The Praetorian

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The Praetorian Page 20

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  “And cut.” Esto’s voice booms over the speakers and a few seconds later, he’s in the middle of the forum. “We’re going to need you all to hang out here a few minutes while Akio and Bobby pack. Tomorrow is going to be a late start day. Dinner and the challenge will be a formal occasion. It’s time you pull out those gowns and suits we asked you to bring. You’ll receive a schedule in the morning on what time you should expect the costume and makeup people to come to your rooms. We want this to be amazing, so we’re pulling out all the stops!”

  Esto presses his hand to his ear. “Give us about five more minutes and you’ll be free for the night. Chances are we’ll be filming late tomorrow, so I suggest you get a good night’s rest. Some of you like to burn the midnight oil.” He glances at me and raises his eyebrows.

  Was that comment directed at me? What’s that supposed to mean?

  “Thanks again for another great show!” Esto turns to me. “Great job. Really great!”

  “Thanks,” I reply, noting Esto looks beat.

  I imagine his job is pretty rough. I heard he has a cot in the master control room and he’s been known to spend the night from time to time. I picture him watching me place towels over the cameras by the pool and getting mad. Either he hasn’t reviewed the footage or he’s afraid to piss me off, because he hasn’t said a word. Was that what he was referring to? Does he know?

  “All clear,” Esto says over the loudspeaker. The contestants stand and chatter on their way to the door. Reed is talking to Raul.

  I rise and stretch. It’s been a long day. As much as I want to get some sleep, I’d rather talk to Reed more. I need to figure out how to get a message to her.

  I have an idea and run with it. “I wanted to thank you all for mostly keeping me safe today. I’m going to the dining hall for a drink, if anyone wants to join me.”

  “I could use one,” Tori replies, loudly.

  “Amen,” Logan seconds.

  Hopping down the stairs, I catch Reed’s eye. She gazes up at me from under her lashes.

  Raul asks her if she’s going.

  “Yeah, I might have one.”

  “You’re fun when you drink,” he says with a chuckle, and I want to tell him to back the fuck off.

  I don’t know why I feel so protective of her, but I do. I know she can handle herself. She can definitely handle me. But there’s something in her eyes that makes me think she needs me. Maybe I’m just flattering myself, but I feel like I need her too.

  Surprisingly, the entire group comes for a drink. I guess no one wants to miss out on anything.

  “Give me a second,” I tell them, heading off down the hall.

  In the kitchen, I open my liquor cabinet and pull out a bottle of scotch and a bottle of brandy.

  “Need some help?”

  A female voice causes me to spin a little too excitedly. I’m afraid my face visibly drops when I see it’s Tori.

  “Were you expecting someone else?” she asks.

  “I thought maybe you were my chef. I was going to ask him to whip up a little something.”

  “Do I sound like a man to you?” she asks. “That hurts.”

  “You most certainly do not sound like a man. I apologize.”

  Taking a step closer she places her hands on her hips and licks her lips. “Do I look like a man?”

  Is she flirting? I place the bottles on the counter and lean back, crossing my arms. “You most certainly do not.”

  She smiles. “I wasn’t sure you even noticed. Along with knowing how to mix drinks, I’m a personal trainer too, you know. I bet I could show you a few moves to help you stretch out after today.”

  Oh boy. “That’s really nice of you, but I already have a personal trainer and I run five miles a day. I’m in decent shape.”

  “Yes, you are,” she says, sweeping me up and down with her eyes.

  I clear my throat. “I’m sure everyone’s waiting on that drink. Would you mind getting some glasses?”

  “Where’s your staff?” she asks. “Surely you don’t need to do this on your own.”

  “I gave them the night off. I don’t mind pouring a few drinks. You all deserve it.”

  She brushes against me as she picks up the glasses. “These?” she asks, batting her eyes.

  “Yep.” A moment passes, during which I think she expects me to make a move. She stares at my mouth and then at my eyes. “Shall we?” I say, inclining my head toward the door.


  Doesn’t she know it’s not appropriate to flirt with the boss?

  In the dining room, everyone is seated. I was hoping to sit by Reed, but Raul’s on one side and Kari’s on the other. I have no choice but to sit across from her.

  “Brandy and scotch. Pick your poison.” I place the bottles on the table and begin the process of opening a bottle.

  “Let me get that,” Raul says, reaching out to take it from me.

  “I think I can manage,” I reply. I’m fairly certain he sees I’m not impressed by the scowl I give him, because he immediately sits down.

  I pour, and Reed takes a glass. Our eyes meet, and she frowns. What the hell? This is all for her. No one forced her to come. If she doesn’t want to be here, she should leave.

  I’m getting irritated. I slam back the drink, pour myself another and push away from the table.

  “So, boss, any feedback on how we’re doing?” Logan asks.

  “You wouldn’t still be here if I didn’t think you had what it takes.”

  “What’s this thing tomorrow all about?” Kari asks.

  “You know I can’t tell you anything,” I warn.

  “How’s the neck?” Raul asks.

  I stare at him for a moment. He glances at his drink briefly before gazing at me uncomfortably. “I’ll survive.”

  I can tell they don’t know what to do with themselves and with Reed so cold, I decide to make my exit. I haven’t spent nearly as much time upstairs as I should, and Natalie’s been alone all day. She could probably use the company. At least she’d be glad to see me.

  “I wanted to assure you all that I think you’re doing a great job. Sorry for the drama tonight, but it had to be done. Enjoy the drinks. I’m going to turn in for the night.”

  Her head lifts and her mouth opens slightly as if she wants to say something but doesn’t know what. Does she want to talk to me? I decide to carry out my original plan and make my way back to the kitchen to find a piece of paper.

  I’m rummaging through the drawers when she clears her throat.

  “Need help?” she asks, setting her drink on the counter.

  “I was just about to—”

  “Hey, Reed, where’d you go?”

  Raul rounds the corner and stops in his tracks when he sees me. “Oh, sorry. You were just about to what?” he asks.

  “I was looking for a piece of paper to write a note to my chef, but I can’t find any.”

  “You could use a napkin,” Reed suggests. She moves to the pantry and comes out with one. Our fingers brush as she hands it to me and I think I see her take a quick breath. I can’t help but smile.

  After running my fingers through my hair, I search for a pen.

  “Reed, any good suggestions on what he could write with? Maybe ketchup?” Raul asks with a laugh.

  Her smile is forced. “No, no suggestions.”

  “That’s okay. I’ve got some work to do in my dressing room anyway. I’ll just text him.” Raul nods, and I ball up the napkin and toss it at him as I pass. “Throw that away for me, would you?”

  He misses, and it falls to the ground. I tsk. “You’re going to have to be quicker than that around here. G’night.”

  I don’t care if he’s the best EPO in the world. There’s no way in hell I’d hire him to work for me. He’s got a chip on his shoulder and I’m making it my personal responsibility to knock it off.

  They’re like unicorns. I’ve heard about them, but I’ve never witnessed it until now. I saw my first and hopefu
lly last, pissing contest over me. It wasn’t attractive on either of them, although pretty much every move Roman makes is hot to me lately. I don’t know who flipped the switch, but I can’t stop thinking about him.

  I’m no expert when it comes to flirting, but I believe Roman wants me to meet him in his dressing room. If he didn’t mean anything by it, then I’m going to look like a real ass if I show up unexpectedly.

  I want to talk to him about last night. I’m still uncomfortable with this whole situation. Maybe he’ll be a dick to me and it’ll help me stop undressing him with my eyes whenever I see him. One can hope.

  I’m nursing my drink in the dining hall, biding my time until I can sneak away. Everyone has already turned in for the night except for Tori, Kari, and Raul. Don’t these people ever sleep? I hope Roman waits for me—assuming he’s not just working. Ugh, why can’t everyone go to bed?

  “You look tired, Reed. You should go up,” Tori says.

  “I was kinda hoping to give you a head start so I didn’t keep you up again.”

  “What do you mean?” Kari asks as she takes another drink.

  “I guess I was snoring last night and that’s why Tori had to crash in your room.”

  Kari’s eyes narrow as she glances at Tori.

  Tori smiles. “You may not remember. We all had a lot to drink.”

  “Oh, yeah. Of course.”

  “You missed swim night,” Raul adds. “But hey, I bet we could take a quick dip tonight.”

  “Thanks, but, uh….” I stretch my arms over my head. “I am getting sleepy. Maybe I will turn in after all.”

  “’K. Night, roomie. I’ll be up in a bit.”

  “Take your time! Have fun.”

  I hope I didn’t emphasize that too much. I don’t need her questioning where I went if she beats me to the room.

  I stand in the foyer for a few seconds to make sure no one is following me. When I’m sure they’re not leaving, I dart off to the forum. Cameras are all over this house. I have no idea how to explain what I’m doing, but I’m too excited to care.

  Being secretive is a bit of a rush and I’m nothing if not an adrenaline junkie.

  I tiptoe through the dark forum, not exactly sure where I’m going. I glance behind me a few times to make sure I’m alone. Pushing through the curtains, I see a door to the left and a light shining on the floor under it. I hope it’s the right room.

  Wrapping my knuckles softly on the wood, I slowly turn the handle and go in. I see a desk full of monitors and a chair off to the side.

  “Roman?” I whisper, as I push on the door.

  It’s too quiet. Maybe he’s not here. Once I step fully inside, I see he’s lying on the couch with his hands behind his head. His eyes are closed, and he seems so peaceful. Biting my lip, I quietly close the door behind me. Then I take a moment to stare at him.

  He’s still wearing the gray jeans from earlier and his feet, still encased in combat boots, are crossed at the ankles and hanging off the couch. He’s too tall to fit, but he’s obviously made himself comfortable. I assume being in his line of work, he’s probably used to sleeping wherever he can.

  I take a step closer to him and tighten my slipping ponytail. His face is perfection. He’s got enough facial hair to be fashionable and not enough to make him look gruff. His lips are the perfect shade of pink. The more I look at him, the more I want to kiss him.

  I bend over him and then wonder if there are cameras in this room too. I assume not, since he watches us from here. I do a double take at the monitors on the desk realize he can see inside our bedrooms. It’s creepy, but I let it go.

  I crouch next to him and try to decide at what angle I should go in for the kiss. He’s breathing lightly; maybe I shouldn’t wake him. I study his tattoos. One climbs up his arm and is blocked by his T-shirt. I wish I could see the whole thing. The thought of his bare chest makes my heart leap into my throat. I have to kiss him. I have to.

  As I bend down one more time, one of his eyes cracks open ever so slightly and he smirks. “What’s taking you so long? Kiss me already. I’m going to die of old age waiting.”

  I push myself upright, using his chest for balance. He grabs hold of my wrists and pulls me down on top of him.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he whispers.

  Even though I would have never climbed on top of him, I like being there. I get in a better position and he moves so I fall into the area against the couch and right next to him.

  “Hi,” he whispers as he tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear.


  He leans in and lightly kisses me. I melt. How does someone get to be such a good kisser that they can cause another person to lose all sense of reason by touching them? Was he born this way? Is it years of practice?

  His kiss is tender and way too short. He pulls back to gaze into my eyes. “Is this okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” It’s all I can manage.

  He smiles, and I swallow hard. I can’t help but stare at his lips.

  “Good.” He leans in and kisses me again. Pulling away just enough that our lips barely touch, he slowly kisses me once more. It’s complete torture. I need more.

  I tug on his lips with mine. He moans and pushes against me. Our tongues touch lightly outside of our mouths and then, as if we come to the same conclusion at the same time, we devour each other. His tongue dances against mine as he slides in and out of my mouth. There’s pressure, then tenderness, then forcefulness, then softness. It’s like he knows what will keep me coming back for more.

  I’ve never felt this way about kissing before. It’s pure sexual tension and I love every second of it.

  He moans as he moves me so that his head is higher than mine. I run my fingers through his hair. He must like it because his kiss becomes hungrier. I don’t know if I’m doing to him what he’s doing to me, but I’m pretty sure I’d fuck him if he said the word. I’ve never wanted a man so much in my life.

  He opens his eyes to search mine. “I’ve been thinking about this all day.”

  “You could have fooled me.”

  “I guess I’m doing a good job of treating you like everyone else then.”

  “Aren’t I like everyone else? Maybe you call all the girls into your dressing room.”

  He laughs. “Worried?”

  “No. Please,” I say, rolling my eyes. “You’re not a very good kisser and looking at you causes me physical pain.”

  “I can tell,” he responds, scrunching his face mockingly. “You definitely don’t like being kissed by me.”

  “I hate it.”

  “What can I do to change your mind?”

  “I don’t know. What do you suggest?”

  He laughs. “Oh, Reed, there are so many things I’d like to suggest right now.”

  “Do any of them involve me getting naked?” I ask playfully, touching the stubble on his cheek.

  His head rolls back and he sighs. “They all involve you getting naked.”

  I laugh, and he laughs. The sound of it and the feel of his chest against mine causes the butterflies in my stomach to dance. What’s happening to me?

  “How was your day?” he asks.

  “How was yours?” I turn his head with my hand and cringe when I see the welt. “Does it hurt?”

  “Nah. I’m tough.”

  “Oh, good,” I reply, sighing in relief. “Because if it hurt, I was going to kiss it and I really hate the idea of having to kiss your neck.”

  “Now that you mention it, it does sting a bit.”

  “Hm…” I gently press my lips to his neck. I’m certain I feel my ovaries explode when I get a good whiff of him. No man should be allowed to look like him and smell good too. It’s not fair.

  “Is it torture?”

  “It’s awful. I hate it,” I say as I kiss my way up and pull on his earlobe with my teeth.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asks.

  “Really?” I say a little too excite

  He laughs. “Don’t you believe me?” He rolls to the side a bit to see my face.

  “Oh, I believe it. I know I’m good.”

  “I’ve never met anyone quite like you, Reed Manning. Where did you come from?”

  “That’s a long story,” I say, propping my head on my hand.

  “Tell me. I want to know something about you no one else knows.”

  I shrug. “Not much to say.”

  He studies me for a moment. “Let’s start with the basics. Tell me why you really decided to become a cop. I heard your answer in the interview, but something tells me there’s more to it.”

  I swallow hard and push up on his chest. He sits up as well. His eyebrows furrow and he seems concerned. He really wants to know. What can I tell him without saying too much?

  “I don’t like not having control.”

  He nods his head and glances down as if he’s really thinking about my words. “And being an officer gives that to you?”

  “It makes me feel I have power. I don’t like looking or feeling weak.”

  “Weak is not a word I’d use to describe you.”

  I get up and wrap my arms around myself. “Good.”

  “What did I say?” he asks as he stands and places his hands on my face.

  “Nothing, why?”

  “I just watched you build a wall right in front of my eyes.”

  I shake my head and glance at the door.

  “You want to leave, don’t you?”

  “No, of course not. Let’s talk about something else.” I turn to the monitors. “I’m not sure I like the fact that you can watch us sleep.”

  He pulls out the chair to the desk and sits. “Do you have any idea how many cameras are in my house right now?”


  He points up.


  He points up again and my mouth drops. “A hundred?”

  “I’d say a little over, if you include the grounds and the garage, yet none of those cameras picked up anyone taking my iPad.”

  “Where did you last see it?”


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