Black Legacy: Black Opals, Book 1

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Black Legacy: Black Opals, Book 1 Page 3

by Juliana Stone

  It was too fast and hard. Frankie wanted to savor it, and as she settled her senses she became aware of his scent. It was wildly intoxicating, full of leather, sandalwood and a pure masculine musk that drew her in like a drug.

  He should be fucking illegal.

  She moaned low and deep in her chest as his arms crushed her body against his. Her nipples were hard pebbles of desire, and they poked out, straining against her tankie, puckering wildly in an effort to get closer to his skin.

  She needed to feel his flesh against hers.

  His hands were moving roughly over her back, trailing sparks of desire, leaving a rash of goose bumps in their wake. He dug in just under her ribcage, his fingers holding her steady as he ground his hard cock against her belly.

  She was already wet and hummed with frantic need that was so intense she felt faint. Was it even possible to feel like this so fast? Each beat of her heart, hammered home just how incredibly horny and aroused she was.

  He broke away, his breathing ragged. She watched, silent, as Dekkar ran hands through his shaggy mane of hair. His eyes had darkened to a deep moss color, and the half lidded stare he threw at her was devastating.

  Her breasts swelled under the scorching gaze and her hands automatically went to them. She hissed as she caressed them, trying to assuage the painful desire he’d awakened.

  A slow sexy smile grabbed the corners of his mouth, and he drew her close once more, his hands reaching under her shirt. When his fingers touched her bare skin, she groaned loudly, her knees buckling.

  He used one arm to hold her in place while the other drew the black fabric slowly up and over her head, until she lay bare to his hot mouth.

  Her dark, dusky nipples were standing at attention, and when his warm mouth closed over them, the sensitive peaks shot slivers of white hot fire straight to her belly and deep into her wet center.

  There were still no sounds other then the passionate responses of their bodies. Her hands had found their way to his head, the fingers buried deep into the thick silky mess of hair. Her own hips began a fevered gyration as he suckled, nipped and tugged at her nipples.

  He was rough, fevered with an urgency that was fast flowing through her bloodstream. His mouth moved back towards her neck, licking the sensitive area under her ears, as his hands moved sensually down past her waist, resting for a second against her hip.

  His eyes never left hers as he continued his exploration, his hands caressing her belly button. The low-slung denim left her entire belly bare, and she could feel her muscles contracting excitedly at his touch. With deft fingers he undid her snap and pulled the zipper down. He dropped to his knees in a fluid movement and lowered her jeans, until they fell around her calves.

  Frankie leaned back against the wall, afraid she’d tumble forward with her pants tangled around her legs. She watched, anticipation making her mouth water as his intent became clear.

  Slowly he licked her skin, his hot tongue cleaving a path of torture from her knees, to the tops of her thighs, until his head lay, mere inches from her trembling mound.

  He smiled up at her wickedly, and her hands once again found her breasts. Her fingers deftly massaging the turgid peaks as her passion began to bubble in earnest.

  She felt as if a volcano was about to erupt deep inside her body, indeed her very center was on fire with desire.

  She groaned as she watched him close his eyes, and he thrust his nose deep into the small scrap of fabric that shielded her pussy from his wicked touch.

  She could feel his breath, hot against her flesh, and she nearly came as he inhaled her scent deep into his lungs. He opened his eyes once more, and his gaze automatically grabbed hers.

  She bit her tongue in an effort to hold back a scream as his fingers grabbed her thong and pulled it roughly away and down her legs. His fingers touched the evidence of her desire against the dark fabric, and he smiled wickedly, lashing his tongue out at her.

  She was visibly trembling, and he pushed her legs as wide as the jeans would allow, his fingers beginning to explore her wet softness.

  She was still biting her mouth, and in fact drew blood, but she wasn’t able to hold back the scream that erupted, as his fingers opened her outer lips. Her swollen labia and clitoris were laid bare to him, and he paused briefly, his eyes leaving hers to latch onto the honeyed treasure he’d exposed.

  Frankie could feel cream slowly dripping from her body. She’d never in her life been this horny, been so filled with a need that was painful.

  When his head moved towards her she would have fallen if his arm hadn’t been supporting her. He blew hot air on her clit, and followed it home with a strike from his tongue. He drew away, then back; once, twice and a third time, until her quivering nub felt ready to burst.

  When she thought she could take no more, his mouth opened wide and he latched onto her with a ferocity that liquefied every cell in her body. He sucked, licked and massaged her so thoroughly that Frankie felt as if she were drowning in a sea of sensation.

  Her hands found their way to the top of her pussy and she arched her pubic bone forward as she spread her lips wider. She needed to see him, and she cried out at the sight of him eating her with an enthusiasm that bordered on madness.

  She could smell her sex heavy in the air, and began to pant as the pulse that had been building deep inside her chasm began to bang with a ferocity that had her struggling for air. Her right arm dug deep into his skull, and when he plunged two fingers deep inside her hot core, she drew blood.

  Her orgasm was instant, and her head hit the wall behind her as she contracted with the intensity of her release. She groaned loudly as he continued to lap at her hungrily, her knees weak, her limbs trembling. With a growl he stood quickly, his mouth taking hers and she tasted the very essence of herself on his lips as he drove his tongue once more, deep into the recesses of her mouth.

  Still, no words fell from his lips and he hauled her up into his arms, quickly striding down the hall until he came to a large steel door.

  His mouth did not leave hers as he punched in a code. The door slid away silently and he was through in a flash.

  Frankie wasn’t aware of anything but the man who held her. She was in awe of the raw strength he possessed, and her hands explored the hard planes of his body as he continued to spread fire across her lips once more.

  Slowly he let her slide down his body until she stood before him, a quivering mess of female. She was both satiated and hungry for more, and her eyes quickly fell to the huge bulge between his legs. When she glanced up, his lopsided smile did funny things to her insides, and she swallowed hard.

  Dekkar James was not someone to mess with. He could do damage to a girl’s heart.

  She watched silent, as his hands undid his pants and he slid them down his long, lean limbs. His cock set free was a sight to behold. It hung heavy with desire, an open invitation, and Frankie found herself drawn to its hard length.

  He was huge, thick with bulging veins and a pulsing strength that had her muscles contracting again. He avoided her reaching hands, grabbed her and carried her a few feet before whipping her around and throwing her over a low slung chaise lounge. The cool leather against her belly was a shock, and she wriggled against it, her ass on display in an open invitation.

  Frankie could hear his labored breathing and she knew that it was hard for him to hold back. They were in front of a large block of floor to ceiling windows and the reflection of their bodies in the glass was incredibly erotic. She watched him as he moved towards a large mirror that was set against the wall behind him, his cock swaying invitingly before him.

  She licked her lips, wanting to feel the hard shaft deep in her throat.

  But Dekkar had other plans.

  He grabbed the mirror, and threw it on the floor, pushing it so that it was underneath the chaise lounge. Frankie’s reflection blinked back at her, and she was amazed at the woman she saw.

  She looked wildly sexual, and her eyes locked onto his
reflection as he moved in behind her.

  He was intense, wiping sweat from his brow and the look of raw desire on his face as his eyes moved down her body, was exhilarating. Frankie couldn’t remember ever feeling so feminine, sexual and alive.

  Their eyes met in the mirrored reflection and time slowed down for just a second. Something happened then. It was fleeting, but a connection occurred nonetheless. Frankie’s breath hitched in her throat and she shook her head to clear it.

  His hands were all over her ass, and they spread her cheeks as his fingers gently massaged the sensitive area that lay there. She tensed slightly, anticipation licking at her lips and when his fingers slowly slid into her opening the pressure was so erotic and sharp that she cried out loud.

  His fingers moved languidly there, and his other hand drew her ass slightly higher in the air. She could feel his cock, the velvety tip straining against her ass cheek and her clit started to pulse once more. Her hands flew out, flat on the mirror as she supported her weight.

  Her swollen pussy was slick with cream, and she moaned as her hips started gyrating.

  Without warning he plunged his hard cock deep inside her silky folds and she screamed loudly as sharp cracks of sensation fingered out from between her legs and up to her ass.

  Their eyes caught and held.

  He began to pump. This was no slow and sensual joining. It was hard, fast and brutally sexual. His cock pounded into her wetness, the strokes ferocious as his need built. His fingers worked her ass, following the rhythm of his cock, and the pressure that was building deep inside her body was so intense she began to shake.

  She’d never been fucked like this—so real, raw and animalistic.

  The sounds of his body slapping against her flesh could be heard over the heaviness of their breathing. She heard him groan with pleasure and he increased the pressure in her ass. At the same time his cock flew in and out of her, each thrust going deep, spreading slivers of pleasure.

  She felt her orgasm smoldering deep inside, threatening to break as her muscles clenched tightly in anticipation. It was hot, almost painful. And as the pace picked up she crested just as he roared his release, his cock buried deep, her walls contracting against his hard flesh.

  Their eyes were still locked together; each watching the other orgasm and Frankie had never seen anything as incredible as Dekkar James coming with his cock buried deep inside of her.

  Each pulse of his dick could be felt deep inside of her, and it was reflected on his face. His eyes, so dark and green never left hers.

  Slowly he kept rocking back and forth, even after he’d spent everything he had, until eventually he leaned over and rested his body against her back.

  Only then did he close his eyes.

  Only then did he speak.

  “What fucking planet have you been hiding on?”

  Chapter Five

  Frankie’s eyes widened in alarm and it took a few seconds for her to realize he was making a joke. The warmth of his body still lay against hers, and she felt his penis soften and loosen from her body. She felt empty as his spent shaft slid from inside her.

  She was still staring at him intently in the mirror when his eyes opened to join the lazy smile that graced the masculine features.

  Holy shit, but he was hot.

  They’d just shared something incredibly amazing. A once in a lifetime kind of connection and she sure as hell didn’t want to read too much into it. She’d already crossed the line. Hell, she hadn’t just crossed it; she’d barreled over it blindly without thinking.

  Frankie had never, ever screwed with a target before. But she couldn’t think about that now. She’d worry about the consequences of that later.

  Right now she just wanted to drink him in a bit more and then get down to the business of saving his ass.

  His eyes mesmerized her and she felt her own mouth trembling as she laughed softly at him. He stood up, and pulled her body up along his. Her legs were weak, her muscles spent, and she leaned back onto him as she stared at their reflection in the window that they faced.

  Outside a midnight sky peered down as a million stars blanketed the darkness with a canopy of brilliance. They were surrounded by tall buildings and skyscrapers, an eclectic mix of office buildings and condos. Many windows cast a soft glow of light, and strangers could be seen clearly going about their lives, unaware of the two of them.

  Dekkar’s place was deep in shadow, and Frankie felt like a voyeur as she quietly observed the various scenes being played out, both domestic and workplace.

  So mundane.

  So unaware.

  A soft ping sounded behind her and she was suddenly on edge. It had been so soft, it could have been imagined, but Frankie knew their time was up.

  The New Order had arrived.

  She slid from his arms, whirling around, grabbed her clothing from around her ankles and yanked them back over her hips. Her fingers were shaking slightly, and she felt a flash of annoyance as she zipped and buttoned up.

  Her eyes moved about the room trying to locate her shirt and satchel among the gloom and shadows. Her opal burned at her chest, and her fingers nervously rubbed it as panic started to set in. All too quickly she became aware of several things.

  One…in her mad dash for cock, she’d left her satchel out in the hallway. When Dekkar had decided to dine on her pussy, all conscious thought had fled, and boom, she’d forgotten her bag.

  Two…she was the only thing between him and the operatives who at this precise moment were organizing a break into the space they occupied, and because she no longer had her satchel, she was without weapons.

  Three…he had no clue who she was or that it could quite possibly be his last night on Earth.

  And four…as his eyes raked molten lava over her bare, heaving breasts she knew she needed to cover up and get them the hell out of his space.

  “I need a shirt and you have to get dressed pronto.”

  She started to move towards what she assumed was the place he slept, when his arm snaked out, and he pulled her back to his warm hard chest. Her eyes wandered down and she groaned at the sight of his cock, already filling with hard desire.

  “Are you gonna make me rip those pants from you again?”

  His voice was low, hoarse even, and it tapped into some part of her that she’d not known existed. Her heart skipped a beat and she used the strength of her upper body to pull back a few inches. A loud bang interrupted the silence and Dekkar whipped his head around, his face darkening into a snarl.

  “What the hell?”

  Frankie used that moment to pull away completely, feeling more in control the farther away she was from his touch.

  “Dekkar. We don’t have a lot of time. I need you to listen carefully to what I’m going to say.” Her eyebrows arched and she exhaled softly before continuing.

  “There are two, most likely three operatives on the other side of that door. They will break it and enter this room with the express purpose to kill. And their target would be you.” She paused watching a myriad of emotions flicker across his strong features. “We’ve got minutes to escape before they do, probably less. I need an alternate exit, a shirt and I’m hoping you have some weapons lying around, since I left my bag of goodies in the hall.”

  Dekkar James stood there in stunned disbelief. It was a credit to his acting abilities that he didn’t laugh outright. Fuck, he should have known the mystery woman was too good to be true. She was a nut job.

  For a minute there, he’d been thinking sister fate had been kind, and maybe, just maybe, he’d finally met that someone he’d been searching for.

  That there was a woman on this planet specifically meant for him.

  He felt fucking pissed off as he stood there, staring at her perfect breasts begging for his touch. He wanted her to be that person, which in and of itself was fucked, considering he’d just met her.

  But there was something about the woman that called to him, that filled the emptiness inside of
him. He glared at her. She was obviously playing him somehow.

  He inhaled deeply, and the smell of their sexual encounter raked through his nasal passage and spread fissions of desire straight to his lower extremities. His cock twitched, burning, as it filled with a rush of need.

  His body was on fire, yet he was suddenly weary. It was always the same old bullshit. In his world no one was sincere. They took what they could get while he was still considered hot and marketable.

  At first the crazy train had been intoxicating. He’d fucked, drank and inhaled his way through the last five years. You name it and he’d had it. Everything had been his for the taking, and his voracious appetite had fed heartily every night.

  But over the past several months he’d begun to tire of it all. He was known the world over—famous for being infamous—but had no ties, no family, no friends. After he’d sated his sexual fantasies for the night and finished partying with his band, he still came back here, to this loft, alone and empty.

  In fact, she was the first woman he’d brought into his home.


  His green eyes ripped into hers, and he was just about to shout his anger at her, when a hissing noise brought his attention back to the door. Smoke could be seen filtering through a thin crack that was slowly making its way down the right side of the door.

  “What the fuck?”

  He moved towards it, but her hand grabbed his and the strength that her grip channeled brought him up short.

  “We have to leave now.”

  Something in the tone of her voice sent a cold shot straight through him. The woman was dead serious. The laser continued to cut through his reinforced steel door, and it was then that Dekkar knew his entire life was about to explode into some direction that he’d never have thought possible. Was it random?

  He didn’t think so.

  He clenched her hand, drawing her close to him, his body trembling with repressed energy.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you until I know exactly who the fuck you are—” he turned to point back at the door, “—and who the fuck they are.”


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