The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches)

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The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches) Page 13

by Lauren McMinn

  He tried to catch his breath, sitting on the ground behind his desk. His door slammed open, and somehow Seb was unsurprised to see Justin standing in the doorway.

  “What happened?” He asked, all business, taking in Seb's overturned chair and his stricken expression as he stayed on the floor. “I'm not an air witch, but I felt the pain in you.”

  “She's gone,” he said morosely, staring at his hands.


  “Fiona. She's gone. Redman took her, and she's gone.”

  “Holy shit,” Justin said, crouching next to him. “How do you know?”

  “Redman contacted me through my mind, just like he did to Fiona a few days ago. He said that he had manipulated Melanie's mind to make her send Fiona out to D.C. where Redman's gang could grab her. His plan is that I'll cut off my bond to her, and in the resulting emotional maelstrom, he's going to marry her and make her his queen. Her parents are there to help him. He's going to make my wife a blood witch.”

  “She can't become a blood witch unless she chooses to use blood magic. They can use it on her and she'll be tainted like she was before, but we can counter that. We know she won't do it willingly. She's strong, and she'll give us the time we need to get to her and rescue her.”

  “Redman threatened the family if I don't relinquish Fiona,” Seb said, looking straight into Justin's eyes. “Rose and Jasmine could be in danger. Or Melanie, Skylar, Leo, or Dymphna. He's got his cross-hairs on all of us, and he will probably use them if he thinks it will give him Fiona.”

  Justin placed his hand over his twin's. “In just a few minutes, I'm going to call my team together. We're going to increase security everywhere we can. Remember, if Fiona's missing, then Tim is too, and we're a team. We'll put everything we can into protecting the Coven and our family. You have to trust me to protect everyone while you work on finding your wife. Yes, Rose and Jasmine are in danger. But I trust my team to take care of everything that can be taken care of. I'm going to call Skylar back here so she's safe, and I'll send a person to guard both Leo and Dymphna so they can continue their jobs but we're sure they're safe.”

  “He took Fiona despite a guard.”

  “They weren't on high alert like we will be now. I sent Tim without a gun, and all my people will have guns with them now. If you worry about our safety, you won't be totally concentrated on getting her back. And you know our family. We both know that every one of us would be willing to be in possible danger ourselves if it meant that we rescue Fiona. She's family, and we will all do what's necessary to get her back safely.”

  “Thanks man.”

  “You did everything you could when Melanie was missing. Now we're going to do everything we can for you. I'm going to make some calls. Get yourself together; you have a witch to find. When you're composed, go to the ops room. We'll all make our plan from there.” Justin paused as he hit the doorway again and he turned back. “We'll find her, Seb. We'll find her and bring her back.”

  Seb nodded. He made himself calm down and think logically. Fiona was clever, and she'd be smart. She wouldn't use blood magic, and if they could get to her in time, she might even get out untainted. Redman didn't understand that Fiona was everything for him, and he wouldn't be able to anticipate the lengths that Seb would go to if it would save Fiona. His love, and his family's love, for Fiona would be their strongest weapon. Blood magic made it hard, if not impossible, to experience genuine love, so Redman wouldn't understand the determination to help a loved one in danger. If they could surprise him, they had more of a chance of a quick and safe recovery.

  By the time he had thought it all through and gotten to the ops room, everyone else was assembled. Justin had eight other agents in the room, missing only Tim, Christine, who would be protecting Dymphna, and David, who would be protecting Leo. Skylar was there, fidgeting with a pen while sitting on the edge of her chair. The babies must have been with a sitter because Melanie was there too, pacing along one side of the room.

  Melanie came rushing over to Seb when he arrived. She took both of his hands in hers and looked him dead in the eye. “Seb, I am so sorry. I didn't know.”

  “Of course you didn't. Redman sounded very proud of how he had made you think it was your own idea to send Fiona to D.C. We've all been very concentrated on shielding our minds. Redman got through both Fiona's amulet and your shields, so he can probably get through whatever we can bring to bear. Blood magic is naturally stronger than elemental magic, which is part of what makes it so alluring. Instead of working to improve our mental protection, I think we need to take down our defenses.”

  “What?” Melanie asked, aghast.

  “If we don't have the shields, we'll hopefully be more receptive to any foreign invasion. If we aren't counting on having shields, we might be able to catch it if someone tries to get to us.”

  Justin nodded. “It makes sense. I know the rest of us rely on the mental shields you and Melanie have put in place for us. It'll be less likely that we'd catch someone, but there is still a chance as opposed to no chance. Considering that Redman can counter the strongest defenses we have anyway, I think it's a good risk.”

  “We need to trace her steps and find out where she was taken,” Seb said. “We know her plans for the morning. We know she made the morning TV show. Now we need to know if she did the magazine interview, and what time she left if she did. We know which hotel she was staying at, and we need to know if she got there at all.”

  “I'll call the magazine,” Melanie responded. “And then I'll call the hotel.”

  “I'm going to Washington personally,” Seb said resolutely, surprising no one.

  “I'm going with you,” Skylar pitched in immediately, which did surprise them. She grinned wryly at the startled faces. “She is family, and she gave me a great gift. I can't stand by if there's anything I can do. I can shoot a gun, and I've got fire magic. I'm going.” When Justin opened his mouth, she silenced him with a wave of her hand. “Yes, I'm pregnant. But I'm not far along, and I wouldn't be at all if it weren't for Fiona. I'll take some of the potion that Melanie hadn't used, and I'll be careful.”

  “Alright,” Justin capitulated. “But you're the one telling Leo.”

  “I'm going too,” Casey said resolutely.

  “No. You're the computer expert here. You're going to put all of your attention into checking any channels you can find for word of Fiona. I know you found some sites you thought might be forums for the Dark Order. Forget the caution you were using in not breaking in immediately. Hack it and see what we can find out. You're also going to be in charge of communications. It'll be up to you to make sure that everyone know what everyone else is doing at all times. Can you do that?”

  “Yes sir!”

  “Good. Theresa, Mark, Brian, and Martin, you're going with Seb and Skylar. Theresa and Mark will be in the car with them. Brian and Martin will drive separately so you have greater mobility. I'm going to call the Coven and the police there and get them up to speed. Hopefully the police will work with us so that we can put her captors in jail when we find them. Everyone else is going to work on securing the Coven House. Redman threatened the family, and he might interpret the entire Coven as Seb's family. I don't want to sacrifice the safety of the Coven as a whole.”

  Seb hadn't even thought about how the other members of the Coven could be in danger. It was a good thing Justin was on top of the situation.

  “Everyone going to Washington, go pack your bags. It's an eight hour drive, so you all need to get out of here as soon as possible so you don't have to drive as much at night. We'll get the cars packed out in front in thirty minutes so Skylar can go pack too. Dismissed.”

  The air was solemn as they filed out of the room to do what they needed to do, leaving Casey and the agents who were staying behind in the ops room.

  Thirty minutes later, they were waiting for Skylar. Since she had had to go back to Ward Manor to pack up her things, it was taking her more time than it took the others. Seb felt anxiou
s to get on the road, but at the same time, he was glad Skylar was coming. He loved Fiona more than anyone else, but he was also realistic in knowing that some things were best handled woman-to-woman. Seb had also packed some of Fiona's things, just in case. It had given him something productive to do, but he was feeling painfully helpless.

  Melanie came out to talk to the assembled group who were all waiting silently on Skylar.

  “I just got off the phone. Fiona did the magazine interview. She arrived at nine and left at eleven. She didn't make it back to the hotel.”

  “I got the message at two, and it's three thirty now. We'll hopefully get there by eleven thirty, but that means Redman could have had her for about twelve hours.”

  “Then let's get on the road,” Skylar said, getting out of her car and hefting a shoulder bag over her shoulder. “Sorry I took so long.”

  “Good travels,” Justin said as everyone got in the cars. “Call me and Casey with anything, no matter how small.”

  “Sure thing,” Seb said for all of them. They got on the road, and unlike when Fiona drove with Tim, the cars were both silent.



  Fiona woke gradually, unsure of where she was. She had a hard time getting her eyes to open, but she could tell she was on a very soft bed, even nicer than her hotel room. The thought startled her enough to get her eyes open.

  The room was nicely decorated with a painting of a family at the lake on one wall. In addition to the four poster she was on, there was a large red sofa and a coffee table. It wasn't anywhere she had been before, and since she didn't remember getting there, she was instantly suspicious.

  Fiona then realized someone had undressed her and redressed her in just a flowing white robe, complete with hood. Not only had her privacy been violated, but she recognized the robe as the same as the ones the Dark Order members had been wearing when they were captured. She allowed herself a minute or two of panic before righting her thoughts.



  She had clearly been captured by the Dark Order. The first order of business was to see if she could get out in hopes that they left something open. Her room had no windows and only one door, so she got up and tried the knob. Locked, of course. She might be able to break it open somehow. Fiona looked around the room for something to use to open the door and for a potential weapon of some kind.

  But someone had heard her attempt at the door, and the key in the lock opened her only escape route before she had found a weapon.

  The man who came in was probably about thirty with short brown hair and flat green eyes. Unlike her, he was dressed casually in blue jeans and a Red Sox t-shirt. He was reasonably attractive, but there was something about him that turned her stomach. When she looked at his aura, it was a sickly black, like overused car oil. She shouldn't have been surprised based on where she was, but she had never seen an aura quite that bad.

  “Hello Allegra,” he said, closing and locking the door again behind him.

  “You!” She spat, recognizing his voice immediately.

  “We haven't been introduced. I'm Eric Redman,” he continued as if she hadn't said anything.

  “But you're so young! I thought you were much older.”

  “Ah, a common mistake. When your parents joined the Order, my father was in charge. Unfortunately, he was murdered twenty five years ago. But don't worry, my sweet,” he stroked a finger down her cheek and jaw. She tried not to shiver in repulsion. It wouldn't do to anger her unwanted host this early. “I've revived his organization, and we're running stronger than ever. Most of the old guard has joined us again, and we have plenty of new recruits. Your parents are here too, and they're so excited to see you again. I've built a strong empire for us, you'll see. I wanted to make sure you'd be so proud of me when I brought you here.”

  “So the Dark Order has only been active a short while?”

  “I've spent about the last three years building it back up. But the basic structure is old indeed.”

  So all the time she had spent as a child running from the Order had been for nothing. They hadn't even been looking for her! The Redman who changed her was long dead!

  “Why were you saying that this was an empire for us? What's going on, Redman?”

  “Call me Eric, please. I've been getting ahead of myself. You and I are meant for each other. Our parents started the process when we were children thirty years ago or so. But we were separated, and now we're back together again. We will soon complete the grand plan when we get married, and you'll be here to rule as the Queen of the Dark Order. You were meant for this. Since you popped back up in Boston, I've kept track of you closely. I love you, Fiona, and we'll be great together.”

  “If you've kept track of me, you know I'm married already.”

  His face flashed angrily. “That bastard will be dealt with. He dared to place his hands on you, and for that he will pay. But since you seem to be attached to him, I will be merciful.” Her heart stopped. Oh Seb! “I contacted him and told him that I will let him live if he severs his bond to you. He seemed very receptive to my proposal when I told him that I'd start collecting his family to use for my sacrifices if he didn't do what I asked. By this time tomorrow, we'll be free to marry. Of course, he won't live much longer anyway because I can hardly allow a strong elemental witch like him to live. His blood will make for a powerful sacrifice. But to pay him back for forcing you into a bond, he will watch his family die first, one by one.”

  He was deadly serious, and she didn't want to anger him. Who knows what he'd do to Seb or the other Wards? Fiona realized quickly that she needed to pretend to play along until she could escape or do something to protect her family. “Why do you need to hurt them? I'm here with you now; we can forget the past as we build the future together.” She swallowed her distaste and placed her hand on his upper arm.

  “No no, my sweet. It will be poetic justice that your first sacrifice will be one of those Wards who were trying to corrupt you. I think we'll start with the fire witch so we can give you her powers.” Not Skylar!

  “When will I get to meet the others?”

  “Not yet, my dear. You've just arrived, and I need to make sure that their brainwashing is cleansed from your mind before we let you out alone. Don't worry, once we sacrifice the fire witch, you'll be ready to take your proper place by my side. But for now, I will send in your parents. They really want to get to know you again after you were so terribly taken away from them.”

  He pressed a kiss to her cheek and left, locking the door again behind him.

  She didn't want to see them. But fighting without a weapon or a plan wouldn't accomplish anything. So she'd see them, and she'd even pretend to be excited. She knew that if Eric had contacted Seb, he'd come for her. Seb loved her. But a nagging voice in her head said that it might be better if he didn't. If Seb came, he'd put the whole family in even more danger. But Seb was the kind of man who would come for her, no matter the risk.

  While she was thinking, the key scraped in the lock again. The people who came in looked too old and haggard to be her parents, but blood magic could age a person if they didn't have regular access to sacrifices. If the Order had been broken down for twenty five years, it would have been much harder for them to find enough blood to keep their youth. But if she looked closely, the woman looked remarkably like an older version of her sister.

  “Allegra?” The man asked, looking incredulous. “You're so beautiful.”

  “Oh Mitchell, she's definitely ours. She's got your eyes.” She turned to Fiona. “I'm so glad you're here now. I understand you're probably not ready to see us as your parents yet, but I hope we can work on getting to know each other.”

  “I'll certainly try.”

  “And we're so proud that you're going to be Queen. Eric loves you, and he'll take good care of you. He's been preparing for your arrival for years, and we're all so happy it's come now.”

  She accepted a hug from her mo
ther, wishing she could wash the stink of her aura off. Then she was hugged by her father.

  “I'm awfully tired.”

  “Unfortunately Eric had to drug you to get you here safely.” Fiona wanted to scream that it didn't make sense to drug her to make her safe. “It'll wear off soon. We'll be moving to another location soon as well, so you should get some rest and get your strength back. We'll see you again soon.”

  She was really as tired as she said, and shortly after her parents left again, she fell asleep on the bed, barely even bothering to pull the coves over herself.

  Due to fast driving, Seb and the others made it to the hotel at ten thirty despite rest breaks and a quick drive thru for dinner. They all agreed that looking for Fiona needed to wait until morning, when they could talk to people who might have seen her and get a fresh look around. Theresa and Skylar shared a room, and did Seb and Brian, and Mark and Martin.

  Seb went through the motions of putting his clothes in the closet then carefully refolding Fiona's things in his suitcase. They took turns in the shower so they wouldn't have to do it in the morning when they could be out looking. But when Seb had done all the fiddling he could think of, he couldn't stop pacing around the room. Fiona was missing, and that meant that he hadn't protected her. He was her husband, and he couldn't keep her safe. What good was he as a husband if he couldn't even protect his wife?

  Brian gave him a steady look. “It's not your fault.”

  Seb rounded on him. “Like hell it's not!” He quickly realized how hostile he sounded when the other man was only trying to help. “I'm sorry. I just keep thinking about her, and I feel so helpless.”

  “Don't think about it like that. Think about being here so that we can find her. We're being proactive. She's a strong woman, and she'll be trying to get free in her own way. But if you don't calm down and get some sleep, you won't be of any use tomorrow when we have the chance to help her. Here, I brought some Tylenol PM in case you needed a little help, and it seems you do. And as you know, I'm a water witch, so I can make the sedative work extra well and help you get a full night's rest. Don't argue with me on this one.”


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