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Quicksand Page 10

by Dyllan J. Erikson


  He laughs. “Oh,” copying me.

  I can tell I’m blushing, my cheeks heating up.

  He winks at me and goes back to finishing his own double-double.

  Now it’s my turn to stare. I take full advantage of his concentration on eating and absolutely devour his looks.

  So handsome.

  So rugged.

  His hair is longer than I’ve seen it on the webcam and I like it. It looks soft like if I ran my fingers through it, I would be running them through silk.

  His eyes are still trained down at his food so I can marvel at how long his eyelashes are. You wouldn’t think long eyelashes on a guy is sexy, but on Raiden, it’s beyond gorgeous. It makes his blue eyes pop even more than they already do.

  Lost in thoughts of how unbelievably handsome he is, I don’t notice him look up and catch me staring at him. He raises an eyebrow and I quickly move my eyes away, trying to act nonchalant but knowing I’ve been caught red handed.

  “Hey, wanna get out of here?” His voice is so deep and smooth pulling my eyes back to his.

  I let out an excited breath.

  “Yeah, what do you have in mind?”

  He reaches up and scratches his jaw, the stubble making a rough sound.

  “Let me drive? I want to take you somewhere.”

  I reach into my purse and hand over my keys without giving it a second thought.

  No one drives my car but me. I don’t even like taking it to the dealership. But something about Raiden makes me want to trust him…with everything.

  My hands almost moved of their own accord when he asked. He brushes his fingers against my palm ever so slightly, sparks of electricity shooting up my arm.

  Our eyes lock, crackling with energy of their own, our breaths coming out in short erratic puffs.

  I don’t stop feeling the electric current pulsing through my body when we pull away from In-N-Out. It just simmers low, creating a wanton feeling in me, for more.

  More electricity.

  More small touches.


  I play DJ and plug my phone into the stereo.

  Putting it on shuffle I let fate decide what the tune will be, when “Something in The Way You Move” by Ellie Goulding starts up, I mentally high five her, go Ellie.

  The beat pulses through me, making me want to jam out, so I do.

  I move my shoulders and head to the beat, feeling light and free.

  Not a care in the world, the first time in what feels like forever.

  She sings about strange feelings and it sure does resonate with me.

  My cheeks heat up, knowing Raiden heard the words the same way I just did.

  She mentions falling in love and oh does that do something for me, with Raiden being so close.

  My heart starts beating faster, so I just cover it up by continuing to dance and sing along with her.

  In my peripheral, I can see him smirking, amused by the show I’m putting on for him.

  I love seeing that smirk.


  She is without a doubt the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen.

  She’s dancing to the music and singing a song I hadn’t heard before but it seemed to perfectly describe what I was feeling in that moment.

  Being in her presence is absolutely intoxicating. I can’t seem to take a full deep breath because she keeps stealing it away.

  I have never felt like this with a woman, never felt amped up and sated at the same time.

  Watching her eat was borderline erotic, the way she was enjoying herself so thoroughly. It made me happy to see she was being relaxed with me because that is exactly how I felt with her. I even told her she was sexy while she was eating, which put the most adorable heat to her cheeks.

  So, not wanting this day to end, I asked her if she wanted to get out of there and taking a long shot, asked if I could drive. She didn’t hesitate to give me the keys and now here we are, speeding down the highway to my spot.

  A spot I always came to think and just unwind when I was home and needed to get away from the normalcy of being in the states.

  I put her car in park and I turn to her, a smile already plastered across my face.

  “Ready?” Her eyes sparkle back at me, a sight I know I could never get enough of.

  God, what is she doing to me?

  I’m enthralled.

  I get out of her Mustang, a gorgeous car I have to say, whole lotta power too.

  She crosses in front of the hood to stand beside me, looking up at my tall frame.

  “Where are we, Raiden?”

  Her voice, it’s like sex.

  What I would give to hear that voice while I’m inside her.

  I clear my throat, definitely letting my mind get away from me.

  “This is where I go when I want to get away.”

  I grab one of her small hands in mine and lace our fingers together, leading her toward the spot.

  My boots sink through the sand and it isn’t long before she takes her shoes off all together, looping the straps around her other wrist.

  It takes us but a minute before we are there and I breathe in the familiar salt air, deep in my lungs.

  When I bring us to a stop, she lets out a sharp gasp taking in the view.

  We are situated on my favorite stretch of beach between two giant weathered rocks, the sun just starting to go down in the sky.

  The effect of the sunset bounces off the waves creating a cascade of different colors crashing toward us.

  “Raid, this is breathtaking.”

  She looks up at me, thanking me with her eyes and I know that is a look I’ll spend my life chasing after.

  I sit down in the sand and pull her down so she’s in between my legs. She hesitates for just a moment before I feel her relax back into me, so I wrap my arms around the front of her shoulders.

  Bringing my face down to nuzzle in the back of her neck, breathing her sweet lily smell in. “Elli,” I whisper.

  She leans back into me further at the sound of me saying her name.

  “Yes?” she breathes out.

  “Why is this so easy with you?”

  She brings her hands up so they rest on my forearms.

  “I...don’t know Raid,” she pauses, “it feels like we’ve done this a million times, that this isn’t the first time we’re meeting.”

  She turns her face slightly, her skin so close to my lips I can almost taste her.

  She keeps going, my heart racing, and pulse pounding in my ears.

  “It’s easy to forget that I’m a widow with you, that you’re the first person I’ve opened up to in over two years.” She tightens her grip on me. “You…this…me in your arms, Raid this just feels…natural.”

  She finishes and her raw beauty entrances me.

  She’s right.

  I couldn’t put it into words, didn’t know if she felt the same way but she does.

  She said it, she feels it, and this isn’t just me.

  A feeling of hope takes flight in my chest, causing a strangled noise to escape my throat. I hold her tighter against me and she takes it, nestling her sweet little body further into me.

  I swear we fit together like we were made for each other.

  “Elli,” I get out, surprised at my ability to speak at all I’m so awash in emotion.

  This is something completely foreign to me, which is probably why I’m not articulating myself very well.

  “I’ve never done this before.” I cast my eyes down, unable to keep staring at the sweet skin of her jaw. She runs her fingertips along the muscles in my forearms, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up on end.

  She dips her head ever so slowly and kisses where she was just trailing her fingertips. White-hot fire races up my skin, causing my breathing to quicken and my body to tense up.

  She whispers, “I know, babe.”

  Fuck, she called me babe.

  That’s one of the sweetest things I’v
e ever heard, her breath tickling my arms.

  She knows, this isn’t just me out of my depth here, she’s right there with me and that gives me some sense of peace.

  We stay like that for at least an hour, her wrapped up tight in my arms. Her body fitting into mine so perfectly. We stay silent, digesting everything happening between us. I think about how only a few days ago I was half a world away dreaming about this incredible woman and now here she is, and I’m experiencing a sensation unlike anything I have ever felt.

  My heart feels full, it feels like it’s gonna explode and I want it to.

  I want the warmth to flood my body and set me on fire, just to feel this way for her.


  I feel his breath tickling across the shell of my ear, and it sends shivers straight down my spine.

  I’m surrounded by Raiden.

  It’s fucking bliss.

  We’ve been quiet for a while but it doesn’t feel awkward, it doesn’t feel forced or pregnant with unasked questions. It just feels…content and easy.

  I breathe in deep, smelling the ocean air, the smell of wet sand and most of all the smell of him.

  He isn’t wearing any cologne but he smells masculine, clean and salty. The kind of smell I want to roll around in and never stop inhaling because it’s so addicting.

  This whole time we’ve been sitting here wrapped up in each other, I haven’t thought of Garrett but once.

  The one thought that crossed my mind was, how I loved my husband but how this is so much different.

  This is so much…more.

  Loving Garrett was like learning to ride a bike. Being here with Raid is as easy as if I was made to be in his embrace.

  The sun went down a while ago but I don’t feel cold at all.

  He gives me a tight squeeze that does things to me, a smile breaking out across my face at the feeling.

  “Let’s get you home, huh?”

  Almost on cue, I yawn. I scoot forward so he can get up behind me, then I feel strong arms pull me up from sitting.

  He crouches down again and pats his back, I narrow my eyes at him and he laughs. “Come on, you’re sleepy.”

  I huff out a breath, pretending to not be loving this.

  I climb on his back like a little monkey and he loops his arms through my legs, holding me safe and secure, giving me a piggyback ride through the sand. My arms are around his neck, my forearms resting on his broad shoulders, I turn my face so I can lay it against the back of his neck, his hair tickling my forehead. I close my eyes and let him carry me back to my car, already missing our intimate moments in the sand.

  All too quickly he’s setting me down and I’m mourning the feeling of being pressed up against his body.

  I look up at him, blue eyes shining so brightly in the darkness.

  “Where are you staying?”

  He rubs the back of his neck looking a little sheepish.

  “My mama’s house, it’s not too far from here, I can walk.”

  I let out a snort, quickly clamping a hand over my mouth. A surprised look crosses his face and then he’s bending over clutching his stomach he’s laughing so hard at me.

  “Hey! No, you will not walk and stop laughing at me!”

  I start giggling, sleepy and feeling embarrassed at my outburst. He’s still doubled over laughing so I push his shoulders, acting defensive but not able to be cranky about it.

  “You are going to drive us to your mama’s house and then I’ll drive home, end of story, Raiden.”

  I try and fail to act stern with him, putting my hands on my hips and everything.

  His laugh is infecting me in the best way.

  He straightens up still laughing and then stills. His eyes are piercing through mine, right down into my soul.

  “I think I like it when you try to boss me.”

  He smirks, and I’m a goner. A dreamy smile, one I couldn’t control if I wanted to, takes over my face.

  Fifteen minutes later we are pulling up to a simple yet incredible ranch style home. The garden is the true show stopper, what has to be at least one hundred different lilies are planted strategically, making the yard vibrant even in the soft moonlight.

  I’m still caught up in the beauty of this landscape when I hear him shuffle in his seat. I feel a gentle touch on my cheek, which breaks me out of my flower daze and I turn my eyes to him. He opens his hand and places it against my cheek. I close my eyes again and nuzzle my cheek further into his warm palm. The pad of his thumb running across the top of my cheekbone. I open my eyes and see his blue eyes staring back at me, with an indescribable expression written across his handsome face.

  With his voice so low and husky he says my name.


  I place my hand on the back of his, feeling how very big he is compared to me.


  Then he’s leaning in, his eyes dipping down to my lips.

  Oh, yes, yes please kiss me.


  They part on their own accord, feeling my breath come out in little bursts, my heart hammering in my chest so loud I’m surprised he doesn’t hear it too. I lean forward just a little, willing him to kiss me.

  His dark bourbon voice so close to me, “Sweet girl, give me your phone.”

  That surprises me, forcing me to pop my eyes open and he’s so close, so very achingly close to my lips, right in my face.

  Stuck in the magnetic pull of him being so near me I hand him my phone, never moving away from him.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispers softly.

  So I do.

  Then my phone is back in my free hand, my other still holding his big hand to my cheek. I feel a breath against my lips, one that isn’t my own and my body heats up in anticipation. Then I feel it, the softest brush of his lips…against my forehead.

  I open my eyes and he’s already leaning back slowly, a soft smile on his lips.

  The same lips that just scorched my skin, just not the skin I was expecting.

  He opens the door of my car, walking around swiftly to my side and then he’s with me once more, pulling me out of my seat and then I’m where I want to be most…in his arms.

  He pulls me in close, holding me tightly against his hard body, his lips brushing ever so softly against the top of my head. The tenderness such a contrast from the feeling of his defined muscles pressed against me. I breathe him in, so masculine, so Raiden.

  “I’ll be seein’ you soon, baby.”

  His voice crashes over me in the most delicious way.

  I lean back and look up at him, showing him the smile I’m wearing because of him.

  Only him.

  “You have my number now so text me when you get home safe, baby.”

  He looks down at me with adoration.

  “Yes, bossy Raiden.”

  I giggle, feeling lighter than air.

  He leans down and presses his lips ever so softly to my forehead once more and then starts walking backward toward the house, a smirk tipping the corners of his lips up and making his eyes sparkle.

  He watches me get into my car, struggle with adjusting the seat back to accommodate my much smaller frame and start her up, backing down the driveway. He stays there until I can no longer see him in my mirror. I don’t start feeling sad until I get onto the highway and I’m speeding toward my house.

  How can I miss him this much when I’ve only just met him?

  When I finally stumble through my front door a little under an hour later, Dahlia is on me in an instant, no doubt angry I’ve been gone all day. I let her out and grab my phone, anxious to let him know I made it home and have contact with him again.

  I scroll through my contacts and find “Raiden” which I shorten to Raid before I open a message to him.

  “I’m home safe, but wishing I was still safe with you instead…”

  I’m too tired to pretend this isn’t exactly how I’m feeling.

  I can’t pretend with him, I don’t want to hid

  It’s the most freeing feeling in the world.

  I don’t have to hide.

  My phone vibrates in my hand almost instantly.

  “Good, get some sleep sweet girl.”

  I smile, already moving toward my bed, my puppy hot on my heels.

  “Okay, I’m in bed now.”

  “Dream of me baby, dream of today.”

  If he only knew that I do dream of him, that those are my absolute favorite dreams when he’s holding me close and kissing me.

  I reach up and touch the spot where his lips pressed every so tenderly against my forehead, wishing I knew what it was like to feel those lips on mine.

  And with that, I drift off.

  A smile still ghosting my lips and my heart feeling so full.

  A feeling I haven’t gotten used to yet, but one I wouldn’t trade for the world.


  It’s already morning?

  My body is still so groggy from changing time zones. I don’t normally have an issue with time zone changes but I was out late last night with Eli and my body is screaming at me that I need more sleep.

  I stretch my arms above my head, working out the kinks in my shoulders.

  My hands hit the wall right above my bed.


  I forgot how short my bed is here at my mama’s. I have my own apartment but it’s a tradition that when I come off tour I stay at Mama’s for at least a week. She likes to dote on me and have her baby back. I can’t deny that woman anything, especially when there are home cooked meals involved.

  I get up, rubbing my eyes and shuffle into the kitchen where my mama is already making breakfast. The smell of pancakes wafting into my nostrils.

  She turns around when she hears me in the doorway and squeals.

  “Raiden, baby! I am so glad you’re awake; I was just making you your favorite.”

  She rushes over to hug me, I have to lean down so she can get her slight arms around my neck. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks back to her cooking.

  “So.” She turns slightly to look at me over her shoulder.

  I just raise my eyebrows, waiting for me to continue.

  “Whose Mustang was that?” she smirks.

  I let out a breath and chuckle, knowing she’s about to pull a ‘mom’ and give me the third degree.


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