Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace) Page 31

by Reese Monroe

  “Where did you get this? There is no record of such things. Regardless, part of the language predates any records I’m aware of. It has Hebrew roots. Beyond my scope; however, I did get some of the third paragraph deciphered.” Halena cleared her throat. “‘Prophesized powers freely flow. Unrestricted and unbound. Only one who arises from ash—not sure on that word—shall wield the power to vanquish. Created on a heavenly realm, left to grow and form within the human realm.’”

  She paused and looked at Sadie, who said, “Go on.”

  “It gets a little choppy here so he summarized as best he could. You might know it word for word if you look at it.” Halena shifted her weight. “‘Alone her strength abounds. United her strength amplifies. Her words cut more than swords when phrased as the Heavens prepared.’”

  “Does it give the words?” Sadie reached for the scroll in the middle of the table.

  “Not that Beckett could tell. He said it felt more like a description of…well, you, I think. And your Mate.” Halena glanced at Theo. “It mentions you, not by name, but by power and rank and purity.”

  Sadie rolled the scroll open. She flinched ever so slightly, and Theo felt her heart rate spike, but only for a second. “It describes Mom and Dad here. Listen: ‘Heavenly hosts unite, though beyond a carnal level. Willing their heavenly essence to The Great One to wield, though banished to the heavenly realm, never to enter the realm of their beloved creation. Paxon, heroic angel, beloved by Michael, the archangel of war, provides the strength and will. Whereas the gentle wisdom of Abigail, the sapere angel, gifts the Batya beyond measure.’”

  “Wow. They really do name them. How old do you think that scroll is?” Justin asked, standing up and leaning over the table for a better view.

  Theo rested his hand on Sadie’s shoulder, and she peered at him with red eyes. “Mom and Dad are millennia old. Who knows when this was drafted? But it tells me nothing of the words we need.”

  “The words you need, mon amie,” Halena said. She tapped the scroll. “This here is about you, at least the talking part. And the figuring it out part with your mom’s wisdom.”

  “Give me the other scroll.” Sadie offered an open hand. “Let’s see what we can figure out.”

  Theo downed his third sandwich and second plate of fruit while Sadie scanned the scroll in silence.

  “Here.” She pointed. “‘Batya breathes words of death to the evil one. He rose from the darkness, mastered by no one, out for destruction and chaos on the earthly and Hades realms.’”

  “You said Aggie was set on overtaking Lucifer,” Halena prodded. “Right? To get to Lucifer’s Mate to weaken him?”

  She nodded and looked to the pages again, then sat straight and shouted, “Oh wait. Here. I think this is it! ‘Only one can face him, the Batya, equipped with the Mavet dagger and these words: Morte Aeterna.’” She tapped the paper and looked at Theo with wide, bright eyes. “Morte Aeterna. We got ’im!”

  “It’s about damn time, too,” Justin said, pounding the table with his fist. “I’m sick of that asshole coming back.”

  “That’s not much different than our vanquish.” Halena looked to Theo.

  “A couple key words, though. Aeterna means eternal. Morte means death. In the main vanquish we say return to Hell,” Justin said.

  Theo leaned over to see the scroll. It was gibberish to him, though. It looked like a combination of Latin and Hebrew, though he couldn’t be sure. How amazing that Sadie could read it. “I wonder if it would work if I say this one?”

  “Hard to say. It was developed for Aggie. These are two common words if you think about it, but said in that order with the dagger buried within him, it leads to eternal death. Maybe it’d work on the other lesser demons, too.” Sadie smiled. “So…are you ready to go demon hunting?”

  “I am. But first”—he stood—“we need to practice a few things.”

  Chapter Sixty-four

  “You want me to jump?” Sadie looked over the edge of the roof.

  Theo crossed his arms over his bulky chest and nodded. “I understand you flew, after the demons met you when you escaped Hades. You need to be able to fly at will. On the spot.”

  “Like you can splice now?” Sadie asked.

  In a blink a black rip in reality formed behind him, and he stepped back.


  She turned a circle, shading her eyes from the piercing sun overhead. “Theo.”

  I’m here, love. Look over the ledge.

  She hurried to the edge and looked over. There he stood, looking up at her.

  Your turn. Jump to me.

  “Claudo,” she said and stepped back. Her stomach tightened in anticipation of the tugging and pulling that would soon follow.

  She could do this. She was strong. Superstrong after all her time with Theo. One with him. She backed up five steps, took in a deep breath, and ran.

  She vaulted onto the ledge and thrust herself up, arms to the side for balance. The wings took over, flapping to steady her.

  “Go! Circle the compound,” Theo shouted.

  She leaned into a right turn, reveling in the wind flowing through her hair. It was hot wind, like a hair dryer stuck on high heat, but she welcomed it. Better than the cold, dreary room down in Hades. And the drab state she’d found Theo in.

  She skimmed the treetops, practicing sharp turns, dips, and straight-up bursts. Her stomach muscles didn’t hurt so much this time. The energy coursing through her kept her focused, coordinated. How to maneuver her body to accommodate flooded her mind. A sense of peace washed over her.

  Boy, her life sure had changed. Married. Created by angels. The only instrument that could end Aggie.

  And Dasha was safe. Tucked deep in the compound courtesy of a quick trip to town by Halena and Justin.

  Next up: finding that slippery demon Aggie. She veered around the last corner of the compound and aimed for Theo. Even from a hundred feet she could see his smile. Feel the pride streaming from him.

  She gave two final flaps, then landed on her feet. No thrusting forward this time. Just a gentle, quiet landing.

  “Very good.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It came naturally, didn’t it?”

  She nodded, basking in his approval. For such a warrior to dole out praise, it made her insides tingle.

  “I’ve been thinking about how to track down Aggie.” Theo clasped her hand and guided her toward the house. “We might need to go to Hades.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. I might be able to remember where I fell into earth when I escaped. I could get us to his lair.” She shrugged. “If he’s still there. He has to know, by now, that Yvonne betrayed him. He’d prepare. He’d figure I know the vanquish by now, right?”

  Theo nodded. “Probably. That’s why going to Hades isn’t feeling quite right. But I don’t see any other option.”

  “He can splice at will with the Thata. Go anywhere. Any idea what his next move might be?” Sadie asked.

  “Other than splicing to Dasha to take her, I can’t think of anything. Anyone else you’re close to? Bonded with, who might—”

  “Professor Fletcher. He was my mentor. Aggie wouldn’t, would he?”

  Theo stopped and faced her. “Aggie possessed Isabelle at that party Dr. Fletcher threw for you. He may know of your ties to the professor.”

  “Shit.” Her stomach coiled into a ball of lead.

  Theo looked at his watch. “Mid-August. Professors often start a few weeks before classes to focus on research and prepare for students, right?”

  “He was finishing up a nanotech study for the fall journals when I left. He’s my mentor, Theo. What if—”

  “We need to get to him. Even though you’ve graduated, Aggie might still try, hoping you’d think of the professor and come to check on him.”

  “And the fact that I don’t have any other friends or family, Dr. Fletcher is really the only option.” She let out a sigh. “It feels like a great big trap.”

that going in gives us an edge. Remember the eyes with Isabelle.”

  “Yeah! That’s right. He couldn’t hide the eyes. So we’ll know if Aggie’s using an old trick.”

  Theo swung their clasped hands. “Besides, Dr. Fletcher might not even be on Aggie’s radar, but we need to be sure.”

  “What about my disappearing act?”

  “Don’t worry, Dasha covered for that. Made up a story about you getting sick. We forged some notes.”

  “And my job?”

  “Sorry, love, we turned that down for you. Just wasn’t sure what else we could do considering the circumstances.”

  “It’s okay. It’s fine.” She knew she’d never be able to keep that job anyway. Not after everything that’d changed, even before Aggie took her for those three months.

  Three effing months that demon had kept her drugged and apart from Theo. Nearly killed Theo because of it. Damn that demon. She couldn’t wait to fry his ass.

  “What would taking Dr. Fletcher accomplish?” She hurried toward the front door, more anxious than ever to get to the school.

  “To draw you out.”

  “But he has to know I can truly kill him by now.”

  “He must think he’s stronger. Able to kill you somehow.”

  “Which, in turn, kills you.” She swallowed hard. “And if Dr. Fletcher is safe and Aggie’s not after him?”

  Theo stopped and held Sadie’s gaze for a long second. “Would you be open to using Dasha or your mentor as bait?”

  She didn’t want to use anyone as bait. All this sneaking around, planning, it was driving her nuts. An outright fight would be her choice.

  Theo went on. “Dasha would be Aggie’s first target. Since he won’t be able to find her here, he’ll need another. It’s listed somewhere that Dr. Fletcher was your adviser, right?”

  She nodded, starting to see the logic.

  “We need to get to him. I’ll have Justin watch over that kid—Craig—who was taking your place as Fletcher’s lab assistant as well. Just to be safe, while we check out the professor.”

  “Theo, if they get hurt—”

  “Don’t worry.” He opened the door. “We’ll send Aggie’s ass back to Hades for good.”

  Chapter Sixty-five

  “There he is.” Sadie pointed toward the parking lot and took off running.

  Theo scanned the area surrounding the teacher’s lot and followed closely. He hated flying blind, unable to sense Aggie’s splices. He could literally appear any time, any place, except the compound since that was protected. That made it difficult to craft much of a defense plan.

  “Dr. Fletcher!” Sadie waved her hand. “Hold on.”

  The plump, graying professor turned, and his mouth dropped open. “Ms. Nowland?”

  She smiled and stopped several feet before the old man. Eyes are blue, like normal. “Hi. Are you…um…are you okay?”

  “Why yes, dear. I heard you were deathly ill. Taken to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota?”

  “Long story, but I’m better now.” She glanced around, as did Theo. “How goes the research?”

  “Fine, dear. I’m so sorry to hear about the Bendz position. But don’t fret, something will turn up for you. You’re destined for great things.” He reached for his car door handle. “I need to drop this load off and get another stack of books from my office.”

  “Here, let me help you.” She reached for the books in the professor’s hand. A gust of wind sent some papers flying. “Oh, Theo. Got those?”

  He darted after them, and in the next breath, a wave of nausea took hold of his stomach, and the ground shook. He whirled around in time to see the professor kick Sadie into a splice. He grinned in Theo’s direction, then jumped into the black void.

  Theo homed in on Sadie’s essence and opened a splice. He stepped in, and the darkness engulfed him. Howling wind sliced at his face and pricked at his bare arms. Sadie. He felt her presence, and her vanilla scent fused with his senses. They were so connected, their bond sealed. He’d never lose track of her again.

  His momentum slowed, and he braced for reentry. His shoulder slammed against soft sand, and he rolled once, then jumped to his feet.

  Sand. Heat. Stale air.

  Were they in the desert?

  Up ahead, the professor faced off with Sadie, while four demons stood about twenty feet or so around them, watching.

  Oh shit. They weren’t watching. Their eyes were closed and their mouths were moving while their arms were out to their sides, palms open toward Sadie and Aggie.


  Theo lunged at the nearest demon, but a jolt of electricity sent him flying.

  Those four demons were creating some sort of barrier, and they were safe inside so Theo couldn’t take one out to break the magic.

  A collective rumble vibrated the stale air, and Theo turned around. A drove of demons charged toward him. He grasped his dagger and had about five seconds to take in the gaps in their formation, getting ready to ping-pong through them with his speed and his splicing ability.

  There were so many demons, though.

  He sped forward, aiming for the left contingent, and slid, dagger out and vanquish already streaming from his mouth. Dust flew, and he concentrated on a splice to the first gap he’d seen.

  But nothing happened.


  This place was cursed.


  Chapter Sixty-six

  “I knew you’d come for him.” Aggie pointed a long silver dagger at Sadie, while a cocky grin curved his lips. It looked so out of place on Dr. Fletcher’s face. “I’ve been sitting in this pudgy old man since you left my home.”

  “Home?” Holding her Mavet at the ready, Sadie stepped to the side, the soft sand shifting beneath her combat boots. “Your eyes—”

  “Took me a while, but I figured out how to change them. Isabelle was just practice.” Aggie winked. “Just for you.”

  “Asshole.” Sadie glanced at her surroundings.

  Four demons surrounded her, their voices rumbling, yet they held a melody, almost. Shit. They were chanting.

  “How’s Yvonne? Or should I call her Dyre?” she asked, buying some time to look around more.

  “Being punished.” Aggie laughed. “Never thought she had it in her.”

  “Woman scorned.” While keeping Aggie in her sights she glanced over her shoulder.

  Theo! He disappeared beneath a blanket of demons. No!

  She whirled around and yelled, “What the hell do you want from me?”

  “To watch you die. Painfully. Now that I know what the loss of a Mate does to the Gatekeeper, I will go on with my plan.”

  “As if you could bring down Lucifer.” She was going to have to kill Dr. Fletcher, wasn’t she? Her mentor. Then again, Isabelle hadn’t died when Aggie possessed her.

  “With the right weapons, anything is possible.” He held up his dagger. “Found this little jewel in Egypt. Beautiful, really. They call it the Angel Killer.”

  She inched back and stretched her hand out behind her. It met an invisible barrier. Shit.

  “So, we’ll see if the black belt can get in a jab, is that how it’s going to end?”


  He laughed. “The Great One can try to counter Lucifer’s creations, but a woman? Why on earth would he send a woman?” Aggie huffed.

  A pained expression wrenched his face, and Dr. Fletcher fell limp to the ground, while Aggie remained standing.

  He let out a loud sigh. “Disgusting fat pig.” He kicked the unconscious professor in the stomach.

  Aggie wore chains and bracelets of gems, and swirls of ink covered his skin.

  “Admiring the artwork, I see.” He ripped off three necklaces and tossed them to the ground. “That’s to cover my scent and my splices from your Gatekeeper…well, and you, too, now, I suppose.” He ripped off the bracelets on his left arm. “To allow me into this tub of lard.”

  How’d he learn all this?

��I see your inquisitive mind churning, Batya.” He laughed. “Little Yvonne didn’t tell you everything. Then again, I kept her distracted enough to not ask questions. There are few who know the extent of my connections with Lucifier. How he groomed me to wreak havoc on the Gatekeepers. To take our rightful place on this earth.”

  “Yet you work to overthrow him.”

  “Time for new reign.” He grinned. “There are many scrolls in the library to aid me in my quest.”

  It was Sadie’s turn to laugh. “But I grabbed the right one to end you.”

  She lunged. Aggie stepped back, but as Sadie passed, she kicked out his knee. He swung his dagger in her direction as he went down. An odd trail of green fumes lagged behind the blade, and a hiss cut through the air.

  Aggie rolled away, and they faced off, both holding their weapons at the ready.

  “Another little artifact that might come in handy.” He held up the weapon, not so cockily this time, though. “Dipped in Lucifer’s cursed blood and hexed by his most trusted witches.” He attacked, swinging.

  Sadie deflected with her left arm and jabbed with her right, hoping to snag some of him to do the chant.

  She missed and rolled away. A quick glance over her shoulder showed Theo engulfed in a sea of demons. He must not be able to splice, and Theo’s neck was vulnerable now.

  Aggie towered over her by at least six inches, despite her growth spurt. He was centuries old, well versed in black magic, and hell-bent on killing her. Not a good combination at all.

  Think, Sadie.

  He charged, she ducked, but his blade slid along her forearm. Taking her weapon with her, she swiveled, hoping to catch his neck. He tilted back, out of reach, but she continued her spin and kicked him in the gut. He slammed against the invisible wall surrounding them.

  Her arm sizzled, but she could only afford a quick glance. That was long enough. Green fumes puffed from the long slice in her forearm. The scent of burning flesh stung at her nostrils.

  “Nice, isn’t it?” Aggie grinned, tossing his weapon from one hand to the other.

  He rushed Sadie again, eyes flaring red, fangs dropped, and his dagger pointed. Her blade met his, and sparks flew. She spun and jabbed. The dagger grazed his shoulder, but he kicked out her knee. Bones shifted, ligaments popped, and as she met the ground, another blast of agony ripped through her shoulder.


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