Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)

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Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1) Page 19

by Teresa Greene

  Shocked, Nina stared into her eyes to see if she was telling the truth. She had always considered Beth a sexual being. She was a master at flirting and turning men’s heads. The way she walked, the way she moved led her to believe she enjoyed men. But then as she thought about it, she never kept a boyfriend for long. Two weeks at the most and she was moving on to someone else. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Why haven’t you discussed this with me before?”

  “And ruin my reputation.” A tear slipped over her cheek. “What if I never have an orgasm? What if there is something wrong with me? Many times I have felt I was close and then nothing.”

  Nina took both her hands and brought them to her chest. “No, there is nothing wrong with you. It’s just like you said, you haven’t met the right man. Look at me. I have never had the urge to have sex before. Yes, I’ve been attracted, but never had the urge to rip someone’s clothes off and have crazy, wild sex until I met Grant.” She ran her fingers through Beth’s glorious red hair. “It will happen just like that for you.”

  “God, I hope so. I’m getting warm just thinking about a man like Grant.” Beth wiped at another tear. “I’m happy for you, Nina. I’m glad you have found love.” Nina pursed her lips and said nothing for a long moment. “What’s wrong?”

  “I fear he will go back to Iraq. He has put in nine years as a Marine. I want him to stay and marry me.” Her stomach churned at the thought of him leaving. She did exactly what she said she wouldn’t. She had fallen madly in love with someone who might not stay in her life.

  “Have you told him how you feel?”

  Nina placed her fingers on her temples and rubbed. A headache was brewing just behind her eyes. “In a way. I told him I love him, but I haven’t asked him to stay.”

  “Ask him to stay. Pour your heart out. The only thing that could get hurt is your pride. Be honest and speak from your heart.”

  Maybe Beth had the right idea. Problem was he hadn’t admitted that he loved her. He might not feel strong enough about her to make changes in his life.


  The next day Nina was playing Monopoly with her sisters when Shadow’s loud barks pulled her to the window. It would be dark soon and she wondered who would come for a visit so late in the evening. A big black car stopped in the driveway and a man in a uniform got out. His hair was cut really short and he placed the hat he had in his hands on his head. He stood by his car and looked the place over with admiration. A sick feeling in her stomach had her taking several deep breaths.

  Grant must have also heard the car pull up because he stepped out of the barn flanked by Josh and Juan. With long strides the man made his way to Grant and shook his hand. From where she stood she could see Grant introduce Josh and Juan to the man. After the introductions, Josh and Juan headed for the house.

  “Who is it, Nina?” Beth crossed to the window and peered out.

  “Someone to see Grant.” She knew why the man had come. He came to Twelve Oaks Farm to ask Grant to go back to Iraq.

  Beth draped her arm over Nina’s and rested her head on her shoulder. “Pray that he’ll stay. Taking Beth’s advice, she closed her eyes and prayed to God that Grant would find happiness with her.


  When Grant saw his commander, Ted Lancaster, get out of the car his heart beat violently against his chest. He wasn’t ready to have a conversation about his career. He needed more time to sort out his feelings about his life and which direction he would take. He stepped out onto the porch of the barn followed by Josh and Juan.

  Grant took the offered hand and steeled his nerves. Men like Lancaster knew how to persuade people to do just what he wanted them to do. After the introductions, Josh and Juan made a beeline for the house. He wished he could go with them.

  “You look fit and rested. I guess the time off has been just what you needed.” His eyes roamed over the rolling green pastures and the healthy farm animals that dotted the landscape. “I can see why. This place is spectacular. Next time my wife wants to get away I think we’ll make reservations to stay here.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “I called your mother. Lovely lady.” Grant didn’t once think to tell his mother not to tell anyone where he was. Lancaster shifted his weight. “I saw a stream on my way in. How’s the fishing?”

  God, he hated small talk. Why not get to the point and stop wasting his time. “I wouldn’t know.” Of course he knew he was being rude. The proper thing would be to ask him to come inside and sit down.

  A movement from the kitchen window caught his eye. Nina pulled the curtain back and looked out at them. Even in the fading light of the evening he could tell it was her. “Let’s talk inside.” Grant opened the door and waited for his commander to enter and then he closed the door. “Can I get you something? Bottled water, coffee.”

  “A cup of coffee sounds grand. It was a long drive out here.” Lancaster took off his hat and placed it on the sofa. He sat down and crossed his legs as if trying to get comfortable. In that moment Grant realized he was just as nervous as he was. When he visited him in the hospital, they didn’t part on the best of terms. He had been too upset, too angry about the needless deaths of his men and he had taken all that pain out on Lancaster, a man that he had great respect for.

  Grant handed him his coffee and sat across from him in a chair that matched the huge plush sofa. He gave Lancaster time to sip his coffee before he asked, “What do you want?”

  “Here to offer you a higher rank and a pay hike.”

  Grant stood and circled the room. “I lost three men. Do you know what that does to a commanding officer?” As soon as the words were out, he thought how stupid. Of course Lancaster knew all too well. Before he became a general he also lost men in battle.

  “You’ve lost men before. Why was this mission different?”

  Grant stopped pacing and sat back down in the chair. Elbows on his legs, he leaned in close. “They shouldn’t have died. They could have been saved. I asked for help and it didn’t come soon enough. I led them into the trap.” There he had said it. He felt responsible because he didn’t realize the Taliban was waiting for them. Many times his instincts had saved him and his men. On his last mission he was the one that failed and men lost their lives.

  Lancaster uncrossed his legs. “We all make sacrifices for the greater good. Grant, you are one of the best soldiers I have trained. You know how to lead. We need you. Your men need you. You have a strong sense of duty. Whatever you want I’m sure we can accommodate. You were born to be a soldier. It’s a great opportunity I’m offering you.”

  Pretty words thought Grant. Nothing but pretty words. “I’m not ready to make a decision yet. Give me some time and I’ll call you.” He stood letting his commander know he was through discussing his re-enlistment.

  Lancaster stood and took his hand in a firm handshake. “I know you’ll make the right decision. Your future is with the Marine Corps. Your expertise is greatly needed.”

  Grant followed him out the door and watched him drive away. Nina sat on the front porch of the house shrouded in darkness. He wasn’t ready to talk to her so he went back inside and slammed the door. He leaned against the door and placed his head in his hands. Misery hot and heavy consumed him.


  After the house was dark, Grant opened the unlocked backdoor and slipped inside. He tiptoed to Nina’s room and opened the door. He needed to hold her, to forget the turmoil in his life. If he chose to go back to Iraq, their time was quickly coming to an end. He planned to make the best of what time they had left together.

  Candles illuminated the room in a romantic glow. Propped against the pillows, Nina closed the magazine she was flipping through and placed it on the side table. Dressed in a lacy, black teddy, she caused his heart to skip a beat.

  He began to unbutton his shirt. “Where did you get the teddy?” He dropped his shirt where he stood.

  “I bought it when I went into town the other day to get you a swimsuit.” She
ran her hands over her breasts. “I thought you would like it.”

  He kicked off his shoes, socks, and jeans. Only wearing his underwear, he padded to the edge of the bed. “Yes, I like it very much.”

  “Well, hurry up and take it off. It is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever worn.”

  Grant threw back his head and laughed. “You look so beautiful. Let me admire you a few minutes before I tear it off your body.”

  She placed a finger to his chest. “Don’t you dare damage this tiny piece of cloth. Do you have any idea what it cost? Thirty-five dollars. I almost didn’t buy it when I saw the price tag. I guess my naughty side won out over my frugal side.”

  He pulled the straps off her shoulders and kissed her creamy skin. “I like your naughty side.” He cupped his hands to her small but shapely breasts. His thumbs moved over her stiff nipples and she moaned.

  He moved away long enough to strip out of his underwear. The moment his shaft was released she took it in her hand and squeezed. Grant closed his eyes and basked in the sensations she could so easily arouse in him. He wrapped his hands in her hair and tugged her tight against him. She left soft kisses across his chest. Her hand slid down to his and they linked fingers.

  He rolled her onto her back and fell on top of her. His mouth devoured her soft, moist lips. As their tongues melded together, he thought how she had taken him in the opposite direction he wanted to go. He wasn’t ready for love.

  Since he didn’t seem quick enough to remove the uncomfortable teddy, she slipped it over her breasts and wiggled her hips.

  “Here, let me help you.” He trailed kisses over her skin as his fingers gently tugged the black lace over her legs. He stopped at her knees and kissed each one causing her to squirm.

  “That is so sensual. I never knew a knee could be sensitive. Perhaps it’s your lips that are driving me crazy.” She wrapped her hands in his hair and pulled him back to her mouth. After giving him a kiss that curled his toes, she pushed him to her breasts.

  In the light of the candles, her apricot nipples looked beautiful. He took a perky nipple into his mouth and sucked. Her back came off the bed and she pulled his hair so hard he grimaced in pain. The muscles in her arms and legs were toned and tight. He rose above her and looked into her glazed eyes. In them he saw desperation.

  She played with his breasts, thumbing the stiff nipples, and then slid a hand down his spine to caress his backside. “You are so firm and rock hard. I will never tire of touching you.” Her breathing was deep and erratic. Her fingers pinched and twisted at his nipple. Her hand slipped lower and wrapped around his shaft.

  He whispered in her ear. “That feels so good.” His finger found her moist, sensitive spot and slipped inside. Her quick intake of breath made him feel powerful. “You know all the places I like to be touched, honey.”

  She flipped him onto his back and replied in a sexy voice, “I know what else you like.” Her hands slipped to his hips to bring him intimately against her. He was fully aroused when she pressed her breasts against his chest. He clenched his teeth together to hold back his orgasm. Blood raged through his body. For once he would like to get to the many positions of pleasure he promised to show her. He wanted to do wicked things with her.

  He pushed at her shoulders. “Stop, Nina. Please, stop.”

  She peered at him with a look of fear on her face. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Hell no! You’re about to drive me over the edge.” He sat up and took several deep breaths. Roughly, he pushed her into the mattress and kissed her with hard cruel lips. His tongue melded with hers in a deep, savage kiss. He broke away and left a trail of kisses down her neck and stopped at her breasts. He lavished attention on each one before moving lower. His tongue delved into her bellybutton causing her to let out a little scream. Her body quickened and surged against him. She tasted sweet and wonderful. He couldn’t get enough of her. There was nothing gentle about her when she gripped his hair and pulled him to her lips. She was strong and he loved that strength.

  “Make love to me, Grant. I want to feel you inside me.”

  He rose above her and she opened for him. In one swift, quick movement, he entered her causing her to gasp a sigh of pleasure. He rocked against her, small movements at first but then faster, more powerful thrusts. He reared back, his body bowing as wave after wave of his orgasm rolled through him. He gripped her hips to hold her in place. Loud moans filled the room as her orgasm followed his. Her heart thudded against his when he collapsed against her chest. Too weak to move, he lay there panting for breath. “I don’t think I’ll ever get to show you the other positions for making love. I don’t have the stamina to keep up with you.” He rolled off her, wrapped his arm around her, and she curled against his side.

  Silence filled the room and he wondered if she was asleep. He placed his finger under her chin and looked into her eyes. Tears slipped over her perfect cheeks. “Why are you crying?”

  She sat up and pulled a tissue from the box on the nightstand. She wiped at the tears but they kept coming. He propped against the headboard and asked again. “What happened? Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?” His mouth was dry and his stomach pitched. He should have been more careful and not have treated her like he was a barbarian. He gave her a few seconds to compose herself.

  “The man that came to see you, was he here to get you to go back to the war?”

  “Yes.” Distress showed in her eyes and he felt terrible for causing her grief.

  She took a deep breath and spoke quickly as if she feared his answer. “Stay with me. Don’t go back to Iraq. Marry me and help me run the farm.” Big blue eyes gazed at him waiting for an answer. When one didn’t come, she turned away. She pulled the sheet up to her neck and propped against the headboard far enough away that she wasn’t touching him. “I know I said I didn’t need any promises, no commitment, but I love you. I want you in my life.”

  He raked his fingers through his hair. Guilt consumed him. He didn’t know what to tell her. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He loved her, but he didn’t know if he was ready to settle down. Didn’t know if he was ready to turn his back on the years he had put into being a Marine. The silence continued.

  Nina took his hand and brought it to her chest. “Take some time and think it over. I don’t expect an answer any time soon. The last thing I want is to pressure you.” She scooted under the cover of the sheet and rolled onto her side away from him.

  Unable to move, he sat there wondering what he would do. At the moment, his mind needed to be on the investigation his uncle threw in his lap, not on the beautiful woman curled against his side.

  His life was in danger. Collins would probably send someone else to kill him when Clay didn’t return. By now he knew something went wrong. Tomorrow he would talk to his uncle and demand he go ahead and arrest Collins. He would just have to use the evidence he had. Most important was Nina’s safety.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Grant stood in the middle of the room drying off. The shower had helped to clear his mind some but there were still a lot of problems he didn’t quite know how to solve.

  Nina sat up and rubbed her eyes. She had tossed and turned most of the night and didn’t sleep any better than he did.

  There was a knock at the door. “Breakfast is ready,” Juan shouted through the door. “Come and eat while it’s hot. I’ve got to leave for school in a few minutes.”

  “We’ll be right there.” Nina gave him a weak smile. “I’m gonna get a shower.” She threw back the covers and padded to the bathroom.

  With haste, Grant dressed in the clothes that littered the floor from last night and stepped into the dining room to find it crowded with people. It was loud as everyone talked at the same time. Josh and Juan were arguing over who was going to fill the dishwasher after breakfast. Maria, Beth, and Lacy sat at the table talking while they waited on Nina. He moved to the cabinet, took out a plate, and spooned eggs, and grits onto his plate. Topping o
ff his plate with bacon and canned biscuits, he sat at the table. “Good morning, ladies.”

  Beth asked, “How about a cup of coffee?”

  “That would be great, thank you.” She moved to the coffeemaker and filled his cup already at his place. He poured a dollop of milk from the tiny pitcher in the middle of the table. He peered at Lacy over the rim of his cup. Last night when she joined them by the pool, she had very little to say. She laughed and joked with Juan but seemed a little shy and nervous around him and Josh. Before he took a sip, he replied, “Good morning, Lacy.”

  “Good morning, Grant.”

  While Beth looked nothing like Nina, Lacy did. The blond hair, blue eyes, peaches and cream complexion, she was a younger version of her older sister. “Nina tells me you have a free ride to Duke University in biomedical engineering. You must be very smart.”

  “I have a 4.0 GPA.” She wasn’t bragging, she was just being honest.

  Nina entered in her work attire of cut off jeans, tank shirt and work boots. Hair still wet, she filled her plate and took her place beside him. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her.

  Juan teased, “About time. I thought you and Grant were going to stay in bed all day.”

  Nina’s cheeks turned pink. Of course everyone knew something was wrong. Sorrow showed in her face. Not one to hide her feelings she looked as if she would cry. To break the tension, Grant asked, “Josh why don’t you say Grace.”

  Josh dropped the piece of bacon he had just taken a big bite of onto his plate. It wasn’t something they did at home so Josh looked like a deer in the headlights. “Why don’t you do the honors, brother? I believe you are the oldest one at the table.”

  Beth offered, “I’ll say Grace.” Everyone bowed their heads.

  Dear God,

  Thank you for this food you have provided. Thank you for the love of family and friends. Amen.

  Josh gave Beth a dazzling smile. “I could have done that.”


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