The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge

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The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge Page 19

by Ashley Douglass

her and that he would most likely report his findings to the police. The only positive thing is that he would most likely be ignored because she had a feeling that there would be many false reports, with the reward being so high. It may take a while for them to sort it all out but that cop that was chasing her could track down the taxi and had access to information about all its stops. He would be able to find her with or without that man’s report. They would find her eventually for there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to go.

  She stopped by a playground, behind an elementary school. She stuck out one of her hands to allow her fingers to drag across the tall wire fence. The school was too poorly funded to afford a force field though she had a feeling that crime was more prevalent here.

  She slipped through a gate that was left open since school was let out hours ago. She edged over to the park. She passed sturdy alloy constructions that were resistant to rust, to a large slide. She remembered that her parents use to bring to the park. They use to climb up to the top of the slide then place her on their lap before sliding down its slick surface with a yell of delight but that was a long time ago.

  She walked around to the back then began climbing with Snickers slumped over her shoulder. She griped the rails tight as the chilly wind tore at her shirt. She sat at the top, looking down at the rest of the playground. Hot tears welded up in her eyes as she hugged Snickers. It was just her now at the top of the slide. It would always just be her.

  A large bug buzzed somewhere near her ear, its wings vibrating, forming an annoying frequency. Its large body gleamed like metal as its exoskeleton caught the light. It landed a few yards away, resting with its wings parted to reveal a dark band of plated scales. Maria watched it, growing uneasy as it lifted again before circling her. She attempted to keep it within her range of sight though it wisely drifted behind her. Its location was only known to her due to its horrible humming wings. She swatted at it when she felt its sharp barred feet touch her skin. The insect fell beside her, oozing with unidentified liquid as a small light blinked. It was not a bug at all. It was some sort of mechanical spying device.

  Maria fearfully looked at her arm but the skin was unbroken. The liquid had not been injected into her system but she knew that it was transmitting her location. She had to leave the area quickly before they come for her. She slid down the slide when an auto-flyer landed, blocking the only exit, besides the locked school. A large group of men climbed out before making their way over to her. She was trapped.

  She looked up regretfully at the top of the slide when the group of men came pouring through the gate. She backed away slowly, holding Snickers against her chest. There was nowhere to run for the fence was much too high for her to climb and she lacked the expertise due to her sheltered life.

  “What do you want from me.” she demanded as they fanned out, walking over to her slowly, confidently.

  “We want to know why you are so valuable to the military.” one stated. She assumed that he must be the leader.

  “So you are not a part of the military.” she stated looking at the dignified precision present within their unified gait.

  “We are a part of a military just not the one that belongs to this country. We came because either you present a significant problem that we can exploit or you know something that they can use against us.” he informed her as she nodded, looking pass them at their auto-flyer.

  “Well I am not going with you.” she muttered as the auto-flyer rose above the ground.

  “You are not in the position to make such a choice.” he told her as the auto-flyer glided over the fence, hovering over them. Her foes looked up at the craft puzzled.

  “Are you doing this?” he asked her as the craft landed between them.

  “If I refused to help the army protect this country then I am surely not helping you destroy it,” she yelled before she leapt into the craft.

  “We are not letting you get away that easily.” he stated opening the other door. She forced the craft to rise again, lifting the man off the ground. He pulled himself up easily then closed the door behind him.

  “I have to admit, this is not quite the way I imagined capturing you.” he told her as she glanced behind her at the open door and the others that were now surrounding the floating craft below. She could not land or she would surely be captured. She closed the door, releasing her breathe.

  “So tell me, what are you planning on doing?” he asked as he prepared a syringe at his leisure. She dare not turn away even to look out the window but she needed to move the vehicle to a safe place to land for she did not have much time.

  She just needed to get to the other side of the fence then she maybe to run but she would still have him to worry about. She did not have a choice, she had to hurry. She would just have to place some of her trust in the craft’s autopilot. The craft drifted forward, sensing obstacles as it drifted over the fence then merged into traffic, that she was incapable of seeing.

  The enemy soldier reached out to grab her wrist, holding the syringe expertly between his fingers but she slapped the syringe from his hand, where it rolled onto the floor as the craft suddenly veered off course, grazing the corner of a building. She stomped on the syringe, shattering the glass as she landed the craft in the middle of the walkway. She flung open the door then raced out as he chased her down the street. She knew she stood no chance of outrunning him.

  “Help that stranger is chasing me!” Maria yelled before she raced into a small outlet mall. Many turned on him, yelling for him to stop until a mechanical mall cop grabbed him.

  “Maria!” he yelled as she dove into a shop before the mall cop could verify that she was wanted by the police. She hid in the back of the store as she struggled to catch her breathe.

  “Are you ok,” the shopkeeper asked as she nodded then glanced back at the entrance. He was gone at least for now and she was sure it would be a while until the others got there.

  She slipped out of the store then followed the other shoppers through the mall. She was not sure if she was still in danger but she felt that moving was the best response. No one paid much attention to her and none of the mall cops were in sight. She sat in a table against the wall in a crowded food court. She place Snickers on the table as she tried to think of what to do, since nightfall was quickly approaching.

  She could sleep in one of the stores if she managed to remain hidden after they lock up for the night. At least that would be better than being outside in the cold where she would be completely exposed.

  She looked around when she heard a chair scraping across the floor, to see the last person getting up from their table. The food court was empting and she was less concealed in her place in the corner.

  She snatched Snickers off the table then squeezed her against her chest just when she saw something pierce Snicker’s side. She looked down to see that there was a tranquilizer dart sticking out of her toy’s rump. She pulled it out, slowly drawing a button of cotton along with it. She looked around the large room fearfully as she got up, backing behind her chair when a second dart hit the tabletop.

  She dove under the table when she saw an enclosed maze, a few table lengths away. She ran over it to, with her back bent, using the tables as a shield. She throw open the door then rushed inside. She turned around quickly, holding the door after realizing there was nothing to block it. Snickers fell to the floor as she pulled on the handle with all her might, knowing in the back of her mind that it was not going to be enough to prevent him from entering.

  A man, who carried a small gun at his side walked over to her causally. His strides were wide, due to his long thin legs and lanky body frame. His light brown hair bounced slightly with his every step and his hazel eyes gleamed with triumph. A self-satisfied smirk formed on his lips.

  He grabbed the door handle then easily pulled it out of her grip as she sprinted away, grabbing Snickers from its place on the floor. She ran into the maze before he could fire another shot. He attempted to follow her inside but was sto
pped by the narrow tunnel entrance, his long legs at odds with the cramp space.

  “Maria get back here!” he yelled as Maria scrambled to the highest point of the maze then looked down at him through the mesh. He was not one of the men chasing her earlier.

  “Who are you.” she demanded.

  “I am Dr. Shaw, and you need to come with me.” he told her when she saw someone enter the food court area then walk over the maze after spotting them. He was dressed like an employee and he carried a broom in one hand and a dustbin in the other. He opened the door then approached Dr. Shaw.

  “I am sorry to inform you that the mall is going to close in ten minutes and I must ask you to leave.” he told Dr. Shaw who pointed in Maria’s direction when she ducked, pressing herself against the floor.

  “My daughter won’t come out. I told her that we are leaving but she won’t listen. Can you help me?” he asked as she backed way slowly out of view, hoping she had not been seen.

  “Well there is a larger entrance in the back. It is over there.” the employee told him as Dr. Shaw nodded.

  “Thank you,” Dr. Shaw said as the employee nodded then left.

  “Sure but I have to lock up soon so I will be back in a few minutes.” he explained as Dr. Shaw entered the maze.

  “A few minutes, is all that I need.” Dr.

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