The Queen Underneath

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The Queen Underneath Page 21

by Stacey Filak

  Madam Yimur: Yimur is the mistress of whores and paramours. The daughter and granddaughter of a whore, Yimur was raised in the Six-Mast surrounded by sex workers her entire life. Woefully flat-chested, she made it her goal to become so sought after that she would have to turn men away. The tales of Yimur’s kisses spread far and wide, and men (and women) came from as far away as the Balklands to spend a night with her. In the end, she married a merchant sailor and turned them all away, choosing to spend her time overseeing those who worked for her instead.

  Gellen Brightblade: Gellen is the captain of sellswords. Little is known of him. It is believed that he may be Ladian, though he denies it. He is a vicious fighter, a shrewd tactician and a merciless drinker. He and Riquin despise each other, while he and Dalia are close friends.

  Devery Nightsbane: Devery is the master of assassins. The youngest member of the council, he is the son of a Farcastian noblewoman who immigrated to Yigris several years ago. He is unnaturally fast, and his name strikes fear in the hearts of those in the know throughout the Four Winds.


  Accomplishing anything worth doing never happens in a vacuum. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it took a small island nation to raise this book. Without the help of friends, family, acquaintances and one very helpful stranger, this story would still be just a pile of words on a hard drive, and that is all it ever would have become.

  First and foremost, I must uphold a promise that I made almost four years ago. Two-thirds of the way through writing the first draft of The Queen Underneath, my computer crashed, and I lost the document. I had saved it to the cloud, but the program I was using wasn’t compatible (note to Scrivener users—this is a real thing), and I spent about six hours howling and sobbing until a stranger—a man named Hutch who worked for Google—helped me find my book floating in the ether of the internet. I promised him that if I were to ever see that book published, he would be the first name mentioned in the acknowledgments. So here it is, Hutch from Google. Without your help, this book would never even have been finished. You made this possible, and my gratitude can’t be expressed with only a few words on this page.

  Second, but nearly as important to the finished product of this novel as Hutch finding my book, is my amazing agent, Rena Rossner. I don’t really even have the words to say, publicly, how much your belief in me and my work has meant to me, but let me just say that if we were together at a pub, after a few glasses, I’d be weeping and possibly getting down on one knee to propose to you. Your advice, your editorial notes, your listening ear when I was falling apart have made you invaluable, but your kind heart has made you my friend. You are a rock star, and I can never thank you enough.

  Thank you to my fantastic editors, Alyssa Raymond and Lauren Knowles, who have guided this story in such a brilliant, beautiful way. Thank you for believing in Gemma and her ragtag crew. To Ruth, my copyeditor, to Rosie Gutmann who designed the final product, to Will and everyone else at Page Street who had a hand in bringing Yigris to life, I salute you and am so grateful for all your hard work.

  To the Ozzies—my poet friends who put up with my sword-waving, beheading, blood-letting ways, I can’t tell you how much your friendship, support and words have meant to me. Bryan—you’re a huge part of why I’m here. Thanks for making me go to that first meeting. Debbie—I love you with all my heart, tiny preacher woman. Thank you for brushing off my tarnished soul every once in while. John R.—your words set my creative heart aflame. Your classes are a cathedral. And Susan—dear encyclopedia of wisdom and wit—thank you for everything but especially for playing matchmaker. To Judy, who is too smart by half and too kind by three-quarters—you are the sister of my heart and the critique partner of my dreams.

  To my dear friends who have suffered through beta readings—Doug, Liana, Wendy, Earl, and Kevin—you guys are the real MVPs. The finished product is so much better because of the sludge you waded through. To all my agent sibs—I’m so glad to be on this journey with you guys. Thanks for making me laugh with your GIFs, your wit and your love of avocados.

  This book is about found family, which was important for me because I didn’t find a good portion of my family until I was a grown woman. Ric and Carolyn—you add to every story I’ll ever tell. We don’t share blood, but you are my team. Thank all the gods that the dice shook out the way they did, because I don’t want to live in a world where you aren’t my family.

  And to my blood family. You know who you are. Thank you for everything—I don’t have enough pages to write all the ways that you helped shape me into the woman who finally grew up to be an author, but thank you, Mom, for stories at bedtime and overlooking the fact that I was still reading at 2:00 a.m. Thank you Jo and Cassy, Jen, Jon and Bill for hours of pretend, for always being there and for growing up to not just be my siblings, but also my friends. To Grandma H.—thank you for always giving me books for Christmas and for being a wonderful storyteller. Grandma and Grandpa M. and Grandpa H.—I so wish you were here to see this. I love you and will miss you always. And to my daddy—thank you for Beastmaster and Star Wars, Star Trek, and Johnny Quest. I only ever wanted to make you proud.

  Thank you most of all, Isabella, Grayson, Willow, and Duncan for putting up with microwave dinners and a daydreaming mom. For loving me despite my flaws, and for teaching me that all the best books have maps, and every story is made better with magic. I used to think that my dream was to be an author, but in fact my dream job is being your mom. Publishing this book is just a bonus. And to Clay, who saved me from myself, thank you for believing in me enough for the both of us. Thank you for being you.


  Stacey Filak is an unabashed Chicago Bears fan, a die-hard tabletop role player, a partially recovered Pinterest addict, and a born-again Viking princess. She lives in Michigan with her husband and four children, as well as a menagerie of pop-culture-named pets. She can be found haunting Twitter (@staceyfilak) when she’s not busy crafting worlds, daydreaming about recipes she’ll never make, or plotting her enemies’ demise. The Queen Underneath is her first book.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice



  Chapter One: The Black Chamber

  Chapter Two: Six-Mast Inn

  Chapter Three: Guildhouse

  Chapter Four: Guildhall

  Chapter Five: Six-Mast Inn

  Chapter Six: The Tunnels

  Chapter Seven: Under

  Chapter Eight: Canticle Center

  Chapter Nine: Guildhouse

  Chapter Ten: The Streets

  Chapter Eleven: Shadowtown

  Chapter Twelve: The Safe House


  Chapter Thirteen: The Safe House

  Chapter Fourteen: Brighthold

  Chapter Fifteen: Dockside

  Chapter Sixteen: Thieves’ Row

  Chapter Seventeen: The Belly Up

  Chapter Eighteen: Dockside

  Chapter Nineteen: The Belly Up

  Chapter Twenty: Dockside


  Chapter Twenty-One: The Golden Door

  Chapter Twenty-Two: The Palace

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Guildhouse




  About the Author


  Copyright © 2018 Stacey Filak

  First published in 2018 by

  Page Street Publishing Co.

  27 Congress Street, Suite 105

  Salem, MA 01970

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

  eISBN 978-1-62414-561-2

  Our eBooks may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension. 5442, or by e-mail at [email protected].

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2017915452

  Cover design by Rosie Gutmann for Page Street Publishing Co.




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