Sisters in the Wilderness

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Sisters in the Wilderness Page 39

by Charlotte Gray

  Mount Ararat (Traill residence), 187

  Murney, Edmund, 167-68

  Murray, Louisa, 198

  Narrative of the Campaign of 1814, A (John Moodie), 39

  Native peoples, 78, 108-10, 141, 191

  Natural history societies, 289

  Nelson, Thomas, 193, 290

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 5, 19

  North American Magazine, 124

  Northern Whig, The, 335

  Oaklands (Traill residence), 187-88, 258-59, 350

  Observer (London), 218

  Ockerman, Dunham, 262

  O’Hare, John, 249

  Orange Order, 168, 264, 268-69

  Ottawa, 266, 323-24

  Ousterhouse, Elizabeth, 245

  Palladium, The, 136

  Papineau, Louis-Joseph, 130

  Parker, Thomas, 158, 168, 262

  Pearls and Pebbles (Catharine Parr Traill), 341-42

  Peterborough, 76, 229, 230

  Peterborough Volunteers, 130

  Peterman, Michael, 198

  Pope-Hennessy, Una, 176

  Prescott, 67

  Prince, Mary, 26, 38

  Pringle, Margaret, 34

  Pringle, Thomas, 23, 25, 34, 38, 252

  Pursch, Frederick, 286

  Putnam, George, 210

  Queen’s Own Regiment, 135

  Rackham, Katherine, 213

  Rebellion of 1837, 129-31

  Reid, Robert, 39-40, 76

  Reydon Hall, 10-11, 336-37

  Rice Lake, 78, 229, 230, 349

  Richardson, John, 197

  Rideau Hall, 326-29

  Ritchie, Andrew, 318

  Ritchie, James, 318-19, 324

  Robinson, John Beverley, 122

  Ross, George Mclean, 310

  Ross, Robbie, 163

  Rottenburg, Baron de, 147

  Roughing It in the Bush (Susanna Moodie), 204-10, 217-19

  Rous, Frederick, 309-10

  Rowley, 61

  Royal Bounty Fund, 343-46

  Royal Literary Fund, 270

  Russell, Eliza (Mrs. Dunbar Moodie), 274-75

  Russell, Julia (Mrs. Donald Moodie), 274-75, 310-11

  Russell, Nellie (Mrs. Robert Moodie), 308-9, 310

  Ryerson, Egerton, 323

  Salutin, Rick, xiii Sangster, Charles, 197

  Saville (Traill residence), 180, 183

  Scenes and Adventures as a Soldier and Settler (John Moodie), 270

  Seaton, Emily, 85

  Seaton, Roswell, 85

  Shairp, Alexander, 106

  Shairp, Emilia, 106, 128, 141

  Sharpe’s London Magazine, 192

  Shields, Carol, xiii

  Shirreff, Patrick, 77

  Smith, Goldwin, 341-42

  South Africa, 30-31, 34

  Southwold, 12

  Spectator (London), 124

  Spiritualism, 241-57

  Spiritual Telegraph, 250

  Stanley, Baron of Preston, 340

  Stewart, Frances, 80-81, 107, 144, 174, 188, 192, 227, 286, 297

  Stewart, Thomas Alexander, 76

  Stony Lake, 102, 306-7

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 210, 253

  Stowe House, 7

  Strachan, John, 69

  Strickland, Agnes (sister), 5, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23-24, 25, 26, 34, 37, 41-42, 45, 89-91, 103, 114, 134, 171-79, 182, 186, 191-92, 193, 201, 211-15, 216, 237, 259, 298, 313, 314, 335

  Strickland, Arthur (grandson), 343

  Strickland, Elizabeth (sister), 5, 11, 16, 19, 21, 23, 37, 176-77, 192, 212, 227, 237, 248, 298, 313

  Strickland, George (nephew), 303

  Strickland, Jane (sister), 5, 21, 23, 37, 115, 212, 319, 335

  Strickland, Mary (Mrs. Arthur Strickland), 342

  Strickland, Mary Reid (Mrs. Samuel Strickland), 75, 82

  Strickland, Mrs. Thomas (Elizabeth), 5, 15-16, 45

  Strickland, Mrs. Thomas (Susanna), 5

  Strickland, Percy (nephew), 302, 307

  Strickland, Robert (nephew), 303

  Strickland, Roland (nephew), 303, 304

  Strickland, Samuel (brother), 5, 17, 39, 41, 75-76, 93, 95, 130, 144, 149, 188, 213-14, 259, 273, 302, 350

  Strickland, Sarah (sister) (Mrs. Gwillym), 5, 13, 25, 134, 212, 225, 313, 315, 322, 342

  Strickland sisters: Agnes’s disapproval and contempt for Thomas Traill, 45, 114, 182-83; Catharine and rift between Agnes and Susanna, 236-37; childhood, 7-9, 11-13; embarrassment over Traills’ and Moodies’; plight, 182; family legacy (inheritance), 93; fondness of reading, 9; literary talent, 19, 20-25; mutual dependence between Catharine and Susanna, 127, 181, 227-28, 261 relations between Catharine and Agnes, 178; and reversal in family fortune, 16-18; rift between Agnes and Susanna, 213-15, 217, 225-26, 314-15, 319; rivalry between Susanna and Agnes, 24-25, 27, 90-91; upbringing, 7

  Strickland, Thomas (father): affection for Catharine, 13-14; business, 4, 9-10; death, 15; family background, 4; health problems, 5, 8

  Strickland, Thomas (brother), 5, 17, 313, 314

  Studies of Plant Life in Canada (Catharine Parr Traill), 331-33

  Sydenham, Lord, 165

  Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, 124, 192

  Talbot, E.A., 41

  Tate, J.W., 249

  Ten Years in Africa (John Moodie), 39, 201

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 243

  Thompson, Elizabeth, xiii Thorburn, Maria, 329

  Toronto Star, 172

  Traill, Annie (daughter) (Mrs. Clinton Atwood), 142, 175, 181, 186, 234, 260, 313

  Traill, Catharine Parr (née Strickland), 8, 9, 16, 38; clothes, 112, 233; conservation concerns, 230; courage, strength, and hardship, 180-81, 186, 188-89; faith, 14, 180, 250, 260; financial straits, 178, 285, 342; and lack of social status, 112; and Native people, 108-9; nature lover, 107, 112, 188, 285-86; portrayed, xv; poverty, 175, 180-81, 184-85; relations with John Moodie, 125; and spiritualism, 252-53; temperament, 11, 13, 45, 109; view of North Americans, 98-99; visits to Belleville, 232-37; courtship, marriage, and motherhood; falls in love with Thomas, 45-46; and Francis Harral, 43; ignores family’s disapproval of Thomas, 46; infant deaths, 180; maternal role, 104-5, 180, 187; pregnancies, 103-4; relations with own children, 234; relations with Thomas, 46, 62, 74-75, 111, 260-61; wedding, 46; emigration: arrival of Susanna, 1-2; contracts cholera, 64-65; departure to Canada, 46-47; illness during crossing, 62; journey to Douro Township, 67-79; frontier life: daily work, 105-6, 111; family reunion, 1-2; first impressions, 62-65, 66-82, 98-100; help of neighbours, 80-82; homesickness, 101, 134; social life, 106-7; literary work and career: The Backwoods of Canada, 114-16; Canadian Crusoes, 190-93; Canadian Settler’s Guide, 238-39; and changing British literary tastes, 179, 285; children’s stories, 189-90, 285; collaborates with niece Agnes on Canadian Wildflowers, 292-99; compulsive writer, 111-12; Cot and Cradle Stories, 342; early promise, 11, 20-21; entry into London literary circles, 21-22, 23; income from writing, 178, 193-94, 239, 285; interest in botany, 191, 285-91; letters home, 101, 114-15; Lost in the Backwoods, 193; Pearls and Pebbles, 341-42; recognition, 326-33; search for publishing outlets, 237-38, 239; sense of professionalism, 197; Studies of Plant Life in Canada, 331-33; writing as a form of release, 190; writing as a means of support, 124-25; widowhood: affection for Susanna, 337; death, 347; household, 313-14; social and family life, 282-85; Westcove residence, 382-383

  Traill, James (son), 82, 186, 201-2, 234, 260, 261

  Traill, John (son, by first marriage), 45, 114

  Traill, Katharine Agnes Strickland (daughter), 125, 181, 186, 260, 283, 338, 346

  Traill, Katharine Parr (granddaughter), 300, 344

  Traill, Mary Elizabeth (daughter) (Mrs. Thomas Muchall), 180, 260,

  338, 343

  Traill, Mary Ellen Bridges (daughter), 180, 234

  Traill, Thomas: appointed justice of the peace, 120; death, 260; depression, 62, 113, 142-43, 180, 186-87, 188; desperate to leave backwoods, 125-26; distant parent, 104; emotional dependence, 62, 113; falls in lov
e with Catharine, 45; family background, 43-44, 44; homesickness, 113-14; lack of political connections, 120-21; meets disapproval of Stricklands, 45-46; military career, 43, 43-44; money woes, 44, 142, 143, 180, 183; and politics, 122-23; previous marriage, 44-45; relations with Catharine, 63; relations with Susanna Moodie, 142, 144; squanders Catharine’s family legacy, 110; temperament, 44, 45, 62; unable to find government job, 142; volunteers to put down rebellion, 130; emigration: Canada-mania, 46; frontier life: ill-suited for, 74, 78; settling the land, 110-11; takes up land grant, 79-80

  Traill, Thomas Henry Strickland (son), 125, 185, 186, 202, 260, 300

  Traill, Walter John Strickland (son), 187, 234, 260, 283, 338, 339

  Traill, Walter (son, by first marriage), 45, 114

  Traill, William Edward (son), 181, 187, 234, 260, 283, 338, 339

  Twenty-seven years in Canada (Sam Strickland), 215-17, 335

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 210

  Upper Canada: backwoods, 69; economic development, 118-19; elections, 168; government, 120; home-grown literature, 197; immigration and settlement, 119-20; periodicals, 74, 196-97; politics, 68, 120-23, 129-31, 163-5; society, 68, 70, 98-99; travel, 229-30

  Van Horn, Sir William, 345

  Vickers, John Joseph, 235, 305

  Victoria District. See also Hastings County

  Victoria, Queen, 131, 175, 248

  Wales, Thomas, 40, 71, 85, 86, 214

  Wallbridge, Lewis, 269

  Warner, Ashton, 26

  Wellington, Duke of, 5, 177

  Westove (Traill residence), 99, 307, 312-15, 349

  White, Gilbert, 288, 301, 333

  William iv, 27

  Wilson, Joseph, 196-97

  Wolf Tower, 184-87, 350

  Wollstonecraft, Mary, 19, 34

  Wolseley, Rev. Henry Hulbert, 143

  Women: attitude of English, 65; opportunities for writers, 33-34; social mores, 19

  Woodhull, Victoria, 253

  York, 41, 68. See also Toronto

  Young, Patrick, 305




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