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Claimed Page 3

by Daryn Rayne

  Chapter 6


  My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces as I listen to her story. I long to wrap her in my arms and protect her, stealing her away from that deviant asshole of a husband who obviously doesn’t appreciate her. Seeming to only be sorry he was caught, not that he actually deceived her and broke her heart. Turning everything around to seem like it’s her fault. That’s bullshit. Instead of doing what I want, I stand up and give her what she needs. For me to walk away and not bulldoze over her.

  “Dani, I know I just met you, but listen to me for a second.” I pause and wait until her eyes meet mine. I could drown in the hazel orbs, get lost in the gold flecks that flame brighter with passion. “You are a kind and beautiful woman. I have half a mind to steal you away from your husband. You deserve to be adored and respected, not talked down to like a child. You are better than that, sweets.”

  I kiss her on the forehead and tuck her into bed. “Now, get some rest. There is nothing you can fix tonight.” I turn out the lights and head out the door. “Good night, sweet dreams.” I head straight upstairs to my penthouse suite. No sense in going home tonight, I know I won’t be sleeping.

  There is something nagging me about this whole situation with Dani’s husband. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like there is something sinister. Which is crazy considering I’ve never met the man. Resolving to put both out them of my head, I dive into reports on our newest resort in St Martin. With the sun rising and hours of staring at figure after figure, I come to two conclusions. One—I will have to make a trip to St Martin in the near future, and two—I’m in need of a break. I know I can either suffer through the day with no sleep or attempt to get an hour or so nap. Deciding on the latter, I go to bed with thoughts of a brown-haired beauty as I drift to sleep.

  I awake a few hours later, feeling mildly refreshed and head toward the kitchen in search of coffee. Lucky for me, my penthouse looks out over the rooftop pool. It allows for some pretty nice views. I scour the cabanas until my eyes found her and break out in a grin. Last night before playing detective, I set up room service to deliver coffee, croissants, and a note from me, stating a cabana had been reserved for her. I was happy to see Dani had taken me up on my offer and was currently enjoying the sun, fruit, and a Bloody Mary. Dressing down a bit since it was technically my day off, I slip on a bathing suit and a tee with my flip-flops and head to the pool.

  “Good morning, sunshine, may I join you?” I am greeted with a brilliant smile as Dani sits up and moves her legs. I take her silent offer and sit on the lounger with her, enjoying the closeness.

  “If you must,” she mock sighs at my intrusion, but she can’t hide her smile. Before I can say another word, the cocktail waitress is at our side.

  “Mr. Manning, can I get you anything?” I look at Dani’s half-full drink before answering.

  “Yes, I’ll have what she's having and bring her another as well.”

  The look on Dani’s face goes from perplexed to understanding.

  “Manning… as in Manning Resorts? That Manning?”

  I generally hate the moment people realize who I am. Thankfully, I have become quite adept at reading people but still hate that moment of uncertainty where I wonder—is it me or my money they want? Luckily, after my digging last night, I know it is isn’t my money she’s after, she has enough of her own. Probably more than me if I am honest.

  “And here I was thinking Peyton or Eli.”

  Her laughter fills my heart. Thank god she gets my corny jokes.

  “Well, MR MANNING,” she enunciates every word, “ thank you for this. Truly, you didn’t have to go through all the trouble. Breakfast was delicious, and the cabana was a delightful treat.”

  “You are very welcome. It’s the least I can do.” A brief silence falls over us and is thankfully interrupted by the waitress bringing our drinks.

  “So, Dani, I have a question, and this is important.” I drag it out for dramatic effect, “This could determine our friendship.” She leans in closer, a smirk playing on her lips. It takes every ounce of my self-control not to kiss her.

  “Ooooh, this sounds serious. I’m all ears.”

  “Who is your favorite baseball team?”

  She breaks out in a full body laugh before pulling a hat out of her bag and slapping it on her head and throwing up deuces[SE1]. “Astros baby. Ride or die”

  Her reaction slays me. I’m tempted to propose right now.

  “Wait, a brilliant knockout and you watch baseball? Where have you been all my life?”

  From that point on our conversation never stops, flowing from baseball to sports in general, work, vacation spots—anything you can imagine, we talked about. Everything and yet nothing at the same time. The type of conversation that really MAKES a relationship. Where you find out the little nuances about a person. The next thing I knew the sun was setting and my business partner was blowing my phone up.

  “Well, Dani, it has definitely been fun. But if I don’t check in with my partner, he is going to send a search party.” I must admit I am secretly pleased with the disappointment that briefly washes over her face before she schools herself.

  “It has been a pleasure, Mr. Manning. I suppose I should pack up and head back to the real world.”

  I lean over and kiss her gently on the cheek. “Later, Gator.”

  She waves briefly, and I turn and walk away before I give in to the temptation and stay by her side. There is something about her that pulls me in. I want to spend every moment with her, making her laugh, learning every detail about her. There is no doubt, I want her as my own.

  Chapter 7


  After a very relaxing day poolside, to say I begrudgingly packed up and headed home would be an understatement. I know I need to face what awaits me, but I just want to put it off as long as I can. I really have no want or need to look at Tommy. If I am speaking the truth, when it comes to him and our future, the only thing I want is to maim and destroy. Only, that wouldn’t quite be a good idea. No matter what they say, Orange is NOT the new Black.

  I am pleasantly surprised to find the house empty when I arrive, thus putting off the imminent confrontation. What I really need is to talk this out with my dad, but he is on a business trip, and I don’t want to talk about this over the phone. I can’t help but smile thinking of my dad.

  My mom died when I was just a baby. She was told by numerous doctors she would never have a child, then I came along. Against all the doctor's wishes, she went through with the pregnancy. Six short weeks after I was born, she passed. Apparently, it was too much of a strain on her heart, and it just quit. My dad, being the man that he is, raised me himself. A lot of fathers in his social and financial station would have hired nannies and passed off the raising of a daughter to them.

  He never remarried, claiming my mom was his one true love. We did everything together. He never let work get in the way of spending time with me. It’s only been recently he started really enjoying life again. He found this amazing vacation group. They all take at least two trips a year together to various places, planning tour buses and excursions. I know if I called him and told him what was going on he would fly back home in a second.

  Determined to put my big girl panties on, I head to the shower. Some hot tea and a hot shower will help clear my head. Only, all I can think about is Joel. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much over nothing. And that is exactly what our conversations were… nothing really, yet everything at the same time. I know that doesn’t make sense when I say it out loud, but in my head it does. It wasn’t a sexual attraction although I would be lying if I said the man didn’t stir up desire. It was this ability to just be myself.

  As I climb into bed, I hear the door open and shut, and footsteps make their way upstairs. My heart plummets. I know it’s Tommy, and there’s no putting off this conversation any longer. When he comes into the room, I immediately notice the timid look on his face like he isn’t sure w
hat he should do. Good. Fucker should feel out of place.

  “Dani, I… well I know I’m the last person you want to see, but I need to say this. I am going away for a while. I need some space to breathe, to figure out what I need and want in life.”

  I can’t believe the bullshit coming out of this fuckers mouth. Is he for real? He cheats on me, then he needs a break? “I’m sorry, it sounded like you said you needed a break, and you’re the one who cheated on me!”

  “Look, you really threw me for a loop when you decided to just quit trying to have a baby. I mean, you didn’t even ask. I don’t know if I can be with someone like that. I deserve to have my feelings considered. So, I am taking some time away from you to figure it out.”

  “Get. Out. Of. My. House.” I make sure I enunciate every word clearly, so there is no mistaking my intent. “Do not come back.”

  I watch as he goes to his closet and packs a bag before heading for the door. He never says a word and never looks back. The thud of the door closing reverberates through my body with what feels like a hammer nailing into a coffin. I turn and bury my head in my pillow, my tears soaking the fabric until finally, I succumb to sleep.

  When I wake the next morning, I am frightened by the person staring back at me. My eyes have dark circles underneath them and bags large enough, I would have to do a luggage check if I was flying Delta. Praying my makeup does the trick, I get dressed and head into work. I have a full day and am ready to get back in the groove.

  The moment I step foot in my office, my assistant Sam strolls through the door with my favorite Caramel Macchiato from down the street. I swear I am in love with her.

  “Jesus, Sam, I swear if I was a lesbian, I would marry you tomorrow.”

  “I know, I’m really quite the catch.” Thankfully, we have worked together long enough, she is used to my somewhat crude humor, and if I am honest, she is one of my good friends. “So, I had to move some stuff around. Your dad had a potential new client he has been working hard to obtain. They need to be seen ASAP, so I have them scheduled for ten and rescheduled Mr. Jackson for when your dad returns. That old coot prefers him, anyway.”

  “Oh, thank heavens, I wasn’t looking forward to being questioned, yet again, on my advice or decisions.”

  “Annnd I expect an amazing Christmas present,” she states, walking out my door.

  I dive into the latest on my current clients before hitting the file on my desk for these new recruits. Being daddy’s girl, suffice it to say, I followed in his footsteps and eventually, became his partner at Hale & Associates. We are known for our cutthroat business ventures and sweet as southern pie customer service. It’s quite a mix, but it works for us. We do everything from financial investigation, investments, anything of the sort. You have a question about your money, we are the people you go to.

  Before I know it, the intercom is buzzing.

  “Yes, Sam?”

  “Your ten o’clock is here.”

  Shit Balls! I got so wrapped up in this set of financial reports, I didn’t even notice the time. “Send them in.”

  Chapter 8


  Kane & I walk into the office of the infamous Hale & Associates. Word on the street is Danny Hale is the best financial brain in the business, and that’s what we need. Kane and I purchased a resort in St Martin. It looked like a great deal, but the more I look at the financial reports, inventory, the whole works, something looks out of place. I’m not too bad at financials, don’t get wrong, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it. If we’re going to make any money on this resort and not lose our assess, we have to figure out where the leak is before we bleed to death.

  I ask for Mr. Danny Hale, and the receptionist gives me an odd look before making a call. Not sure what that was about, I brush it off and follow her as she leads the way. I have to slap Kane to get him off his phone. The man has been buried in it all morning. That usually isn’t like him. I make a mental note to talk to him about it later and head into the office.

  “Mr.— Ah, Mrs. Hale, Dani Hale, this is a pleasant surprise.”

  “So it is, Mr. Manning.” She shakes my hand, and I hold on for a moment longer, enjoying the thrum of electricity that passes between us. “Can I offer you a coffee, water…” her voice trails off as I watch her gaze pass over my body. I take the moment to appreciate her as well. She is dressed to kill in a black pencil skirt, white silk blouse and black stilettos. The woman is a wet dream, no matter what she wears. I don’t know how any man could cheat on her.

  “I’ll take a coffee, please.”

  “Oooh, me too. Black,” Kane interrupts my perusal, reminding me this is a business visit after all.

  Dani nods at Sam who heads out the door for our coffee. Motioning to the couch and chair in a little sitting area in her office, we make our way over and sit.

  “So, gentlemen, tell me how can we help you?”

  Kane and I hand over the manila folder as well as a thumb drive with everything we have.

  “Short version, Mrs. Hale—”

  “You can call me Dani. I believe we surpassed formalities somewhere between baseball and football, Mr. Manning.” Her eyes twinkle with laughter as she begins to look through the contents of what we handed her.

  “Very well, Dani. Kane and I bought a resort in St. Martin earlier this year. The owner was hitting some financial difficulties. To be honest, we looked through all the tax returns and financial records, had our CPA look through everything… and it looked to be a simple mismanagement of money. The income the resort generated could easily be multiplied with a few minor adjustments. We have a bleeder somewhere that was only recently brought to our attention.”

  Nodding at my words, she continues to look through what we gave her. “Alright, I will need the most recent tax returns as well as all financials for the past five years. Can you get them to me?”

  “Yes, I am leaving tomorrow for an onsite visit to the resort, I will send them as soon as I can. Kane will be here while I am away. Feel free to let me know if there is anything else you need.”

  Kane finally chooses now to speak up, “Yeah, have fun sorting through that pile of garbage. The old coot was a bit old-fashioned—everything done with pencil and paper, not a single receipt was scanned, nothing organized, literally boxes of financials.”

  “If you want, you are welcome to come with me to see all the originals.” I don’t have a damn clue where that came from, and judging by the looks on Kane and Dani’s faces, neither do they. Oh, well, might as well own it now. I roll with it.

  “Come on, a paid work trip. You can check out the boxes of receipts and help us out at the same time. Be a bit of a secret shopper if you will. Tell us what you think about the resort as a visitor.

  I see the struggle cross her face and let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding when she answers, “I’ll think about it.”

  “Very well, just let me know.” Kane and I stand, and I smooth imaginary lint off my pants, “Is there anything you need from us at the moment?”

  “No, I think I am good. I will sort through the rest of this and let you know.”

  Kane says his goodbye and walks out the door. I am a little slower, lingering almost.

  “Well, my offer stands. If you want to come with me, you are welcome. Strictly business. scout’s honor.” I hold up three fingers in mock salute.

  I love making her laugh, and she grants me with another giggle, tilting her head slightly. “I will think about it. If I am able to leave, I will.”

  “Well, If you can, just come to the hotel tonight, I'll reserve you a room just in case. The helicopter is leaving for the airfield tomorrow at seven a.m. I have to work at the club tonight so just text me.”

  “Will do, Thanks, Joel. I’ll be in touch.”


  OMG! Where to start!

  So I have to tell you that this book was the very first that I started It has been set aside so many times. First for Cage Master, then Flov
ers and Lovers series, but it always called to me. Waiting to be finished…. Ok, it still isn’t finished but that’s for another day.

  I need to thank my family, for giving me the encouragement I needed to take the leap. I love you more than you know. They have stood by me through all this craziness, cheering me on, being my “home base”.

  To my flover, you were the first one to read this and give me the support and feedback to help me better myself as an author and tell the story of Dani and Joel. I will forever be grateful.

  My girls! Kelly- I don’t know if my life would run as smooth as it does without you constantly behind the scenes telling me what to do. Sandy, thank you for taking on my craziness with Kelly and keeping me in line. Kiki, I know you love me! I don’t even have to ask (sorry, couldn’t resist), I appreciate you and all you do. Sandy E, you are an amazing friend and editor. Dee Garcia thank you for the amazing cover and always handling my last minute shit with grace.


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