Forgotten in Darkness

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Forgotten in Darkness Page 24

by Zoe Forward

  “You would join me as my queen in this lifetime?”

  “What have you got to offer? That destroyed face of yours, and those freaky daemon eyes…it’s not a good look for you. And this little club of reject magik dabblers is not impressive.”

  He smiled. “I can give you so much more than…him.” He pulled her tight to his body and ground his hard-on into her.

  Her stomach lurched. Do not toss your cookies, she ordered herself. “You’ll have to do better than fancy pelvic moves to sway me. What else have you got to offer?”

  “I’m this close to the Trifecta.” He held his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “With your help, perhaps even through that kid who I think is the spell keeper, I could have them.”

  “Now you want me to help you? It’s a two-way street. What are you offering in return?”

  “I’ll rescind the curse. Then you never have to be with him again.”

  “I’m not so sure that’s enough. It’s a start, though. As it stands now, you’ve got him locked in the other realm. You think he can escape? Because if he can’t escape, why should I help you in return for something that may be a moot point.”

  His confident look faded. Maybe he was spooked since she was back and had memory. He said, “Why not make extra sure and have me rescind it?”

  “I want to be guaranteed that spot at your side is mine. That none of the other weirdo females you likely have hidden in some backroom harem will outrank me. I want to be the first royal wife this time. I also want your vow that you’re not going to flip psycho on me and cast a new curse. Swear to Apep that you will never curse me again. In fact, I want you to swear to whatever god you worship to not use your magik to hurt me. Ever. At least let me live the one lifetime and then die like a normal person.”

  “What about that bochnori attached to you?”

  “I’ve got no clue on that one. When I came out of the coma after the daemon attack, it was there. I think it finally puts us on equal footing. When it comes to you having your magik, I’ve got my moving mark.”

  “You still want to be my wife?”

  “I signed a contract all those years ago. I’m not a cretin. I know who’s got it and who doesn’t. But I also have seen exactly what happens when someone dabbles with dark magik. I do not want to look like that in the afterlife—all gray and leathery. And the smell is horrendous. Ick. So, you can count me out on magik-casting stuff.”

  An eerie too-delighted smirk transformed his face. “Prove it. Kiss me.”


  “Yep, it’s god-magik built,” Khyan announced

  “Only a god can take it down?” Nate asked rhetorically.

  Javen lit a hand-rolled and took a deep drag. “We can’t do a full-on Ma’at summoning ceremony here. Too many humans around.”

  “I’ll get it down,” Dakar announced.

  “Don’t,” Khyan ordered.

  “I’ve had this life longer than most. Really, what choice is there? What more could they do to me?”

  “Case in point is where you’ve been for the past two centuries.”

  “Survived, did I not?” Dakar turned to move deep into the wooded area for privacy.

  Khyan caught his arm, “Please, don’t. I just got you back, Dak. I know you’re doomed soon, but—”

  “Let me do this.”

  “What are you about to do?” Ashor ground out.

  “Summon a god.”

  “You think they’ll listen and not strike you down immediately?” Ashor asked.

  He shrugged. “I see no other option. You need Cy, believe me. By the looks of him, he needs you as well. Do not follow me. Remain here. Khyan can tell you when the wall is down.” Dakar stalked into the woods. He glanced to the darkening sky as dusk rested just at the edge of drifting into night. The white crescent moon had already risen. Perfect.

  He fell to his knees and uttered the sacred words to summon his god of choice. This might get him permanently sent back to the Middle Realm. Only a crazy ass did a direct summon. The gods were cranky for starters, but when a magus got conceited enough to call them out of their gilded home for personal reasons…well, this guaranteed the deity would get downright pissed.

  Like he cared.

  Within a half minute, a blazing glow appeared in front of him.

  Dakar chanced a glance into the glow, but quickly shielded against the radiance. A peripheral scan saw the others had hit their knees. Idiots. Why hadn’t they stayed away?

  “Dakarai. What is the meaning of this?” the deity demanded.

  Great, the prick already sounded tetchy. “Thank you for answering.” He bowed until his knees were on the ground. “Djoser placed a wall warded with a power-kill spell that prevents us from retrieving Cyrus, our spell keeper, who appears to be seriously injured.”

  “And Shaiani.”

  Dakar glanced up sharply. The glow had dulled enough to allow him to see the deity cock his head and purse his lips.

  Dakar admitted, “Yes, I cannot reach her either. Yet, I understand the futility of rushing to free her. We are about to the time when one of us will slay the other. Well, when she slays me again.”

  “Ah, my son, but it has been different this time, has it not?”

  “It has been…It was you, was it not? You pulled her out of the water and got her to that hospital.”

  “Perhaps.” He raised his eyebrows.

  Damn it. He’d played right into whatever plan the old geezer had concocted. “Please. Will you help us?”

  “In return you must give me your solemn vow to do two tasks.”

  “Two? May I know the exact price I must pay?”

  “You wish to argue my conditions?”

  “I just—”

  “If I wanted her dead, then I would have left her blind, deaf, and half brain dead in the ocean. Not only did I remove her, but I also granted her the gift of my bochnori. The odd thing is that I actually miss the cantankerous creature. I am offended that you question me.” He turned on his heel to stalk away.

  Dakar rushed out, “I apologize. It is just that—well, others have misled me before and I…You know, it matters not. I thank you for rescuing her. I vow on my eternal soul to complete the two tasks which you ask, if you remove the warded wall.”

  Khonsu clapped his hand. “Excellent. Stand up and let me look upon you.”

  “Is that one of your tasks?”

  Khonsu shook his head and chuckled. “You have learned well, Dakarai. But, no.” He walked a leisurely three-sixty.

  Dakar shifted from one foot to the other. Couldn’t he speed this up so he could get to Shaiani?

  The god rested one hand on his shoulder to hold him to his spot while he thundered, “The wall is down. Go, magi, rescue your young one, gather your people, and depart. Today is not for battling Djoser. You are not yet ready.”

  Khyan stepped forward as if to question. Khonsu narrowed his eyes on him. He bowed his head and turned, departing with the others.

  Dakar itched to run to that compound and to her.

  “You may not go to her,” the deity said softly, “That is your first task. You must wait here. Allow her to face the daemon on her own.”

  “But, if he kills her—”

  “Then, she dies. Vow it to me.” He pushed Dakar to his knees.

  “I…shit. Why not kill me instead of torture me?”

  He thundered so loudly the ground shook, “Vow.”

  “I vow to remain here until I learn of her fate, either from the daemon himself, or when she returns to me.” Shit. Shit. Shit. But the bastard wasn’t done with him yet.

  “Yes, and to the other. You must vow to remain a fighting magus. Now and for eternity.”

  “I believe I already made that oath.”

  “I am well aware you feel your contract voided due to Ma’at playing her trick. You plan to quit.”

  “You are a scary motherfucker to know that.”

  Khonsu smiled and stared dreamily into the night. “That I did to your
mother. And what an exceptional creature she was in the bedroom. And in the kitchen, against a tree, and there was this time—”

  “I did not need to hear that. Fine, I will stay a magus, so long as you promise never again to speak of my mother in such a way.”


  “I will continue to slay daemons and all that is entailed in being a Scimitar. But I will not vow to be happy about it.”

  “Good.” Khonsu clapped his hands together, pleased.

  Dakar fell to his knees with his head bowed, miserable that he could do nothing for Shay. Damn it, his eyes were tearing. He couldn’t handle this deity watching him bawl.

  He felt a hand on his chin, tugging upward, forcing his gaze to meet his. “Have faith. Or perhaps I should say, you need to find your faith.”

  “I will never blindly trust any of you again.”

  “Understandable. You are right about one part of your curse. None but you can take her from this world.”

  “If he rescinds it…then, Djoser can kill her.”

  “Yes, but she has the bochnori, Thanasa. All will happen as it is meant to.” Khonsu laughed and disappeared.

  Dakar glanced around at the now deserted, quiet forest. Even the wildlife remained silent. The others had gone to get the spell keeper, and hopefully clear out. He stood and leaned against a tree ready for a long wait. He wouldn’t leave until he knew her fate. Couldn’t.

  “I will retrieve her.”

  Dakar pushed away from the tree, knife drawn. “Never sneak up like that. I could’ve killed you.”

  “You could’ve tried.” Khyan smiled broadly.

  “You cannot get her. You heard him. We were ordered to get our people and depart.”

  Khyan tapped his lip. “You know, he wasn’t specific on the time frame for departing the area, and didn’t define who exactly our people included.”

  “True. But I cannot ask this of you.”

  “You didn’t.” Khyan spun and stalked toward the main building.


  Cy watched the Hashishins regroup and close in. He estimated his time seeing freedom would end in about three minutes. He glanced upward, into the dark sky. Please, let them get through that wall.

  Seconds later, three gladiators he hoped to be magi ran through the barrier, seemingly unaffected. Bless you, Cy thought.

  A guy with facial piercings and wavy brown hair took a knee beside him. “Hey, I’m Nate. They say you’ve got some sort of electronic band.”

  Cy lifted his pants leg on his intact leg.

  Nate said, “I’m pretty good at making electronics short out.”

  Lightning. Cy pulled his leg away from Nate’s reach. “How long have you been around?”


  “Look, no offense, but in the past you’ve been a monumental screw-up for a couple decades whenever reincarned. I’m really not up for surviving this far only to get electrocuted because you lack control.”

  Nate’s face and neck flushed. “I’ve been around a little while.”

  “How long is that? Two months? Two centuries?” He gripped Nate’s hand as it headed for the band. “If you kill me or put me in a wheelchair, I’ll remember and I’ll fuck you up the next time around.”

  Nate glowered. “I am the only hope you have.” He shook off Cy’s hand and touched the band. A few seconds later Cy jumped when sparks hit his leg. He yanked his ankle away and cursed.

  Nate held the band in hand, now open. “Once…just once, I wish one of you would trust me.” He tossed the band on the ground and lifted Cy.

  Nate shouldered him and ran.


  “I knew you were bluffing,” Djoser smirked.

  “You just look different in this form. I’m trying to see past this.” She waved her hand at his face and body. “And envision the magnificent pharaoh you once were.” She pasted on a demure smile while he scowled. Yet, she clenched her hands in a crushing grip behind her. How was she going to pull this off? Everything about him nauseated her.

  He angled her face and planted his lips on hers. Her entire being recoiled. Bile crested in her throat. If she didn’t make this good, any possibility of a murder-free future was toast. She envisioned Dakar. And screamed in her mind. Help me. To win I have to somehow pretend to actually like him, but I’m failing. Please, I must feel…

  His low voice rumbled in her head, Remember…not twelve hours ago. Rather than continue he projected into her mind, took over her thoughts.

  Dakar poised above her, splendidly naked. The need for him awoke every nerve ending. She wanted the touch his dark gaze promised. And that deeper pleasure, that something that drove her insane every time he touched her. He was pure energy, pure power. His fingers stroked, sensitizing her skin and sending pleasure waves streaking through her. Each sensation detonated in her core, almost hurtling into rapture. She reached for it, desperate to have it. Not just for pleasure, but that intense sense of completion.

  This kiss ended.

  Shay disconnected from Dakar, yet moaned mentally, Ah gods, grant us that once more.

  A low, scratchy, otherworldly evil laugh brought her crashing back to her nausea-worthy reality. Djoser rubbed himself against her and moaned.

  She put a hand against her mouth to stop her stomach’s heave.

  “I believe you, my queen.” An ensorcelled, invisible grip tightened around her neck, cutting off breathing. “But, you should fear me.”

  She coughed and punched him in the chest. Her bochnori manifested over her neck. And his spell dissipated. She slapped him. “Asshole.”

  He laughed, clearly relishing where this could go. Sex with him would be about pain. He asked, “You do not fear me?”

  “Not really. The biggest threat you’ve thrown is death. That’s inevitable.”

  “I can still hurt you before that pet of yours can help.” He grabbed her forearm tight and yanked.

  The bochnori took over. She murmured gibberish words, a spell. A blast of power blew them apart.

  Djoser gripped his hand and screeched.

  She giggled, unable to help herself. “Yeah, so I’m not that scared of you.”

  A snake shot from his sleeve toward her, fangs bared. The bochnori’s power directed. In a blur of speed, she shifted left and spun, gripping the flying serpent just behind its powerful jaws in a crushing strength that was not hers. The snake went limp like a hose suddenly turned off.

  “Don’t kill her!” Terek cried.

  “Why not? You sent her to kill me.”

  “I…I just—”

  “Rescind that stupid curse now, and then I’ll release your pet. Then, we can discuss my position in your organization.” The bochnori helped enhance her strength to control the struggling serpent.

  “Okay, but do not hurt her.” He removed an ancient wesekh under his shirt and a likewise ancient knife from somewhere in his robe—both beautiful artifacts. The archaeologist in her swooned. In a different setting she would love to gawk at those for several hours.

  He sliced his palm and flicked blood onto the beaded collar while murmuring incoherent words that she thought might be the daemon language.

  “Say it in English so that I know it is done and you’re not trying to screw me again.”

  “I hail thee Darkness Lord, Only One, Apep.

  Creator of the Darkness who maketh his seat in the uttermost limits of the heavens.

  Homage to thee, O ye divine lord of things whose seats are veiled.

  I come forth from the horizon that was against mine enemies,

  Those I have not permitted to escape from me.

  Grant ye to me that I may come before you, as a pure spirit-soul.

  That which I abominated as enemy be no longer seen as having committed offence.

  I rescind with my blood the darkness and directed fate cast upon thy no-longer enemies.

  I acclaimest it. Let it be ended.”

  With a slash to his wrist he drew blood, which he flicked onto her. �
�It is done.”

  “I don’t feel any different. Are you sure?”

  “It is done.”

  “Now vow to that god you will never curse me or seek to control me with magik.” She squeezed the snake.

  “I vow upon my eternally damned soul to my Lord Apep not curse you again or seek to control with magik.”

  “Say it again with your little slashy blood thing.”

  He nodded, admiration in his gaze, and repeated the words.

  “Great. You may have your snake.” She released, tossing the limp serpent at him. “Now you know how I felt when you murdered my cat.”

  “Enough with the fucking cat,” Djoser hissed.

  “You cannot have her, Djoser. She comes with me,” a voice bellowed from the shadows of the ceremonial hall.

  Djoser spun to glare into the shadows.

  Khyan sauntered toward them.

  “How did you get through the wall?”

  “Little thing like that? We asked one of our bosses to take care of it and…poof.” He snapped his fingers.

  “Which one are you?”

  “The one that’s pissed about you cursing my brother.”

  “Khyan. She has declared her preference for me over him. She stays here.”

  “I don’t care what she prefers. She comes with me.”

  What’s Khyan’s game, Dakar? Shay asked, confused.

  He is there to free you. Follow his direction.

  She asked, “Khyan? I am to stay.”

  “We depart now,” Khyan replied.

  Djoser narrowed his gaze and smiled. “You want to fight?”

  “I don’t need to fight. I own her. I am the bochnori-nyot.” He pointed at Shay. “I command thee, Thanasa, to come with me.” He held out his hand, waiting. When Djoser’s attention turned to her, Khyan winked her way.

  The bochnori moved over her skin with a smooth caress. She felt its warmth spread over her entire face, likely visible as an inked mask. She moved toward Khyan, as if a robot, understanding his ruse. Yet, the living tat didn’t control her. It pushed her to leave, but she could’ve rejected its suggestion.


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