My Brother's Love

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My Brother's Love Page 4

by Chara Croft

  “You and me, forever,” he repeated, his smile spreading like sunshine across his face.

  And when my sweet baby brother tugged me close to kiss him, his sunshine spread throughout every part of me, too.



  My heart had been broken for so long that I almost didn’t know what to do with myself now that my brother had finally made it whole again... but the best part was knowing that I didn’t have to know.

  Jonah had come back for me, and now I could leave everything in his hands.

  He loved me the way I’d always dreamed he would.

  He’d promised me forever.

  I wrapped myself around him, tunneling my fingers through his hair to keep him close and losing all track of time as he kissed me and kissed me and kissed me. I already felt like I was floating—still sort of high from that fuzzy, dreamy head space I’d ended up in when he’d spanked me—and it felt so good to have him take charge of me again that I didn’t ever want to come down.

  That first time, last year, I’d asked Jonah to teach me what to do. How to please him. What he liked. But this time I was afraid to ask. Afraid to jinx it. Instead, I just closed my eyes and let my brother’s lips and his body and those big, strong hands that I’d missed so bad tell me everything I needed to know.

  Like how much he liked it when I sucked on his tongue once he put it in my mouth.

  Or how his dick—hot and hard and throbbing between us like a promise even though it was still trapped in his jeans—swelled even larger every time I moaned for him.

  Or how good it felt to grind my dick against the firm ridge of his… how good it all felt, especially hearing him growl my name like he really, truly needed me this way, too.

  And all the other sweet, dirty things that started coming out of Jonah’s mouth? I told myself not to be greedy, but oh God, I wanted him to say those things to me always.

  I didn’t know what I’d been thinking when I’d thought hooking up with a stranger would do. I didn’t want anyone else, not ever. The things Jonah was saying would only sound right coming from him. They may not have been brotherly, but I honestly couldn’t imagine how it could get any better than having my own brother—the one person who’d always made me feel safe and cared for and who I trusted with everything—be in charge of this, too.

  “Slow down, kitten,” he panted as I gasped underneath him, thrusting up against him until the friction from his jeans practically rubbed my cock raw.

  “I… I can’t,” I said, since it was God’s honest truth.

  I needed him.

  Jonah laughed, rolling me onto my back and pinning my wrists over my head. I tried to keep humping against him anyway, but he just shook his head and straddled me to keep me still, looking down at me with all the love I’d missed so bad while he’d been gone.

  “Wait, baby boy,” he said, using the voice that I knew meant I’d better do what he said.

  I’d always loved doing what my brother said—it gave me a warm glow inside when I knew he was proud of me—but this time, I wasn’t sure if I could be good. My skin felt too hot and my balls were too tight. My whole body felt swollen and tense, full of a sizzling heat that the word “horny” didn’t do justice to. And my cock—oh my God—it was desperate in a way I’d never felt before. Desperate for him.

  Waiting, slowing down, holding still… I just couldn’t.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “Jonah, I need… need…”

  I shook my head back and forth in frustration as I tried and failed to make my mouth work right. I needed all of it. I may never have done anything beyond what Jonah had shown me the night my neediness had driven him away, but I’d seen plenty online. I knew what that guy from the internet had wanted from me. I knew lots of things... and I wanted Jonah to do all of them, all at once, right now.

  “Shhhh,” he said, smiling down at me without letting me up. “I’ve got you, Caleb.”

  Heat jolted my cock at the promise, making it jerk like it was trying to leap toward him as he held me down against the mattress. Oh, God. I never wanted him to let me go. I wanted those big hands wrapped around my wrists and holding me steady always. And as frustrated as my cock might feel, I loved knowing that he wasn’t going to listen to me. That he was going to make me wait. That, just like always, he knew what I needed better than I did and would make sure I got it, no matter what I said or how I tested him.

  I could beg him to let me come, but it wouldn’t do any more good than when I used to beg him to let me have dessert before dinner. And I could tell just by the way he was looking at me that no matter how much I struggled against his hold, Jonah wouldn’t let me up, not until he decided it was time.

  It made something inside me relax, and my eyes welled up with tears. I’d missed feeling safe and secure like this so bad. I’d missed knowing he was always there for me. That he really did have me. That he’d stop me from doing dumb things—like he had earlier when he’d spanked me—and that he’d teach me how to do better ones.

  That he’d tell me what to do.

  That he’d show me how to do it right.

  That he’d take charge of everything, the way a big brother should… even this, which other people would say he shouldn’t. And other people would say he shouldn’t—that we shouldn’t—but other people were wrong. I knew it, because being with Jonah was the only thing that had ever felt right.

  “Oh, baby,” Jonah whispered, transferring both my wrists to one of his hands so he could wipe away my tears with the other. “Don’t cry.”

  “I’m not,” I sniffled, which wasn’t exactly true. “I’m… I’m happy.”

  Which was true.

  “That’s all I want, kitten,” he said, and the way he smiled made my heart glow. Then his eyes moved over me in a way that made everything else glow, too. That made me hot and bothered and sure that there was no way I was going to be able to make myself stay still like he wanted me to.

  I bit my lip to hold in another whimper, and Jonah laughed.

  “What is it, baby?” he asked, obviously reading me like a book even though I’d been trying so hard to be patient and just wait, like he’d said. “Did you want something from me?”

  His lips quirked up on one side—a teasing little half smile that I’d never seen from him before—and I sucked in a sharp breath. I loved him. He wasn’t just my big brother, though. Looking at me like that? He was sexy.

  And yes, I wanted something from him desperately. I’d meant to be grateful for whatever attention he wanted to give me, to let him call the shots, but what I’d been thinking about lately… well, I hadn’t meant to ask him for it, but my mouth ran away from me before I could stop it.

  “Please, Jonah,” I begged, my whole body trembling with the effort to be good and not wiggle against him. “Please fuck me. I’ll be so good for you. I promise I will.”

  His pupils blew wide, eyes going hot, and I snapped my mouth closed, trembling. Given how wrong everything had gone between us the last time when I’d pushed him, the fact that I’d just slipped and asked for this terrified me.

  I held my breath.

  Jonah didn’t say anything.

  Then… he still didn’t say anything.

  A part of me wanted to freak out. If he left me again like he had before, it felt like I might actually die for real this time, but as his silence dragged on and on and on, I clung to the reassurance of those promises he’d just made me. I focused on the way he held me down so tightly, even now. I clenched my butt, just a little, to remind myself that it still stung and burned and ached from the spanking he’d given me.

  Because he loved me.

  Because he didn’t want me to be with anyone else, not any more than I did.

  Because Jonah wanted me.

  I could see it in his eyes and his flushed skin and the way the pulse beat hard and fast at the base of his throat. Jonah wanted me the way I’d wanted him since… well, basically since forever.

m before I’d even realized what I was feeling, or that brothers weren’t supposed to feel that way about each other.

  From the first time I’d figured out what my dick was actually for.

  Jonah wanted me the way I’d wanted him from the moment I’d first realized that for as much as I loved my big brother, there was a whole other level of love we could share.

  A hotter one.

  A deeper one.

  One I wanted him and only him to teach me about.

  “Please,” I whispered again, trembling inside as I waited to see if what I’d asked was too much. If it was pushing too far. If it was too… too unbrotherly.

  If I’d pushed Jonah away again.

  But he didn’t leave. Instead, he groaned—low and deep in a way that made my insides shivery—and when he whispered “fuck, Caleb” and his hand tightened around my wrists abruptly, so hard that I was sure there would be marks later, I knew he wanted everything I did.

  “Please fuck me,” I begged again, the request making my cock throb with excitement now that my fear was gone.

  Jonah squeezed my wrists even tighter, and I whimpered… but he didn’t let go and I was glad. I wanted there to be marks. I was more than just Jonah’s baby brother; he owned me—body, heart, and soul—and even if other people would think it was wrong, a part of me thrilled at the idea that his claim on me might show like that.

  “Please,” I begged, squirming despite my best intentions to hold still for him and do what he said. I meant to be good, I just wasn’t always that strong. It’s why I’d always needed him to be strong for the both of us. “Please do it, Jonah.”

  “Jesus, Caleb,” he finally growled, right before he swooped down and kissed me again. Kissed me hard. His tongue fucked into my mouth like he knew he owned it, and my whole body strained to get closer to him as I opened up and let him take my mouth the way I was still hoping he’d take the rest of me.

  God, please let him take me that way. I needed it so bad.

  I was pretty sure that getting fucked would hurt no matter how much the guys in porn acted like they liked it—especially tonight, since I was still all kinds of sore and tender down there from how hard he’d laid into me—but I wanted Jonah to do it anyway. I would always be happy to hurt for him when I knew it meant he loved me. It was exactly why the ache from the spanking he’d given me felt so good—why it always felt good when he used a firm hand with me, even when it didn’t.

  He still held my arms over my head, wrists pinned to the bed with one of his big hands, but his other hand slid underneath me and cupped my aching butt, waking up the burn and making me gasp into his mouth as he pulled me more tightly against him. His jeans rasped against my skin and my wet, leaking cock pulsed against his erection. My cock wanted to be touched and stroked and… and… oh God, just anything… anything so I could come—but as Jonah kept thrusting his tongue into my mouth, devouring me and claiming me all at once, I ignored it completely. My cock may have been desperate, but it was my hole that ached to be filled. All I could think about was how much I wanted my brother to fuck me.

  I wanted it even if it hurt.

  I wanted it more than I wanted to come.

  I wanted Jonah to be as close as he could get to me.

  I wanted him inside me. To be a part of me. To bury himself deep and touch me the way no one else ever had and the way I hoped no one else ever would.

  Jonah suddenly ripped his mouth off mine with a low groan, his eyes darkening as his pupils blew wide. “I’m definitely fucking you, kitten,” he promised as if he’d read my mind, his voice filled with so much heat that it made my toes curl. “But not tonight.”

  “Not… tonight?” I gasped out the question, struggling to sit up because… what?

  Jonah pushed me back down.

  “No, baby,” he said, his eyes raking over my body like a physical touch as he held me in place. “Not tonight.”

  A shudder of pure want went through me at that look, and my cock jerked between us.

  “Why not… not tonight?” I managed, feeling breathless and hot.

  Jonah smiled, but his voice sounded strained. “We’ve got no lube, and I’m not fucking you without it,” he said. “Not this first time. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  I shook my head, struggling to get my wrists free of his grip so I could pull him toward me and convince him it was okay. “But Jonah, I don’t care if—mmph.”

  He covered my mouth with one hand, still keeping my wrists secured with the other. I tried to turn my head away so I could shake his hand off, but he gripped my jaw tight, holding me in place.

  I wanted to tell him that I didn’t care if it hurt.

  That he could do anything.

  That I wanted him to.

  “I care,” Jonah said. “And don’t forget who’s in charge here, kitten. I know what you need and I will give it to you. I always will. I’m not leaving again, Caleb. I promise.”

  I stopped struggling against his hand, my eyes going wide. His words, his promise, sent a thrill of excitement through me. I needed to hear it. I needed him to tell me, over and over in every way possible, that I wasn’t going to lose him again.

  “Do you understand?”

  I nodded, the hand Jonah was still shushing me with bobbing along with my head as he kept my mouth sealed tightly closed.

  His eyes burned into me. “I’ve resisted as long as I could,” he said, his fingers stroking my jaw. “But once I fuck you, when I finally get inside that ass, kitten, make no mistake—I’m going to use it hard. It’s going to belong to me and only me. I’m going to fuck you so deep that you’ll still feel my cock even after we’re done. I’m going to fuck you so often that you’ll feel like something’s missing whenever I’m not inside you. The rest of the world will think it’s wrong, but I’m going to keep right on fucking you every single day, to remind you of just how right it really is between us.”

  I whimpered, nodding desperately.

  Jonah smiled. “I’m going to show you that I’m the one you were made for,” he promised. “The only one. That you’ve always been mine and always will be mine, and if that’s not what you want when you ask me to fuck you, Caleb, then you’d better tell me now, because once we start, I’m not going to stop. Not ever. Do you understand?”

  I nodded again, my head jerking up and down so fast that his hand loosened from my mouth.

  “Please,” I gasped, wanting everything he said so bad that I could taste it. “Yes, Jonah. That’s… that’s what I want. Please do it. Please. Take me right now. I don’t care if it hurts. I don’t care if we have… if we have any lube.” The words tumbled out of me in a hot rush, all the time I’d spent thinking I’d lost my brother forever forcing them out so fast I could barely breathe. “I have lotion? Or… or shampoo? That’s slippery, right? Or maybe we can just use—mmph.”

  He shut me up with a kiss this time. A gentle one where I felt his smile curve against my mouth.

  It made my heart flutter.

  “I said no, baby boy,” Jonah said firmly when he pulled away. “But don’t worry, I’m still going to make you feel good tonight. I’ve been dreaming of your ass for too long not to get a taste now that we both agree who it belongs to. Turn over.”

  I shivered, not sure what he meant since he’d said no to fucking but beyond happy to do anything he wanted. The minute his grip loosened on my wrists I flipped over onto my belly for him, shivering even harder when he lifted my hands to the slats in his headboard and fitted them there.

  “Cold, kitten?”

  I shook my head.

  “Don’t move.”

  I nodded this time, pushing my face into his pillow and breathing deep. It didn’t smell like him—it had been too long since he’d been home—instead, it smelled like me.

  I’d slept more nights than I could count in Jonah’s bed since he’d gone away to college. I’d come on his sheets over and over, and not even the knowing frowns from our disapproving housekeeper had been able
to break me of the habit. For the last year especially it had been the only way I’d had to be close to him, and now Jonah’s pillow smelled of all my hopeless longing for him.

  I smiled, my face buried in the pillow to hide it. Not hopeless anymore.

  “So pretty,” Jonah murmured, his hands skimming over my back… my hip… my still-aching ass, all the way down my thighs. “You always were, baby.”

  “You really think so?” I asked, shamelessly fishing to hear it again as I twisted around to look at him over my shoulder.

  He smacked my butt, not hard enough to hurt but just enough to sting. Enough to wake up the heat from the spanking he’d given me earlier… a heat that shot straight into my dick, making me gasp.

  “You know I do,” he said, laughter in his voice. “Don’t act spoiled.”

  I grinned, hiding the expression in the pillow again and subtly raising my butt up toward him in a silent plea for… for anything. For everything. For him.

  I guess I wasn’t as subtle as I’d hoped, because he smacked me again, making my cock jerk against the bed. It felt so good that I humped myself against his silky bedspread without thinking, panting into the pillow as I tightened my grip on his headboard and got lost in it for a second.

  “Told you to be still, Caleb,” Jonah said, big hands clutching my hips and holding me down.

  “I… I can’t,” I panted, since it was true. “Jonah, help me.”

  He tugged my hips back toward him, pulling me up to my knees, but when I tried to come up on all fours he pressed my chest back down to the bed, guiding my hands back up to the headboard with a stern “no” that made my cock leak with excitement. The position made me feel vulnerable and exposed… and totally turned on. Utterly safe. Because it was Jonah. My big brother.

  He knocked my knees apart and moved in so close behind me that I could feel the heat from his body crowding against me, and I sucked in a breath, my heart thundering in my chest as I crammed my face even deeper into his pillow and positively quivered, listening desperately for the sound of his zipper coming down.


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