R.E.solve (Rain Experience Book 2)

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R.E.solve (Rain Experience Book 2) Page 13

by Thomas W. Everson

  Was someone listening in, or was it just from the pressure of the room changing when I opened the door?

  Evalyn follows and offers me a bowl of mixed rice and diced vegetables by waving it about in my face. She grins as I snatch it from her, consuming it with haste. Dishing myself up a second bowl from the pot on the stove, I eat a little slower than the first and my stomach is satisfied, for now at least. I clean up after myself and find my way to my room without any further conversation.

  Collapsing on my comfortable bed I nearly pass out, but the books and the belt buckle of the sheath dig into my body. I’m forced to flop around, pulling on the end of the belt to unlatch it. When it is free I shove it and the books to the floor. There’s peace in my pillow.


  The morning sun begins to light my room, gently waking me. My sleep was deep and uneventful, without dream or interference from the despair within. I have a renewed drive to find Emma. From my dresser I pick out a tan, long sleeved shirt with Ami’s signature orange chrysanthemum, and a pair of airy brown pants. I hang them over my arm and sneak out of my room.

  I tiptoe to avoid the creaky stairs. Eve is sprawled out on the couch, staring at the ceiling. When I reach the bottom step she looks over. She blushes quite heavily, making her already tan skin darker. Unconcerned with why, I head toward the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the closet on my way. Knocking lightly on the door no answer comes from within, letting me know it’s safe. Inside, I set my armload of items down on the counter.

  Light is pouring in through the window, but I flip the light switch on anyway and close both of the doors. When I undress I kick the dirty clothes and my shoes to the side, pull back the shower curtain, and start the water. It doesn’t take long to find the right temperature. My body rejoices at the heat. The hot water pours over my body and it relaxes my aching muscles. My head hangs and I press my hands against the wall to support my weight. The water streams from my hair, creating a waterfall to my feet. The hair hanging in my face makes me realize it’s becoming a bit too long.

  The click of the door’s latch startles me. A brief gust of cold air flows through and I yell out.

  “Hey! Taking a shower here!” I cover myself, despite the closed curtain preventing me from being seen.

  “Shh! It’s just me, Rain,” Eve says softly.

  “Just you?! Knowing you, you’re going to try to peek or climb in or something!” My voice is still elevated.

  “No, not this time.” The level of her voice changes. She’s quieter, gentler. “I couldn’t do this face to face. This is perfect because I don’t want you to see me.”

  “You’ve confused me. I’m not sure this is the right time for anything. I’m sure we can discuss this later.”

  “Would you quiet down? You’re going to draw attention and ruin this,” she whispers right against the curtain. “The other night I was tired. What I did was a moment of weakness and it’s embarrassing.”

  “It’s fine. I’m becoming accustomed to you throwing yourself at me. That’s not to say I condone it.”

  “Not that. You saw me cry,” she says meekly. “It’s been so long since I had, I didn’t think I could anymore. And no one in the camp ever saw it. You’re the only one, and that means something.”

  That stops me. “Eve, I can be your friend. If you want to talk, I’ll listen.”

  “What if I want more?”

  “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Ami. I don’t think it’s a good idea to start a relationship while we’re all permanently stuck with each other. It would become more awkward than it is.”

  “So what you’re saying is, you aren’t tied to Ami.”

  “Eve…” I struggle for words with her prodding me to give a wrong answer. One I know will cause a rift between Ami and I, and allow her to jump in. “You know Ami and I are very close, but I’ve told her I plan on ensuring her safety before I advance our relationship.”

  “It’s okay, sire.” The tone of her whisper lifts in spirit a little bit.

  “What did you say?” I spin around and face her, despite the shower curtain being in the way.

  “Nothing!” she replies in a singsong manner.

  The water grows cold and I shut it off, but I can’t step out of the shower while Eve is still here. Cold air begins to seep into my steamy closed off area and I shiver.

  “Eve, could you leave? I need to dry off.”

  “Do I have to?” She whines while putting her fingers through the curtain and begins to pull. “You saw me in my underwear. I think it’d only be fair if I got to take a peek too!”

  “Yes. Out!” I slap her hand and then point my hand out of the shower toward the door.

  “Fine.” She sighs playfully and it’s only a moment before I hear the door open and close.

  Knowing she’s cunning, I poke my head out first to see if she’s still in the room. She’s respected my wish and is no longer here. I push back the curtain and step out of the tub, making my way over to the sink for my towel. The towel soaks up most of the water but I miss some and my clothes stick. I wipe off the mirror and look at myself beyond the foggy haze left behind. Scratching at my face, my beard has become a little scruffy.

  Though taking the time now to shave feels as though it’s unproductive, Driesen not having shown up provides the opportunity. The razor nicks me, and I wash the blood away, but the cut immediately forms a bead again. I finish, clean my face off, and clear up any spots I missed.

  I stare again deeply into my pitch black eyes. While it’s still unknown who exactly I was, I try to define who I am right now and it’s difficult.

  Am I strong enough to be their protector?

  Am I strong enough to control this power without becoming consumed by it? I don’t know how strong I am against corruption, especially knowing I used to be a king.

  How did I become king? Did I take it from someone or inherit it?

  Who am I? Or who do I want to be?

  I want to be their protector, their savior from this curse. I want to be a good man and to lead a simple life after this.

  I slick my hair back with a brush and clean up my mess. Returning to my room I don my sword and cloak, and pick up my dirty laundry basket to bring downstairs. Agatha, or Evalyn, is cooking as I pass through to drop my clothes into the washbasin outside. Breakfast is the few eggs we have left, and toast.

  When I open the door a breeze hits my still wet hair and I shiver. Though the sun is peeking above the skyline to shine its rays down onto me, there’s no warming feeling and I wonder if autumn is coming.

  Out across the grass I see no sign of Driesen anywhere within the cityscape. I roll my sleeves up and wash my clothing to keep from wondering if he’s going to betray me, or worrying about Emma’s safety.

  The distraction fails, as I’m plagued with thoughts of Denis doing unspeakable things to her. Anxiety and rage fuel an overactive imagination all leading me to one thought: Denis is going to die by my hands. I wring my clothes as if they are his neck. Try as I might to will it away, the urge for violence has set in.

  Most of the water has been removed and I hang my clothes to dry before I destroy them. Inside the warm house again, I’m temporarily distracted by the delicious smells of breakfast. Agatha is finishing up and dishing scrambled eggs out on plates set out on the table.

  I sit in my spot. “Thanks Agatha, it smells good.”

  “Of course.” She smiles and pats me on the shoulder.

  Ami pushes in from the living room while rubbing the sleep from her eyes, still in a pair of light blue fleece pajamas. She sits down in her normal spot, yawning wide and lazily covering it. While slathering butter across my piece of toast, I smile at her and she smiles back. Eve joins us, grinning from ear to ear and giving me a wink. Ignoring it, I do my best to forget she intruded.

  I really hope she doesn’t try to stir things up with Ami by telling her she came into the bathroom while I showered just to have a heart-to-heart
with me. It’s not like I had control of the situation, but I know Ami wouldn’t approve.

  I lean back after I’ve finished the meal, placing my hands on my stomach and resting to let it settle. The women sit and eat in silence, but I notice they’re all looking at me, smiling playfully as if they’re keeping something from me. I raise an eyebrow in silent question, but it only causes them to intensify their strange behavior by grinning wider and avoiding my gaze.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, cautiously.

  Ami covers her mouth to snicker a little. Agatha just continues to eat and smile. Eve however, I can see in her face she wants to say something, but she keeps it bottled up. Taking my plate to the sink I look over my shoulder at them suspiciously and their staring continues. Turning back, I cross my arms and stare back at them. Ami stands up, finished with her breakfast and moves past me to put her plate in the sink.

  “All right, spill it,” I demand, poking her in the side.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all m’lord.” She giggles.

  “Mmmm. I see. So I did hear Eve correctly earlier.”

  “You did indeed, King Rain,” Eve says seductively. “I knew there was a reason you and I belonged together.”

  “So which one of you overheard us last night?”

  “No one. Aunt Evalyn told us after you went to bed.” Ami spins toward me and grins harder.

  A knock comes from the back door and my hand goes to the hilt of my sword instinctively. Looking through the door’s window cautiously, Driesen is standing there with an expectant look on his face. Opening the door I allow him in. Though his frame is almost too large to fit through our doorway, he manages to with taking off his familiar round, wide brimmed hat. He turns to face me.

  “Wait! Isn’t that…?” Ami exclaims.

  I look back at her and nod.

  “I knows where he is and he’s got Emma with him,” Driesen states plainly.

  “Okay, so what are we waiting for?”

  “Just yous,” he answers.

  Looking over at the women I flash them an unsure smile. “Wish me luck. I’m probably going to need it.”

  “Should we go with you?” Ami asks.

  “No, it’s going to be dangerous. It’s safer if you stay here.”

  I already kept it from Ami about the slavers. It’s probably best that I keep it that way for this too.

  Am I actually going to go through with it? Am I going to kill Denis?

  “I should come anyway. I can hold my own, and you know it,” Eve protests.

  She smirks when I shoot her a disapproving glance. I shake my head and she stays sitting. Holding my arm out toward the door I wait for Driesen to lead the way. He squeezes back out and I follow, closing the door behind me. He makes his way around the house and leads me parallel to the commercial district and the opposite way from the U.F.A. building.

  Walking side by side with him, he’s silent, and it’s a bit uncomfortable. Deep into the city, through decaying unfamiliar towers and buildings which were once homes and businesses, I wonder if it could ever be repaired. Twisting and turning further in, after an hour I’ve lost my way.

  I’m now relying on someone I am still not sure I can fully trust.

  The eerily quiet streets bother me and I speak up.

  “Why do you have a score with Denis?” I prod, hoping to ease my tensions about him.

  Driesen cracks his knuckles one by one. A pained look crosses his face. He’s silent a moment longer before answering.

  “My wife died because’a him.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I feel terrible for asking. “He killed her?”

  “In a round’bout way. She got sick. He wouldn’t allow the hospital ta treat her because I opposed him in the resistance.”

  Nodding my head I let the subject drop and we continue to wind our way through the broken city, avoiding heavy chunks of its walls strewn about on the ground. Around us there are no day walkers, save for Driesen and me.

  It almost feels like we could go on forever in this vast city.

  Although I know people do in fact still live here, one couldn’t tell by looking. It’s as desolate as the desert. The sun travels through the sky and warms the street we are on; warm enough for me to shift my cloak off my shoulders. I regret the decision when we pass a cross street and a gust of cold wind blasts us.

  Several hours pass and finally there is a change in the scenery farther ahead. It appears we’re nearing the edge of the city when some green beyond the buildings enters our view. But before we close in, Driesen motions for us to hug the side of the skyscrapers while we walk. Ducking into an alcove, we peek out at our destination.

  There, beyond the boundary of the city, is a hill of grass. Atop it is a luxurious stone mansion. It has properties one might find in a castle, nestled amongst a complex of smaller stone buildings. A paved road leads from the city streets up to it, blocked by a tall stone wall which surrounds the miniature city. A lone, silver colored gate and a couple guards block our immediate path, but inside there are many others bustling about.

  No doubt they will be an obstacle as well.

  “This is apparently it,” Driesen’s tone is low.

  “Seems like the kind of place I’d set up if I were a control freak,” Eve whispers in my ear, startling me. “I actually kind of like this place!”

  Looking back at her angrily I push her back a bit. “What are you doing?” I whisper harshly.

  “You know I can handle myself in a fight. From the look of it, you’re going to need my help.” Her smirk is smug.

  “You stubborn…” I trail off, glaring at her.

  Driesen looks at me, questioning. I shake my head in disapproval. Surveying the scene again I see guns in the guard’s hands.

  If I rush them, will they fire or choke?

  “Look.” I point the guns out to Driesen and Eve. “This isn’t safe for either of you. Let me handle this.”

  Driesen shrugs pulling out a gun of his own from his waistband. “Danger don’t matter ta me. I want Emma safe and Denis in a hole in the ground.”

  “Fine. We’re all going to walk out at once, but I need you two to spread out to my sides. I want them to work to keep their eyes on us.” I point at the gun in Driesen’s hand. “Put that away and let me take the lead. And don’t step in front of me.”

  Turning, we begin walking toward the gate on the hill. Looking left and then right, Driesen and Eve have followed my lead. They’ve put some distance between us, but are still keeping pace with me. The scruffy looking guards see us coming and raise their guns but as they do Driesen and Eve move farther apart. The guards shift back and forth, trying to keep all three of us in their sights at once. When both of them shift away from me, I break into a full blown sprint heading directly at them. They see me and aim back in my direction. But they’re too late.

  I release a shockwave and though their guns fire, the bullets fail to clear the barrels. Leaping up into the air with a gentle push from a two-handed shockwave, I swing my hands up and together, and release another to hammer the two guards against the gate. The force of it leaving my palms while mid-flight sends me flying back a little. I stay steady and land on my feet and one hand. I give them no time to recover and blow the gate doors open. The force nearly tears them from their hinges as they swing and slam against the stone wall. A loud blaring from a horn rips through the air.

  Unsheathing my sword I glance around and make sure Driesen and Eve have kept up with me with me before I move inside the complex. As we jog in, a pack of vicious looking guard dogs come running, snarling and barking. Their teeth drip with saliva. My uncompromising resolve to find Emma, and bring Denis to justice dissolves my moral restraints. My sword finds home in one of them when it leaps for my throat. Then another one as it tries to latch onto my arm. I’m merciless.

  The familiar and startling boom from a gun kicks off behind me, twice. Yelps follow and it takes me a moment to realize it was Driesen’s weapon: he wounded two dogs. He
snatches them up and bangs their heads together to put them out of their misery.

  Like a child playing roughly with dolls.

  A dog leaps for me and Eve swings a lengthy leg upward through my peripheral vision, nailing it in the jaw. As it falls to the ground in a heap, I nod my approval but point out a multitude of men and women running in our direction from the complexes on either side and from the main house. They’re all armed.

  My distraction leaves me vulnerable when a dying dogs leaps and snags my outstretched arm, biting hard and drawing blood. I lay the pommel of my sword into its skull. It lets go and hits the ground. I put my foot into its ribs. Blood drips down my palm and onto the ground, staining the gray path as I move forward.

  My arm again? Really? Dogmeat. That’s what I should have been renamed.

  Despite the approaching army, the adrenaline is making me feel invincible. I let out a bestial roar at the few remaining dogs and gain their attention; Eve takes the opportunity to crush one underfoot. Despite the ferocity the animals showed on arrival, those not dead retreat into the oncoming men and women. I sheathe my sword and put my hands to the pavement to unleash a large shockwave. The surge of energy causes my arm to contract and blood drains faster.

  There’s a small quake in the hillside. The ground cracks, the dirt and grass roll around the impact site. Some in the group falter and fall, but others keep coming. Guns are raised as they take to their knees for stability. Before they can fire I am standing and unleashing my power on them. Several are knocked over and the mob stops in their tracks. Driesen takes a place next to me, gun raised, while Eve stands in front of me as my shield.

  “I have no quarrel with you! I’m here for Denis!” I yell at them, gritting my teeth at the pain in my arm.

  “You have a problem with us if you have a problem with Denis!” A man yells out from within the group and the voice is familiar.

  “Denis is a tyrant! He will not cause anyone despair any longer! You don’t have to die for his selfishness!” I yell again.

  Chase emerges from within the group, his arms outstretched and a cheeky smile on his oblong face. “They won’t listen to you because they know what will happen if they desert Denis’s army.”


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