Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters

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Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters Page 67

by Unknown

  Barbara Hall, Harbottle & Lewis, Clare Harington, Kathleen Harnack, Julie Harris, Noel Harrison, Rebecca and the late John Harrison, Val Hennessy, Philip Hoare, Ellen (‘Lally’) Holt, Simon Hopkinson, Justin Hunt, Lord (Jeremy) Hutchinson QC, Professor Russell Jackson, Aidan Jamison, Humphrey Jenkins, J. C. Johnson, Paul Joyce, Julie Kavanagh, Nicki Kennedy, Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council, Elizabeth King, Tony Lacey, Lee Langley, Ruth Leon, the late Jean Lion, Mercedes López-Baralt, Juliane Lorenz, Joanna Lumley, Anna McCorquodale, Bob Mahoney and Keith Richardson, Nadine Malfait, Nicoletta Mannino, Jean Mason, Nicholas Mays, Jill Melford, Janet Moat, John Moffatt, L. Robert Morris, Jeremy Mortimer, the late Joan Mulcaster;

  Sean D. Noel, Robert L Palmer, Penguin Group, Peters Fraser & Dunlop (pfd), Susan Pink, Tina Pointing, Stan Procter, Random House Group, Michael Richardson, Sheila Rickards, Caryl Roberts, Peter Rogers, Maj.-Gen. Richard Rohmer, Renate Rooney, Leonard and Roxanne Rosoman, Joanne Rule, Arnold Schulkes, Jean Selfe, Nicholas Shakespeare, David Sharp, Christopher Sheppard, the late Ned Sherrin, Barbara Siek, Caroline Simmonds, Mark Smith (Whitby’s Photo-Video Ltd), Norman Stone, Saskia Stoop, David Tindle, University of Bristol Library Special Collections, Michel and Régine van der Haert, Dorothy Watson, Professor Wallace S. Watson, Don Weekes, Kenneth Westwood, Josie Whibley, the late Christopher Whittaker, Sir David Williams, Liz Williams, Kathleen Withersby, Susan Wooldridge, Geoffrey Woolley, Graeme Wright, Agnes Zwickl.



  Page numbers in bold indicate the first page of a letter to a correspondent (and extracts in ‘Dirk’s Out-takes’ on pages 499–507)

  Writings by Dirk Bogarde (DB) appear under title; works by others under author’s name

  Accident (film), 29, 31–2, 39n, 80, 253, 277

  Ackerley, Joe Randolph: My Father and Myself, 100

  Ackland, Joss, 414n

  Acropole (French publishers), 494

  Acton, Sir Harold: More Memoirs of an Aesthete, 57 &n

  Adam’s Farm, Sussex, 25, 27, 204n

  Adams, John Bodkin, 52

  After Noon Plus (TV show), 217n

  Agate, James, 181

  Agutter, Jenny, 177, 181, 194

  Ahmet (Arab gardener), 57, 111

  Aimée, Anouk, 31, 414, 416

  Aitken, Maria, 263

  Albin Michel (French publishers), 494

  Aldiss, Brian: A Soldier Erect, 57

  Alexander, Clare, 485 &n, 495

  Alexandra, Princess, 190–1, 299, 472, 501

  All About Eve (film), 77

  All That Jazz (film), 211

  Allan Glen’s School, Glasgow, 439n

  Allen, Woody, 194

  Allied Film Makers, 310n

  Altaras, Jonathan, 386

  Ambazac: Château de Mont-Méry, 125n

  Amis, Martin, 1

  Amsterdam, 130, 212

  Anderson, Michael, 73n

  Anderson, Robert, 233

  Andersson, Bibi, 141

  Andresen, Björn, 48n

  Andrews, Anthony, 366

  Angel, Daniel M., 48

  Angel Wore Red, The (film), 387n

  Anne, Princess Royal, 362

  Another Country (film), 282

  Anouilh, Jean: Point of Departure, 112

  Antonino (gardener), 26, 28

  Apocalypse Now (film), 194

  Apostrophes (French TV programme), 301

  Archer, Jeffrey, Baron, 505; Exclusive, 375n

  Arena (TV documentary of DB), 9

  Arkin, Alan, 121

  Arnaud, Yvonne, 85, 369n

  Arne, Peter, 126

  Arnhem, battle of (1944), 113, 121, 128–9

  Arran, Arthur Kattendyke Archibald Gore, 8th Earl of (‘Boofy’), 310–11

  Ashcroft, Dame Peggy, 277n

  Ashton, Sir Frederick, 236

  Asquith, Anthony (‘Puffin’), 32, 80, 454n, 463

  Asquith, Lady Cynthia: diaries, 481 &n

  Assassination of Trotsky, The (film), 49n, 56, 61, 62n, 68, 75, 78

  At Long Last (film), 109n

  Atkins, Dame Eileen, 363, 375, 376, 404, 459; films with DB, 349n; on tour in Archer’s Exclusive, 375n; in Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, 405n

  Attenborough, Charlotte, 331 &n, 505

  Attenborough, Sir David, 229

  Attenborough, Richard, Baron: Arnhem film (A Bridge Too Far), 9, 113, 125n, 129, 131, 158–9; DB entertains in France, 60, 258, 321; occupies neighbouring house in France, 71, 187, 288; DB records favourite music for, 84; Brock’s view of, 166–7; founds Beaver Films, 187n; and DB’s A Gentle Occupation, 195; films Gandhi, 195, 197, 258; and DB’s cassette readings, 196; house burgled, 245n; criticised by Rushdie, 259 &n; at 1985 Cannes Film Festival, 307; film of A Chorus Line, 321; arranges BAFTA award to DB, 362, 363 & n; honours, 433n

  Attenborough, Sheila, Lady see Sim, Sheila Attlee, Clement, 1st Earl, 277

  Aubert, Brigitte, 324

  Aubert, Jean-Pierre, 179 &n, 324

  Auden, W.H.: ‘Tell Me The Truth About Love’, 488

  Australia, 212

  Bacall, Lauren, 141, 370

  Backcloth (DB): writing, 261 &n, 318n, 320, 505; publication, 328, 336, 340n, 342–3, 351; recorded version, 412, 425n; structure, 457

  Bacon, Victoria, 295

  BACUP (now Cancerbackup), 419 &n, 447

  BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts): Awards, (1981), 229; inaugural Tribute Award to DB (1988), 362–4, 369

  Bagnold, Enid (Lady Jones): Autobiography, 279

  Bailey, David, 31, 236

  Baillie, Dame Isobel, 168

  Baker, Sir Stanley, 32, 42, 126, 295, 406n, 433n

  Balcon, Jill, 388, 430

  Balcon, Sir Michael, 430, 433n

  Ballhaus, Michael, 402

  Bandol, France, 374, 377, 380

  Banks, Evangeline, 195n

  Barber, Lynn, 465

  Bardot, Brigitte, 100, 355 &n, 391

  Barnes, Julian, 287, 359; as TV critic, 273 & n, 275; DB dines with, 456n, 457; Metroland, 274 &n Barron, Zelda, 179

  Barrymore, Ethel, 108

  Bates, Sir Alan, 35, 54, 58, 96, 181, 431

  Bath, Alexander Thynne, 7th Marquess of, 471 &n Bavaria Films, 152, 154

  Baxter, Keith, 39

  ‘Bay of the Little Lost Sheep, The’ (DB; article), 194n, 197n

  Beaton, Cecil: Self Portrait with Friends, 219

  Beatty, Warren, 29

  Beck, Reginald, 162

  Beecham, Sir Thomas, 292

  Beel House, 55n

  Bell, Rosalind see Bowlby, Rosalind

  Belloc, Hilaire, 488

  Ben-Hur (1910 film), 80

  Bendo (dog), 188, 190, 192, 238, 242, 244, 246, 258, 276, 304–5, 328–9; death, 353

  Benn, Tony (Anthony Wedgwood Benn), 235

  Bennett & Druet (architects), 259n

  Bennett, Alan: Writing Home, 474 &n Bennett, Arnold: Buried Alive, 252 &n, 253, 256

  Bennett, Caroline (Penelope Mortimer’s daughter), 254n

  Bennett, John, 254n

  Bennett, Margot, 83n

  Berg, A. Scott: Goldwyn: A Biography, 373n

  Berger, Helmut, 34, 59, 94

  Bergman, Ingmar, 110

  Bergman, Ingrid, 83, 194, 466

  Bernard, Chris, 338n

  Bertil, Prince of Sweden, 190

  Besch, Joseph, 41n

  Betti, Ugo: Summertime (play), 184n

  Betts, Sally: as DB’s typist, 7, 121, 267, 319, 321, 401

  Beyond Good and Evil (film), 95n

  Bilbow, Tony, 262n

  Birkin, Andrew, 230, 253, 258 &n

  Birkin, David, 397n

  Birkin, Jane, 372n, 375–6, 378–9, 384–6, 397n, 399, 473

  Birthday Party, The (film), 38

  Bissett, Jacqueline, 283

  Black, Sir James, 313

  Black, Karen, 282

  Blackburn, Julia: Daisy Bates in the Desert, 467 &n

  Blackwood, Lady Caroline, 184

ake, Fanny, 27, 445, 482

  Blakemore, Michael: Next Season, 363

  Bland, Tony, 427n

  Bloom, Claire, 83n

  Blue Lamp, The (film), 55n, 356

  Blunt, Anthony, 186n

  Boatwright, Alice Lee, 210 &n, 212, 307, 470

  Bogaerde, Alice Van den (Gareth’s daughter), 409; telephones DB, 353

  Bogaerde, Brock Van den (Gareth’s son), 144, 332, 370, 500, 505; stays with DB in France, 114, 116–17, 163–8, 316, 318; sickness, 133; enrols at Dance Centre, London, 145n; attends Berlitz language school in Cannes, 162–3, 165n, 333; in USA, 173–4; as associate producer of dramatisation of Graham Greene’s May We Borrow Your Husband?, 316n, 331–4; helps DB settle into Queen Anne House, 353; visits DB in Cadogan Gardens, 370, 391, 411; son, 390; and DB’s wish to have ashes scattered in France, 410; at Daphne Fielding’s birthday lunch, 471; DB dictates late letters to, 496

  Bogaerde, Elizabeth Van den (DB’s sister) see Goodings, (Margaret) Elizabeth

  Bogaerde, Gareth Van den (DB’s brother), 165, 353, 433; reconciliation with DB, 114; moves to Chicago, 133–4, 163; and mother’s death and funeral, 208; DB sees little of, 319–20; in DB’s autobiographies, 319; helps DB after stroke, 352; visits DB in London, 438

  Bogaerde, Jacqueline Van den (Rupert’s first wife), 313, 352–3, 451

  Bogaerde, Kim Van den (Brock’s wife), 505; DB sends seeds to, 316; visits DB in Kensington, 353

  Bogaerde, Leo Van den (Brock’s son), 390

  Bogaerde, Lucilla Van den (Gareth’s wife), 133, 140, 165, 311, 353, 500; DB sees little of, 319; visits DB, 438

  Bogaerde, Margaret Van den (DB’s mother): visits DB at Clermont, 46–7, 78; and husband’s funeral, 81; marriage and children, 86; in nursing home, 86, 88–9, 118; and publication of DB’s Postillion, 141; DB visits in England, 178, 196–7, 206; death, 206, 208–9; in DB’s memoirs, 235; destroys records and photographs of husband, 289; behaviour, 440; DB’s attitude to, 500

  Bogaerde, Moses Van den (DB’s grandnephew), 390

  Bogaerde, Rupert Van den (Gareth’s son), 355, 507; in DB’s autobiography, 319; visits DB, 353; and DB’s wish to have ashes scattered in France, 410; wife’s mental breakdown and disappearance, 450–1; Daybreak into Darkness (by ‘Rupert Bogarde’), 451n

  Bogaerde, Ulric Gontron Jules Van den (DB’s father): in France with DB, 46–7, 78, 123; death, 80–2, 118; and DB’s Postillion, 138; in DB’s memoirs, 235; DB writes on for Times bicentennial, 289, 292, 296; retirement presentations from Times, 292–3; pencil portrait of DB, 315, 352; painting of Great Meadow, 434; dislikes Murrays in Glasgow, 440; dislikes new journalists, 465

  Bogaerde, Ulric Van den (Gareth/Lucilla’s son), 390; boyhood, 142; visits DB, 353

  Bogarde, Sir Dirk: as writer, 1–7, 105–6, 117, 121, 135, 150–1, 157–8, 168, 174–6, 181, 183, 187, 189, 194, 197, 199–200, 211–12, 231, 238, 239, 255, 272, 298, 302, 306–8, 318, 319, 322, 336, 339, 475, 482–3, 494–5, 501, 502; style and spelling, 2, 7, 500; sexuality, 3, 410, 413, 428; resides on Continent, 4, 23, 135–6; reading, 7–8, 26, 54, 57, 100, 164–5, 202, 204, 207, 236, 276–7; political incorrectness, 8; life in Italy, 23–8; pet dogs, 24, 53–4, 60, 64, 71, 77, 85, 90, 145, 170, 185–6, 188, 238, 244, 246, 304, 328–9, 353; hepatitis, 29n; gardening, 31, 49, 89, 108, 151, 174, 187, 200, 207–8, 258–9, 264–5, 268, 276, 287, 400–1; earnings, 53; dental problems, 56, 178, 373, 375, 391; gives up smoking, 56; plans to write memoir, 64; drinking, 83, 448; records favourite music for Capital Radio, 84–5; visits to London, 88–9, 178, 196–7, 226, 228, 242, 249, 256, 257, 259, 266, 275, 303, 306, 319, 325; appearances on Russell Harty’s TV show, 104n, 105, 118, 136; suffers from flu and abscess, 104–5; military service, 150 & n; employs voice coach, 169; diet, 175; cassette recordings of books, 195 &n, 206n; bronchitis, 196; dress, 203, 226; pestered by Bromley correspondent, 216; receives hate-tape from England, 217–18; returns to screen acting, 220–6, 373–80, 383–4, 389, 393, 404–5; paintings and drawings, 225, 315n, 320–1; buys gun as protection, 246; French honours, 249 & n, 253, 272, 484; receives fan mail for books, 255–6; given award at Cannes Film Festival, 260; presents TV documentary from Louvre, 265, 271, 325; as President of Jury at Cannes Film Festival (1984), 272, 281–3, 289–90; acquires Patricia Kavanagh as new literary agent, 273; judges Mail on Sunday literary competition, 291–2; Hélène Bordes writes study of, 296–7; on first name, 301; honorary doctorate from St Andrews, 302–3, 305–6, 311–14, 504–5; pencil portrait by father, 315; non-driving, 316, 325, 327, 505; Tindle portrait of, 323; awarded British Film Institute Fellowship, 339; leaves Clermont, 341–3, 353; financial concerns, 345; rents house in Chelsea, 349; buys house in Duke’s Lane, Kensington, 351; puts on weight, 351, 376; suffers stroke, 352, 354, 373, 400, 486; and Tony’s death, 358–60, 362, 505; sells Queen Anne House, 359–61; moves to flat in Cadogan Gardens, 361; inaugural Tribute Award from BAFTA, 362 & n-4; sells papers to University of Boston, 362; book reviewing for Telegraph, 365, 372–3, 415n, 420, 425, 430–1, 442, 467; medication, 366; learns to cook, 368, 370, 398, 411–12; stands in for David Jacobs’ radio music programme, 368 & n; disgruntlement with England, 373–4, 460, 488, 493; conducts master classes, 379–80, 382, 391, 394; on Desert Island Discs, 381; physiotherapy on leg, 381 & n; supports euthanasia, 381, 411–12, 419–20, 424n, 427, 447; in Cannes for screening of Daddy Nostalgie, 384–6; feels loss of creativity, 389–90; French present retrospective of films, 391; honoured at Guildhall, 394; pays for Anne Leon’s private medical treatment, 395; Variety Club award, 399; gives farewell party for Sybil Burton, 405–6; on effect of ageing, 407–8; narrates Galsworthy’s Forsyte Saga for BBC, 409; autobiographical TV programme, 410–11, 430, 432; religious scepticism, 415–16; views and campaigning in later years, 417–21; roles in later years, 418; knighthood, 431, 433, 437; childhood in Glasgow, 439–40; solo readings and talks, 457–9, 469, 474; shingles, 467, 469, 473–4; locked out of flat, 470–1; gives narration for The Merry Widow, 472 & n; heart problem, 473–6; bursts vein in leg, 478; poetry readings, 488–9; operation (angioplasty), 489, 492, 494, 495; suffers severe stroke (1996), 495–6; death, 497; out-takes, 499–507; on hate-and love-objects, 507

  Bogdanovich, Peter, 109, 128

  Bolt, Robert, 283n, 298n

  Boluda, Eduardo and Antonia, 23–6, 28, 31, 33, 38, 45–7, 68, 235

  Bonham Carter, Helena, 349n, 366, 370, 406, 475n

  Booksellers Association, 452–3

  Bordes, Hélène (‘the Plank’), 296, 300, 302, 307, 311, 324, 329, 334, 338, 340, 341, 349, 350, 352, 356, 357, 358, 361, 377, 379, 411, 436, 504, 505, 506, 507; correspondence with DB, 5–6, 487; writes study of DB’s autobiographical writings, 296–7, 300; pestered by correspondent, 340, 377

  Boston, University of: acquires DB’s papers, 362, 404

  Bounty, The (film), 283

  Bourdain, Michel, 491

  Bowie, David, 260

  Bowlby, Nicholas, 230

  Bowlby, Romilly, 419n

  Bowlby, Rosalind (née Bell), 230n, 314

  Box, Betty, 35, 38, 41, 96, 181, 455

  Box, Sydney, 455 &n

  Bragg, Melvyn, Baron, 291, 463, 468

  Branagh, Kenneth, 393n, 475

  Brecht, Bertolt: The Life of Galileo, 29n, 80, 109

  Breen, Joseph: US Production Code, 273

  Bridge Too Far, A (film), 9, 113, 121, 125n, 128–9, 149, 158–9, 164n

  Brien, Alan, 132n

  British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): homage to DB, 126; see also individual programmes British Comedy Society, 483n

  British Film Institute: awards Fellowship to DB, 339

  Bromley (Kent): correspondent pesters DB, 216

  Bronson, Charles, 121

  Brook, Peter, 241

  Brookner, Anita: Hotel du Lac, 306; A Private View, 467 &n

  Brooks, Louise, 229

  Brooks, Richard, 222 &n

  Brougham, Henry, Baron, 299

  Browne, Coral, 465

  Browning, Lieut.-General
Sir Frederick (‘Boy’), 9, 128, 158, 164, 431

  Brynner, Yul, 81

  Buchet, Martine: La Colombe d’Or at Saint Paul de Vence, 481 &n

  Buckle, Richard, 219n Bullitt (film), 222

  Burchill, Julie, 465

  Burgess, Anthony, 1, 194; Earthly Powers, 236, 502

  Buried Alive (cancelled TV film), 252n, 256

  Burke, Alfred, 160n

  Burstyn, Ellen, 110–11, 120, 123, 127, 130

  Burton, Richard, 32, 40, 53, 62n, 78, 455

  Byrne, John, 9

  Cabrol, Gilles, 316

  Cadogan Gardens, Chelsea, 361, 493–4

  Caine, Sir Michael, 96n, 121, 129, 172

  Cairncross, James, 160

  Cal (film), 283

  Calder-Marshall, Anna, 112–13

  Callil, Carmen, 238n

  Campbell, Judy, 397n

  Campbell, Mrs Patrick, 6

  Campbell, Patrick (Lord Glenavy), 244

  Camus, Albert: l’Etranger, 40

  Canby, Vincent, 140

  Candy (dog), 29, 103

  Cannes, 56; Film Festival, 57n, 92, 98, 109–10, 177–8, 183, 194, 209–10, 258, 272, 281–3, 289–90, 307, 334–5, 384–6, 502

  Capital Radio, 84n, 196

  Capote, Truman, 373

  Capucine (born Germaine Lefebvre), 73, 178, 408–9, 495

  Cardinale, Claudia, 197

  Cariou, Len, 130n

  Caroline, Princess of Monaco, 240

  Carr, Audrey, 315

  Carr, Christine, 315n

  Carrington, Dora, 373

  Carson, Hunter, 282, 463n

  Cast a Dark Shadow (film), 476

  Cau, Jean: ‘Les Anglais “homos”’, 410n

  Caute, David: Joseph Losey: A Revenge on Life, 461, 493

  Cavani, Liliana, 29n, 80, 82, 84, 87–8, 93, 95, 104, 108–9, 151, 195

  Chabrier, Hortense, 274, 494

  Chalk Garden, The (proposed film), 370

  Chamberlain, Neville, 251

  Chamberlain, Richard, 61n

  Chamberlin, Powell & Bon (architects), 259n

  Channon, Sir Henry (‘Chips’): diaries, 481

  Chaplin, Sir Charles, 270, 433

  Charles, Prince of Wales, 32n, 44, 158, 168, 234n, 475

  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film), 233n


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