The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge

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The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge Page 9

by Ashley Douglass

hiding herself than that. She pressed herself against someone’s door, sensing for the telltale signal of their ACPC, which she knew every person was equipped with since birth. There was the faint buzz of feedback so she leaned against the next, though this time the room was completely silent.

  She commanded the door to open then stumbled inside. The entertainment projector was left on. The images it displayed were pledged with glitches and were also pitifully flats, like shimmering pictures.

  She continued in her search when an android stepped into of her. Its faces was peeling off, baring its eerily realistic teeth in what seemed to be a snarl. One of its eyes was knocked permanently askew and its thick grey hair appeared like low grade carpet. Its clothing was dirtied with use and it sported many small tears at its joints.

  It began to speak but she shut it off then slipped into the bedroom, laying on the bed. Temporary complacency silenced her quibbling mind as she held Snickers tight in her arms. A sense of peace enveloped her as she drifted off into her subconscious mind as sleep overtook her.

  Her eyes snapped open when she heard the sound of someone entering the apartment. She sat up, pulling Snicker’s close as she listened to the footfalls of the intruder when she saw an open window leading out onto a fire escape. She scrambled out of the bed then wiggled out the window onto a levitating platform. She gripped the rail firmly then commanded the platform to descend. She unlatched the gate then ran from the apartment before she was spotted.

  She raced down the walkway until she got to a flight of stairs. She pushed through the crowd, being careful not to trip on the steep steps. Everyone continued on down a long tunnel then rushed through a gate that opened at a gentle touch, quickly scanning their fingertips.

  Maria got in line for one of the many gates as those behind her began pushing, eager to get to work in the city. When she got to the gate she commanded it open then followed the group to a track of magnetized plates. A red light flashed when a train stopped in front of her as the air hissed. It hovered a few feet off the track and its design was sleek and aerial dynamic. A ramp was lowered as everyone boarded quickly in search for the best seats.

  Maria hurried into the train then sat by the doors. She turned toward the window as she watched the lights within the tunnel walls flash by, blurring together as they accelerated away from the station. She buried her face into Snicker’s fur, finding the sight dizzying.

  The train stopped as many people got up. She hurried after them, sure that she was far enough away from the slums were she abandoned that stolen auto- flyer. She could hide here for a while before heading closer to the heart to the city if she felt the need to.

  She climbed off the train before it took off again, the air snatching her breathe away. She followed the crowd above ground then wandered down the walkway.

  People swarmed in either direction, bumping into her. They grumbled curses as she pushed herself forward, weaving between the tightly packed crowd. She squeezed her way through as people parted watching her in confusion as she passed. She broke free of the mass of people when she saw an ATM nestled snuggly in a stone wall of amazing masonry.

  She hurried over to it then looked around nervously to make sure that no one was watching her, but everyone was too busy to pay her any mind. She began extracting a large amount of money then stuffed the bills into her pockets, with Snickers slung over her arm.

  A woman noticed her as she handed her a large bundle of bills then rushed off. The woman watched her get away as she held the money, uncertain how to respond to the generous young thief.

  She approached an intersection where people rushed across the ancient streets, where cars once drove filling the air with their toxic byproducts. A rod rose from the center of the intersection as everyone froze to watch it as red warning lights flashed. A hologram filled the space as many backed away to see the full image.

  It was an image of one of the scientists who worked alongside her father in the lab. He was in a government office but he was still wearing his long pristine lab coat. The men behind him were dressed in formal suits with classy ties. Their faces were stern and unyielding, as if their features had been chiseled from slates of granite.

  “The police are searching a missing girl, who has damaged her ACPC so the police are unable to pinpoint her location. This girl maybe psychotic and dangerous so approach her with extreme discretion. The authorities are willing to pay as much as 50 thousand dollars to anyone who can provide usable information about her whereabouts. Her name is Maria Rivera” he stated when a picture of herself appeared.

  She gasped, hugging Snickers to her chest when someone grabbed her arm. She stabbed at his mind as he released out of shock when the others turned to her. They called out with their minds as she sprinted away from the intersection.

  She rushed headlong into the crowd plowing through with her head bowed. The cops would be there soon so she couldn’t remain the open. She couldn’t leave herself exposed, she thought when she was knocked over a large man. She quickly got back to her feet as he gathered his fallen things.

  “Hey watch where you are…” a man yelled but stopped mid-sentence when he recognized her face. She shook her head then hurried away, shoving at adults’ legs causing them to stumble.

  She rushed from the crowd then slipped into a vintage store. She pushed open the door when a bell chimed overhead. She hid within a clothes rack as a man greeted the ringing bell but she remained silent as she looked at the clothes hanging around her.

  “Um could I help you with something, um hello” the shopkeeper continued puzzled by the sound when she spotted a jacket made with an airy water- resistant material with a large hood that could be used to cover her face. She pulled it off the hanger then slipped it over her head when she heard the shopkeeper making his rounds.

  “I know someone is there.” he continued as she waited for him to pass then rushed from the store, exciting the bell to chime once more. The shopkeeper turned just in time to see her take off with his shirt, the tag still fastened to the sleeve. He rushed out of the store calling for her to stop.

  “She stole my merchandise! Someone stop her. Oh good a cop.” the shopkeeper said as she glanced over her shoulder to see a human police officer chasing after her.

  “Stop thief.” he yelled after her as she stopped knowing that she could not outrun him. She glanced up at the stream of auto-flyers then stopped them all dead in their tracks as the cop looked up at them.

  “Now remove the shirt and face the wall.” he commanded as she guided a string of auto-flyers down to ground level so they formed a barrier then she ran off again.

  The cop looked at the line of craft puzzled as she rounded the corner tearing off the tag to avoid future questions. She found herself near a taxi dock where a large amount of taxis were loitering, waiting for their next customer. She rushed into the nearest one then commanded the auto-piloted craft to take her to the shuttle station. The craft rose then glided away as she sighed. That was too close. she needed to get off this planet and fast.

  The taxis landed an hour later when a mechanical voice asked her to pay the fee. She ignored it then pressed on the doors but they were locked.

  “Collecting information about delinquent,” the machine continued as she disabled its cameras and sensors, hoping no information was sent to the police. She forced the door open then hurried away from the auto-flyer as she entered the building. She lowered her head knowing there were cameras in the corners and security droids directing travelers.

  “Have you misplaced your parents?” a droid asked as she shook her head.

  “Um no I am going to visit my relatives.” Maria whispered tightening her hold on Snickers.

  “Do you need assistance?” the robot asked reaching toward her as she shied away.

  “No,” she spat as the machine recited the regulation.

  “Children of your age are not authorized to ride alone.” the robot continued.

  “I am of the proper age,” she mut
tered venomously scrambling its systems.

  “The line begins over there.” the droid pointed out as she nodded then headed in that direction. Droids confiscated items to scan as she clung onto Snickers.

  “Any objects boarding this craft must be scanned.” a droid announced as she nodded.

  “You already scanned it,” she sneered then stepped through detectors and pass the camera, disrupting their feedback. One of the droid began to speak when she cut it off then continued onward.

  “A ticket is required for admittance beyond this point.” a droid chimed as she confused the robot then forced the gate open.

  “Have a nice day and remember to fly with us again.” the droid told her as she sat down tensely waiting for her flight to arrive.

  “Flight 536 has just arrived and is now boarding.” someone said over an intercom as she hurried onto the craft, facing the window as others joined her. She buckled her seat belt then leaned her forehead against the window to hide her face.

  “We will reach out destination of Meteor Lake in a few hours.” a stewardess informed them as the craft coasted down the runaway before drifting off with its nose pointed toward the stars, her new home.

  Nestled Amongst the Stars

  Maria rested her head on Snickers, using its plush body as a pillow. The rim of her large hood brushed the tip of her nose. Her breathe clung to the

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