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Austin Page 15

by Lauren Runow

  The look in Edward’s cold eyes is not one of a man who is merely defending himself. It’s that of a ruthless elite who will stomp on anyone in his path. Even if it’s his own son.

  I have known Austin for only a few weeks, but one thing I can guarantee you is, he is no liar. Now, I have no doubt that his father is all of those things Austin described and more.

  “How dare you,” I say in a low tone to the man sitting beside me. “I don’t know you, Mr. Sexton, so with all due respect, forgive me when I say you are the most ignorant man I have ever met. And I was raised in a trailer by an alcoholic who liked to beat on children, so, yes, I have quite the experience.” My gaze wanders up onto Edward’s wrist and the Rolex resting comfortably in its obnoxious sapphire glory. “Austin is the reason you can wear a forty-thousand-dollar watch and buy your wife diamonds. I might not have worked at Sexton Media long, but in that time, I have yet to see or hear of Edward Sexton. What I have witnessed is the son you so equally dismissed as skirting from his responsibilities work to the bone to close deals and secure one of the most sought-after interviews in the country.”

  “A few hours in the office hardly counts as to the bone,” Missy replies out the side of her mouth.

  “A simpleminded man would take a day to do what Austin could accomplish in an hour. A dense woman would have her assistant do it,” I spit.

  Edward lets out a low laugh that’s not really a laugh. It’s the most condescending sound I’ve ever heard. “You must be keeping this one up nice.”

  “I don’t need to be kept by a man. I only choose those who are worthy.” I grab hold of Austin’s hand and grip it tight into mine. “A teenager who goes to college is hardly someone skirting from their responsibilities. A grown man who expects an eighteen-year-old to go to work to cover his slack is.”

  “Watch it.” Edward seems to have forgotten his need to keep that fake smile running on his face for the sake of appearances.

  I don’t stop. “A man who enrolls in the military to fight for our country is heroic. A man who wants to sell his business because he has no idea how to run it is a coward.”

  This gets Edwards attention. “How do you know about the sale?”

  “Your wife likes to talk,” Austin chimes in.

  “I have every right to have you fired,” Missy says to me with a downward mouth.

  Austin squeezes my hand as he stands up to his stepmother. “Try it, Missy.”

  “You don’t want to try me,” she states coolly.

  But Austin doesn’t seem to care. “If your threats were valid, you would have accomplished something already.”

  “And for your first course …” The waiter is back with a huge tray and starts setting plates before each of us.

  I think back, confused, only to realize we never ordered. The Sextons must preset everything. Regardless, it doesn’t matter.

  “We’re not staying.” I stand from my seat, and Austin rises with me.

  “You can’t just get up from the table like that.” Edward shifts as he looks over his shoulder.

  Austin places a hand on my back. “If there’s one thing you need to know about Jalynn, it’s that she doesn’t take kindly to orders.”

  “You tolerate that?” Edward sounds disgusted.

  To my surprise, Austin grins. “I don’t just tolerate it; I fucking love it.” He places his other hand on me and runs his fingers down my arm as he escorts me away from the table. “Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To a race.”



  We drive to a warehouse where I keep my Camaro to switch cars and then drive to the race. When we pull up it’s the same magnetic hum, a simmering in the air that’s stewing like a volcano ready to burst with excitement. The crowd turns in my direction, and I wonder if Jalynn can read their thoughts as easily as I can—the fuck me eyes of women and the fuck you glares of men.

  A strange sting hits me in the gut. Every girl here has tried to get with me, but I haven’t wanted a single one. The women I’ve bedded have all been the results of cocktail parties and bar nights. One-night stands and short flings have been my style, and I’m not ashamed I’ve even had a few restroom quickies where most of our clothing was still on.

  I keep a change of clothes in my Camaro, so even though I was able to change after dinner tonight, Jalynn’s still looking unbelievable in that tight black dress that’s riding high on her thighs. It has me thinking about everything I want to do to her, how I want to savor every fucking inch of her.

  I walk over to her side of the car, but she throws the door open before my hand is on the handle and stands.

  I grip her waist and push my body into hers, and she falls against the car.

  My hard exterior molds right up against the soft curves of hers as I whisper into her ear, “Be good tonight, Pyle.”

  Her breath is feathery as she responds, “Don’t call me that.”

  I let out a small chuckle as I brush hair away from her face. “Just make sure you don’t do anything to warrant the name, and we’ll be all good.”

  She sticks out her bottom lip, and I have to restrain from biting it. Instead, I reach for her hand and peel her off the car and toward the crowd.

  I give Gregg a fist pound with my other hand as we approach. “How’s it looking tonight?”

  “Everything’s set up. The new guy, Keith, is ready.”

  He nods toward the Hellcat and the driver I got into a fight with a few nights ago over Jalynn’s flirting. He’s a damn good driver, so I’m glad he’s here tonight. I just have to make sure he keeps his paws off my girl.

  “Fucker was adamant about racing you tonight. I told him that’s a race that has to be earned.”

  “We had words a few nights ago. The little shit’s probably trying to show me his man card. Wonder what gave him the balls to do so tonight?”

  “Me,” someone says from behind us.

  We turn to see Beckett standing next to Keith.

  I drop my head down with a loud huff. “Really? You know this douche bag?” I ask Keith.

  “Beckett, what are you doing here?” Jalynn steps out of my grip and to her brother.

  “You know this hottie?” Keith slaps his hand against Beckett’s chest with a crazy, excited expression.

  Beckett’s face reddens as he pushes Keith’s hand off his chest. “She’s my sister. You touch her, and I’ll beat you with a tire iron.”

  Keith steps back with his arms up in the air. “Damn, girl’s got more guards than Alcatraz.”

  “Why are you here?” Jalynn asks her brother again.

  “It’s more like, what the fuck are you doing here? Wait …” Beckett’s eyes get big as realization strikes. His fucking jaw drops as he looks at me and then back to Jalynn. “Is that—”

  Jalynn rushes to Beckett, gripping his bright red shirt and pulling him away in a firestorm of frustration. “Let’s take a walk.”

  I know I should give them time to chat, but I’m not that kind of guy. I don’t know what kind of dynamic these siblings have, and if he’s anything like his father, I won’t let him lay a hand on her.

  Before I can reach them, Beckett steps away from Jalynn and comes right up to me, chest pushed out, trying to intimidate me. Fucker has no clue who he’s dealing with.

  “Back the fuck up,” he yells as Jalynn tries to pull him back.

  I grab him by the arm, the tension in my body radiating as I hold him in place and give it to him straight. “Don’t talk to my girl like that.”

  He whips his head toward Jalynn. “Fucker stole my car, and you’re dating him?”

  Last time we spoke, he only knew me as Austin, Jalynn’s boss. Now that he knows the truth, I can fully give him shit. “It’s about time someone started taking care of her. What kind of man lets his little sister bail him out all the time? I bet you didn’t even thank her for getting your car back, you fucking prick.” I release him with a
little shove.

  “My car back?” He turns to Jalynn, putting the last piece of the puzzle together. “Are you serious right now? You have my car?”

  “Technically, I still do. She has the keys. I even gave her a good wax for you. Buffed her good,” I add with a wink.

  “You’d better be talking about my car.” He runs a hand through his shaggy brown hair.

  “It fits snug in my nice, warm garage.” I smile.

  “I’m gonna fuck you up,” Beckett challenges, pushing his way toward me.

  Jalynn pulls him back. “Get ahold of yourself!”

  “Fucker stole my car!” he seethes.

  “Um, no. Correction”—I hold up my hand while rocking back on my heels to make a point—“I won your car, but your sister stood up for you and got your keys back.”

  Beckett turns so fast, I think his feet are going to slip right out from underneath him. “Why didn’t you tell me you had my car this entire time?”

  She stands up a little straighter. “I was waiting until I knew you’d learned your lesson.”

  “Learned my lesson? Jay, I’ve had to get up an hour early every day for work just to catch the bus. How could you?”

  “How could I?” she yells, leaning her body back and placing her hands on her hips.

  Damn, I love how sexy she looks, doing it.

  “You’re the dumbass who raced for pink slips. I needed to make sure you weren’t going to do something that stupid ever again. You. Are. Not. Dad. You’re better than him, and I will make damn sure of it every day.”

  His shoulders fall, and I know she’s hit a nerve with him. He stays silent as they stare at each other.

  “Well,” I say, breaking the tension, “now that that’s solved and you know I’m not the asshole you’ve made me out to be, can I please have my girlfriend back, so we can get these races started?” I hold out my hand, waiting for Jalynn to take it. “Beckett, let’s call a truce. Since you’re her brother and I’ve already won your car and given it back, I’ll let you stay, but this race has nothing to do with you. This is about Tyler and paying tribute. Don’t forget that.”

  Jalynn turns to Beckett, placing her hands on his arms. “Please, Beckett, for me. Just let things be, okay? Let’s get the race over with, and I’ll get your car back to you.”

  She smiles sweetly at him, and I can see their family dynamics at work. Beckett might be older, but Jalynn calms him down, talking up to him in a way that makes him feel like he’s in charge when, really, she’s the one dictating the situation. It’s a well-rehearsed dance. He bulldozes himself forward, and she gently sways him back.

  Beckett’s shoulders relax as he lets out a sigh. She’s his calming force, and it’s evident he’d be lost without her.

  He doesn’t even need to say anything. He just nods slightly, and Jalynn wraps her arms around him, whispering something into his ear, a moment shared between just the two of them.

  When she releases him, she turns in my direction, but before we can leave, he calls out, “This ain’t over, man. I’m doing this for my sister. If you think this means I like you now, you’ve got another thing coming. If you fuck with her—”

  I raise my hand, stopping his mild threat. “I would expect those exact words to come out of your mouth right now, and honestly, I have a little more respect for you because of it. It’s all good, man. She might just be my calming force, too.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders and wait for his nod to let me know he understands what I’m talking about. When he does, it’s a series of unspoken words. I won’t fuck over his sister. He won’t fuck me over.

  Before we announce the races, everyone gathers in a circle, each holding a candle. Slowly, the flames start to dance in the air as we light the wicks to remember a friend, a fellow racer, and pray we never lose anyone again.

  A somber feeling wraps around me, and I can’t help but reach out to hold on to Jalynn tightly. I bring her back to my front, lacing my right arm around the front her shoulders. As soon as I do, my body warms with the feeling of comfort and home, making me not want to let go.

  Her peach scent stirs me in a way I’ve never imagined. I can’t help myself when I lean down to kiss the back of her head, holding my lips there as I breathe her in once more.

  It’s not until Gregg yells to get my attention that I’m broken from the trance. When I look around, I notice everyone is watching my every move. She must notice, too, because she starts to wiggle slightly to release herself from my grip.

  “Dude,” Gregg says again, “let’s get started. Time’s a tickin’.” He holds up his watch to prove his point even more.

  I nod, taking a deep breath before dropping my arm from Jalynn and turning to call the races. As soon as everything is settled, I place my arm around her again and pinch her ass, dragging her away from the scene and toward my car.

  She’s quick to push me away. “Don’t treat me like I’m your pit whore.”

  I can’t help the sharp laugh that escapes me. “I’m sorry. Did you just say ‘pit whore’?” I pull up my fingers to make air-quote gestures like I’ve seen her do.

  She groans while slapping me in my chest. “Don’t be an ass.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m not. I’m treating you like you should be treated.” I bring her into me. “You’re mine. Don’t you know that by now?” I tilt her chin up to meet my gaze, hoping she can see the sincerity in my eyes through the darkness that surrounds us. “And this is our third date. You know what that means?” I love the way she starts to chew on her bottom lip, trying to find the perfect comeback, but I don’t let her. “This? This is happening. The little push-pull thing we have going on is hot and all, but I’m not going anywhere, and you … I like you. So, yes, I will get in these panties, and when I do, you’ll be begging for it.”

  I turn and leave her standing with a stunned expression covering her beautiful face. She glances in my direction but doesn’t move from her location.

  After I open the car door, I nod my head to the side. “Besides, I promised that you could drive.”

  Her entire body radiates in shock. “You’re going to let me drive your car?”

  I dangle the keys in the air. “Yep.”

  “But it’s a race.”

  “It’s a tribute race. The stakes are low, and for some reason, I don’t really care about winning tonight.”

  She raises a brow. “You don’t?”

  “Unless it’s with you, in my bedroom, then no. Just drive straight and try not to crash into anything.”

  “You’re serious?”

  I can’t help but laugh at how cute she looks when she’s in shock. “Yes, and I’m two seconds away from changing my mind. So, are you in, or are you out?”

  A slow, mischievous smile builds on her face, and she jumps in the air, running toward me and taking the keys from my hand.

  “You know how to drive stick, right?” I ask as she excitedly hops into the driver’s seat.

  “Jalynn!” Beckett yells from the crowd. “Jalynn, don’t get in that car!”

  Her eyes pass between Beckett and me for all of two seconds until she slams her door.

  “Good girl gone bad all of a sudden, and big brother can’t handle it?” I taunt as I hop into the passenger seat.

  “Buckle up. This is gonna be a wild ride,” she states while reaching for her helmet.

  “You love the thrill just as much as I do. Fuck, Pyle, this relationship might be better than I even imagined.”

  Even though I’m not driving, I still say my prayer to my mom as I rub the angel before reaching for the stereo to pump “James Dean” by The Wrecks, and I blast the volume.

  Gregg meets us at the starting line. Jalynn inches up, and Gregg tells her when to stop.

  I give my girl directions. “Now, you have the clutch in, right?”

  She listens intently and nods, her eyes glued to the road ahead.

  When I glance down at her hand on the gearshift, I can’t help but imagine that hand
wrapped around my cock in the same way. She moves it to the right and then the left, slowly playing around with the feeling of it beneath her.

  She looks so fucking hot right now behind the wheel of my car; I can hardly contain myself.

  I try to calm my excitement before I continue, “Okay, so when he—”

  “I got it. I know what to do.” She doesn’t even flinch or move a muscle. Her focus is laser sharp, and her eyes turn to slits as she waits for Gregg to nod our way for approval.

  Her engine is revving, and when she pushes on the gas, getting the car ready to take off, my hand briefly goes to hers, needing to feel the rush she’s experiencing.

  When Gregg raises the flashlight, shining it brightly, signaling the start, I shout, “Now!”

  The car cascades down the runway, a straight shot at a hundred twenty miles an hour. Everything around us is vibrating with power and shaking with adrenaline. She mishandles a small dip in the lane that makes the car slightly veer off course, and my breath hitch, but she regains control and pulls it back into the lane, pushing the gears to full force. Our backs are plastered to the leather, and the car feels like it’s flying in the air.

  She crosses the finish line and starts screaming with excitement. It’s a totally girlie, high-pitched squeal, and it’s fucking adorable. I know she has no idea if she won or lost. Her focus was only forward, unaware of the competitor, and I couldn’t be prouder.

  Jalynn’s been in the race enough times now to know that there’s no time to commiserate or celebrate, just keep driving and hightail it out of here.

  Her chest is heaving. There’s a glistening on her skin, and it’s pink from the blood racing through her veins. She’s buzzing right now, just as she was that first night I had her in my car. The adrenaline causes every nerve ending to vibrate to the brink of being out of control. Except, this time, it’s magnified times a thousand because she’s behind the wheel. She’s experiencing euphoria like never before.


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