Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace) Page 24

by Reese Monroe

  After several seconds of this, the wing straightened. No sign of breakage or blood.

  Sadie sat on her heels and covered her face with her hands. Her shoulders trembled. “God help me,” she whispered. “What’s happening?”

  Theo took two long strides and fell to his knees before her. He reached out to grasp her shoulders but held back. He could take this anxiety from her. “Let me help.”

  “I’m okay.” She looked at him with bloodshot eyes. “Do you know what Batya means?”

  He shook his head at the quick change of subject. “I’m sorry, I don’t. Where did you hear that?”

  “Nicole called me that. Just before she died.”


  “Demons came and killed them both. Forced us off the road.” She took in a hiccuped breath. “Ramos is dead because of them. And I’m…I’m a—” She shifted her focus to the ground. “Batya, whatever that means.”

  He grabbed her shoulders and ducked to catch her gaze. “You are my Ahavah.” He scooted forward. “And I love you. I’ll help you through this.”

  “What am I, Theo? What the hell am I?” She sniffled, but thankfully didn’t shrug out of his grasp. “I can’t take much more. I’m only so strong.”

  “I’m strong enough for us both, love. Let me shoulder this with you.” He rested his cheek against hers. “I’m meant to.”

  After a long spell of silence, she nodded and sniffled again. “Do you have the envelope?”

  He stepped back and pulled it from his side pocket.

  She stared at it, took a long breath, then reached forward. “Let’s hope there are some answers in that thing. Enough people have died because of it.”

  “That’s not your fault.”

  She slid her shaking finger under the flap and glanced at Dasha and Justin standing a few feet away. Dasha nodded, offering silent encouragement.

  Sadie drew in a deep breath, and Theo found himself doing the same. Her hand disappeared inside, and she pulled out a small golden ring.

  “Just like Nicole said.” She looked into the envelope, then handed it to Dasha. “A ring.”

  Theo stepped closer. “Is that a ruby?”

  Sadie nodded. “It has little vines along the side of the band. Looks like tree leaves surrounding the ruby, then coiling around.” She tilted the ring. “I can’t really see very well. It might be inscribed.”

  Shuffling sounds behind them sent Theo whirling around. Halena appeared at the top of a boulder. “What’d I miss?”

  “Only a lot,” Dasha said.

  “I’ve got a car. Let’s hurry up, oui? Fire trucks are on their way.”

  Sadie looked at Theo with expectant eyes. He had no clue what this ring meant. She was right when she’d said enough people had died because of it. Because of her. Such a heavy burden to carry.

  “Should I put it on?”

  “No. Just hold it.” The last thing he needed was something happening as a result of her putting it on. “Let’s get back to the compound and look into this more. I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Agreed,” Sadie said, glancing over her shoulder. “I’ve had enough surprises for one day.”

  “And we need to find out what Batya means, too.”

  “Did you say Batya?” Halena asked.

  Sadie tilted to the side and looked up at her. “You know it?”

  She rolled her eyes and planted her hands on her hips. “It means daughter of God.”

  Chapter Forty-six

  Sadie stared at the ring as she stood alone in her—er—her and Theo’s bathroom. It was like they were already married or something. Theirs, ours…no more mine. She’d excused herself up here as soon as they’d gotten home.


  Yep. This was her home now. She had nowhere else to go, considering she had massive wings jutting out of her back, which had made for an interesting flight, not to mention car ride. Thank God Theo had a private plane.

  Evidently she’d get fangs, more strength, and Lord knew what else when she and Theo got married and…did the deed.

  Oh, and not to mention Halena’s little bombshell on what Batya meant. Could Sadie really be a child of God? As in, literally?

  She had the wings, and angels usually had wings, right?

  The entire trip home was quiet. The major cleanup having to be done with Nicole, Richard, and Ramos was the top focus, and Theo spent most of the time on the phone organizing something.

  It was as though Sadie left a trail of craziness everywhere she went. Only this time her wake left three people dead.

  “No.” She couldn’t go down that path. To dwell on their deaths would throw her into a fit. She owed them strength. Owed them to figure this out. She couldn’t let their deaths be in vain.

  The golden ring captivated her like a little ball of yarn did a cat. She tilted it to see inside. Batya. Most treasured from our hearts.

  Aggie had mentioned something about angelic roots only protecting her for so long. Could she really be an angel? Or part angel? She laughed as she turned and leaned against the counter. Part angel. A week ago, she was a plain old college student, and now she was talking angels.

  She palmed the ring and faced the mirror. Dirt covered her sports bra and exposed skin. How was she going to get that bra off with these wings?

  After five minutes staring at herself as if the mirror would give her ideas, she started opening drawers. Surely there had to be scissors in here.

  Finally, she found something in Theo’s fingernail trimming kit that would work. What would she wear after, though? How would she live? She couldn’t go out in public like this.

  Tears stung. She swallowed hard and lifted the tiny scissors. She couldn’t stay in this nasty bra forever.

  She cut the straps away and slid the fabric down her body, taking her soiled jeans, undies, and socks with it. She tossed it all in the garbage. On her way to the shower stall she paused near the mirror. Should she look at her back?

  No. Her stomach clenched with nerves. What did it look like? Was it gross where the wings came out?

  She turned her head, but then stepped away, out of range of the mirror. Later. She’d look at it later.

  She cranked on the steaming water. Thank goodness Theo had a walk-in shower. No door, just a huge, open shower with two heads. As though he knew she’d need the space for her massive wings.

  They grazed the entrance, but curled against her skin on their own.

  Tears lodged in her throat. She was a freak. A total and complete freak. She glanced at the countertop where she had set the ring, and then to what she could see of her wings. They almost matched her hair, but not quite. They were more honey-colored compared to her dishwater-blond hair. Steam billowed, and she neared the spray. Hopefully the feathers could get wet.

  That would be her life now, wouldn’t it? Wings this. Wings that.

  Oh, shit. Flying. She’d have to learn how to fly. No. She couldn’t handle thinking about that right now.

  She let the steaming water pound on her face, but the tears fell anyway. Why is this happening? I don’t want this. I’m so scared. I can’t do this.

  Her shoulders shook with sobs. No parents. Years of group home living. Never fitting in. Alone. Always alone. She pounded her fist against the tile and slid to the slick floor. She was sick of being strong. Sick of being tough.

  She buried her hands in her soaked hair and pulled. The sting to her scalp was just what she needed. She rocked forward, spreading her wings a little, and hugged her knees to her chest. Maybe if she stayed in the shower long enough…

  More sobs. Nothing would change this. She was stuck. A winged freak.

  “Don’t cry, love,” Theo’s voice whispered into her ear. His warm hand brushed up her spine, between her wings, and she flinched.

  “Theo. No.” Her wing curled around her, hiding her nudity as much as it could. “Get out.” Her throat clenched shut as another sob racked her.

  “It’s okay, love. Shhh.” His b
reath touched her neck, then his lips. “We’ll just sit here.”

  There was a shuffling behind her, followed by an arm weaving beneath her wing to hug her legs. He couldn’t cradle her because of the appendages protruding from her back, but he hugged her from behind as best he could.

  She felt jeans against her bare bottom and peeked over her shoulder. He was still shirtless and wore his jeans, even had his combat boots on.

  And there she was, butt naked. His lips caressed the nape of her neck as he pulled her closer, settling his weight against the wall. Her wing shifted, allowing her to rest against him.

  “Your feathers are soft.”

  She couldn’t speak.

  “And beautiful.”

  Still speechless. She hadn’t gotten to thinking of them as beautiful yet.

  “But of course they are. They match your hair.” His fingers combed through the soggy locks. “When it’s dry, anyway.”

  She closed her eyes and focused on the drops of water landing on her. The feeling rippled through her wings like a gentle massage.

  “I felt your sadness,” he whispered. “Though I can no longer read your thoughts. Please tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She settled her head on his shoulder, too tired to think up words to describe what she was feeling. Too tired to worry about a guy seeing her completely naked for the first time—well, mostly; her feathers covered a lot of her.

  It wasn’t nearly as scary as she’d thought. The sense of peace and love radiating from Theo was like a warm blanket. He did love her. Despite the wings, he still wanted her.

  “Talk to me, love.”

  “You’re getting all wet.”

  He huffed.

  “I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “I will be.” She had to be. She didn’t have a choice. It wasn’t like she could wish all of this away. Rewind six days to her normal—okay, not so normal—college experience.

  “Let me help.”

  “Just give me some time. I need to—I—I’ll figure this out.”

  “You’re not alone. I’m going to do this with you. You don’t have to figure things out on your own anymore, love.”

  More tears poured. She was a faucet, like the one spewing the warm water over her. Washing away the crimson-stained dirt. God, she loved Theo. He came out of nowhere, slammed into her life, and stole her heart. She cupped her face with her hands and let it all flow out. Her stomach clenched. Her eyes burned.

  “Let me hold you,” he whispered.

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  He hoisted her onto his lap as if to cradle her, then turned her slightly to face him. Her wing moved as if following his unspoken order. She clutched her arms over her breasts and leaned against his chest.

  “Turn.” His voice was gentle. Soothing. “It’s okay, love. Let me in.”

  Her wings straightened, giving her room. She turned at the waist, one arm covering her breasts, and latched onto his stare. Swirls of orange danced around his eyes. His nostrils flared, but his focus never wavered.

  Even when she peeled her arm away from her body. “There you go, love.” He nudged her beneath her chin with his finger, then guided her to him.

  But not for a kiss. He eased her forehead to the crook of his neck and combed her hair back. His hand moved around her waist and up to between her shoulder blades. He pressed her flush against him and let out a sigh.

  I love you, no matter what. You’re mine.

  She hugged him back, tight.

  Her worry eased, and she knew he was drawing it from her, slowly, but she allowed it. He was her strength when she needed it. And she needed it now, more than ever.

  Alone no more, for two is better than one. The thought whispered through her mind. It wasn’t Theo, but regardless, the words rang true.

  Together, they’d face that ring and Aggie, and hopefully find her parents.

  Chapter Forty-seven

  Theo stepped out from the bathroom to find Sadie sitting on the edge of the bed, wings out to their full length, and her body wrapped in a towel. He stopped and gripped the makeshift knot he’d formed on the towel around his waist.

  “I don’t have anything to wear.” Her voice was small, and she focused on the ground near his feet. A flush colored her cheeks as she clutched the fabric at her chest. “I mean, I have shorts,” she shifted, exposing some black running shorts. “But I’m not sure how to do the top.” Her wings ruffled.

  He stood, focus fixed on the wings. He hadn’t seen them spread wide, dry and brilliant. And they were brilliant. He’d seen a few sets of wings in his time, but these beat them all.

  Probably because they were his Mate’s, but still…

  “Have you tried to pull them in?”

  She sat straight, finally meeting his gaze. The wings folded around her as she stood. “Doesn’t help much.”

  “No, love. I meant inside you.”

  She bit her lip, then glanced over her shoulder. He could tell she went over the scenarios in her mind of how to logically make that work. But logic didn’t always fit in the supernatural world. True, he’d seen angels with and without their wings, but he didn’t know exactly how they retracted them into their bodies, only that they could.

  Then again, she couldn’t be fully angel. Those were created by The Great One and have existed for millennia. She was only eighteen.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she said. “Do you?”

  “No. I’m sorry. But we’ll figure it out.”

  She held up the ring. “Nicole said this would help me find my parents. They’d know. At least I think they would.”

  He plucked the ring from her palm and lifted it to the light. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Halena knew what Batya meant; she may know more about this, or have connections who might know.” He offered the ring for her to take.

  “I can’t really walk around in a towel, though.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” He smiled.

  The first hint of a grin curved the left side of her full lips. “Very funny.”

  “I have an idea.” He moved to the drawers and opened the top one. “I think I had the girls at that boutique pick out some bathing suits for you.” He closed the top drawer and moved down one. “Yes. Here.”

  She joined him and peered into the drawer. He grabbed one and held it up. “See. It ties around the neck and behind the back. Maybe just below where your wings come out.”

  She nodded. Her bloodshot eyes tore at his heart.

  “Let me help you.” His body pulsed with need, but he pushed it aside. In the shower, he got to hold her. Skin to skin. It rejuvenated his body but heightened his instinct to mate with a vengeance. She needed time.

  At least that’s what he kept telling himself.

  He held the suit to her and tied the upper part around her neck. Her cheeks reddened. She was clearly a modest person, but she had the most beautiful body he’d ever seen.

  He swallowed hard.

  She held the fabric in the correct position and let the towel slide down.

  “Turn.” He stepped back to give her room to move, then reached around her to grab the straps. “Just tell me when.”

  He looped the straps and pulled.

  “That’s good.” She leaned forward, and her wings followed.

  The straps rested just below where the wings came out. Perfectly smooth skin led up to the light appendages. No swelling, redness or anything. He traced his finger along the exit site, and her feathers ruffled. She gasped, and her shoulders tightened.

  He flattened his palm between the wings, right at her spine. His neck pulsed. He couldn’t see all of her shoulder, but knew her Mark was pulsing, too.


  He wanted so badly to untie that knot he’d just fastened and press her against him. Soon.

  “Your touch makes me feel dizzy.”

  He withdrew his hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “In a way I’m becoming addicted to.”<
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  “I hope that’s a good thing.”

  She looked down, but not before he saw her cheek bulge with a smile. “Yeah, it’s good.”

  He dropped a kiss to the nape of her neck, then nipped at her ear. Her wings wouldn’t allow him to pull her back to his chest, so he got as close as he could, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her butt against his trunk. No doubt she felt his arousal.

  With his free hand, he caressed her left wing where it’d been broken. No sign of injury. Only smooth, flawless feathers.

  “That feels nice,” she whispered and leaned her head back, exposing more of her neck. He touched kisses along as much of her jaw as he could, then rested his cheek against hers, reveling in the energy seeping into him.

  She revived him with each touch. “Sadie,” he whispered.

  She craned her neck and looked up at him, then at his lips.

  That was all it took. He bent down and claimed her mouth. Mint melded with her familiar vanilla scent. She drew in a sharp breath through her nose, but she opened, allowing him entry. He held her tighter, but the wings…he needed to turn her.

  He needed more of her.

  He broke the connection and whirled her around. She gasped at the swiftness, but when her gaze landed on his, she smiled. His towel sagged, but it didn’t matter. He edged her back against the dresser and hoisted her up.

  Perfect. Her wings were able to expand, yet she was at the perfect height for him to feast on her mouth.

  And that he did.

  He edged his way between her knees as his hands slid over her bottom. Delicate curves. Firm, tight body. In one swift motion, he pulled her to him. She let out a moan, then clamped her ankles together behind his back.

  Heat roared off her and into him. Her heart hammered against his chest. Teeth knocked as they devoured each other’s mouths.

  He nipped at her bottom lip, and his fangs dropped. He jerked away, but she pulled him in again. “Don’t stop.”

  No way. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to. She writhed against him, taking the kiss deeper along with his resolve. Gone was the hesitation he’d seen in her earlier. The shyness. No. She was right there with him, wanting to connect. Strengthen. Find comfort.


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