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Joe DiMaggio

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by Jerome Charyn

  Monroe’s fame and, 85–87, 90

  Monroe’s relationship with Joe Jr., 103

  physical abuse, 2, 91

  remarriage planned, xv, 124

  wedding, xv, 83

  Doby, Larry, 53–54, 61

  Dodgers. See Brooklyn Dodgers

  Dugan, Joe, 19

  Durocher, Leo, 52, 57

  Effrat, Lou, 30

  Engleberg, Morris, 119–25, 132

  Feller, Bob, 5–6, 37, 67

  film noir, 31–32

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 21, 143–44

  Flood, Curt, 135

  free agency, 135–36

  Gable, Clark, xiv, 104

  Garbo, Greta, 98, 127

  Gehrig, Lou, 25, 27, 39–41, 131

  Geisler, Jerry, 92

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953 film), 78, 82

  Giamatti, Bart, 36

  Giants. See New York Giants

  Gibson, Josh, 47–50, 51, 56–57

  Gimbel, Caral, 73

  Gionfriddo, Al, 55–56

  The Girl in Pink Tights (film), 82–83

  Glanville, Doug, 143

  Gleason, Jackie, xii, 12, 74

  Goldwyn, Samuel, 41

  Golenbock, Peter, 132

  Gordon, Lyndall, 146

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 4, 33, 34–35

  Grant, Frank (“The Spaniard”), 46

  The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald), 143–44

  Greenberg, Hank: author’s childhood impression, 69–70

  on DiMaggio, 26, 29–30, 74

  as player, 28

  retirement, 73

  Robinson greeted on field, 53

  on Ruth, 60

  Greene, Milton, 82, 88, 98, 101

  Greenson, Ralph, 106, 107, 108

  Gross, Milton, 66

  Gwynn, Tony, 136

  Halberstam, David, 1, 4, 6, 74, 136

  “Hard to Figure: The Drab Legacy of Joltin’ Joe” (New York Times), 9

  Harris, Bucky, 63

  Hecht, Ben, 86

  Hegan, Jim, 6

  Hemingway, Ernest, xii, 3, 74, 86

  Henrich, Tommy, 5, 69

  Hoag, Myril, 27

  Hoover, Herbert, 20

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 11

  How To Marry a Millionaire (1953 film), 82

  Hubbell, Carl, 25

  Indians. See Cleveland Indians

  Irvin, Monte, 57

  Jackson, Joseph (“Shoeless Joe”), 144

  Jenkins, Bruce, 143

  Joe DiMaggio Show, 74, 78

  Joe DiMaggio: The Hero’s Life (Cramer). See Cramer, Richard Ben

  Jordan, Michael, 127

  Kazan, Elia, 2, 77, 79–80, 97, 111

  Keller, Charlie, 6, 65

  Keltner, Ken, 32

  Kennedy, John F., 2, 106, 110–11, 119

  Kennedy, Robert (“Bobby”), 2, 106, 107, 111, 115, 119

  Kissinger, Henry, 3, 137

  Knoblauch, Chuck, 141

  Kuhn, Bowie, 132, 135

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 47, 142

  Lawford, Peter, 108

  Lazzeri, Tony, 28

  Leaming, Barbara: on the iconic subway grating photo, 90

  on Kazan and Monroe, 80

  on Monroe in New York, 98

  on Monroe singing to JFK, 110

  on Monroe’s eating, 103

  on Monroe’s self-destructiveness, 109

  Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 4

  Lipsyte, Bob, 137–40

  Lives Like Loaded Guns (Gordon), 146

  Lopat, Ed, 6

  “The Lost Poems of Joe DiMaggio” (Borowitz), 127–28

  Louis, Jean, 107

  Lytess, Natasha, 77

  Mack, Connie, 21

  MacPhail, Larry, 12

  Madden, Owney, 11, 12

  Mafia, 33, 75, 105. See also Costello, Frank

  Mailer, Norman: on Monroe, 79, 80, 109

  on the Monroe-DiMaggio relationship, 8, 83

  on the Monroe-Miller relationship, 77, 87, 124

  Mantle, Elvin (“Mutt”), 123–24, 131–32

  Mantle, Merlyn (wife), 131, 132

  Mantle, Mickey: after retirement, 74–75, 123–24, 125, 132–33, 134

  birth, xiv

  DiMaggio and, 64–65, 66–67, 105, 130–32

  and his father, 123–24, 131–32

  injuries, 130–31

  late career, 134–35

  Lipsyte on, 139, 140

  popularity, 64–65, 88, 115

  rookie season, 63, 68

  Mapes, Cliff, 65

  Maris, Roger, 136

  Mays, Willie, 57, 68, 74–75, 132–33

  McCarthy, Joe, 63

  McCorry, Bill, 57

  McDougald, Gil, 67

  McGraw, John (“Muggsy”), 18

  McGwire, Mark, 136, 141, 142, 144

  Metty, Russ, 104

  Miller, Arthur: marriage to Monroe, xv, 2, 100–104, 111

  on Monroe, 109

  romance with Monroe, 77–78, 87, 95, 98–100, 124

  The Misfits (1961 film), 103–4

  Monette, Val, 101, 107

  Monette Company (V. H. Monette), 101, 105, 106, 107

  Monroe, Marilyn

  ambition, 7–8

  analyses of, 108–11

  in asylum, 2, 104–5

  birth, xiii–xiv

  and the casting couch, 78, 79–80

  death, xv, 107–9

  drug and alcohol abuse, 89, 104, 106

  and Greene, 82, 88, 98

  Hollywood fled, 97–98

  iconic photograph, 90–91, 99

  in Japan and Korea, 85–87

  and Joe Jr., 103, 126

  and Miller (see Miller, Arthur)

  rage, 79

  in Some Like It Hot, 10

  stage fright, 9–10

  at Toots Shor’s, 8–9, 81, 99

  See also DiMaggio-Monroe relationship

  Montand, Yves, 2, 111

  Morris. See Engleberg, Morris

  Mr. Coffee, 9, 115, 116, 119, 140

  “Mrs. Robinson” (Simon), 1, 116

  New York Giants: 1951 World Series, 67–68

  Hubbell and, 25

  Shor’s devotion to, 11

  Yankees kicked out of stadium, 18

  New York Yankees: 1936 season (DiMaggio’s rookie year), xi, xiv, 25–28, 63

  1946–47 seasons, 45–46, 54–56

  1948–49 seasons, 61, 63–64

  1950–52 seasons, 64–68

  after DiMaggio, 88

  DiMaggio’s importance to, 27, 32–33, 55, 65–66

  DiMaggio’s post-retirement positions, 74–75, 105

  dominance, 18, 27, 134–35, 144

  managers, 63

  Mickey Mantle Day, 115

  and Monroe, 81

  racism, 56–57

  Ruth’s career with, 18–21

  steroid use, 141

  Yankee Stadium, ix–x, xi, 18. See also specific individuals

  Niagara (1953 film), 78–79, 81, 82, 87, 109–10

  Oates, Joyce Carol, 108

  O’Brien, Pat, 11

  “An Ode to the Jolter” (Rice), 2, 146

  O’Doul, Lefty, 5, 85

  Olivier, Laurence, 101–2, 111

  Page, Joe, 55, 59

  Paige, Satchel, 47, 61

  Perl, Otto, 126

  Pettitte, Andy, 141

  Pittsburgh Pirates, 48

  Pound, Ezra, 22, 49

  Preminger, Otto, 82, 111

  Pride of the Yankees (1942 film), 40–41

  The Prince and the Showgirl (1957 film), 101–2

  racism: anti-Semitism, 53

  in baseball, 28, 46–47, 49–53, 56–57, 135

  Italian stereotypes, 28

  Raft, George, 11, 12

  Raschi, Vic, 65

  Red Sox. See Boston Red Sox

  Renay, Liz, 100

  Reynolds, Allie, 64

  Rice, Grantland, 2, 20, 146

  Rickey, Branch, 50–52

  River of No Re
turn (1954 film), 82

  Rizzuto, Phil: on DiMaggio as player, 54

  on DiMaggio’s marriage to Dorothy, 39

  on Monroe, 81

  as player, 27

  on the Stengel-DiMaggio relationship, 65

  Robinson, Jackie, 46, 50, 52–53, 56

  Rodriguez, Alex (“A-Rod”), 140–42

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., xi

  Rose, Pete, 125, 142

  Rosten, Norman, 106, 111

  Rudin, Mickey, 108

  Ruffi ng, Red, 5

  Ruppert, Jacob (Col.), 18

  Russell, Bill, 145–46

  Ruth, Babe: fame and public image, 1, 19–23, 26, 33, 35, 61–62, 136

  illness and death, 21, 61–62, 74

  as perpetual child, 43

  as player, 17–19, 21–23, 48, 60

  and racism, 47, 50

  retirement years, 21, 61, 73–74, 134

  salary, 64

  and the Yankees, 18–21, 134

  Salinger, J. D., 127

  San Francisco Seals, xiv, 4–5

  Schaefer, Hal, 88, 89, 92

  Schneider, Marv, 122

  Schumach, Murray, 21

  Seidel, Michael, 35–36

  Selig, Bud, 142

  Selkirk, George, 25

  Senators. See Washington Senators

  Sergeant York (1941 film), 41

  The Seven Year Itch (1955 film), 89–90, 99

  Shaw, Sam, 99

  Shor, Bernard (“Toots”, 10–11, 13

  and Chaplin, 74

  “class” defined by, 12

  DiMaggio’s friendship with, 11–13, 30, 45, 54–55, 66

  and DiMaggio’s relationship with Monroe, 91, 107

  fights attended, 86

  gang of “crumb bums,” 11–12, 74. See also Toots Shor’s Restaurant

  “The Silent Season of the Hero” (Talese), 113–15. See also Talese, Gay

  Simon, Paul, 1, 26, 108, 116

  Sinatra, Frank: attitude toward women, 92–93

  lawyer of, 95

  and Monroe, 2, 105, 106, 108, 111

  at Toots Shor’s, xii, 44

  Skolsky, Sidney, 7, 77

  Smith, Lois Weber, 99

  Smith, Red, 20

  Some Like It Hot (1959 film), 10, 103

  Something’s Got to Give (1962 film), 106, 110

  Sosa, Sammy, 141, 142

  Steinbrenner, George, 132

  Steiner Sports, 9

  Stengel, Casey, 63, 105

  and DiMaggio, 63, 64–65, 70, 131, 132

  and Mantle, 66–67, 131, 132

  steroids, 136, 141, 142-43

  Stevenson, Adlai, 110–11

  Strasberg, Lee, 97

  streak (hitting streak), xiv, 9, 32–37, 39

  Streak: Joe DiMaggio and the Summer of ’41 (Seidel), 35–36

  Strode, Woody, 52

  Talese, Gay, 6, 10, 32, 113–15

  There’s No Business Like Show Business (1954 film), 88

  Thompson, Hank, 57

  Toots Shor’s Restaurant, 11–13

  DiMaggio on holding a baby, 42

  DiMaggio’s liking for, 11–12, 74

  as DiMaggio’s safe haven, xii, 30, 40, 44, 89, 90, 107

  Monroe at, 8–9, 81, 99

  women at, 91–92. See also Shor, Bernard (“Toots”)

  Ueberroth, Peter, 133

  Updike, John, 5

  Vecsey, George, 6

  Vernon, Mickey, 46

  Walker, Dixie, 52

  Walker, Fleetwood, 46

  Walker, Welday, 46

  Walsh, Christy, 19–20

  Warhol, Andy, 109–10

  Washington Senators, 23, 46, 48–49, 65, 135

  Whitten, Gladys, 91

  Wilder, Billy, 10, 91, 98, 103

  Williams, Edward Bennett, 95–96

  Williams, Ted, 29

  birth, xiii

  and Curt Flood, 135

  as player, 2, 5, 28–29, 45

  racism protested, 47

  Triple Crown, 54

  war service, 41–42

  Winchell, Walter, 91

  Woodling, Gene, 68

  World Series: 1923 Series, 18

  1936 Series, xi, xiv, 27

  1941 Series, 33

  1947 Series, 55–56

  1948 Series, 61

  1949 Series, 64

  1951 Series, 67–68, 130

  2009 Series, 141

  Black Sox scandal, 144

  Yankee dominance, 18, 27, 134

  Yankees. See New York Yankees

  Zanuck, Darryl, 82–83, 88, 91




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