Secrets Revealed: Obsessed Bounty Hunter Romance Series, Book 1

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Secrets Revealed: Obsessed Bounty Hunter Romance Series, Book 1 Page 3

by Carla Coxwell

  The soft drone of the television set was hypnotic. Exhaustion crept in. An exhausted Jacqui succumbed to the temptation and closed her eyes. She had probably fallen asleep when she felt a cold object press against her temple. Jacqui’s eyes flew open. A dark figure stood beside her with a gun pointed into her face. Jacqui cringed in terror.

  “We never leave unsettled business behind,” the man said in a cold and cruel voice. Then he continued with a sneer, “It was a pleasure seeing your daddy scream when I shot your mom. His rage when I killed your little brother almost gave me an orgasm. Too bad, he won’t see me do the same thing to you know now.”

  Jacqui screamed as a loud crash deafened her. She bolted upright and flailed her hands to defend herself. That’s when she saw her uneaten plate of eggs littered on the floor. Broken pieces of plate glass scattered everywhere. The crash must have been what awakened her. She was all alone in the house.

  Realizing she had a nightmare, Jacqui buried her face in her hands, crying softly. The house suffocated her. She couldn’t breathe. The images of her family’s slaughter played like a movie reel in her mind, torturing her. Foolishly she thought that she already had it under control.

  A growing heat in her groin signaled what she desired most at this time. She needed to get laid again. It was the remedy her body craved for. Like an addict seeking an escape from reality, Jacqui entered her bedroom, took a quick shower, and rummaged through her closet.

  Taking out a little black dress matched with pointy high-heeled shoes and a set of lace undies, Jacqui dressed hurriedly. She hoped to God there was a convention somewhere where she could find another random guy.

  Brushing her hair vigorously until it shone and curled softly against her shoulder, Jacqui grabbed hold of a red lipstick. She moved closer to the mirror and stared at her eyes reflecting back at her. Is this really what you want to do, Jacqui? How long will you play this dangerous game before you get into trouble or catch some kind of disease? What if the next random guy turns out to be a creep and beats you up? Then what? Everything your dad worked for and died for is meaningless. Your dad was a hero. Every bad element he helped put away makes this world safer for others. And how do you honor your family’s memory? By being a slut.

  Jacqui stared at her own reflection for a long time. An idea was slowly forming in her head. An idea that could be the answer to the question she often asked herself these past few days. What do I really want to do with my life? Where do I go from here?

  She had no boyfriend. No other family to make a connection with. She had lots of acquaintances at the office where she worked, but no close friends. She would be perfect for what she had in mind, because her absence wouldn’t be noticed. She could train and be prepared to face the challenges. Yes, it seemed everything that had happened these last few months had led her toward the major decision that was slowly taking place inside her head.

  And then a thought struck her. What if she came face to face with the murderer of her family? Would she recognize him? Everything that had happened that particular night was a blur in her memory. Instinctively, she knew she would recognize him when she saw him again. That kind of tragedy left its mark on the brain. Something about the way he had moved, perhaps? Jacqui wasn’t sure how, but she vowed she would avenge her family someday.

  As these thoughts crossed her mind, Jacqui noticed that she no longer felt the need to fuck someone. The urgent heat dissipated between her legs. In place of the sudden sexual pleasure her body craved, she felt determined. A steely resolve took control of her entire body.

  She walked to the drawer and rummaged through the clothes within. Thrusting her arm deep within the recesses, her hand groped for a drawstring pouch that held a familiar object. Pulling the cloth bag out of its hiding place, Jacqui slid the string open and removed the cell phone within. She pressed the call button and heard the phone make a connection before it started ringing.

  Jacqui waited with bated breath as the phone rang incessantly somewhere. She closed her eyes and hoped Uncle Max would pick up. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, she heard the click that signaled that the phone was now live in someone’s hand.

  “Hello…hello... ” Jacqui spoke into the phone. There was only silence at the end of the open line. Jacqui instinctively knew her Uncle Max was there, listening. Without much ado, Jacqui stated her purpose.

  “Uncle Max I know you can hear me. I’ve made a decision. You may not agree with me but if not with you, I’ll go look for someone else who will take me in. Uncle Max, I’ve decided I want to be a bounty hunter too. Just like my daddy.”

  Jacqui didn’t hear any reply. Only white noise filled the air before the phone was disconnected from the other end. But Jacqui wasn’t worried. She knew Uncle Max had heard all she had to say. She took off her little black dress with a smirk on her face. She had no more use for it tonight. She kicked off her high-heels and removed all traces of make-up from her face before slipping on her pajamas.

  She stepped out of her room and walked through the whole house, turning off the lights behind her as she passed through each room. She was no longer afraid.

  There was a serene calmness in her face that hadn’t been there before. This was the answer to her questions around why her family was killed. She believed everything happened for a purpose, and she had discovered her true purpose. Just like her dad before her, she would make this world a safer place for others. The thought made her smile.

  Jacqui knew she could kick ass if she needed to.

  -To be continued in Book 2-

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  Here is a preview of the next story you may enjoy:

  JACQUI CHUGGED the water from the container like a thirsty beast. She just couldn’t get enough of it. Water never tasted so good, better than an orgasm, Jacqui thought, as she splashed some straight into her face. Jacqui was parched, grimy, and her body ached like she just came through a meat grinder. She was up at 0400 hours in her jogging suit and trainers. Uncle Max met her at the door of a building that resembled a huge hangar.

  When Uncle Max said yesterday that training started today before the crack of dawn, Jacqui thought he meant some light exercises that would involve some sit-ups and jumping jacks. She was never further from the truth. The next couple of hours had been the most intensive Jacqui ever subjected her body to. And she knew this was just the start.

  Uncle Max led her through a routine of squats and crunches, lunges and hamstring curls until her ass had no more feeling left in them. “C’mon Jacqui, move that body,” Uncle Max shouted like a drill sergeant. Then he moved on to pull ups, sit-ups, bicep curls, and bench press. Her arms and legs felt disconnected from her body. Her hand was shaking so hard she almost dropped the water bottle she was holding. She was grateful for the fifteen minute break the old man gave her.

  “Alright, Jacqui… back to work…” Uncle Max shouted from the sidelines.

  She wanted to complain but didn’t have the courage to. When she arrived yesterday, Uncle Max told her exactly what to expect for the next couple of weeks. He was dead serious as he went through the program with her. If he was trying to discourage her, he almost succeeded. But Jacqui was too proud to say it. She had come this far to become a bounty hunter.

  Before she even got settled into the bedroom that would be hers during her stay, Uncle Max talked to her privately in what he called his ‘interrogation room.’ It was a small building at the back of the property. The walls were lined with an assortment of maps indicating the different states of the United States. There were yellow pins tacked on certain cities within the map. Jacqui looked around curiously. She noticed the different surveillance gadgets like GPS tracking, high resolution cameras, night vision goggles, an assortment of pens, and spy gear which she was seeing for the first time in her life.

  A bank of television sets was stacked near the wall manned by a single individual. Jacqui saw it was streaming live from some part of the country she did not recognize. A huge glass cabinet held an assortment of guns, some she recognized from her dad’s own collection.

  “Take a seat Jacqui,” Uncle Max indicated a wooden table with hardback chairs in a small corner of the room. He did not speak for some time and Jacqui had a strong desire to squirm under his intense gaze.

  “Are you sure this is what you want because right now I am here to tell you, it’s not going to be an easy life,” Uncle Max said. Jacqui nodded her head, indicating she understood. When she came to her decision back home on the night she called Uncle Max, she quit her job the very next day. She told her boss she wanted to do some travelling. Her boss gave her the go-signal. “It’s probably what you need right now,” he even said.

  Jacqui wasn’t sure what Uncle Max thought about the whole idea. She hadn’t heard from him since she made the call. But a few days later she found an envelope that was left on her porch. There was no forwarding address and it didn’t look like it came by mail. Inside was a one-way ticket to Utah and strict instructions what to bring along. Only a small backpack was needed for the clothing list. It became pretty obvious this was not going to be some luxurious holiday.

  She was met at the airport by a burly, bald-headed man, wearing dark sunglasses on a stern face. He reminded Jacqui of an ex-marine or military man. He ushered her into a waiting SUV, got behind the wheel, and started the engine.

  They left the city behind until all Jacqui could see were tall mountain ranges in the distance. A few miles onward, they turned into a small dirt road and followed a winding path until Jacqui noticed a copse of large evergreen trees where they seemed to be headed. The trees covered a large expanse of land, save for small clearings with structures that resembled warehouses or large barns. They drove past these until they came to a smaller building where she saw Uncle Max waiting by the door. He greeted her warmly, but Jacqui sensed a certain formality in his demeanor.

  Looking at him now, sitting behind the table with a grim expression on his face, Jacqui was suddenly filled with an overwhelming insecurity. Did she make the right decision after all? But Jacqui remembered the downward spiral she was on. The sex with random guys. The orgasms she needed to get some sleep so she could stop thinking about the tragic events of her life. And she needed a purpose… to find some meaning in her life. To honor her dad’s memory so she would never forget. For her mom who supported him all the way, and for Danny, who was never given the chance to experience what life was all about.

  “Yes, Uncle Max. I have never been surer about anything in my life,” she declared with a certain degree of conviction. Uncle Max smiled, and for the first time since she arrived, Jacqui felt relieved. She knew whatever lay ahead, Uncle Max wouldn’t spare her, wouldn’t try to make things easy for her. She knew that.

  “Ok then, let’s get you started. I am The Agency. I will be responsible for your training. You will not question my decisions… you will do as I say. The training will be rigorous because you will meet all kinds of low-life scumbags. A lot of times your life will be in danger. But you will be trained in self-defense and handling weapons until I feel that you are totally capable of protecting yourself out there. Then and only then will I send you out on a mission. Is that clear?” Uncle Max asked. Jacqui nodded her head in agreement.

  “Alright, settle in. You will be shown to your room. Tomorrow your training starts. And for the next couple of days you will only remember pain,” The old man warned her. He wasn’t kidding. After five hours of the most intense exercise routines she had ever done, Jacqui couldn’t even remember her name. Her body hurt even in places she didn’t know existed. And this was just her first day in boot camp.

  Lunch had been sparse, with just some fish and vegetables. She was given an hour to rest inside her room which was composed of a bunk bed and a footlocker for her personal stuff. No TV, no telephone, no computer or laptop. Then she was called back again and told to run around a circuit she didn’t even notice earlier in the day. She tried counting in her head the number of times she completed a circuit before fatigue settled in and lost count completely. It took all her will power to put one leg in front of the other. By the time Uncle Max called for a halt, dusk had settled and stars appeared brightly in a cloudless sky.

  “Supper will be brought to your room. Tomorrow we do the whole routine again,” Uncle Max declared before he left. It wasn’t a request. It was an order. Jacqui trudged slowly back to her room. There is no time to dwell on the unfamiliarity and sparse surroundings. The bed was a most welcome sight and calling her name. She groaned in pain as she stretched her arms over her head to remove her workout clothes. Her back was racked with pain as she bent to unlace her trainers.

  Jacqui managed to splash some water onto her face before falling face down into the soft covers with only her undies on. Sleep came easy for Jacqui that night. A sleep so deep she hardly noticed the appearance of two figures in her room.

  “You think she’ll make it?” an older voice inquired. “I don’t know Uncle Max. You put her through the wringer today,” the other replied. Uncle Max sighed as he looked at the sleeping form of the girl on the bed. “You’re hoping maybe she’ll give up and just go back home?” the second figure asked curiously.

  “Yes… this kind of life isn’t for her. She’s been through a lot already. But I also can’t accept throwing her life away with all those men in strange hotel rooms,” Uncle Max replied. “Well… you said the same thing about me too, remember? I didn’t turn out too badly,” the younger man said. “No, Adam, you are doing very well. The fact is… you will play an important role in this girl’s future,” Uncle Max replied.

  “I can hardly wait…” Adam replied, taking in the full breasts and rounded ass of the sleeping form on the bed. “Just learn to keep that cock of yours inside your pants…” warned the old man, with a hint of indulgence in his voice.

  The two figures departed slowly out of the room where Jacqui Schneider slept an exhausted, dreamless sleep.

  If you enjoyed this preview then look for Heart Surrendered - Obsessed Bounty Hunter Romance Series, Book 2.

  Other Books by Carla Coxwell:

  Fifty Recipes For Disaster New Adult Romance Series

  Devil's Advocate BBW MC New Adult Romance Series


  This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

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  Copyright © 2014 by Revelry Publishing

  All Rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this book. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known, hereinafter invented, without express written permission of the publisher.


  This book is a work of FICTION. It is not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. Every character in this book is over 18 years of age. The author’s opinions are not to b
e construed as the opinions of the publisher. The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Enjoy.

  About the Author - Carla Coxwell

  Carla has always been a fan of romance novels. To augment what she made waiting on tables to help her way through college, Carla also did some freelance work in the romance genre.

  Now she enjoys living vicariously through her characters in her New Adult Romance books.




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