B-but that’s against Federation law.” Her eyes were wide, her expression disbelieving

  “I know, but the doctors here had no choice other than to let me die. Some months ago I crashed my starship into the spaceship dock on Obsidion while trying to land in a storm. When the medics dragged me from the wreckage, I was barely alive, or so I’ve been told. I was blind and deaf, paralyzed.

  “To save my life, the doctors summoned Pak Song. He implanted my bionic eyes and ears, the kinds he uses in his deluxe sexbots. When I’d begun to heal from my other injuries, he embedded microprocessors in my brain and along nerve pathways to make the eyes and ears work and cure my paralysis. As for the hard muscles, they are a result of physical therapy as well as bionic modifications Pak Song made that allow me to function as if my spinal cord hadn’t been severed.”

  Cassie’s mouth dropped open and she stared at him, wide-eyed. “You can never go back home, can you?”

  “No.” His confirmation sent tears trailing down her cheeks, and she bit her lower lip as though to keep from crying aloud. “I can’t go home. But you can stay with me.”

  “Here?” she croaked.

  “Well, not exactly here. Obsidion is for adventurers and opportunists, and tourists who’re searching for forbidden thrills. It’s a great place to visit, but not the sort of place where I want to make my home. Cassie, the moment I saw you, I knew you were my soul mate. I want you to be my slave. Not just now, but forever. I sense you want that, too.”

  Damn it, she was fighting him, and he didn’t like it. He hated having her look at him with love in her eyes, and with terror that was so transparent it hung in every molecule of the air that was still redolent with the scents of banana and their own animal musk.

  He took her hand, looked into her frightened face. “I know a place—a small planet with a colony of Earthlings. It’s not too far from here. We’d be welcomed there.”

  “But…I’d miss my sisters. I’d never see my father again. Never…” She paused, as if gathering her thoughts. “What about your job? You can’t defect and keep on working for Star Command.”

  “I got a generous settlement. When Star Command discovered how I’d been kept alive, they rewarded me richly for my years of service. Then they relieved me of my command and exiled me from Earth. I haven’t had a lot of use over the years for my pay, so between what I’ve saved and the settlement, I could support us both even if I never worked again. But idleness and I don’t get along, so I plan to start a shuttle service and take supplies from planet to planet in this part of the galaxy. Trust me, little one. I’ll take good care of you.”

  By all the gods, this was too hard to process all at once. Cassie’s head spun, trying to make sense of what she’d gotten into. Guy. He said she was his soul mate, and she was already certain he was hers. That feeling had confused her when she’d thought he was a sexbot. But Guy was a man—no, not precisely a man—a cyborg, forever exiled from their home planet.

  “Why?” Her heart ached as if it were breaking when she tried to withdraw her hand from his chest. “Why did you make me want you so much when you must know I can never have you in my life?”

  “But you can.” Guy clasped her hand firmly, pressing it against his chest so hard that she felt the imprint of his nipple ring on her palm. “You’ll have to give up some things, that’s true. But think of what you’ll gain.” He dragged her hand down to his crotch, encouraging her to fondle his sex.

  She explored him hesitantly, as though she’d never touched a man before. “Do you like it when I touch you this way?”

  “I like it a lot. And I believe you like it, too. I can’t believe you want to live on a breeding farm where you’re impregnated in a sterile lab. Or that you’d like living in a commune of women and children who will never meet their fathers. If you come with me, you’ll have a home where your children will know both their parents’ love. You’ll be free to serve me and only me as Master. Freedom to let me pleasure my only, beloved slave.”

  As though desperate to prove his point, Guy slipped his other hand between her legs, his fingers finding the still-wet folds of her cunt lips, stroking the swollen flesh, coaxing out more honey even though he’d thought the well must be dry.

  “What do you say, Cassie? I know what sort of life awaits you back on Earth. You’ll be sent to a breeding farm where you’ll be impregnated with the semen of some unknown stranger. Your children will be taken from you as soon as they’re old enough to be schooled.”

  From the little sigh that escaped her lips, he knew she didn’t want the life he’d just described. He lowered his voice and continued. “You’ll get your only sex from a sexbot whose functions are limited by Federation law.” Guy paused, rubbed his thumb over her clit and tweaked the little ring until she squirmed, her passion apparently rekindled.

  “That feels so good. Master, please don’t stop.”

  He kissed her hard, his mouth still tasting of her sex and his. “I won’t, if you will be my slave. If you go with me to a place where we don’t live under the thumbs of Federation rulers. Where we won’t have to abide by all their restrictions. Cassie, I can give you so much more. More joy. More pleasure. So much more than you’d ever have back on Earth.”

  He dipped a finger into her cunt, stroking gently against the wet, hot walls that so recently had convulsed wildly with the multiple orgasms he’d coaxed from her. Deliberately he reminded her of the pleasure and persuaded her of all the delicious sensations she wanted to go on enjoying forever.

  But from the doubt he saw in her expression, he realized she was afraid to leave the only life she knew and follow him to a new and frightening world where—

  “You promised me children. Are you—”

  “Pak Song and the doctors assured me that my reproductive parts were unscathed and are in perfect working order. My seed may be growing inside you even now. Would you like that?” Withdrawing his hand from her sex, he laid it on her belly, his touch gentle, almost reverent.

  Cassie covered his hand with hers as she looked into his cyborg eyes. If only… “I think I would. But—”

  “I’d like very much to give you children, to watch them with you as they grow up. For years I managed to avoid having my sperm harvested whenever my starship docked on Earth because I didn’t want to sire children I’d never be allowed to know, or to lose my balls once I’d provided Federation leaders with what they deemed an adequate supply of semen. I made do with sexbots, as you most likely have until now. I want to love you, live with you, give you children and watch them grow up free, in a place where such relationships are encouraged, not forbidden.”

  By the gods, Guy tempted her. He made her want to toss away all she’d ever known, follow him to the ends of the galaxy if that was what he wanted. She wanted to be his slave for the rest of her life. But Cassie needed time. “I’ve got to think. I came to Obsidion for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, but I never expected—”

  “To meet your life mate? I never expected it either, when I took a walk along the Strip to check out my new freedom. But then I saw you, your hair all reddish gold, your eyes wide with wonder as you stared at those castrated, overworked Earthling sex slaves and argued with your sisters. I knew at that moment I’d found my slave, my lover, my companion. My best friend.”

  Cassie felt that way, too, but she was torn. Part of her was still the dutiful daughter, committed to meeting the expectations of her father and following the social mores of the Federation community where she’d grown up. To do what everyone had expected of her as long as she could remember. Another part—the perverse part that reveled in a cyborg’s touch—listened with rapt attention while Guy described this amazing colony where Earthlings lived as the Old Ones had in centuries past. Where men and women mated for life, let their emotions soar and accepted the miracle of bionic rebirth and enhancement as a blessing, not the abomination it was considered back home.

  Though shy at first, she moved down and took Guy’s beautiful cock in her mouth, felt it swell and harden against her tongue. She wanted so much to go with him, live the life
he described with this man who’d stolen her soul. She imagined herself kneeling at his feet, sucking his cock this way. She rubbed her tongue over its jeweled surface as she fondled his scrotum with both hands. Guy came hard and she reveled in his release.

  Yes, she wanted to go with him. She wanted to live the sort of life he promised. She raised her head and met the scarlet gaze that no longer startled her. “I-I want to go with you,” she said, licking the salty taste of him from her lips. “But—”

  A loud knock at the door dragged her back to the present. Embarrassed for her sisters to see them naked and in this intimate position, now that she knew she was lying with a man—apparently a complete, functioning human male and not the sexbot she’d thought she’d rented—she moved to raise the covers. But Guy stayed her hand.

  “Let them see us like this. Tell them who I am and what I’m asking of you. I believe you’ll be surprised at their responses. Come in,” he said, his deep voice full of confidence. Of command.

  Doreen burst in with Nebula hard on her heels. “You’re gonna have to pay late charges if you don’t get that bot of yours back to the rental place. That old cyborg maker swore he’s one of a kind, and that he didn’t have another for me to rent, so I put down money to reserve him next.”

  Nebula laughed. “What makes you think Cassie’s going to let him go? Looks to me as if they’re still going at it. I told you not to waste your money. If you didn’t like the sex slave you got, you should have just taken him back and picked out another one. I rather liked mine. Cassie, are you going to let that hunky sexbot recharge his batteries and go with us to the casino?”

  “Sit down, ladies. Cassie has something to tell you.” Guy’s voice resounded off the thick, dark walls and it didn’t surprise Cassie at all when Doreen and Nebula plopped on the edge of a fainting couch by the window and shot her a pair of expectant, quizzical looks.


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