The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3)

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The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3) Page 11

by Mary Smith

  “You can stop staring at me.” Maxima’s voice makes me jump slightly. Her stunning eyes pop open. “I’ve been awake for a while.”

  I take a seat down by her feet on the edge of the bed.

  “We need to talk,” I softly say, not sure how hung over she is.

  “We do.” She remains on her side. “Can you hand me a t-shirt? I’m still very naked under here.” She sounds tiny, almost scared.

  I grab one from the dresser and hand it to her. I keep my back turned as she moves around until she tells me it’s okay, and I take my place at the end of the bed again.

  Her long black hair is messy, but in a deeply sexy way. Freshly fucked. It makes me feel worse since I’m the reason she looks this way.

  Maxima is now sitting up against the headboard, and I can still see her black lacy bra through the shirt.

  Stop looking asshole.

  “Remington, I need to say I’m sorry, and I know that doesn’t even cover it.”

  What? “What?”

  “Last night, I totally let the alcohol take over, and then I forced myself on you.” A tear rolls down her cheek as she pulls her knees up, tucking them under her chin. “If you want to call the police, I understand.”

  Police? “Maxima you have it all wrong.” I try to reason with her.

  “No, I remember everything. I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sorry, Remington.”

  I can’t take her tears and sobs. I move over to her, and she drops her knees, letting me wrap my arms around her.

  “You have it wrong, Maxima. I’m the one who should have stopped it. I just…” How can I even explain this?

  “I didn’t want you to stop.” She pulls back from my grasp. “I had enough liquid courage in me to continue.”

  I wipe her cheeks free of the tears. “I didn’t want you to stop either.”

  Maxima has a small smile. “We’re in a strange relationship.”

  I chuckle. “Yes, but it’s the best one I’ve been in.”

  Her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink.

  “Will you tell me why you got drunk?”

  She softly groans. “I got fired.”

  “What?” There’s no way.

  “Oh, it gets better.” She tugs at the collar of the shirt. “Jackson pretty much told me I could keep my job if I kissed him, and then told me how much he liked me. Needless to say, he wanted more than a kiss.”

  My blood instantly boils with rage. “What?” is the only word I manage to say.

  “Calm down. He didn’t touch me or anything, but I left without cleaning my desk.

  “I’ll go with you. We’ll go today,” I tell her with no room for arguments.

  She shakes her head. “Are you becoming a Neanderthal?”

  “Huh? No, I’m protecting my fiancée. I’m not going to let some piece of shit hurt you.” I’m growing madder by the moment.

  A large smile breaks out on her face. “You’d protect me?”

  “I love you, and I know you don’t want to hear, but I do. I’ll protect you with everything I have.” I take her hands in mine. “I’m going with you.”

  She nods. “Let me get ready.”

  “Aren’t you hungover?”

  “Not badly. But do you mind turning around, I’m still pretty naked.” She blushes again.

  “Okay and you have food there.” I point to the tray before kissing her forehead.

  “Thank you.”

  When I go back downstairs, I send a group text to Kyson, Keaton, and Vance. I’ll need these three to keep me from killing this little piss ant who tried to blackmail and harass Maxima. No way am I going to let it happen either.

  I ask Vance to reach Dacey to see if she can pick Arabella up from school. I don’t know how long we’re going to be. Once everything is in place, I tell the guys to come over. This way we’ll all be there when Maxima is ready to go.

  I’m utterly shocked how well she is taking everything. I, for sure, thought she would kick my ass. In the end, she was apologizing to me. Which is completely wrong. I should have stopped it, but my dick took over.

  However, I slightly hope we can do it again.


  Maxima isn’t too pleased to see my three friends standing in our living room, but she says nothing. Together, we all walk out to Keaton’s SUV because my car is too small for all of us.

  Maxima sits in the middle between Vance and me. I already explained to the guys what’s happening. They’re here to make sure I don’t kill this fuck. I try to remain as calm possible, but I want to rip this guy’s throat out. I’m not sure what’s going to happen when we get there. Maxima holds my hand, and I still can’t believe we had sex. I just wish she would open up to me. I guess, in strange way, she is, in her own way on her time frame. This is a fucked up relationship, but I’m in love with her. I’m going to make this all right.

  Keaton pulls into the parking lot of Maxima’s office building. My adrenaline is pumping. It’s like I’m about to hit the ice. The difference: I’m not trying to score. I’m protecting my girl.

  We all head into the building, ignoring the stares of the other workers, and go right to her office.

  “There’s not a lot to get,” she tells us as we walk in.

  Vance and Kyson stand by the door, and Keaton and I take a seat in the chairs. Maxima moves about the office, placing items in her bag. She grabs a large number of files just as the prick himself walks in.

  “Maxima.” His voice shakes seeing the four of us guys.

  I stand and walk over to her as the guys surround her desk.

  “Jackson.” She simply states his name.

  “Here.” He hands her a folder. “I talked to everyone upstairs. They gave you a year of severance pay, plus your vacation and sick time. Plus, all your bonuses.”

  “That’s…generous.” Maxima hesitantly takes the folder.

  He steps back. “Yes, they were.” He glances at me then back to Maxima. “The condition of accepting the package is you can’t contact any of the clients, especially,” he pauses. “The Bears.”

  “Why?” Maxima drops the folder.

  He says nothing.

  “Why?” She asks again.

  “Because a few of them have already called and pulled their accounts, among some others who have heard of your departure.”

  I know he’s trying to sound confident, but it’s not working.

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t have fired me.”

  I like when Maxima is strong.

  “The accounts stay, Maxie.”

  “Stop calling me that,” Maxima screams, making us all jump. She pushes her hand through her hair and turns away from him.

  I cup her face in my hands. She’s shaking, and I know the look. A panic attack is right on the horizon.

  “You’re okay,” I whisper. It’s not a question; I’m telling her.

  She nods, closing her eyes and taking a couple deep breaths.

  “I suggest you don’t piss off my fiancée,” I tell Jackson in an eerily calm voice.

  “I’m just passing on a message.” His voice shakes.

  “Then pass one on for me.” Maxima whips around, her silvery-blue eyes throwing daggers at him. “I’m taking the package and the files. Let them all know; they can consider it a settlement.”

  “Settlement?” Jackson seems baffled.

  “It’s either this or sue the pants off this firm for sexual harassment.”

  Jackson stiffens, but the guys and I stand taller.

  “You’re mistaken,” he says.

  “So, you didn’t ask my fiancée to kiss you and see where things went for her to keep her job?” I confront him.

  Jackson pales.

  “Did you?” I ask firmly.

  “I’ll pass your message along.” He nods at us and leaves the office.

  “We’ll go kick his ass if you want.” Vance speaks up.

  “No.” Maxima shakes her head. “Let’s go.” I pick up the box of files, she grabs a few mo
re items, and then we head out the door.

  Once back inside the SUV, Maxima’s body is starts shaking. I tuck her in my arm and Vance smiles at me.

  “You get the message from Dacey?” he asks.

  I shake my head.

  “Apparently Harlow and Meadow went with her to get Arabella. They’re all at the pizza parlor waiting on us,” he explains.

  “Let’s go.” Maxima smiles up at me, and her shaking subsides.

  Keaton drives us to the family pizza parlor. I’m surprised when we all walk in and see Harlow playing a video game with Arabella. Harlow is the least kid friendly person I know. Well, she’s never mean, she’s just not a kid person.

  We go over to the table where Meadow and Dacey are giggling about something. Meadow immediately stands and hugs Maxima. They’re whispering to each other, but I can’t hear them. We all sit down and order a couple pitches of beer.

  “Dad. Max.” Arabella comes running over to us, and I catch her in my arms.

  “I missed you.” She kisses my cheek and then leans down and kisses Maxima. “I’ve not seen you all day.” She holds her neck tighter.

  “I know, but I’m here now,” she reassures her.

  “I’m hungry,” my daughter states and wiggles over to the chair between Dacey and Maxima.

  There’s conversation going all over the table. They guys and I are talking about our workouts and making plans to hit the ice soon. Gym time is important, but the ice is where it counts.

  Since there are nine of us, our order is a bit large, but the waitress is good, and the food comes quickly. We’re all grabbing at the food, but Maxima fixes Arabella’s plate first. Like a good mother would.

  The conversation is in and out as we eat. No one asks or talks about Maxima’s job. I want to make sure she’s okay. I know how much she loved her job. I’ll do anything to make it better for her.

  I peek in on Maxima as she reads the nightly chapter to Arabella. I leave them alone and go across to our room. This has to be the longest and craziest day ever. I jump in the shower and let the hot water wash away the day. However, the memory of Maxima riding me makes me hard. Jerking off in the shower is what I normally do; instead, I turn on the cold water. Once, I’m calmed down, I get out and slip on my boxer briefs. When I come out of the bathroom, Maxima is sitting on the side of the bed.

  “You doing okay?” I take a place next to her.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never really been unemployed before. I’m not sure how I should feel.”

  “Maxima, you’ll find something better. You’re too smart, and any company would be lucky to have you.”

  “Thanks.” She smiles weakly at me.

  “I will say this—” I lean close to her ear. “It’s hot seeing you getting all riled up and yelling.”

  Her beautifully round cheeks turn a soft shade of pink. “It doesn’t happen often.”

  “No it doesn’t, but it definitely turns me on.” I bump her shoulder.

  “Remington, last night, the sex, it was just a one-time thing.” She looks up at me. “I’d had a lot to drink and took advantage of you.” Tears quickly fill her eyes.

  “Do you regret it?” My question is low, and my heart thumps hard.

  “No, I don’t, but I’m certain you do.”

  “Absolutely not,” I rush to tell her. “I’ve wanted to have sex with you for a while now. It’s obvious, Maxima. Every time I’m around you, you wind me up like a clock.”

  “Why? I’m nobody.”

  “You’re somebody to me.” I reach for her hand, interlacing our fingers together.

  “You are truly a good man, Remington.”

  I don’t argue with her even though I’m not sure she’s completely right. A good man wouldn’t have had sex with her when she was drunk. A good man wouldn’t have lied to her. A good man would treat her like the Queen she is.

  “You’re a much better woman than you give yourself credit for.” I sweep a strand of her hair back and rest my hand on her cheek. She leans into my touch and rubs her bottom lip against the pad of my thumb.

  I want to kiss her, and she’s not pulling away the way she normally does. I take it as a sign and lean in toward her lips. Her stunning eyes remain on mine and flutter close just as contact is made.

  Her lips are soft against mine. She licks the seam of my mouth and I open for her. Elation runs through me because she’s taking charge of this. As badly as I want to push her down and kiss every inch of her skin, I stop, remembering her words from last night

  She has to be on top.

  I’m not sure why, but I lay back and she follows me. She doesn’t straddle me, but she may as well be. I move my hand to her back and the other to her thigh. Our tongues battle each other, and I want her naked so badly, but I know not to push.

  She slows the make out session, and I crave more of her. A few feather-light kisses and Maxima sits up with a genuine smile.

  “You’re my hero.”

  I’m not sure I hear her, but she springs up and goes to the bathroom.

  Chapter Nine


  Caryn stares at me in disbelief. It’s pretty bad when you shock your therapist speechless. I just told her everything that has happened since our last meeting.

  “You? You had sex?”

  I nod.

  “You got drunk?”

  I nod again.

  “This is fantastic.” Caryn almost whoops in joy.


  “Yes, I’ve begged you for years to go out and experience life. Sure, this is a bit more drastic than I originally thought, but you’re finally opening up.”

  Caryn has constantly given me homework assignments to go out in public and talk to men, but I never do it.

  “I practically raped Remington.”

  “He was asleep?”


  “Why did you do it?”

  “Because I wanted him.” I shrug because it’s the only explanation I have, and it’s the truth.

  “Wanted? As in you don’t want him anymore?”

  “No, I want him. If anything, I want him more. I would have had sex with him last night if I hadn’t stopped.”

  “Why did you stop?”

  “I had an epiphany,” I mumble.

  “What happened?”

  I stand and begin to pace the room. “Our relationship is not text book. If anything, we should write a book on how messed up it is. He lied. I’m keeping secrets. But somehow, it’s bringing us closer. I should be fuming mad at his lies, but I know he did it for his daughter and wanted to spend time with me. Is that wrong? Yes, but I’m not mad at him. If anything, I like him more. No one has gone to such lengths to be with me.

  “Not to mention, he’s constantly spoiling me. Clothes, dates, he’s always cooking for me. I like it. I like the way he looks at me from across the room. He only has eyes for me. Then yesterday, he was so protective of me. There’s been no one in my life who has ever stood up for me and openly protected me.”

  I pause, but continue to pace the room.

  “And that was your epiphany.”

  “Yes and the fact that Remington is my hero. Every time I’m around him I feel confident and at peace. My past seems to vanish, and it’s just the three of us. I can see a future.”

  “You’ve not talked a lot about a future, Maxima.”

  I walk the room one more time before sitting down on the couch again. “I didn’t have one before him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t have kids. I never thought I’d have someone in my life like him. I’d planned to work until I retired and that’s it.” I had no other plans. I really thought I’d be alone. I planned on traveling a bit, but not much else.

  Caryn is quiet for a moment. “Maxima, we’ve talked about your abortion before, and no one ever said you couldn’t have kids. The doctors only said there was some scarring.”

  “Which leads to infertility,” I add on. “I want a family, but I
can’t it in the traditional sense.”

  When I got my job and qualified for health insurance, I started going to doctor regularly. It’s then I learned about the scarring around my cervix. They thought I would difficulty carrying children.

  “Many women, who’ve had abortions, go on and have healthy babies, Maxima.”

  “I know.” I’ve heard the statistics on it and talked to doctors. However, no one could give me a direct answer since I wasn’t sexually active. Well, only with Remington.

  “Do you want to have sex with Remington again?”

  “I almost did last night,” I remind her.

  “Maxima, next time, if it happens, just listen to your body. Don’t think about it. Just enjoy it.”

  Just enjoy it?

  Can I do that?

  I sit on the bench and watch Arabella in her dance class. She loves it and has a bright smile on her face learning to keep time with a new song. Since today is my first day with really nothing to do, I cleaned the house. Remington had worked out with the guys and then helped with a youth hockey camp at the arena.

  Today was Arabella’s last day of summer classes. It’s almost the beginning of July. I can’t believe now time seems to be flying by. Then again, my life is a whirlwind for sure.

  As class ends, Arabella and I gather up her stuff and head out to the car. She talks about her new friends and hopes she can have a sleepover soon. I don’t think it’ll be an issue, especially since I’ll be home more now.

  With the severance package they gave me, I’ll be able to take some time off and find another job. The files I took are for the Bears’ players. They’re all Remington’s friends, and I’ll need to contact them all about the changes. I do want to work. I won’t live off Remington.

  “Dad,” Arabella shouts as we enter the house.

  “His car isn’t here. Why don’t you go take a quick shower? You’ve been dancing around a lot. Bring down you hamper when you come back downstairs, please.”

  She nods and takes off upstairs. I head into the kitchen and start figuring out something for dinner. I send a quick text to Remington letting him know I’m handling dinner.

  As I’m putting the chicken in the oven to bake, I start the rice and broccoli. Arabella comes down, dragging her clothes basket behind her. Together, we separate her clothes, and I show her where everything goes. I even let her push the buttons on the washing machine, but I put in the detergent. I don’t want her to pour the entire container into the machine.


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