Serenity Valley

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Serenity Valley Page 5

by Rocky Bills

  Demon joined the conversation with a low whinny. After glancing at him briefly, she said, “Gamel, I am third child of a most powerful king in my mother country. With such position comes powerful enemies. Children of the king are likely targets for kidnapping and assassination, so I have been trained in the arts necessary to survive. I have been taught from an early age by masters of various disciplines. My father is rich beyond comprehension and hired the best instructors from far reaches of the known world. Deception, illusion, evasion, self-defense, and weapon training were taught from the age of five years. Other studies included languages, numbers, medicine, and world history. These are equally important in the quest to stay among the living. What your senses are telling you is that you cannot understand something, and therefore, something is terribly wrong.”

  “So all those things you did were illusions or tricks?”

  Demon added his question with a light nicker, and Lady Bella smiled. “It seems Sir Demon is listening and understanding our conversation.”

  “Do you really think so?” I asked, delighted.

  Smiling, she answered, “Demon is in tune with your emotions through your movements, gestures, and the tone of your voice. Even your scent allows him to read your state of mind and react like you do. This is the bond that the two of you share, part of you in the world of the horse, and Demon partially in the human world.”

  “That explains many things, my lady, but what of the things you have been able to do?” Lady Bella trained her piercing stare on me, and a shiver traveled up my spine and made my scalp itch.

  “What you just experienced was simply a tactic to make someone extremely uncomfortable and put them off guard in a situation,” she informed me.

  “But, my lady, how did you appear from thin air in the great hall last night?”

  Releasing her eye lock on me, she smiled again. “My beautiful new polished floor serves to do more than provide a clean walking surface; it reflects like a pool of water. I saw your reflection and stationed myself in such a way as to shock you. I have to admit it was a lot of fun.”

  It was a perfectly reasonable explanation.

  “But what about your sudden appearance in the study with all knowledge of the conversation that you were not present for?”

  “Gamel, the main house is ancient, with layer after layer of construction. Many passageways were incorporated into the structure to allow servant travel and, I suspect, spying on prominent guests of the hold.”

  “But, my lady, how did the coins get into my pocket?”

  She was still smiling when she answered, “When I placed my hand on your shoulder, you were distracted. I slipped the coins in your pocket with my other hand.”

  At this point, I chuckled, but then remembered something else that would not be so easily explained. “Ah, but, my lady, please explain how you knew how the wager would be cast with three votes for gray against my one black vote?” Perceiving my excitement, Demon nickered loudly and shook his head up and down as if playing. Distracted by his antics, we both started to laugh.

  “That was the grand moment of the night. I had been spying on my husband and Sayer when they concocted a plan to reward you without your knowledge. Believing the colt to be black, they would spot you the coin for the bet that you would surely win, therefore rewarding you without dealing with your objections. I simply joined in and was actually able to amaze even my husband.”

  I suddenly felt deflated, without any hope of winning this debate. Demon must have sensed it, as he made his way to a stall corner. Loud snoring soon emanated from that direction. “My lady, does the lord know about your particular, um, abilities?”

  Lady Bella giggled coyly. “Oh, he knows, but he can’t always explain everything I do. It is a game we play. He acts totally confused by this magical creature he has captured for a wife. I play the innocent sorceress, which makes for exciting—what is a good word—relations.” I must have turned a bright red. I could feel my whole body get hot in an instant. Lady Bella looked at me and started laughing. “Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?”

  “That may have been just a bit too much information, my lady.”

  “I often forget that you are still a boy, young Gamel. You are very mature and intelligent for your age, as well as being tall as a grown man. I trust you to keep our conversation in confidence.”

  “Yes, my lady, of course.”

  The stable workers were starting to return from the afternoon meal in the eating hall.

  As the various workers resumed their duties, they noticed Lady Bella and me in conversation. Whispering and soft voices could be heard, but no one dared come close enough to intrude. Bella asked, “So, young Gamel, do you understand now that what you perceived as some kind of sorcery was simply the result of being attuned to one’s environment and taking advantage of those who are not?”

  “Yes, my lady, I understand now. One is at a great advantage if trained in these abilities.”

  “Would you like to learn how to realize your own senses in this way?”

  “Oh, yes, lady. I wish I could manipulate, I mean control, situations the way that you do.”

  “You had it right the first time. It is good that you want to learn. We will start your training tomorrow after midday meal, then.”

  “I’m to be your student then, my lady?”

  “Yes, Gamel. I wish to see to your training, and also teach you at least two languages.”

  “My lady, I am honored, but why me? I am sure there would be another more suited pupil.”

  “Gamel, I have chosen you because you are worthy and of proper age to still absorb learning.” The lady then turned her viper-like stare on me, which wasn’t nearly as unsettling as it once had been. “Why do you ask such a thing? Do you wish to refuse me? Am I not suitable to provide instruction? Do you not like your lady for some reason?”

  At this point, I no longer knew if she was serious, and I could feel my face starting to burn with embarrassment. “Oh, no, my lady, I mean, yes, my lady, I mean, of course, my lady. I would like to be trained, by all means.”

  Lady Bella started to laugh aloud, causing stable workers to stop and stare. “You see, Gamel, how easy it is to manipulate someone? You can even achieve confusion even with someone who knows they are being manipulated. This is your first lesson for today.”

  Relaxed once more, I responded, “Yes, my lady, I understand, but why would you have me learn languages? I already know the common tongue and have a good knowledge of French.”

  “Someday, you will need to go to my homeland and see my father, Gamel.”

  “Why would that be necessary, my lady?” I asked, feeling very confused now.

  Looking very serious for the moment, she responded, “Someday, I will ask you to take something to my father for safekeeping.”

  “What is it that you wish me to take to him?” I asked, completely intrigued now.

  “For now, you do not need to know. The art of successful planning is that no one else knows the plan until it is activated. Nothing should be written down as not to be discovered. Diversion should always be part of the plan. This is your second lesson of the day.” Lady Bella smiled, rather pleased with herself. “To enable such a journey, you will need passage and availability to funds. To have access, I will teach you certain pass phrases and symbols that you will memorize and tell no one.” Now I was getting excited. This was starting to be very mysterious and adventuresome. “Gamel, are you familiar with the Knights of the Templar?”

  “I know they are warrior monks protecting the pilgrim road to Jerusalem.”

  “Yes, they are, but they also bank funds. To avoid the danger of carrying vast sums of money on long trips, money can be deposited with the Templar at one location and it will be made available at a Templar location near the final destination. This is how finances are handled for the great crusade to the Holy Land. Of course, the Templar charges a fee for such services. I have an account with the Templar both in cash and property. T
hey manage certain property holdings for me that you may utilize when the time comes.” Before I could ask any more questions, Fulk strolled up to the stall with a huge draft mare in tow. I recognized the big mare as being the one Lord Goodwin had recently purchased while returning from a trip to the coast. Needing to increase the number of heavy workhorses at the hold, the pregnant mare was purchased with several other big drafts.

  “Good day, my lady,” Fulk said in greeting, “have you seen the demon colt?” Fulk, having to absorb the brunt of Demon’s pillaging, called him this instead of just Demon.

  “Yes, Assistant Fulk, I have. He is a very unusual curiosity. And let me say congratulations on your promotion to Assistant to Master of Horse. Master Gamel reports that you are invaluable to him in these most important times.” The lady looked at me and winked her eye that faced away from Fulk. I was fighting to suppress a smile but was able to stay composed.

  Fulk was beaming with pride and embarrassment, looking around to find his words. “It is a privilege, my lady, to be of some bit of usefulness.”

  Breaking the awkwardness, I asked, “What have you got there, Fulk?”

  “Hopefully, this fair maiden will be Demon’s new milk mother. In a horrible bit of luck, the good mare’s foal was born still, but she is leaking with milk. With some luck, the fair Mildred here will get on with Demon and we can leave the poor goats alone. I am not a popular person in or around the goat pens.”

  “Excellent,” I said. “Let’s tie her at the stall door and see what happens with the first meeting.” Fulk tied the mare to a bracket on the stall wall, leaving slack so the mare could stand in front of the stall door. The melancholy mare looked around and then spotted Demon sleeping. Her body went tense. Her eyes enlarged, nostrils flared, and her ears pricked forward and trained on the colt. She then let out a low, guttural bellow that woke up Demon. Demon looked around and bellowed back at the mare as he struggled to get his legs under him. His tail shot up in flagging position. He raised his neck straight up and bent his head at the poll. With the arrogance of nobility, he strutted over to the mare and put the side of his head against her nose. They both greedily sniffed one another’s scent. The mare let out a screech and stamped her front feet, dancing back and forth with her hind legs. Demon just kept pushing against her nose as if to exert his dominance. The three of us stood nearby to observe the sorting out of position.

  I spoke softly. “Well, there isn’t any question about Demon’s dominance. I just hope she isn’t a dominant mare. If she is, this isn’t going to work. Let’s hope she submits, then accepts him as her own and allows him to feed.”

  After several minutes of posturing, the mare settled and began to nuzzle Demon, who acted as if a loyal servant were bestowing homage to him. It appeared that the initial trials of dominance and rank had been sorted. “Well, that went as well as one could expect,” I said. “I guess we can move on to step two. Fulk, can you find a halter for Demon and a couple of long lead ropes?” Folk left to fetch the equipment while the lady and I continued observing the ritual. Within moments, Fulk was running back carrying two twenty-foot leads and a medium-sized heavy leather halter. I entered the stall to prepare Demon while Fulk attached a lead to the mare’s halter. When both horses were ready, Fulk led the mare into the stall, and I led Demon over to her. The moment of truth was close at hand. With huge eyes and flared nose, the mare sniffed Demon all over his body, including his private parts. Demon continued standing at attention, head and body held as if he were a statue of some royal personage. When the mare was satisfied, she relaxed and lowered her head to a rest. Sensing that tribute had been paid, Demon took his turn sniffing. When he got to her flanks, his eyes enlarged. Coming to attention once more, he stood for a moment as if contemplating a question. The mare relaxed, locked three of her legs, and raised one of her hind hooves and rested the tip on the ground. She was sleeping. After a bit more contemplation, Demon continued his investigation of the mare’s flank area. He soon discovered where the interesting smell originated, the teats. He took hold of a teat and began to suckle, but stopped immediately and stuck his head straight up in the air. He curled his lips back and sampled the taste thoroughly. As if satisfied, he lowered his head again and began greedily suckling. With huge smiles, we released the two horses and made our retreat from the stall to discover the lady was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where did Lady Bella go? She was just here, and now she is vanished,” Fulk said.

  “Don’t fret over it, Fulk; you will get used to her coming and going without notice.”

  Looking a bit perplexed, he said, “I think not. That is rather disturbing, Gamel!”

  “Just consider it one of our lady’s more unusual traits. Let us discuss plans and the things that need to be done to accommodate our two charges.”

  Fulk and I sat at our makeshift table and conversed about the various items and tasks needed to accomplish a long-term solution for housing and care of the two horses. My stomach began to grumble, and as if on cue, pretty Basilea strolled up to the table bearing gifts. I stood and gave a low bow. “My princess, may I say that the sun in your hair reminds me of the golden glimmer only matched by the fine summer wheat?”

  Fulk coughed into his hand. “Ahh... Bullshit.”

  Basilea giggled. “Yes, you may, Sir Rogue. Are you two hungry?”

  “Oh, my precious lady, we are about to waste from hunger. You save our lives once more!” With introductions out of the way, the table was set up in record time, and the three of us began eating roast chicken, baked tubers, fresh bread, and fruit. We washed it down with cider. Breaking fast together was becoming commonplace, and Fulk was fitting into the group like he had always been part of it. We ate and discussed our elaborate plans. Basilea offered some fine input to the living quarters that would be part of a permanent solution for housing the horses and the two of us for the next few years. When we had all the details worked out, Fulk secured parchment, quill, and ink. We drew the plans in detail and settled on a location halfway between the brook and the main house. The quarters consisted of a center living area, windows front and back, with a small but capable kitchen. On either side of the meeting room would be sleeping quarters. An open walk-in stall area would be built onto the rear of the main building that would allow the horses to walk around a couple of overlapping walls, allowing free access but blocking wind. A door from the main room would open to the stall area. A storage room and hitching posts would be housed under roof. Both sleeping quarters would have large shuttered windows on all three walls, one in front, one on the end open to the turnout, and the third open to the stall area. The turnout would have a covered feeding area and water trough along the front fence so feeding and watering could be done over the fence. An outbuilding would be constructed outside the fence but close to the feed area for convenience. I said, “Sweet Lady Basilea, I love your kitchen design, but do we really need a clay baking oven as well as a cooking hearth?”

  “You do if you expect me to cook for you!”

  Both Fulk and I smiled. “You would honor us by cooking for us?” I said.

  “Of course I will cook when you cannot make it to the eating hall!”

  I looked at Fulk. “Proof again that there is a loving God!”

  We all had a good laugh, then Fulk said the inevitable: “It’s really too bad it will never be built. It’s the perfect layout!” Although we all sighed, we nodded in agreement.

  “Well, someday, perhaps!” I said as I rolled the parchment into a scroll, tied a band on it, and laid it on the table. It was soon forgotten.

  I decided to start ground-handling training with Demon, so I put a ten-foot lead on him and led him from the stall. As expected, Mildred followed along with her nose to Demon’s tail. Every stall with a horse in it had a head poked over their doors to scrutinize the arrogant colt. Demon announced the presence of the king by letting out a loud, low, guttural bellow that silenced them all. With head raised, neck bent at the poll, and tail flagged, w
e made our way out into the world for the first time. As with any foal, Demon proceeded to walk in every direction all at once. He walked away from me, and I pulled him back. He tried to walk over me, and I had to push him off. When he lagged behind, I pulled him up. It was good to start him early with manners as he was already as strong as a small horse at two days old. Mildred stayed in tow, never allowing Demon farther than a nose-length away. As we made our way out of the stable, Sayer came out of his office to greet us. He raised his hand, and we stopped.

  “Hello, Gamel, how are we doing today?” he asked. “Very fine, Sayer, just out for our first training walk.”

  “I see that. I take it the milk mother worked out without problem.”

  “Yes, and thank you. You have no idea how much a burden has been lifted!”

  “Well, I’m glad. Sorry I haven’t been 'round more, but I’ve been going over some of the plans for the new stables. There will be two more charger stables, one the size of this one and another half the size. The smaller is to be the Sirates stable for the new line.”

  I was a little startled to hear this. “Aren’t we getting a little ahead, Sayer?”

  “I don’t think so. Not to place undue pressure on you, but Lord Goodwin and I have great confidence in your ability to provide the stud!” Sayer was openly laughing.

  “Oh no, no pressure at all,” I mumbled. “Well, it all sounds like a big expansion, that’s for sure!”

  “It’s not just the new stables, but all that goes with expansion. New pastures need to be fenced, stable living quarters with eating halls built, increased food and feed storage built, and additional range posts set up for managing new pastures. The list goes on. You will be seeing more people coming into hold lands for numerous trades that need to be staffed. You will also be seeing the number of men-at-arms increasing over time. As the lord said, times are changing, and we must bend with them. Are you getting any rest? Hopefully you know you can come to me for anything that will make it easier for you.”

  I thought about mentioning the plans we had drawn up, but only for a moment. “Thank you, Sayer. We have everything we need,” I said instead. “All is good.”


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