Fire Spell: Ivy Grace Spell Series 3

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Fire Spell: Ivy Grace Spell Series 3 Page 9

by T. A. Foster

  “Honey, you ok?” Holly called through the door.

  I cracked it to let her in. I shook my head.

  “Hold on.” She pushed me toward the tub and pointed at the door. “Barrier.” She called the spell, and I saw the sound barrier form along the bathroom wall. “We don’t need anyone to hear this. We can talk. What happened?”

  I let the floodgates open, and the tears pour from my eyes. “I kissed him. Like an idiot.”

  “Oh, that’s exciting.” Her voice said one thing and her eyes something entirely different.

  “Yeah, it would have been exciting if I had just let my hormones take over. People’s lives are at stake. His life.” I pointed to the door. “And Finn’s. Oh my God, what have I done?” I buried my face in my hands. “Now he’s mad and confused. It’s a disaster.”

  “Ivy, you have had a thing for Jack for years. Stop beating yourself up. Besides, we don’t have time for you to wallow in regret. We need you.” She shook my shoulders.

  “But did I cheat on Finn? Because right now, I feel like a big cheater. Like the kind that should wear a scarlet letter.”

  “No! You did not cheat. Besides, since when is kissing and making out cheating? Finn’s been gone for nine months. He left you for that quest. You are officially on the biggest break, so you can do whoever you want.” She smiled. “And I have to say, nice choice.”

  I smacked her arm. “Hey.”

  “You know what I mean. If you’re going to be with someone else, why not the guy you’ve crushed on forever? It seems perfectly normal to me. You dated Evan and you didn’t seem to have this kind of guilt over it.”

  “True, but I think that was different from the beginning. Jack is Jack. He’s my— I don’t even know how to describe him.”

  She sighed. “He’s your human. That’s what he is.”

  Holly would always support me, but deep down, I knew she was pulling for Finn to finish his quest and get home. As human as Mike was, she was a witch-to-witch relationship kind of girl.

  “Right. He’s human. And he’s in danger and I think he’s in love with me. This just spiraled out of control. I would have been so much better off with a random one-night stand.”

  My cousin laughed. “We both know you couldn’t handle a one-night stand.”

  “Ok, you’re right again. My last one ended up being with Finn, and I guess it was technically never a one-night stand. Damn him. He shouldn’t be in my head, but he is.” I pulled the washcloth from my forehead. “I have all I’ve ever wanted out there in that room, and I turned him down. My heart isn’t with him anymore. Jack wants me, and—”

  She looked me in the eye. “And nothing. You have to stop worrying about what coulda, woulda, shoulda, and find Finn. None of this matters if something has happened to him. You are a Laurel and he is a Guardian, and somehow the two of you together are going to stop the evil cloaked people.” She twisted her lips. “Although, I don’t know what the evil is and I don’t know how you’re going to do it, but that’s the plan. Ok?”

  I straightened my shoulders. “Yes. Good pep talk. I can do this.” I stood and caught my reflection in the mirror. “But first a little Glamour Spell?” I pointed at my face and watched as the traces of mascara disappeared and blush dotted the edges of my cheekbones.

  Holly removed the Barrier Spell, and we walked out of the bathroom. I felt ridiculous running out of the room like that, but I had grabbed control again and I could face whatever was in front of us.

  “You ok?” Jack stood as I walked back to my chair.

  I smiled. “Yes, completely fine.”

  He didn’t look like he believed me, but sat again and we turned to Ian. “Sorry, go ahead, Ian.”

  “I think I mentioned I’ve been working on my Locality Spell.”

  I nodded. “Yes, you said something about it. Does that mean you found Gigi’s spell book?”

  “No, but I’ve done research on some other Locators, and I have upped the spell a little. There is a good chance I can find Finn without having something that belongs to him. Although, it wouldn’t hurt.” He paused. “Ivy, do you have anything from him?”

  I felt three pairs of eyes on me. Shit. Why couldn’t Ian have asked me this privately?

  “Um, I might have something.” I hopped from my seat and pulled out my jewelry travel bag from my suitcase. Finn had given me several pieces. Lately, I had refrained from wearing them, but there was probably something from him in my stash.

  I ignored Jack’s look as I pulled a necklace from the bag. “Here.” I handed it to Ian.

  He looked at the necklace. Our initials were entwined in a flame. “Ok. I guess it will work.” I could tell he was uncomfortable. I had little sympathy, considering I just outed my relationship with Finn in front of Jack. It’s one thing to break a man’s heart, but it’s another to run your ex in his face. My brother looked at Jack. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave for this part. You can wait in the hall.”

  “Right. You’ll lose your strength.” Jack stood from the chair and walked to the door. I wanted to explain everything in a hurry, but confusion and hurt feelings would have to be dealt with later. “I’ll be right outside.”

  I smiled at him and turned to Ian. “You couldn’t have waited to ask for something after he left the room?”

  “What? Is something going on between you two?” He looked at Holly. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. Your love life confuses me.”

  I huffed. “Seriously? You’ve dated so many girls, no one can keep track.”

  Ian held up the necklace. “All I’m saying is Finn’s my best friend, and you’re my sister. I don’t want to get in the middle of it.”

  “He’s gone.” I steamed. “We are not to—”

  “Ok, you two, maybe we could do this later. We need to find the missing Mr. Delano.” Holly brought us back to the task.

  “Sorry.” I slumped in my chair and waited for Ian to perform the spell.

  The sunlight from the window caught the I and the F as Ian held it toward the wall. I had never seen him perform the spell without a map. This was a first.

  His eyes closed and the pendant spun as he chanted and held his free palm toward the wall. I watched as the Earth’s continents formed on the wall, followed by the oceans. It was amazing. Ian had really upped his spell game.

  “I see it.” I pointed to the map, and Holly stood next to me. There was a light, glowing brightly on the coast.

  “Where is he?” Ian opened his eyes.

  I stood with my hands on my hips. It couldn’t be. I was expecting to have to hunt him down in Singapore or Tanzania, but the light glowed on the coast of Georgia.

  Finn was in Savannah.

  “WHAT IN the hell?” I stared at the wall and the light.

  “So, that’s good news, right?” Holly tried to lighten the mood.

  I turned toward her. “He’s two hours away? All this time I thought he was on the other side of the world, and he’s two hours away?”

  Ian shook his head. “You know he’s on his quest. It must have taken him there.”

  That damn Shadow Quest took over everything. If I never heard the words Shadow Quest, I would be extremely happy.

  “Whatever. I guess I’ll fly down and get him.” I walked toward my bag, ready to put on my coat and hit the sky.

  Ian stopped me. “No. You stay here. I think you should try to follow Gigi again, and get some more information. I’ll go talk to Finn.”

  It was as if he had poured water on my head. As much as I wanted to see Finn, I didn’t. However, I sure as hell didn’t want someone else telling me that my chance to see him wasn’t going to happen. It had been nine months.

  “Ian, I should be the one to go. I need to explain this Laurel-Guardian stuff to him.” I talked to my brother, trying to take the pleading tone out of my voice. Now that I knew where Finn was, everything suddenly seemed different.

  He looked at Holly as if he was asking her to help. “Time Spell, find out s
omething we can go on. By the time you get back, I’ll have him back.”

  “Wait, you’re bringing him here?” That scenario hadn’t actually entered my mind.

  Holly put her hand on my shoulder, probably in an effort to keep me from locking myself in the bathroom again.

  “Yes, I have to bring him here. You two are meant to do something. I doubt you can join forces far apart.”

  He had said it. Finn and I had to join forces. I sat on the edge of the bed.

  Ian reached for his coat. “I’ll be back by tonight.” He turned at the door. “Ivy, can you handle this?”

  I nodded. I could put my hot mess of a love life aside if it meant ridding the world of evil.

  “Good. Be careful and I’ll see you.” He closed the door behind him.

  Holly scanned my eyes. “Are you ok?”

  “No, not at all.” It was as honest as I could be.

  “Ok, good answer. But we have a few problems.” She nodded to the door. Jack was still waiting for us to let him in.

  “Right.” I stood and walked to let him in.

  “Everything ok in here?” He brushed past me, squeezing my arm as he moved. It was a sweet gesture. I realized then he wasn’t giving up on me yet.

  “Yep. Ian is on his way to Savannah to talk to Finn. In the meantime, I need to Time Spell.”

  He smiled. “I love it when you do that.”

  “Well, this time you can’t watch.” I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I blushed. “I mean, I can’t lose any more of my strength. You’re going to have to stay put. Holly can hang with you, right?”

  “Oh no, you’re not leaving me with her.”

  Holly giggled. “You’re afraid of me? I’m barely five feet tall.”

  “Height means nothing in this scenario. I learned that the hard way.”

  Holly stretched on the bed and flipped on the TV with the remote. “I won’t erase your memory. I promise, Jack.” She stuck out her bottom lip. “But with Ian flying and Ivy traveling, you’re kinda out of witch protection options, so you’re going to have to trust me.”

  I smiled at him. “You’ll be fine. She’s under strict orders not to melt your brain.”

  He wrapped his arm around my waist, turning me away from my cousin. He leaned toward my ear. “There’s no way anyone could erase you from my memory.”

  He leaned toward me as if he was going to kiss me. I stepped back in time to see a hurt look flash in his eyes.

  He cleared his throat. “Is there anything I can do?” he asked.

  I looked into his warm brown eyes, wishing I could give him what he wanted. “Stay alive while I’m gone, and don’t be scared of Holly. She’s like a kitten.” I giggled. A kitten with tiger strength, but still a cute kitten.

  He shoved his hands in his front pockets and watched as I walked out of the room.

  The last thing I felt like doing was a Time Spell, but everyone was counting on me. I walked to the conference room and checked for any straggling hotel guests. Lucky for me, the coast was clear. I entered the supply closet and faced the wall.

  I wished I had brought my grandmother’s journals with me. I needed time to read through all of her entries. She was careful not to mention many details, but maybe now, with the small glimpse I had at the council, the hooded men, and Leo, I would be able to extract what she was talking about.

  I performed my Double Fade Spell, securing the extra layer of invisibility that would keep other witches from seeing me. I was all too glad I had used it last night.

  I walked into the movie theater and listened for any customers who might attend a matinee. I didn’t know if that was something that was popular in the fifties.

  It seemed quiet, but I tiptoed just in case. I pushed open the back door and walked into the Charleston sunlight. I didn’t have much to go on. Without studying the journals and walking blindly into the spell, my plan was to visit my grandmother’s townhouse in the hopes she and Leo were talking about the council. Plan B was a visit to the council.

  She lived several streets from the theater. I made my way to her townhouse, keeping my eyes peeled for any signs of her or Leo. Sometimes it was easier to see things from the ground.

  I reached the row of brownstones and looked for 724. At the end of street was a pale yellow house, complete with a white picket fence. There were flowers in the planter boxes and a swing on the front porch. It had my grandmother’s domestic stamp all over it. I smiled, knowing it was the right place.

  I looked in each of the windows, before entering through the front door.

  “No, Leo. You’re not doing it.”

  I heard her raised voice from the back of the house. I walked toward the sounds.

  “I am. Are you going to stop me?” Leo stood with his back against the counter, his eyes blazing.

  “I will stop you if it keeps you from getting killed.” My grandmother was pissed.

  He lowered his voice. “They want us to perform the Fire Spell tomorrow night. We’re not ready. You know we’re not ready, Lily. Let me talk to the council and explain it to them.”

  She slammed a plate into the sink. “This is our job. We are doing the Fire Spell. Things are falling apart. Spells are broken. If you back out, you’ll let everyone down.” She turned to him. “You’ll let me down.”

  “I don’t want to do that. You know that, right?” He wrapped a hand around her waist; his fingers traced her collarbone. I wasn’t sure if I should step back in the hall. This was so surreal to watch.

  She nodded.

  “Nothing matters to me more than you. Nothing.” He kissed her on the mouth, and the other dish she was holding fell to the floor. Oh crap, was I getting ready to witness a make out session? I looked at the broken plate on the floor, hoping the kiss would be brief.

  “Leo, you’re trying to distract me.” She pushed against him. “We are ready for this spell. Together we can do anything.” She tugged on his shirt.

  “We can and we will, but I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “It won’t because I will have the ultimate Guardian with me, protecting me every second we’re there.” She threw her arms around his neck, and he picked her up.

  This was definitely my cue to leave. I tiptoed to the door. I watched as Leo carried her up the stairs. I walked back to the theater, knowing I needed to choose tomorrow’s date. What was the Fire Spell?

  I reentered the seam and 1949 only an hour after I had first arrived. It was the next day in 1949. Maybe my grandmother and Leo would be deep in Fire Spell preparations.

  I walked toward her house, repeating what I had just done and entered the white door. It smelled like chocolate chip cookies. I saw my grandmother in the kitchen, an apron tied around her waist, bustling from the oven to the table, dumping cookies in big piles. She always baked when she was nervous. For a second, I wanted to hug her and tell her I was here with her, but Leo burst through the kitchen door.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” He wrapped her in a hug, lifting her feet from the floor.

  “Hello to you.” She smiled as he deposited her on the floor.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I sighed, recognizing the gesture.

  She gazed into his eyes. “I am.”

  “What is happening in here?” He pointed at the rows of cookies.

  She flattened the apron. “I thought you might like cookies before we go.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Aren’t you the one who said yesterday that you had the best Guardian with you?”

  She nodded. “I did say that.”

  “Then, once we perform the spell, there will be nothing for us to worry about.”

  “But the timing has to be perfect. There is a one-hour window to perform the spell.” Her eyes dropped to the floor.

  He tilted her chin toward him. “Is there anything else you’re worried about?”

  “Well, I’m not particularly fond of blood.” She grimaced, and so did I. What blood cou
ld she be talking about?

  He pressed his palm into hers and raised their hands to the ceiling. “It will only be a tiny cut, sweetheart. You won’t even feel it. Focus on me; focus on us joining our energy together. It’s not like we don’t do that every night.”

  She swatted him on the chest. “Leo.”

  He kissed her cheek. “It’s just a little blood.”

  She looked at him. “And tears, it’s blood and tears.” I held my breath and waited for her to continue. “We have to hurt each other so deeply we pour tears into each other’s palms. It’s not quite something I’m looking forward to doing.” She turned to the cookies and lined them on a platter.

  “But you’re forgetting the other part.” He put his hands on her shoulders and spun her around.

  “What part? All I can think about is hurting you like that.”

  “Together, we will heal, and together we will form the Fire Spell that will wipe out the evil plaguing the world. The Sognare Ladri will be erased from the Earth because of us. They won’t be able to cause nightmares that tear families apart, and they won’t be able to steer people toward the darkness. They won’t have the power to make Proxies or to torture witches. We will bring light to people’s dreams.” He kissed her forehead. “For that, I will make you cry, I will cry, and I will hold you until we are whole. We can do this, Lily.”

  I was certain they heard me gasp. It didn’t matter what happened tonight. I knew they failed. The Sognare Ladri had invaded my life, and I could only imagine how many other people they had tortured with misguided Foresights and evil threats. They were the ones who had made Helen? If they could create Proxies, they could steal magic too. I shivered. How much magic would they have the power to steal? And what in the hell was a Sognare Ladri?

  Lily nodded as Leo’s mouth landed on hers. I crept down the hall, letting them have their moment. I had enough information to share with Holly and Ian. And with Finn.

  If what I heard was the only way to rid the world of that kind of darkness, he and I were going to have to perform a Fire Spell. Just when I thought I was done letting him hurt me. I closed the door behind me and took my time walking back to the theater. I wasn’t ready to share my discovery with everyone quite yet.


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