Dee's Hard Limits (Masters of the Cats)

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Dee's Hard Limits (Masters of the Cats) Page 18

by Trinity Blacio

  “Well, let’s get this party started.” Dee looked around and smiled at the different state many ladies were in. Some were getting nails done, pedicures, hair done and many other services.

  “Hello and welcome. My name is Jordon and I’ll be your coordinator today. First, why don’t we get the little ladies settled. Please follow me, your highness,” the 6 foot tall woman said and moved through the warm cavern.

  Rounding one corner, Dee could hear children playing and she smiled when Reva squealed when she saw the pool. “We get to go swimming?”

  “Of course you do. This pool is magical as you play, your nails and toenails will be done.” Jordan’s eyes sparkled as she nodded to another woman. “This is Lissa. She’ll be taking care of the girls. We only allow 10 in here at a time, so we can make sure no one gets hurt. After they are done playing, Lissa will serve them a light lunch. This will give the 3 of you time to soak in the mud baths and get your rub downs.”

  “Talhrn is so going to get a big kiss when we get back. Mud baths, I can’t wait. I heard they are amazing.” Dee kissed Reva and watched as she pulled Emma and Rosa with her into the pool their dresses disappeared the instant they hit the water.

  “Follow me please.” Jordon led them down a series of stairs. The heat also grew warmer as they descended and her thora vanished as the mud baths came into view. There had to be over 30 of them. The room grew quiet as Jordan took them to the far corner. “These are for you. Please submerge yourself and when it is time to get out, I’ll come for you,” she nodded and turned to leave.

  “Thank you, Jordan,” Dee said and went to step into one of the mud baths. “Wow is this hot,” she moaned sinking into the brown stuff.

  “Now, I can get used to this,” her mom said, leaning her head back on the pillow that lay against the far wall.

  For the next 30 minutes, the 3 of them soaked and talked about the ceremony. She and Helena agreed that the coronation should go first, of course after Houston’s change. Afterward they would all relax and enjoy the evening. The color scheme down to what she would wear for the event was discussed until Dee glanced up to see 2 women looking down at her.

  “Can I help you?” Out of the corner of her eye, Helena stiffened.

  “You shouldn’t be here. A human should not be Queen. Your stench fills the air around here.” One hissed.

  “Excuse me?” She slowly stood up, mud dripped off her body. “If there is any stench, it is coming from your mouth and all that crap you just released,” Dee snarled, her mother next to her growling. “I suggest you turn around and leave before...”

  “Kitten!” Talhrn yelled and appeared in front of her. “Leave now!” He ordered the women and turned to look at her. “This has to stop. You must ignore those that would draw a response from you,” he said frustrated, then left as quickly as he came.

  She closed her eyes and counted to 10, before turning to look at Helena. “Was I wrong in what I said? Do I just sit there and allow someone to attack me and my mother?” At that time Jordan came running to them and apologized. Sensing her discomfort and nervousness, Dee smiled.

  “Jordan, you did nothing wrong. How were you to know this would happen? Please, we are fine.” Dee assured her and followed her as she took them to the showers. Once clean, they climbed onto massage tables, waiting.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, Daughter. But I’m afraid, Talhrn is right too. Many are furious with the new rules and yes, some of them have already been posted. I’m afraid you and your men will come across many individuals that see you as a threat. You can’t attack them all.”

  “I have a feeling I’ll be coming here a lot if this crap is going to be an everyday event,” she mumbled.


  “Look at him!” Reva squealed and pointed at Houston who now flew up and over the grove which was filled with people. They cheered and watched as he dove down, shifting at the last minute, laughing. “I did it! I can fly.” Houston ran to Dee who was breathtaking in her purple thora. She had flowers woven in her hair. Her hands that she had been so worried about were now marked with the symbol of Talhrn’s Cedarclaw. A white and black dragon wrapped in between her fingers and around her wrist. Her nails were now long and painted.

  She wore the leather collar they had given her only 2 hours ago. On the front of the collar was a lock in the shape of a Saber-Tooth tiger. Their woman was theirs, collared by their custom and marked by his.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Dee said, hugging the boy. “Your father, Talhrn, has something for you.” She smiled at him and leaned against Todd when he came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

  Setting Reva down, Talhrn knelt before Houston. “On our world when a son reaches his first test, he is marked. I was wondering if you would allow my mark on you. As your mother wears hers on her hands, yours would be here above your heart. Where every time you look into a mirror, you will see it and never doubt that you are my son.”

  Houston threw his arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “Thank you Father. I’d be proud to have your mark.” He stepped back and held his shoulders back waiting.

  His hand warmed as Cedarclaw moved to his hand and heated it with his dragon’s breath as he placed it against his son’s chest. The boy’s eyes watered for a minute as the heat passed through his skin. He nodded and removed his hand. “You now carry my mark.”

  “Can I have one?” Reva asked, stepping in front of Houston when he turned to run to Dee to show her. He smiled and tweaked her nose.

  “When the time is right, and you go through your change, you will carry my mark too, but for now how about I bite you.” She squealed and took off, running around the other kids and laughing. He caught his little angel and looked up to see Dee staring at him, tears in her eyes. She mouthed, “I love you.”

  “And I love you too, Little Kitten. Tonight we work on another child.” He promised as her cheeks pinked and Talhrn knew her swollen nub was still sensitive as were her now hard nipples. Yes, even though there would always be those who disagreed with what he was doing, nothing would stop him from his path and his Little Kitten was the glue that would hold all of them together.

  Now, all he had to do was make it through the coronation and the endless congratulations before he could slip away with his family.

  Bonus Chapter

  Book 3

  Masters of the Cats:

  Caging the Bengal Tiger

  Chapter One

  The grove was packed. The children were at their homes as the adults witnessed the crowning of the king and the introduction to the Queen. Her best friend’s daughter. Out of all of the cats, she had had a life somewhat like Dee’s, always looking over her shoulder for the men who had destroyed Lacey’s life, and they were still out there. But it was only a matter of time before she found the pack of rouge shifters, her father being one of them.

  Lacey scanned the crowd. All the female cats were here for the party except for Abby. It was still hard to believe that their sister of the heart was dead, but then again she’d seen many of her kind murdered over the last 30 years.

  At the age of 50, young for a tiger-shifter, Lacey was battered and bruised. She only trusted a few, one of which stood next to her. Maya had become the friend-sister she lost 20 years ago when her father and his friends raped and murdered her family. Four sisters, two brothers, and her mother.

  Oh, her mother had fought as had all of them, but only Lacey had survived after she’d crawled away as one of the bear shifters had passed out. She shivered, drawing Akaos’ attention.

  A wrap appeared out of thin air and he pulled it around her. “If that is not warm enough, you let me know. Maya told me you had the flu. You should have told me.”

  “I’m fine, but thank you. This helps.” She grinned at his over-protectiveness to all the women. When he’d first appeared, Lacey had been so ready to hate the man, but after watching him with Maya, she could see the love in his eyes.

  Hearing Maya snarl, Lacey at
once was on alert. Three women down two rows were commenting on Dee’s appearance and Momma cat was not liking it one bit, but either was she. Akaos whispered something into her ear trying to calm her, but that didn’t stop Lacey. She slowly worked herself behind the women in question.

  “Can you believe the King is stuck with that human? I heard they had to sanitize the spa after she was there. Then the thing had the nerve to bring shifter children with her. What was the King thinking? Birds,” the one lady sneered.

  Fur rippled just beneath the surface. Lacey was a white Bengal Tiger. Rare for her kind. “Do you know it’s rude to talk behind someone’s back? I can introduce you to the Queen. I’m sure she’d love to hear all about how she stunk, but then again your stench can be noticed all the way all the time.” Strong hands pulled her back into a hard chest.

  “Ladies, please excuse my meru here. See, she is very good friends with the Queen and very protective, so you’ll understand why your comments would upset her,” Akaos’ brother Isaac stated. “Oh, you might also want to remember the King hears everything.”

  The man had enough gall to lift her up and carry her out of the grove. “What the hell are you doing? How dare you touch me and lie to that woman!” She snarled and tried to get out of his arms, but stopped when Lacey noticed Anthony and her friend Edwards leaning against the wall watching them.

  She hadn’t seen Edwards since the attack a few days ago. He was a head taller than she remembered and his gaze that raked over body had her nipples hardening. “Dan, we were worried about you.” She jumped out of Isaac’s arms and stumbled into Dan.

  Raising her head, Lacey stared into those big brown eyes. “I’ve been very busy. You’re looking good, Lady Cat.” His nickname for her came out as a husky growl. That’s when she felt something below hard and long rub against her lower stomach.

  “Oh, umm sorry.” She stepped back. “So why did you bring me here?” Lacey turned her attention back on this Isaac person. She’d been watching him and Anthony for the past 4 days. Once she’d even seen them in what appeared to be fighting, but then after about 5 minutes Isaac had pinned Anthony.

  But what she still couldn’t get out of her head was what happened next. It had been brutal but yet beautiful as Isaac took Anthony from behind all the while stroking his cock. Both of them came at the same time.

  “Hmm, what was just running through that little mind, pretty kitty? Your heart rate jumped, your skin is flushed and those nipples are as hard as candy drops.” Isaac stepped in closer to her and took a deep breath. “If you taste as good as you smell, I have a feeling I’ll be spending many nights between those legs.”

  “And who said you’re going to be in-between my legs? You have some damn nerve. First you stop me from ripping those bitches’ heads off, then you call me your mate. I don’t think so, buddy. You don’t have the balls to take me on,” Lacey challenged him and knew instantly her mistake when she heard Anthony and Dan laugh.

  “Wrong thing to say, Lady Cat,” Dan almost purred.

  “Hey Lacey, come on. Akaos is going to take us back so we can check on Abby.” Opal yelled down the hall, saving her ass big time. Big hug for that, lady.


  Isaac stepped out of her way letting her take off with her friend. Her time was coming, but right now was not the time to stake his claim. Their kith was still not settled. He turned to Dan. “Well?”

  “The signs are there, she is ours.” Dan pushed away from the wall and turned to walk away.

  “Where are you going?” Isaac asked, placing his hand on his shoulder. At once Dan stiffened still not used to a man’s touch, but soon enough he would be asking for it. No matter what species the bond in the kith was strong among each member, including the males. Already he and Anthony had already started their bonding.

  “Back to my room,” he snarled once, too much for his blood.

  Yanking Dan around, Isaac forced him up against the wall. They stood nose to nose, his cock rubbed up against his. “I will only take so much Dan. I know this is all new to you, but you are part of us.” He stepped back a little. “I have talked with Akaos and Talhrn and both agree with your background that the rest of your training can be done on Earth. But you have to stop fighting the bond or it will not only harm you, but us as well. Do you want Lacey to be unprotected? To know she would go without a man, because we can’t function as a team, as a kith?” He let out a deep breath.

  “I know this is hard for you Dan and I know your society sees two men as wrong, but look at it this way. When we are in battle, and we will be in battle together, our actions will only complement each other. Do you think my brother could get along without Warden or Tesuss?” He shook his head.

  “Each member of our kith is part of the whole. Separate we are nothing. Together we are a unit no one can destroy.” Knowing no one would be coming down this entrance any time soon, Isaac dropped to his knees. “I do this for you. You are part of me, my weru, you are just as important to me as our Lady Cat is.” He took Edward’s cock out of his pants all the while he held Dan’s gaze.

  Being the orak of a kith was a huge responsibility and one he took seriously. Where Akaos had always been the joker of the family, it was his job as the oldest to make sure every child and women were protected if his fathers were not around. Going down on his cock, Isaac loosened the muscles in the back of his throat taking him all the way down his throat.

  He moaned and grabbed onto his shoulders as he started to slide in and out of his mouth. “Let it go Dan. Love us all and we’ll give you everything.”

  “I’ve tried to fight it…but I won’t put our lady in danger anymore,” Dan grunted inside his head and shot his seed down his throat as soon as he cupped his balls.

  With his eyes still on him, Isaac tucked Dan’s cock back into his styes.

  “I got word from my cousin Sundown. It seems our woman has not had it easy, but then again most of the females haven’t.” He took Dan’s hand that he held out, helping him up. “Thank you. It seems that Lacey’s family was murdered by her father and his bunch of rouge shifters, not Koti. Even though we don’t know if by chance they are working together. For this reason, I’ve had extra men on her, watching. She’s moved to the far corner of the castle, away from everyone, but she’s also been to this club that Dee was at for the last 2 nights.”

  The 3 of them moved towards the grove. Dan nodded his head. “I’ve always known inside the man that tried to control Lacey would need a cage, literally. Not only have I seen her take the whip, but our woman will not tolerate a man who can’t dominate her. Before we even confront her, the 3 of us must not falter once. Whereas Dee and Maya are submissive, our Lady Cat craves to be a slave to her passions.”

  A large cheer went up and he smiled, as Talhrn came into view. He had his meru bent backwards, kissing her senseless while his hand dove under her thora. “Seems our queen must have tested Talhrn’s patience.”

  “I can’t believe he’s doing that to her in front of everyone,” Maya snarled and pointed her finger into Akaos’ chest. “He’s your friend, you better tell him to behave. Thank God you don’t…Akaos!” Maya yelled as he bent his woman back and did the same thing.

  “You were saying? I don’t think you are in any position to tell me to do anything and I don’t know what all the fuss is about. You’re soaking wet, my cat. It seems you like to be played with in public, very, very interesting. We’ll have to follow this up, but first I need to speak with my brother. Warden, take our meru and strap her up in the playroom and make sure you gag her. You know how loud she gets when I take that ass and we don’t want to wake the girls.” His brother pulled his fingers out and cleaned them with his tongue.

  His woman said nothing, as Maya’s legs wouldn’t hold her, Warden swept her up into his arms. “Come on, pet, seems you’re going to have a long night after all.” He laughed, throwing her over his shoulder and making sure her ass was on display.

  “Warden, pull down my thoras!”She sc
reeched, but was rewarded with a smack to her ass. “Be still, I’m proud of this fine ass and I want to show it off.”

  Before they disappeared from site, Maya turned and saw Dan standing there laughing at her. She screamed louder, more embarrassed that her friend had seen her. “It’s going to take a long time to break her of this embarrassment, but what fun we are going to have doing it.” He shook Dan’s hand and hugged him. “We have kept your family protected, but we have said nothing to them. Since they knew about Maya I truly believe they will be able to handle your new status and since we consider you family, I’ve ordered Anthony to move his clan closer to your home. They will personally protect them.” Akaos slapped his brother on the shoulder.

  “Well, it seems soon you will be joining the rank of a bonded warrior, congrats. Just beware Mom wants more grandbabies and if she finds out about Lacey, there will be no stopping her. But on a serious matter, the gang that you told me about, they’re headed towards California. Seems Lacey has set herself up. Letting her father know she was alive.”

  “She did what?” Isaac knew the first time he’d seen Lacey that she would be trouble, but he was ready. “I want to thank you for letting us take over Dee’s home. I think it will be perfect to start our claim, but you’re right, we’re going to have to cage our cat before she ends up getting herself killed. Come, it’s time to plan.” Isaac nodded to his brother and turned, leaving the crowd heading towards their destination. He just hopped that Dan’s fears wouldn’t come back to bite them.

  Usually it took years to build a kith, but time wasn’t on their side.


  Motrian — where Marquis’ mother Helena comes from.

  Metasis’ Fury — conversion from hell

  Orak — leader of the Kith, a domestic relationship of three males and one woman, which is won by a competition, bloody and sexual.


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