The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches)

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The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches) Page 4

by Lauren McMinn

  He slipped by and put the gifts in his suite before returning to get his wife. Seb didn't want to think about the tender feeling in his heart when he saw Fiona laughing with a baby in her arms.

  “Do you mind if I borrow Fiona?” He asked when he got back to Justin's office.

  “Go ahead,” Melanie said. “I talked to Leo and the others, and Skylar wants to do a big dinner over at Ward Manor tonight. Seven thirty. Don't be late.”

  “That doesn't give us much time,” Fiona observed as the two retreated to the hallway.

  “It'll be long enough. Are you sure you're ready to meet my family?”



  “I'm nervous, but I want to be part of your life, and I know they mean a lot to you.”

  “That's true. Don't be nervous. Like I said before, they'll like you.”

  “OK then. Where are we going?”

  “I'm going to show you my, now our, suite.”

  The doorway to the hallway to his suite was innocuous looking on the wall, and the hallway itself was unadorned. But he had spent time trying to make his suite warm and welcoming, despite the fact that he never brought anyone back there. He heard her gasp as she saw the rooms themselves.

  “Do you like it?” He was actually quite concerned that she wouldn't. But she turned and smiled.

  “It's really nice. I like the warm colors you've used.”

  “Thank you. Now these are for you.” He passed her the flowers and gift that had been on the side table.

  “That's so nice of you!” Fiona buried her face in the blooms, smelling them deeply. Seb was pleased that she liked them. But the important part was the gift. He waited, semi-patiently, for her to return to the silver-wrapped package. She did turn her attention to it eventually, and opened it. She paused when she saw what it was.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It's perfect! It's thoughtful, and I've been wanting something like this. I couldn't seem to justify the expense, but this is great.”

  “I have to admit Melanie helped with the idea.”

  “It was still you who got it. Thank you, Seb. Really.”

  “You're welcome. I started out rude with you, then I turned suspicious, and I wanted to let you know that I'm glad I found you.”

  “I'm glad I found you too. But don't think you can buy your way out of behavior in the future.”

  “You're right. But I can try to shower my new wife with presents.”

  “You don't need to.”

  “But I want to. Now let's go meet the others in my family.”

  “You're right. I'd love to sit in here and play with this camera, but I'm afraid I'd never leave once I started.”

  “Then let's go.”

  He could feel her anxiety as they pulled up to Ward Manor. Seb tried to give her a reassuring kiss before going in, but he had to pull back before he started fondling his wife in public in the car. But she looked distracted enough as they got out. He held her hand possessively as they walked up. Skylar threw open the door before they even reached it.

  “You're late,” she said, but she was grinning.

  “I know. I'm sorry.”

  “Apologize to Dymphna too. I wouldn't let her get after the food until you guys arrived, and she didn't eat lunch, as usual.”

  “I can deal with Dymphna. Skylar, this is Fiona.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Fiona said, holding out a hand. Skylar ignored it and hugged her, much to Fiona's surprise.

  “Welcome to the family.”

  Fiona hadn't met Dymphna, but had head plenty about her while working with Melanie. Dymphna was glaring at Seb when they entered. He smiled at her quickly. “Dymphna, meet Fiona.”

  “I've heard quite a bit about you,” Dymphna said. She didn't move towards Fiona at all, but considered her closely. “I know you've been helping Melanie a lot.”

  “I try.”

  “I also hear that you've got multiple types of magic.”

  “I do.”

  Dismissively, Dymphna turned her attention to Skylar, who was plating dinner. Seb resolved to have a long talk with his sister when there weren't any witnesses. She really shouldn't be so rude to people, especially her new sister-in-law.

  “Ignore her,” the man sitting next to Justin said. He looked remarkably like Dymphna. But since Fiona had gotten used to how similar Justin and Seb looked, it didn't disturb her too much. “Dymphna's rude. I'm her twin Leo.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “And you.”

  Fiona heard an exuberant cry from the corner where Melanie and Justin were playing with their babies. They didn't want to leave the twins, but they didn't want to miss Fiona's introduction to the family either. Fiona thought Melanie was much too active for a woman with extremely young infants, but she was a woman with a naturally high level of energy.

  “I tried to prepare something worthy of our new Duchess,” Skylar explained excitedly as she placed plates of veal piccata in front of them. “I heard the story about you recommending this to Seb, and I figured I'd do one of my own.”

  'Thank you, but I'm not Duchess,” Fiona explained.

  Everyone in the room flicked their eyes from Seb to Fiona and back.

  “Then what are you?” Dymphna was the first one to speak, wariness and sarcasm warring in her voice.

  “I don't want to force myself into the role if I'm not appropriate for the Coven and for Seb. I'm his wife, and I will stay as just his wife until he asks me to be Duchess, if he asks me.”

  “I see,” Leo said. “Well, let's eat.” He had successfully diffused the situation for the moment, and they all began to eat. But Seb knew the discussion wasn't over. He'd probably hear from all of his siblings, including the two sister-in-laws, over the next few days.

  “It's delicious!” Fiona proclaimed, and Seb felt proud of his sister-in-law's work. Skylar was excellent in the kitchen.

  “Skylar was a chef before she joined us. She did a cookbook for witches, and now she's writing manuals on the different ways to use magic.”

  “Impressive. Did you use magic to make this?”

  “Yes I did,” Skylar said proudly.


  “Thank you. I've got cake, too,” Skylar said as she produced the cake for dessert. “Red velvet tonight. I hope you like it.”

  After dinner and dessert, everyone went into the living room. Seb felt comfortable with his siblings, and he hoped that Fiona was feeling the same. He could read her through his air magic, but he didn't want to pry. Instead, he tried to pull her into joining the conversation when she seemed content to observe. Melanie called the night early, and Justin left as well to drive her and the twins home.

  “Fiona, I heard from Melanie about your potions, and I'd love to see how you do it sometime,” Skylar told her. “Perhaps there's some way I can incorporate them into my book.” Seb was glad that Skylar was reaching out to Fiona, who seemed to have been steadily withdrawing through the evening.

  “Sure. I'll show you anything you want to know about.”

  Seb decided that it was time to take his wife home. They hadn't spent much time alone together at all, and he wanted to change that. “Come on, Fiona. Let's go home.”

  “I need to get some clothes and things from my apartment. Do you mind taking me by there?”

  “No problem. I'll see you all later,” he said to his family, accepting hugs from each of them in turn. They hugged Fiona too, which surprised her. Her family had hugged her sure, but she had just met these people.

  “How do you think it went?” Fiona asked as they pulled out.

  “I think they liked you. They didn't like your idea of not being Duchess, though.”

  “Well that's between me and you. You have your duties, and I'm not going to force myself in because our magic is compatible. You're the Duke of the National Coven, and you have been for longer than you've known me.”

  He didn't comment.

  Seb went up to the apartment w
ith her and helped her pack.

  “You have an interesting wardrobe,” he said, fingering a lace corseted shirt. She wished she knew what he meant by that.

  “Before my show took off I worked at an occult supplies store. The owner thought I should wear something appropriate to the position. I've used the same kind of philosophy for my show. But I really need to get something more appropriate for everyday wear.”

  “Would you like some money to get new clothes?” Seb asked, and instantly regretted it when she spun angrily on him.

  “I will get new clothes, but I don't want your money for them. I'm my own woman!”

  “I didn't mean to offend you,” he said, raising his hands in surrender.

  “I'm a little sensitive about my independence,” she capitulated, exhaling. The abrupt changes in attitude came from her conflicting emotions at her new situation. “I suppose that's another reason I don't want to be Duchess unless you ask me to be.”

  “I'll try to be more sensitive to that. You know, Skylar loves to shop, and I'd bet she'd really like it if you asked her to come with you. If you wanted company, that is.”

  “That's a good idea. I'll have to give her a call. I'll need to get an outfit for the wedding shower as well.”

  “What shower?”

  “Apparently, Melanie's going to throw us a wedding shower and have me interviewed by her friend to react to our marriage. It seems that the press will want to swarm on me as the latest story from the Coven.”

  “I'm sorry. I imagine you didn't want that.”

  “No. I've always steered clear of the press or any form of extra notice. But I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. Melanie's right, and if I'm married to a celebrity, I need to be prepared for the consequences.” And that was that, apparently.

  Seb loaded boxes of potions and herbs and other similar materials into his car, and there was barely enough room left for a single box of clothing. “You sure you have enough clothes in there?”

  “Yeah. I've been inspired, and I'm going to go shopping tomorrow if nothing comes up.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Once back at his rooms, they put the boxes to the side to be sorted through later. He gently set the last box down in the living room and stretched his back. When he stood straight, he saw Fiona looking at him, almost hungrily. Before he could ask what was on her mind, she moved stealthily over to him and pressed her lips to his and her body along the length of his.

  “If I had known I had this in store when we returned, we would have spent a lot less time at Ward Manor with my family,” he said as she pulled away a little.

  “I figure that as long as I've got a husband, I may as well use him as my own private sex toy,” she murmured as she pulled his shirt up over his head.

  “I like that idea.” Before she could get to his pants, he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. “And now that I'm not feeling as strained to get at you immediately, I'm going to take my time and enjoy being your sex toy.”


  “Watch me.” He made quick work of the top and skirt Melanie had lent her, trying not to tear them off roughly like he wanted to. He was still in his pants, but she was totally naked to his gaze. “Amazingly enough, you're even sexier than I remember.” He kissed her lips then toyed at length with each breast. When she really started squirming, he went down her body further and pressed a kiss to her hot center. He licked and kissed until she screamed out her release. “There you go, nice and ready for me.”

  “I need you now, Seb. Now!”

  Quickly undressing the rest of the way, he obliged, and sank in to the hilt, holding it there until she got used to his presence and started squirming again. Then he gave her what she wanted and began to move, first slowly and then more quickly, within her. He enjoyed her moans, and he tried to figure out what felt best for her. Seb made sure that she came once more before he did as well.

  He lay back on his back, and she curled in to rest her head on his chest.

  “Oh damn,” he cursed, “I forgot about a condom.”

  “I have my own magical potion equivalent of the pill. We'll be fine until or unless we decide to have a child.” She paused. “Well, since you'll need an heir, it'll be until I suppose.”

  “I never want to force you into anything. If necessary, Melanie's child could be my heir. Don't tell Melanie that, but it's true.”

  Fiona grinned. “Thank you. It won't work, but thank you.”

  “If your independence matters so much to you, the least I can do is make sure that it matters to me too.” She was filled with hope as she looked into his eyes.

  “You're one of a kind, Seb.”

  “I sure hope so. Now sleep so I don't try to get after you again tonight.”

  “I wouldn't mind,” she said, but her yawn belied her words.

  “No. We've got plenty of time for that. Sleep.” He felt her slip into sleep before joining her there. He never expected this kind of easy camaraderie with his wife, and he appreciated it.

  The next morning, Seb left without waking Fiona, so when she woke, she was disappointed not to find him there. But she could feel his aura pulsing strongly from his office in the main part of the house so she was satisfied that he was just being considerate, whether or not she would have really preferred it. She took a shower, dressed in one of her old outfits, and went to find him. He was busy, so she just said good morning before heading out to the Social Security office and DMV to change her name.

  Back in the room, she dressed in her one pair of pants and one of his comfortable t-shirts rather than something more restraining from her box. He had enough that he hopefully wouldn't mind.

  She noticed a post-it on the refrigerator with Skylar's phone number on it. Fiona smiled. Seb was considerate, and he must have known that she wanted his family to like her. Getting in good with Skylar would make that process a lot easier. Fiona dialed the number.

  “Hey Skylar, it's Fiona.”

  “It's good to hear from you, Fiona! How are you doing?”

  “I'm good. But I've been looking to get a new wardrobe. Seb said you would be a great help if you were up to it.”

  “Oh that's so nice of him. I'd love to help. When were you looking to go?”

  “I wanted to go today. I'm ready for a change, and this seems like just the thing. I'm married now, and that's reason enough to make the change I've been considering for far too long.”

  “Sounds great. How about I meet you over there and we look at what you've got? After that, I know some great places to look for clothes.”

  “I'm ready whenever you are.”

  “I'll be right over.”

  Fiona spent the time waiting for Skylar unfolding her existing clothes into a stack on the couch. She met the other woman at the door to the Coven House because Skylar wouldn't know where to look for Seb's apartment. She, like Fiona before her, was impressed at the tastefulness of Seb's design and the privacy that the apartment offered within such a busy house.

  “I left a lot of clothes at my old apartment, but here's a good sample of them by what I brought along.”

  Skylar went through each item silently. “From what I've seen of you, this isn't precisely your style.”

  “I don't really know what my style is. I've been wearing this kind of thing for years, and I'm not sure where to go from there.”

  “We can try a number of different things and see what works best. But I think you can do much better than this. I think that with your hair, you might look great in some bright colors.”

  “I really hate my hair.”

  “It's unique. If nothing else, it makes you memorable.”

  “Thanks. As far as clothes, I'm willing to try anything you think might work. I need to look good for these publicity events Melanie's got planned for one thing, and I'd like to just change my style for another.”

  “Then let's go.”

  The first place Skylar took her was a department store.

get a good idea where start from here,” she explained, smiling as she walked towards what seemed to Fiona like an endless number of displays and racks. She paused, and Skylar saw it. “Don't worry about it. If you can deal with Seb and Dymphna, you can deal with a department store. Trust me.”

  “Alright. Let's see what we can do.”

  Two hours later, Fiona was really enjoying herself. They had been thorough in trying a variety of colors and styles then refining it into something that really worked on her. Then they went back through and got more clothes that would look great on her based on what worked in the first round of dressing room visits. They went through three department stores before Skylar pronounced them done. She invited Fiona back to the Manor, and she gladly went. The interview wouldn't be today, so she didn't need to be at the Coven House right then.

  “That was better than I expected. And I've got some great clothes to show for it.”

  “You look awesome in those outfits too.”

  “I didn't realize shopping could be so intense,” Fiona said, stretching her legs out on the footrest. “I honestly don't know what I would have done without your help.”

  “Well thanks, but I think you would have done fine. Not as well,” she winked, “but fine. We should do this again sometime.”

  Fiona laughed. “Neither my feet nor my wallet could take it too soon.”

  “We did spend a bundle of cash. Sorry about that.”

  “No need to be. I've been kind of hoarding it while figuring out if I wanted to spend it for a while now. You helped me with a good reason to let go of some of my nest egg, and I'm happy with the results.”

  “Good. I have access to all Leo's bank accounts and such, but I always feel weird about using them. But at the same time, he approves of everything I've bought and encourages me to use it if I need it. He's been kind of the same way where he worked for more than enough money but never spent it as fast as he made it. I've got to say, I'm jealous. I've never been that way. Though with the moderate success of my cookbook, I could be headed that way myself, come to think of it.”


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