Be My Princess - A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (Pretty Dirty Romance Book 1)

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Be My Princess - A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (Pretty Dirty Romance Book 1) Page 2

by Dee Dee Jordan

  “Miss McCall, I traveled all this way for one purpose-- to work. Here, I am not distracted. I can get important things accomplished. But you—“

  “I’m here to work, too. I won’t be a distraction. If you’ll let me stay, and give me a chance to prove it, you’ll see. I’m a hard worker.”

  Gold eyes searched brown. Time seemed to stop. Jenna held her breath. This was it, her only chance to convince him. If only she’d brought her resume with her. That might have helped. It was in her suitcase.

  “Please,” she said, her voice turning soft and pleading.

  This woman would be the end of him.

  She was something.



  Sexy as hell.

  He didn’t know if he liked her better when her eyes gleamed hot with anger or glittered with desperate pleading.

  Soft, hard, she was both. In some ways very different from the women he usually found appealing. And yet, he found her profoundly alluring. So attractive that he’d been sitting here, staring at his computer for the last half hour, thinking about that lush, full mouth and that tight little body.

  He wondered if she tasted sweet, like peaches and ripe berries.

  His gaze left her warm, expressive eyes to those lips. They were close. It would be easy enough to steal one kiss. And he knew she wouldn’t fight him. But he worried one taste wouldn’t be enough. He might want more, more, more. That he couldn’t have. Now was not the time for play. It was time for work.

  Which was why she had to go. Today.


  If she left despising him, then so be it.

  “Miss McCall, I’m not going to say it again. Leave my office. And don’t come back. As soon as arrangements for your departure have been made, you will be leaving my property. Thank you.” Expecting her to comply, he returned to his chair. But already, even though there were mere feet between them, no longer inches, he despised the distance.

  Why was he so attracted to this woman?

  He tried not to watch as she shoved the chair out of her way and left his office. Fiery little minx.

  He felt his lips curling into a smile.

  If he’d come here to play, she would have been welcome to stay. In fact, he would have insisted she stay.

  He would have loved the opportunity to tame her wild little spirit.


  And that was strike one.

  She could do the sensible (but lame) thing now and throw in the towel, give up on her dream job, and take up a career in the food service industry (aka McDonald’s).

  Okay, so maybe she wouldn’t have to don a butt-ugly polyester uniform yet. She had other options. But the truth was she didn’t want to abandon her dreams already. The game wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

  She still had two strikes to go… and that was just one inning.

  So what was her next move?

  Maybe what she needed to do was come clean, give him her resume, tell him what she really wanted, and see what happened from there? She had nothing to lose… except a potentially thrilling job operating a deep-fryer.

  She grabbed her resume from her suitcase and headed back to his office. The way she saw it, this would either go one way or the other. Either he’d be furious at her for interrupting him again and refuse to accept her resume, or he’d (be a good sport and) accept it and give it a quick look.

  Didn’t he owe her at least that much, since he was firing her for no good reason?

  Sure, he did!

  With her resume in hand, she headed back the way she came. But this time his door was closed.

  Darn it!

  She glanced down at her resume. Her heart fluttered.

  This was the GLC here. She’d been waiting for this opportunity for years. Wasn’t it worth the risk?

  Her knuckles rapped against the door three times. She held her breath and waited for a response.

  It didn’t come.

  Was he intentionally ignoring her?

  Or had he left the room?

  She looked left. She looked right. She saw no one. So she did what any self-respecting girl would do in her situation—she pressed her ear to the door to listen.

  Someone cleared his throat.

  That someone wasn’t on the other side of the door. He was behind her.

  She swiveled around. “Oh! Um!” She waved her resume. “I came to ask for a small favor.”

  “What were you doing?” Prince Grouchypants asked, one brow slanted over a mesmerizing gold eye.

  He knew exactly what she had been doing.

  Her face burning hotter than a supernova, she hooked a thumb at the door. “I didn’t know if you were still in there.”

  “If I’d been in my office, I would have responded to your knock. I’m not a child. I don’t ignore people just because they annoy me.”

  Ah, so she annoyed him? Was there any way to use that to her benefit? “Of course you’re not.” Her gaze tangled with his and the air thinned.

  How she wished he annoyed her, instead of making her feel all silly and girly and stupid.

  He lifted the other brow. “Well, you wished to speak with me?” He reached past her, opening his office door. With a sweep of an arm he invited her inside.

  “Thank you.” She scurried inside and waited until he was seated in his big chair behind his fancy desk. Then she placed her resume on his desktop and slid it toward him. “I brought my resume. I’m not leaving this room until you look at it. So you might as well read it.”

  He glanced down at it then up at her face again. “Look, I’m sorry things didn’t work out. It’s no reflection on your skills—“

  “No, I’m not asking you to reconsider firing me from this job. I’m asking if there’s any chance you would—could—help me get a position with the GLC? It’s been my dream for a very long time, and to be honest, the only reason I took this temporary position was so I’d have a chance to speak to you about it.”

  His eyes narrowed. Deft fingers plucked up her resume.

  Holy shit! Her gamble worked! Her breath trapped in her throat as she watched him skim it.

  “You came here to apply for another position?” he asked, sounding totally confused.

  “It’s a little unorthodox, I suppose, but… yes,” she admitted.

  “I see.”

  “I’ve contacted the agency several times but every time I’ve been told they aren’t hiring,” she explained.

  “Perhaps that’s because they don’t need to acquire any more employees?”

  “Perhaps. But I was hoping they might at least look at my resume, or keep it on file for when they’re looking for help. You see, working for the GLC would be a dream come true. I’ve wanted to work for them since I claimed my major in college. In fact, it’s the only conservation agency to which I’ve applied—or rather, attempted to apply.”

  “Hmmm.” He took another look at the piece of paper in his hands. Jenna held her breath. His brows scrunched together. That couldn’t be good. “Why haven’t you applied to any others, Miss McCall?”

  “Because I grew up in eastern Michigan. When I was a kid, we went to the beaches, when we could. Half the time they were closed due to high pollution levels. In my lifetime I’ve watched valuable forests, areas that were once sanctuaries for wildlife and filters for our fresh ground water, bulldozed and developed. And I’ve seen rivers and streams diverted to accommodate human development, causing long term damage to species migration and water quality. I want to see the habitats along the great lakes shores preserved and the lakes cleaned up.”

  “I see.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” She didn’t wait for him to respond. “Why did you start the GLC? You’re a prince. Living in a different country—a different continent. What made you take up an interest in Great Lakes conservation?”

  “That’s a long story. One I don’t have time to get into now.” He went back to reading, leaving Jenna to suffer in silence. How could he not hear he
r passion for Great Lakes conservation? How could he completely disregard it? Finally, he set her resume down. “Considering I’ve dismissed you without an explanation, I suppose I could pass this on to the hiring manager. It’s the least I could do. Your qualifications make you a good fit.”

  Yes! She could hug him right now! She could. But she wouldn’t. Because that would be a huge, stupid mistake. So instead, she blinked back tears of gratitude, gulped a lungful of air and smiled. “Thank you.”

  He smiled back. It was a stunner. Did he know how gorgeous he was? Probably. “You’re welcome.”

  Not sure if she should run off or stay, she remained in place for a moment. “Well, I guess I’ll go.”

  “Yes, I’ll inform you when arrangements have been made for your flight.”

  “Has the agency located a replacement?” she asked, not sure whether she wanted to hear they had or hadn’t. She’d accomplished her goal already. It was probably a good idea to leave before she did something stupid to muck that up. Like accept the scandalous invitation glittering in his eyes.”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to do something while I wait? File some paperwork? Make some phone calls?”

  He considered her question for an awkward and uncomfortable minute then shook his head. “No, thank you.”

  Jenna took that as her cue to leave and started toward the door. Just before she stepped out of the room, however, Prince Raphael cleared his throat, prompting her to turn around.

  He opened his mouth, as if about to say something then shook his head.

  That was weird. She wondered what he’d wanted to say… and why he’d stopped himself.

  She left the room.

  Now what? She had no idea how long she would be waiting for a flight home.

  It would take Mikki a while to find someone to take her place on such short notice. Maybe hours. Or even a day or two.

  As she passed a window, the glorious view of clear, blue water and white sand beckoned. She shrugged. If she had to wait, and he refused to let her work, why not enjoy paradise?

  She ambled to her room to change her clothes.

  Miss Jenna McCall was a surprising little creature. Courageous, determined, she intrigued him even more now than she had when he’d first laid eyes on her. She kept him on his toes, guessing what she would do next.

  Not too many people could do that.

  He’d expected her to come and beg for the temporary personal assistant’s job, but she hadn’t done that. No, instead she’d admitted that position really didn’t matter to her; she was more interested in a position in the Great Lakes Conservancy.

  Years ago, he, and several friends, had formed the non-profit company to help carry out the worthwhile work he wished he had time to do. While one of his pet causes had always been wildlife conservation, it had been a certain woman, who had once been very important to him, that had brought the Great Lakes area to his attention. There were several conservation agencies working in the Great Lakes region, but there was a great deal of work to be done, work he wished he could do himself. Sadly, because of other obligations, he was forced to take a less active role. All the investors were members of the board of directors, but as far as being involved in the day-to-day operations of the company, he had stayed out of it. Especially in regard to the hiring and firing of employees.

  But in this case, he might make an exception.


  He stared at his computer screen for several moments before realizing it had gone into sleep mode.

  It was her. Jenna McCall. He couldn’t concentrate.

  She had to go.

  The sooner, the better.

  He stood, stretched.

  He hated sitting inside when he knew paradise waited for him outside those doors. White sand beaches and crystal clear, blue water.

  He could go snorkeling.

  He could swim.

  He could go for a run.

  Or he could find Jenna McCall and do what he’d longed to do since he’d first laid eyes on her.

  His body tensed at the thought.

  In the hallway, when he’d caught her snooping at his office door, sizzling lust had coursed through his veins. It had almost been unbearable.

  Then it got worse when she’d turned around.

  She’d been so close his every nerve had pulled tight. He could see the desire in her eyes. Yes, she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  He had curled his fingers into fists to fight the urge to comb them through her silky hair, to cup the back of her head and tilt it so he could kiss those full lips until she begged him to take her.

  His pants grew snug and he shook his head.

  How would he get any work done? How?

  He either needed to shut off his brain (impossible) or he needed to find her, slake his lust and then, once they’d both had what they wanted, he would be able to get back to work. And she would fly home with a smile on her face.

  It was a win-win proposition.

  That was it. His only option.

  He had to find her.

  One kiss. That would be all he would need. Only one.

  There was almost nothing better than the feel of warm sand under bare feet. Except maybe the heat of the Caribbean sun on her skin. She was in freaking paradise!

  The surf pounding on the shore.

  The salty, fresh air.

  Lying on a massive beach towel spread on the sand, she rolled onto her back and closed her eyes.


  What a life! To be able to enjoy this any time she wanted? That would be a dream come true!

  Where she came from, the beaches were bare this time of year. Bare and covered with snow. In the summer, when swimmers flocked to the Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair Metro Parks, they were often closed due to unsafe pollution levels. Litter—including dangerous medical waste—washed up onto the shores.

  In Michigan the sand was brown. The water was brown. Brown. Dirty. Polluted.

  Nothing like this.

  This was heaven. She had never been to a place so pristine and beautiful. The water here sparkled like diamonds. And the air smelled so sweet, like perfume.

  Growing up, those nasty, filthy, crowded beaches had been as close to paradise as she’d ever come. A waitress and a delivery driver didn’t earn enough to afford family vacations to places like this—tropical, beautiful, exotic. But Mom did her best to make her children happy. In the summer, she packed a picnic lunch in her junky old Dodge minivan and hauled Jenna and her brothers to the park every day she had off work. She took them hiking on the nature trails when the beaches were shut down. Or swimming in the public swimming pools.

  Mom. She would have loved to see a place like this. Maybe even Dad too, if she’d been able to get him onto an airplane. He had never flown. Not once. Because it was too dangerous.

  Ironically, it had been a car accident that had killed them both. A car accident. Which he had always said he wasn’t afraid of.

  The brilliant sun burned through her closed eyelids, making her see red. But she was at peace.

  Hopefully it would take a long time for Mikki to send a replacement. A very long time. She wouldn’t mind having to stay here for a couple of days.

  The thunder of the waves breaking on the coast was like a lullaby. And the warmth on her skin was soothing. She could easily drift off. So easily.

  “You’d better take care,” a voice chastised. “It’s easy to get burned in this sun.”

  She cupped her hand to shield her eyes and squinted up at her soon-to-be ex-boss. Was her paid vacation ending already? “I suppose you’ve come to tell me I’m heading back to the arctic tundra.”

  His chuckle was a low rumble that vibrated along her nerves. “You will be heading back, but not yet. I still don’t have a replacement.”

  “Then you came out here exclusively to warn me to protect my virginal skin from the dangerous sun?”

  He cocked a brow. “Virgina
l?” His gaze traveled down her body then slowly ambled back up to her burning face—which wasn’t hot because of the sun.

  That was one heck of a Freudian slip. Or was it? “It’s an expression. You know…” She fanned her face. Whew! A few other parts of her body were warming too. And it had nothing to do with the sun and everything to do with the way he was devouring her with his eyes.

  Normally when she saw that hungry-man-on-the-hunt look she became defensive. For good reason. She’d trusted a man who looked at her that way once. And it had cost her. More than she ever imagined. Her dignity and her heart.

  He had lied. His professions of love? Lies. His promises of marriage? Lies. His stories of a happy life, of a home they would someday have and kids they would someday parent? Yes, lies. All of them. He was married. Two kids and number three on the way. He never intended on leaving Wife Number One. Or marrying Jenna.

  Lies. Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.

  She wasn’t the kind to make the same mistake twice. Thus she’d become really good at ditching any man who showed even the slightest interest in her. She wasn’t ready for anything serious. And she wasn’t interested in anything un-serious. That was what the battery boyfriend was for.

  So why didn’t she want to throw this guy in the ocean for ogling her? Why was her body warming, tingling, wanting more even though her head was screaming dire warnings?

  She wrapped the towel around her bikini-clad body and sat up. “Thanks for the advice. If you hadn’t come when you did, I might have fallen asleep and woken a lobster.”

  “You’re welcome.” He offered a hand. “You look like you could use a cold drink.”

  “Yes, thank you.” Reluctantly, she accepted his help up. Little tingles crept up her arm at the touch, but she tried to ignore them as she tied the towel around herself and followed the prince inside.

  Maybe it was because he was a prince that she was so flattered by his attention. That had to be it. The man could have any woman he wanted and yet he was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.


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