Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)

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Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1) Page 24

by Teresa Greene

  Agent Daniels was cuffing Matthew Collins. Feeling as if he didn’t belong, Grant gestured toward the path leading back to Nina’s house. “Looks like your son deserted you. Don’t worry. I imagine he won’t get far with that much gas leaking from the chopper. He’ll be joining you in prison.” Matthew stumbled toward the forest only to fall again. “I didn’t know you were so clumsy.” He pulled the sheriff to his feet and gave him a hard shove. “Move it. I’m not in the mood to keep picking you up.” His face and arms were scratched from his mad dash through the forest to save Nina. The road was too curvy and would have taken too much time to follow so he ran down the hill through the thick undergrowth toward the sound of the helicopter.

  The sound of sirens could be heard as they neared the house. Josh and his Uncle Tate ran out to meet them. “Randal Collins?”

  His eyes met his uncle’s. “He kind of got away.”

  “What do you mean kind of?”

  “A helicopter was waiting for him in the bottoms. Agent Daniels and I shot several rounds at the chopper. He was losing fuel so he couldn’t have gotten far.” Uncle Tate fished into his pocket and found his phone. While making a few phone calls he took Matthew Collins by the arm and led him toward a squad car and pushed him inside.

  “Where’s Nina and the rest of the family?”

  “In the bottoms. I’m sure they’ll be along shortly.” Dirty and tired, Grant made his way to the barn. He walked to the porch and sat down. His brother took the chair next to him.

  “What are you going to do about Nina?”

  Grant rolled his aching shoulders. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m going to do about me yet. Lancaster offered me a huge bonus to re-enlist, not to mention higher rank and a hike in pay.”

  “When you joined the marines, I thought you were ten feet tall. I have always looked up to you. Now I’m not so sure you should have. It has brought you a lot of pain.”

  “Only because my last mission didn’t go as planned. Being a marine is all I know.”

  “Just because you decide to stay in the Marines doesn’t mean you can’t have a wife and family. Ask Nina. Talk it over with her and see how she feels.”

  The beam from flashlights filled the darkness as Nina, Beth, Lacy, Maria, and Juan made their way back to the house flanked by the FBI agents. When Nina stopped to speak to Grant, Josh followed the others to the house to give them some privacy. Dirt streaked her face and her hair was a mess. Didn’t matter, she was still beautiful. He motioned for her to sit in the chair beside him but she chose to stand instead. That was not a good sign.

  She folded her arms against her chest. “Thank you for saving me.” By the tone of her voice she was still angry with him. “Still, you are responsible for Juan being kidnapped.” She pushed strands of hair away from her face. “He could have been killed. You lied to me. From the beginning everything out of your mouth has been a lie.”

  He stood and reached out to take her hands. She put them up in front of her. “Don’t touch me. You came here under false pretences and acted as if you cared about me.”

  He stuffed his hands into his pockets. “I do care about you.” The problem with Nina, she was too damn proud. “I admit I came here for all the wrong reasons. But you have no right to say I don’t care about you, because you know I do. After what we shared you know better. I have never felt for a woman what I feel for you. Nothing can or will ever change that.”

  He saw the tear slip over her cheek and he wanted to wipe it away. The urge was so strong to touch her he balled his hands into fists. She turned her back to him. Should he tell her he loved her? No that would be cruel. There was no reason to break her heart. It would be better for her to believe him a callous bastard

  Agent Daniels appeared out of the darkness. “Miss Reynolds, would you please accompany me to the house? I have a few questions.”

  She didn’t even look his way or say anything as she led the way to the house. Grant’s jaw was rigid as he watched until they disappeared into the house. He squeezed his eyes shut and let the pain wash over him. It felt as if someone had plunged a knife into his heart.


  Nina sat at the elegant dining room table and took a deep breath. She wiped her tear stained cheeks with the back of her hand. Over Agent Daniels’ head who sat across from her with a pad in her hand, she saw Beth watching her with a look of worry on her face. She gave a weak smile to her sister to try to convince her she was okay, but Beth knew better. It was all she could do to sit there and not fall apart. Thankfully the agent’s questions could be answered with a simple yes or no. Her mind couldn’t handle a complicated explanation of all that had happened to her tonight. None of it seemed real. Even now her hands still shook to think how close she came to being kidnapped by Randal.

  After ten minutes of questions, Beth interrupted, “Don’t you see she’s about to drop?” Her sister tucked her arm into hers and helped her stand on shaky legs. “I think that’s enough for tonight. You can come back tomorrow or I’ll bring her to your headquarters.”

  Nina let Beth lead her to her bedroom. She stumbled to the bed and collapsed like a ragdoll. Her sister pulled her shoes off and sat on the edge of the bed. “What happened with Grant?”

  “I told him he was responsible for what happened to Juan and me. His lies caused all the turmoil we’ve been subjected to.”

  Beth stepped into the bathroom and wet a washcloth. She returned and wiped the dirt from Nina’s face. “Grant is in love with you.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “He could have been killed tonight. Not only when he saved Juan but also when he saved you. He shot a man in the leg to make him talk. He could be in a lot of trouble. That proves how much he cares.”

  A garbled cry escaped Nina’s lips. “He told me he had feelings for me but not once did he say he loves me.” Why didn’t he tell her? Many times she had told him that she loved him, but not once had he told her. Maybe because they didn’t have any hope of a life together. He had his life and she had hers. She couldn’t leave the farm. She had commitments, responsibilities, family. People depended on her. Besides, she would always worry about him fighting in Iraq. Always worry that he would be killed. No, she didn’t need a Marine in her life.

  Without knocking Josh pushed the door open and announced. “They found Collins’ helicopter about twenty miles from here in a cow pasture. He’s on the run.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Grant heard the music spilling from the church before he parked his car. He pulled into the parking lot next to the old blue truck and cut off the engine to his car. Loud voices sang one of his favorite hymns, “Amazing Grace.” It was a small white church with a high white steeple and a cross at the very tip top. It had been years since he had been to church. His mom took him and Josh when they were little but church didn’t seem so important to him and Josh after they grew up. He believed in God and he prayed, but never felt the need to enter a church.

  One month had passed since he had seen Nina. He had called but she wouldn’t answer or return his calls. He let out a shuddering breath and opened the door. What if she wouldn’t talk to him now? He whispered out loud, “Stop being a coward.” The only way he would know is if he went inside and waited until the service was over. She wouldn’t kick him out of church. Well, he hoped she wouldn’t anyway.

  Rocks crunched under his dress shoes as he crossed the parking lot, climbed the steps, and opened one side of the huge double doors. Before he stepped over the threshold, he straightened his tie. Nerves had his palms sweating. He wiped them on his black pants and with a purposeful stride he headed to the back pew. The congregation was on the last verse of “Amazing Grace” by the time he took a place beside a man drenched in cologne. Several people stopped singing and looked at him curiously.

  With only about thirty people in attendance, it didn’t take him long to see Nina, Maria, and Juan sitting on the other side of the sanctuary two rows up. On the right side of Nina sto
od Jerry Bates, the man he met at the farmer’s market. Hot, bitter jealousy consumed him. The few times Juan had called him, Jerry came up in the conversation. The boy said he had been helping out on the farm. Grant may have waited too long. What if he had lost Nina forever?

  Dressed in a royal blue dress, she looked stunning. Her thick, blond hair was loose and shining brightly. He felt a shudder down his spine wishing he would never have left her.

  When the preacher told everyone to take a seat, Grant sat and crossed his legs. His eyes never left Nina. As the collection plate was being passed around, Juan glanced back and saw him. His smile came quickly. He whispered something to his mother and then stood, and made his way to the back pew. The grumpy old man beside him grunted his frustration when Grant slid over to make room for Juan. He wrapped his thin arms around Grant’s waist and squeezed. Nina peered over her shoulder and their eyes met and held. Jerry laid a hand on Nina’s shoulder which was his way of saying, mine.

  Eyes the color of the sky glared daggers at him. In that moment he knew it wasn’t going to be easy to convince her to forgive him. She was still angry at him for deceiving her. It didn’t help matters any that she had to have constant police protection for two weeks because Randal Collins slipped through the road blocks and disappeared. She finally convinced Uncle Tate she no longer needed protecting. More than likely Collins was in Mexico.

  After the service, Grant and Juan made their way to a huge sycamore tree in the churchyard to wait for Nina and Maria. Juan talked a mile a minute. One question after the other was asked about what he had been doing since he last talked to him on the phone. With patience he answered each and every question even though he wasn’t in the mood for conversation.

  It was warm for October. A gentle breeze blew the limbs overhead. It felt great to be back in God’s country. On the ride in he felt like a great burden had been lifted from his shoulders. The patchwork of fields and forests eased his troubled mind.

  People congregated on the church porch and steps but nowhere did he see Nina. The sound of the old blue Ford being started caught his attention. She must have slipped out the back door to keep from having to talk with him. She slammed the truck into reverse, pulled to where they stood, and cranked the window down. “Let’s go, Juan.”

  Maria gave him a weak smile. “Hello, Grant.”

  “Hi, Maria. I hope you are doing well.” Instead of an answer she nodded her head. It was obvious she was nervous.

  Juan leaned against the door and asked Nina, “Can Grant have lunch with us?”

  “No, get in the truck.”

  Crestfallen, his shoulders slumped. “Please, Nina.”

  Grant was at the truck in two strides. “I need to talk to you.”

  “We have nothing to say to each other.”

  He placed his arm over Juan’s shoulder. “Juan can ride with me. I’ll follow you.”

  A tear slipped over her cheek. She angrily wiped it away before she popped the clutch and pulled out onto the blacktop.


  Nina was waiting for Grant on the front porch. She wrung her hands together as she watched him get out of the car and cross the yard. Even in the dress clothes he looked rugged. His full mouth was set in a grim line. The bright October sun shone on his dark hair which was still too long for the Marine Corps. Fit and strong, he walked with pride and arrogance. The way a strong Marine walked.

  “I’ll see you inside.” Juan made a beeline for the front door and disappeared inside knowing they needed privacy.

  “The place looks good.” His eyes swept over the pasture where the animals grazed and then they stopped on her. “You look good. I’ve missed you.”

  She said nothing for a moment. Not able to look him in the face she looked at her hands still in her lap. “Why are you here?”

  He took two more steps and stood directly in front of her. Her gaze started at the toes of his shoes and drifted over him until she met his eyes. “Why do you think I’m here? I came to ask you to marry me.”

  A hysterical laugh escaped her lips. “I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on earth. I hate you.”

  He took her hands and pulled her to her feet. Hands on her shoulders, he gave her an impatient shake. “Do you hate me, Nina?” Her eyes dropped to his chest. He took her chin and forced her to look in his eyes. “Look at me and tell me you hate me.”

  There were those blasted tears again. They had come often and with no warning over the last month. Now he was back to cause her more pain. With all the strength she could summon she fought to keep them from falling. She failed miserably. They cascaded over her cheeks. He wiped them away with his thumbs. He kissed her on the forehead. “I love you, Nina. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  She stared at him with confused eyes. “Where have you been the last month?”

  “Helping my uncle look for Collins. I don’t like the fact he’s still out there somewhere.”

  “What about the Marines? Didn’t you re-enlist?”

  “No, why would I go back to hell when I can live in paradise?” He kissed each tear stained cheek. “I want to marry you and become a farmer.” He kissed her lips. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” A huge smile split his face. “I should have said that a month ago and saved us both a lot of pain and grief. I have been miserable without you in my life.”

  Emotion poured into her heart. “Nothing would give me more pleasure, Grant. Yes, I will marry you.” She threw her arms around his neck. “I love you.”


  Josh handed Grant a platter of raw steaks. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t forget I like mine medium.”

  “I know how you like your steak.” He arranged them on the grill and turned when he heard Lacy scream. Juan was trying to dunk her. He peered around the pool and smiled. Nina, Beth, and Maria were sitting at the glass table looking through some designer books for Beth and Lacy’s dresses for the wedding. It was hard to believe they would be getting married in just one week. At least Nina was planning a small wedding to take place at the waterfall. Something simple with family and a few friends.

  When he heard his phone ringing, he shouted, “Josh, come watch the steaks.” He trotted to the table and grabbed his phone. He flipped it open and said, “Hello.”

  “Heard you’re getting married.”

  Grant raked his hands through his hair as the pain in his stomach almost doubled him over when he recognized Randal Collins’ voice. “What do you want?”

  “A wedding invitation would be nice.”

  Grant stepped away from where Nina sat not wanting her to hear any part of his conversation. “If you show your face around here again, I’ll kill you.”

  Loud laughter on the other end of the line had Grant feeling weak. “Just wanted you to know you haven’t heard the last of me.” Then the line went dead.

  Shadows of the Falls

  Book two in the Twelve Oaks Farm Series

  Turn the page to read a chapter

  Chapter One

  Beth Reynolds moaned. For months she had wondered what sex with handsome Josh Wilson would be like. Strong hands slid down to her wrists and held them over her head. She could taste his warm breath on her lips as she anticipated his kiss. The candles lit on the nightstand illuminated his face enough for her to see the desire and want in his eyes. Caught in the spell of his touch, she let the sensations swirl around her. Her whole body tingled when his lips pressed against hers. She felt a pulse throbbing between her legs as his tongue lured her into passion. The kiss stole her breath. The feeling was indescribable. She tugged until he released her hands because she wanted to feel him. Her hands roamed over hard, firm muscle. He was exquisite. She wanted to explore every perfectly male inch of him.

  The sheer bliss had her moaning louder when he pressed his hand between her thighs. She arched her hips against his hand begging him to slip his finger inside. His mouth moved to her breast and he tugged on her nipple. Seconds ticked by as she waite
d for him to send her over the edge. Just a little more pressure between her thighs was all she needed. She was so close.

  She almost screamed when he pulled his hand away. She was breathless by the time his impatient hands returned to their exploration. Her skin came alive as his hands streaked over her body. Then he slowed and inched his way down to her thighs again. Violent heat burned as his fingers grazed between her legs. Anticipation had her squirming against his hand.

  Beth sat straight up in bed and peered around the room. It took a few seconds for her brain to clear. Her gaze flicked around the room. There were no candles lit on the nightstand, no Josh in her bed. The only light came through the shades from the streetlight in front of her apartment building. Drenched in sweat, she kicked off the covers and took several calming breaths. A dream, it had been nothing but a dream. It felt so real, as if Josh had been in her bed doing all kinds of wicked things to her. She placed a shaky hand to her chest to slow her rapid heartbeat. She had been so close to an orgasm she could still feel sensations between her legs. Heat radiated in the pit of her stomach. A sense of lost consumed her.

  She covered her face with her hands. What was wrong with her? Josh Wilson was not the type of man she should be attracted to. He wasn’t the type to settle down and have a family. Women only meant sex to him. He said so himself at Grant and Nina’s one night when he had a little too much to drink. His exact words, I never sleep over after sex. I never bring a woman back to my place. Love ‘em and leave ‘em is my motto.

  “What an ass,” she whispered. It wouldn’t do to forget Josh Wilson was a scoundrel. The man was nothing like her brother-in-law, Grant. It was hard to believe they were even brothers. Well, except for the family resemblance. Both had thick, black hair, broad shoulders, and the dark brown eyes a woman could get lost in.


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