Heartbreaker Hanson

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Heartbreaker Hanson Page 12

by Melanie Marks

  He murmurs in my neck, “You did like it, Brooke … right? Tell me you liked it and I’ll let you go.”

  Shaking I stammer out, “I liked it.”

  Of course I say this more because I’m terrified than because it’s true … though it is true. Sort of.

  “Okay Brooke. I’m going to let you go.” Gently he unties my hands.

  But he doesn’t untie the blindfold.

  By the time I finally get it off, he’s gone.

  And he took my sketch of Drew with him.


  Sitting on my bed, I’m frozen—shaking and terrified. Who was that? Was it Ethan?—forcing more kisses on me?

  I shake my head. Okay, I know it wasn’t. Deep inside, I know. The kiss was … awesome, so tender. It couldn’t have been Ethan. It COULDN’T have been. But whoever did it—well, it was creepy. I mean, it was a seriously creepy thing to do. So it probably was a creeper. So, that leaves only Ethan … or Kenny.

  I gulp. Did I kiss Kenny? I shudder.

  Though I had liked the kiss, the thought of it being Kenny … no way.



  Driving like mad, I speed over to the party on Franklin Street. I plan on confronting Kenny. But I’m going to do it with Nick nearby—Kenny can’t hurt me with Nick around. No one can hurt me with Nick around. (I wish Nick would be around.)

  At the party, the first person I see is Kenny. So … maybe he didn’t do it. Right? I mean, how could he? Here he is, at the party. He’s sitting out on the porch by himself, smoking a cigarette.

  “Nick’s not here,” he says, eyeing me closely. “The band had to quit early. Neighbors complained.” He seems to read my mind, “Nick went home with a girl.”

  “Awesome,” I mumbled.

  Nick lifts a brow, “Did you have a nice night?”

  I stare at him as he watches me through the smoke of his cigarette, my heart slamming against my chest. “What do you know about my night?”

  He grins faintly. “I know a lot about your whole life. Like a boy, forcing kisses on you out on your lawn—and another boy punching him out for it.”

  I blink at him. “Did you do that?—punch out Ethan?”

  Kenny breathes out a soft laugh. “No. That’s not what I would have done to the guy. But Rider—he’s on the hockey team. Those guys know how to be cool as ice.”

  My heart ricochets off my ribcage. “Rider?!”

  Kenny nods, “Cool as ice.”

  I feel dizzy. Rider beat up Ethan? He blindfolded him, and tied him up?—everything that happened to me. Well, except the beat-up part. And I wasn’t found in the gym with a degrading sign around my neck. I was kissed passionately, and then let go.

  The world spinning, I wobble to my car.

  So confused.


  There are only a few minutes left before first period. (Shock!) I over-slept this morning … probably due to getting zero sleep last night.

  The first thing when I get to school is I throw my books in my locker, then hunt down Rider.

  I find him at his locker as he’s busy searching for something in it. Without him even having a clue I’m behind him I start questioning him, “Did you beat-up Ethan?—are you the one that did that? You beat him up and tied him to a chair in the gym?”

  Rider stills. Then slowly shuts his locker. Slowly he turns to face me.

  His eyes staring into mine, he slowly nods. “Yeah, I beat him up.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “What is happening to boys this school year? Everyone has gone bananas.”

  When I open my eyes, I’m embarrassed.

  I mumble, “I said that out loud, huh? I didn’t mean to.” Then I add, “But it’s true. You shouldn’t beat up people. That’s—”

  “—bananas. Yeah, I heard.” Rider runs a hand over his face trying to look contrite. Sort of. “Look, I didn’t beat him up very much. Just a little. Not like I wanted to—at all. Just a very, very little bit. Because I knew you wouldn’t want me to really hurt him. Believe me, if I would have got to beat him up like I wanted to … Look, I’m on the hockey team. We know how to beat-up people.”

  I grimace. “You can’t go around tying people up and giving them anonymous notes.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Notes? I didn’t give you any notes. Sorry, I guess I should, right? That’s romantic stuff—more what girls want than getting the guy that harassed them whacked around … right?”

  I look away, not sure.

  I mumble, “No one likes a bully.”

  “Right. Which is why I messed up the guy. I didn’t like seeing him being a bully to you. But when I say ‘messed up the guy’ I use it very liberally. I mean, I was trying to keep my cool. I didn’t slaughter him—just punched him around a bit. I knew you wouldn’t like it if I put him in the hospital—so I didn’t.”

  He grins, looking slightly hopeful, “Romantic, right?”

  I draw out a frustrated breath. Finally, I just choke it out, “Did you blindfold me and kiss me?”

  He tilts his head, “Blindfold you?” He scrunches his brow, looking confused. “Is that romantic? You want me to do that?”

  “No! Someone did that. They blindfolded me—and—and—”

  His eyebrows go up. “Wow, your life is way different than I thought, Brooke. I thought you were an innocent, sheltered girl. But you have guys attacking you and leaving you notes and blindfolding you?”

  Heat swamps my cheeks. “Well, not until recently. Last year nothing like this happened before. Ever.”

  He grins. “See what taking off your glasses does?”


  I scrub my forehead, trying to let this sink in: Rider beat up Ethan—for me?

  Finally, I just blurt it out, “How did you even know Ethan attacked me with his berserk tongue?”

  I mean, it sounds stalkerish, right?—him knowing. Like, witnessing the act. That’s stalking.

  Rider rubs a hand over his face, like he’s busted. But then his explanation just makes my heart sink, though it truly makes it clear he’s not a stalker.

  He draws out a breath, “I was going to do what you said. Make a grand-gesture. So I was driving by your house, going to ask the girl I’m dying for if she might want to go to the school dance with me—”

  I choke. “School dance?”

  He gives me a quizzical look. “Yeah. Let her see I’m willing to do that—endure a school dance. So she can see I’m not playing around, being a player or heartbreaker or whatever.”

  I swallow, stunned; totally amazed by his story. But unfortunately, it seems to be totally one hundred percent true. Well, the driving by my house anyway. Cheerleader Daisy lives right down the street from me. (Joy.)

  I swallow again, since my mouth feels like it’s full of sandpaper for some reason (though I know the reason—disappointment) (yes, I’m a sap).

  I sigh, “So … you didn’t tie me up or break into my house or write me threatening notes or … anything?”

  His brow lowers. He no longer looks sardonic. Immediately he looks dead serious. And concerned. “Someone’s writing you threatening notes and breaking into your house?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. But then I see Kenny.

  Staring, creepy Kenny.

  I groan, “Don’t worry about it. I know who’s doing it,” I mutter.

  I start to march towards Kenny’s direction, but Rider grabs my arm, pulling me back to him. “Who?”

  He stares into my eyes, “Brooke—who? Who’s doing it?”

  I shake my head. I don’t want Rider to get in trouble for me, or come to my rescue again. I’m trying my hardest to keep hold of my heart, but he’s not making it easy for me.

  But I need to keep it far from him—obviously.

  I mean, wow. He was planning to ask Daisy to a school dance. The gorgeous, sweet heartbreaker obviously has his heart set on Daisy. Big time. (Ouch.)

  I quickly shake my arm out of Rider’s warm grasp. “No, Rider. I
’ve seen how you handle things. If I need a body-guard, I’ll let you know.”

  Rider blocks my way. “At least let your quarterback know.”

  Adamantly, I shake my head. “I’m going to let my brother know.”

  Then I push past him, heading to Creepy Kenny.


  I march up to Kenny, not as nervous as you might think. The guy is creepy, but he can’t do anything to me. I mean, not here at school. Or anywhere else … now that I know it was him (who kissed me like a professional). (Totally. Weird.).

  However, when I confront Kenny about it, he grins. (Grins!!!)

  “Wrong,” he says. “That wasn’t me.”

  He juts his chin, “Try again—think about it. The guy blindfolded you—who would have to do that to get you to kiss him?”

  He smirks when I emphatically stare at him. “Okay,” he says, “I see your point. I would have to tie you up and blindfold you to get you to kiss me—but so would your friend’s boyfriend, right?”

  My heart slams against my chest.

  I blink at him. “Drew?!”

  Kenny grins, “You have a couple of fans, Brooke. The new you is pretty blah, blah blah.”

  He didn’t actually say the blah blah blah part, I just wasn’t listening to him anymore. My brain is stuck on the fascinating/astounding/disturbing thing he implied—Drew was the one that tied me up and kissed me—Drew, not Creepy Kenny.

  I trace my lips, stunned and speechless.

  Kenny breathes out a soft laugh, “I can see you’re not so upset about the kiss anymore.”

  Heat ignites through me. “No. I’m upset.”

  “You don’t look upset. You look all dreamy and in love.”

  I shake my head, “I’m not.”

  He laughs softly. “I’m not the one you have to convince of that.”

  Heat swamps my cheeks. So, I quickly change the subject. “You left me that note, huh? That night—after Laurie’s party.”

  Kenny’s answer is a slow nod. “Yeah, I wrote you the note. While Nick went in your house to grab some stuff, I went up to your room—not that the dude would let me in your house. He wouldn’t. He made me wait in the car—but he was taking forever, and I’m not good at waiting. And I knew you weren’t home because I’d seen you at the cliffs. I didn’t follow you there—I’d just gotten lucky with a girl at a party, and didn’t have any place to take her. But after our passionate love-fest finished up there, I went back to the party to help the band pack up—but Nick needed to go to your house for something really quick, so I gave him a ride, since I was already in my car … then, yeah, okay. I scoped out your room—not through your stuff or anything. I just wanted to see what it looked like,” he leans his head toward me, “—it looked nice.”


  Cringing, I take a huge step away from him. “You can’t just go in people’s rooms, Kenny.”

  “I know that. I do. And I’d appreciate you not telling your brother, since it would make him bash my head in and kick me out of his band. But I’m the best drummer around … you don’t want him to lose me, right? Look, I just confessed to you so you wouldn’t freak out wondering who wrote you the note—and worrying someone went through your stuff. But I stress, I didn’t go through anything. I just gazed around a bit longingly, then wrote you the note—since, you know, the dude isn’t really that much better than me. I mean, sure I used to be an addict, but I didn’t go around cheating on my girlfriends … never did. None of them.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, you should win an award for that.”

  “Hey, it’s harder to be faithful than you think. I mean, when you’re an awesome drummer and have girls throwing themselves at you. But I swear Brooke, if you ever give me a chance I’ll be as loyal as a dog. Okay, I realize right now you think of me as a dog—some kind of animal. And okay, my going up to your room didn’t help with that impression, I’m sure. But I could be a good boyfriend, Brooke. I have references. I’m an outstanding kisser. I’m even better with my mouth than I am with my drums, or so I’ve heard. Numerous times.”

  Okay, it’s possible that what he’s saying is true.

  In fact, it seems quite likely. Well, except for the promise of making me a good boyfriend. No way. The dude is a stalker. I’m staying clear of that.

  Far, far away.

  I sigh. “Look, if you ever go near my room again, I’ll tell Nick about it in a heartbeat,” I assure him. “And if he loses you as a drummer, it’s probably for the best. Safer.”

  Kenny tilts his head. “I’m off drugs—totally clean. Have been for months. I’m a respectable, upstanding citizen these days.”

  I murmur dryly, “Well, you’re off drugs anyways, so that part is good—if it’s true. But respectable, upstanding citizens don’t break into girls’ bedrooms, or go around spying on them. So knock it off and stay away from me, or I swear, I’ll tell Nick so fast it will make your head spin—and then Nick will send it flying across the school.”

  Kenny nods slightly. “Fair enough.”


  As soon as I’m done being shocked by Kenny, and all that he creepily knows about my life, I quickly text Drew, “I need to talk to you.”

  He quickly types back, “Whenever you want.”



  But then I figure it’s maybe better not to have a face-to-face about this. So, I quickly type, “Did you blindfold me?”

  I see him now though, as he’s coming towards me through the crowded school corridor. I see him read my message and then wince. He quickly types back, “Did you sketch a picture of me?”

  “Your point?”

  “You wanted me to do it.” He’s right in front of me now. So his answer is spoken aloud, in person.

  I swallow and shake my head. “I didn’t.”

  He says softly, “Yes you did. You would never allow me to kiss you, because I’m your friend’s ex-boyfriend. But you wanted me to do it, Brooke. You wanted me to kiss you. I just wanted to make you see that—that you want me.”

  I shake my head again.

  He draws out a frustrated breath. “I get it, okay? I’m your friend’s ex-boyfriend. So I knew you’d never do it. But Brooke, you wanted to—you wanted to kiss me. You talked about me in your sleep. You drew me.” He says softly, “You want me—as much as I want you.”

  I bite my lip, then sigh, rubbing my forehead. “Drew, she’s my best friend.”

  His eyebrows go up. “Your best friend? Nick, your very own brother, says he always got the feeling you don’t even really like her—not really. He says it’s more like you just put up with her.”

  I duck my head. It’s true. I used to feel that way. Often. “I’d been wrong, though Drew. To be like that. I mean, Laurie isn’t perfect. But she’s been a good friend to me—a really good friend … and I can’t date her boyfriend. I just can’t.”

  He runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “EX boyfriend,” he corrects softly … but with resign, like he knows he can’t change my mind.

  Because he can’t.

  Looking tortured, he peeks into my eyes. “I blew it, huh?”

  Slowly, I nod.

  He grunts, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’m not used to this—not getting what I want.”

  I grin slightly. “I know.”

  He juts his chin, “So you get I’m not just going to give in—right?”

  “Please do,” I whisper.

  He shakes his head slightly. “I can’t.”


  After school, Nick handed me his car keys. His eyes searched mine. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, tempted to tell him about Kenny. But Kenny is an awesome drummer, and really, truly adds to Nick’s band in a huge way. Also, I did actually believe Kenny that he would stay out of my room—and life. Well, my room. In any case, he better. I wasn’t kidding around with him—next time he does anything stalker-y I won’t think twice about telling Nick: I’ll just do it. And Nic
k will kill him.

  Nick’s eyes scrunch as he studies me. “Brooke, you’re shaking. What’s going on?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing. I just—I want to go home.”

  Nick raises his eyebrows. “And Laurie can’t give you a ride?”

  I sigh. “I don’t want to ask her.”

  He juts his chin. “You’re in a fight? That’s what this is about?”

  “What about? It’s after school, I want to go home. You have to stay after, but you said you can get a ride with a friend.”

  “Yeah, I can. But I don’t know if I trust you with my car at the moment. You look shaken-up.”

  I am shaken-up. Boys have turned into total freaks. The boy I have yearned for and dreamed about since the third grade has turned into a total psycho stalker. I mean, he broke into my house. Who does that??? Well, Kenny. Kenny does that. And Ethan attacks with his tongue, and Rider just plain ol’ attacks.

  It’s been a disturbing day. I want to go home.

  Reluctantly, Nick hands me his car keys. “Be careful.”

  I bite my lip, then take his keys. It’s sweet of him to let me drive his car—even if he now seems terrified to let me.

  He grabs my arm gently as I try to walk away. “You know you can talk to me, Brooke. You know that, right?”

  I nod, then hurry down the crowded school hallway, for some reason close to tears. Probably because Nick had looked so concerned for me. He’s sweet. I miss him being around.

  I’m kind of nervous as I slide into the driver’s seat of Nick’s car. Even on a good day I’m not exactly a confident driver, and right now I have all sorts of disturbing thoughts swimming around in my head—Kenny, Ethan, Drew, Rider. So I’m mega cautious as I back up. I check the mirrors and over my shoulder with great care as I slowly, slowly back out of my parking spot. So, I’m quite confused when the car goes THUMP, THUMP as it backs over something.


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