Alien Romance: Sold To The Warrior: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 2)

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Alien Romance: Sold To The Warrior: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 2) Page 6

by Zena Zion

  She looked around for an alternative source of cover and found none. Eliana had learned from Rox’s residence that without a registered Heptonian handprint she was unable to activate the doors or control panels. She had no way to leave the room and no place to hide from Commander Xargo’s rampage.

  Just as the last chair that protected Eliana flew from beside her, Xargo released a loud grunt as if the air had been forced from his body. A chair from the sitting area between Eliana and the entrance landed with a thud beside the table.

  She watched as a second pair of legs rushed at the Commander and collided forcefully with her attacker. The Commander went down on his back with an enormous Heptonian male that landed on top of him delivering a series of brutal blows.

  Xargo launched the man off of him onto the table above Eliana. The Commander followed attacking the quicker man with his brute force strength.

  Xargo’s legs approached her place of hiding as he battled the man on the table. Eliana waited for the perfect moment when his legs came within inches of the edge of the table before driving her heel into his knee.

  His leg bent slightly backward and Xargo let out a howl that shook the room. Eliana realized with disappointment that it would draw every soldier in Xargo’s employ.

  Despite his injured knee, Xargo continued to attack the other male. Eliana could hear the feet rushing up and down the table as he delivered powerful blows from his vantage point above the Commander.

  The Commander was patient. He waited for an attack, allowing the blow to land, before wrapping his arm around the leg of his attacker. Xargo swung the male from the table and he landed with a crash against the wall where Eliana had stood during the dinner party.

  Eliana gasped as she realized that the assailant was none other than Rox. He was not dead. Her heart soared and she had to resist the urge to rush out from under the table to his side. She would only get in the way, she told herself.

  Xargo approached Rox who had still not moved from his bowed position against the wall. She watched as Xargo withdrew a weapon from near his ankle. Eliana recognized it as a smaller version of the weapon used against Jorm.

  In a panic she shouted Rox’s name, hoping to wake him before Xargo had a chance to shoot. At her cry, Xargo turned to look at Eliana who still crouched under the table.

  The distraction was enough that Rox sprang to life and knocked Xargo’s legs out from beneath him. The Commander fell and the weapon ejected a beam of maroon light that left a large scorch mark on the ceiling.

  Rox’s face lit with a smile of satisfaction as the Commander threw the weapon at Rox. Apparently, Eliana determined, the beam on the smaller weapon was only good for one shot. Before Xargo could pull his hulking frame into an upright position, Rox withdrew his own weapon from the waistline of his pants.

  With a single shot he fired the beam at Xargo’s face and the commander slumped to the floor.

  Eliana rushed out from beneath the table and launched herself into Rox’s arms. He held her away from him and checked her body for injuries. Other than a few dark bruises, a skinned knee, and a bleeding lip she was fine.

  “I can’t believe you are alive.” She exclaimed. Eliana began to run her hands over his body as if afraid that he would turn out to be a mirage. Rox halted her movements by capturing her hands with his own.

  “We need to get out of here. Every soldier in the city is probably in motion by now.” Rox grabbed Xargo by the wrist and dragged him along behind them as he walked toward the opposite end of the chamber.

  “Rox,” she laid a hand on his arm. “Jorm is dead.” She didn’t know how else to say it. Her abrupt statement mirrored the final event of the soldier’s life. It had all happened so quickly that Eliana had not fully processed Jorm’s death.

  “I know.” he nodded with a solemn expression. “I found him when I was tracking you.”

  “Rox.” She persisted. There were so many questions flying through her mind that Eliana could not seem to ask fast enough. “I thought you were in the mountains.”

  Rox placed a hand on her shoulder before turning away and continuing to drag Xargo toward the far doorway.

  “We don’t have time to talk.” He informed.

  Eliana watched as Rox placed the Commander’s palm against the doorway before typing a code into the wall beside him.

  As a pale gray door appeared, Eliana turned in time to see a stream of soldiers enter the room from the balcony. Rox pulled Eliana, and Xargo, through the doorway as a blast of light hit the wall beside them.

  When he shut the door it disappeared entirely. Eliana realized that they were in a chamber that housed a pneumatic tube, or portal as Jorm had called it.

  Eliana turned to Rox with a grin.

  “How did you know about this?” she asked.

  “Because it was my idea.” Rox laughed. “It was the Commander’s escape plan. They will never get in here without his handprint on the other side.”

  “Where does it lead?” she stared at the single portal, unlike the numerous labeled portals through which they had traveled previously.

  “Anywhere.” He explained. “It overrides any sub-portals for long enough to make the journey.”

  “Where are we going? To the mountains?” she was trying to understand how Rox had escaped the assassins that had been sent to prevent him from leaving the mountains.

  “Anjlar.” Rox had begun activating the portal, typing in the codes that would send them to his desired location.

  “Will we be safe there?” Eliana could not see how returning to the market town would be beneficial, especially since the slavers there would likely sell her right back into service.

  “No, but we won’t stay long.” Rox was being obtuse and it was frustrating Eliana. She wanted answers and yet, she understood the urgency of a quick getaway.

  The pair strapped themselves into the harnessed seats as the doors closed around them. For the first time since her rescue Rox embraced Eliana with affection. He wrapped his arms around her body as he had on her first experience traveling with this method.

  She closed her eyes and laid her head against his chest. Rox began to lightly smooth the dark curls on her head, running his hand over her hair with a gentle motion that soothed her aching scalp. Eliana finally felt safe, she only wished she knew what might be waiting at the other end of the tube.

  Chapter 7

  When their capsule came to a stop in the portals of the market town, Rox moved Eliana to stand behind him in case of an attack. However, the doors slid open to reveal a strange silence and deserted courtyard.

  “What’s happened?” Eliana asked with awe.

  “He’s amazing.” Rox’s grin spread from year to ear. “Worth every stone.”

  Rox grasped Eliana’s hand and pulled her into the courtyard. When she tried to ask what he was talking about Rox silenced her with a finger to his lips. They sprinted across the open yard to the safety of a shadowed alley.

  Eliana could see a cloud of billowing smoke rising in the distance. She could hear that the entire town had gathered at the source of the fire in an attempt to staunch its fury.

  Rox led Eliana along the alley. From between the buildings she could see the slaver’s landing field, full of a number of questionable looking spacecraft. With sudden clarity she realized that the source of the fire was the massive auction tent. The entire form had collapsed and was ablaze surrounded by thousands of onlookers, including what appeared to be all of the military personnel in the town.

  Eliana now understood Rox’s smile. Whoever had caused the fire, had created the perfect distraction to allow their escape through the streets.

  Rox led Eliana down three more alleyways before coming to a stop in front of another field that was overwhelmed with pristine spacecraft. This was clearly not the same group of merchants as the slavers and Eliana found that she was much more willing to travel aboard these well-maintained ships.

  A round figure in the distance waved for their attention. Rox
directed their run toward the shuttle on which the figure had boarded.

  When they entered the craft the ramp closed with a final clang behind them. Eliana waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim light before recognizing the creature standing before her.

  Benjloc shifted with excitement in front of them. Eliana experienced a moment of pure terror at the sight of the loathsome slaver. She turned to run toward the lamp when Rox caught her in his arms and held her against his chest.

  He whispered soothing words into her ears until she was rational enough to be enlightened to the situation at hand.

  Benjloc took the opportunity to explain.

  “My V… My Human,” he began. “Benjloc will be having the honor of returning you to your planet of Earth.”

  Eliana stared at him in complete confusion. She did not even know where to begin to ask questions.

  “Your master, he is very wealthy.” Benjloc clasped all six of his hands across his massive stomach. “He has offered me half of his very substantial fortune to act in his services until you have been safely delivered to your planet. I have purchased this beautiful new ship, and three more for my fleet. I hope that my diversion was to your liking.”

  Benjloc turned to Rox and addressed him in a low voice.

  “Also, I converted the other half of your fortune to Earth money, as requested. The amount is substantial and the Earthlings did not want that sum to leave their planet, though I assured them that it would return. It will be waiting for you upon our arrival, Benjloc assures you.”

  Rox nodded his approval of the slaver’s actions.

  Eliana turned to Rox with anger. “You gave him a fortune to invest in a slaving fleet.” Her heart was full of disgust for the creature and Eliana found that she could not abide the thought that her escape meant facilitating the capture of more innocent females from across the galaxy.

  “No. No. Earthling.” Benjloc approached Eliana with eyes that implored her to understand. “I do not trade in slave goods any longer. Your master has given me the ability to buy my freedom and begin an enterprise of my own with this reputable fleet. You see that I do not land in the field of the traders. I wish to be a merchant of less dubious undertakings. I do not enjoy the danger of the slaver’s missions.”

  With a deep sigh Eliana thought that she understood. Rox had chosen his accomplice with an expert understanding of Benjloc’s motivations and aptitude.

  She turned to face the one she loved.

  “How did you escape the assassins?” Her heart was full of wonder that Rox had survived and was beside her.

  “I was never in the mountains.” He explained. “It was a diversion that was necessary once we discovered that Xargo had already executed one of his females. The only way to get us both out alive would have been to ensure that Xargo sent all of his best forces away to finish me. I was going to follow you out of the city, to meet here, before the plan went astray.”

  “Where is that Jorm?” Benjloc asked.

  There was a long pause in which no one spoke.

  “He did not make it.” Rox finally answered.

  “We must leave immediately.” The merchant led them out of the cargo hold. “The fire will not distract them for long.” He showed them to a small cabin. “I request that you remain in this cabin for the duration of the trip. I will bring your meals.”

  Benjloc turned to Eliana to explain.

  “My new passengers are willing travelers, however, it would be best if none of them are aware of my part in this scheme. If I want to return to Hepton to trade, I cannot risk upsetting the authorities.”

  Benjloc closed the door to their cabin shuffled away to prepare for takeoff.

  Eliana found that she was overwhelmed with the events of the day. She did not know how to process the fact that they were both safely on a ship back to Earth, Rox was still alive, and the reign of Commander Xargo had finally ended.

  The idea of a smooth journey home seemed too good to be true.

  She stood inside of the doorway to the cabin, staring blindly into the massive chest of Rox. He seemed attuned to her exhaustion as he swung Eliana into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  He laid her down and began to slowly peel her clothes away. She was too tired to either resist or participate. Instead, she just lay there naked as he rolled her to her stomach. Eliana heard Rox open a drawer beside the bed. It seemed strange to her that there were true drawers aboard the spaceship. Benjloc, she thought, must not have purchased the craft on this planet.

  Rox placed his cool hands on her shoulders as he began to massage the tender muscles. Eliana recognized the sensation immediately. He was rubbing her skin with the miracle oil that he had tended her wounds with on the day of her purchase.

  She sighed with pleasure as she allowed his hands to roam her body. They moved down her back, over her buttocks, and all the way to the tips of her toes. She wondered if there was a single inch of her body that he had missed.

  Rox prodded her to roll over. She complied happily, now facing the ceiling as his hands began their journey over the front of her body. Eliana gasped as his fingers kneaded the tender muscles of her thighs.

  She could not explain the wonderful feeling that spread through her body as every ache and pain disappeared entirely. With a final touch, Rox ran his fingers over her lips, repairing the split that had occurred during her battle with Commander Xargo.

  The gentle man leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss against Eliana’s forehead.

  “Sleep, my love.” He whispered. The words caught her attention and her heart soared at the thought that he might possibly mean them the same way that humans did.

  Eliana sat up and placed her hand against his shoulder.

  “It’s your turn.” She placed her hand out to receive the jar of medical oil. “Those need to go away.” She twirled a finger in the air around his clothing.

  The sweet smile on the Heptonian’s face told her that he would very much appreciate the return gesture.

  Eliana took her time with Rox’s body. He had no obvious cuts or injuries, but she found that almost his entire body was riddled with deep bruises from the battle with his commanding officer.

  When she had completed her purposeful massage of both sides of his body, Eliana found that Rox was breathing the deep rhythmic cadence of sleep. She considered lying beside him and succumbing to the calls of exhaustion, but as he lay there with his naked body splayed across the bed, Eliana found herself suddenly aroused.

  She eased herself into the crook of his arm, resting her head upon his shoulder. Rather than close her eyes, Eliana brought her lips to his neck. She allowed her fingers to drift over the one place she had not spent time massaging. His erection grew in her hand before he fully awoke. Eliana stroked the length with long languid motions that left him practically humming with pleasure.

  He was more awake than she had realized. Rox rolled his enormous body toward Eliana and kissed her in a way that expressed his fear that they might never have seen each other again.

  “I wasn’t sure that I could save you.” He whispered against her lips.

  “Rox,” Eliana leaned back to stare lovingly into his eyes, “You’ve never done anything but save me.” She leaned her forehead against his as her hands continued the gentle motion between them.

  He paused her hand and brought it to his chest. There he clutched their joined hands to his heart. When he moved to speak again, Eliana placed her fingertips against his lips.

  Eliana looked into his eyes with what she prayed was a clear expression of her undying love. She was afraid to voice the words that would express her emotions so she allowed her body to tell the story that her lips could not.

  She pressed against him and claimed his mouth with an urgency born from a day of chaos. Eliana exerted slight pressure against his shoulder, forcing Rox to return to his back. Without breaking the contact of their mouths, she threw a leg across his waist and positioned herself above him.

  Eliana ra
ised herself into a seated position over Rox. She was overcome with longing when he struck her with a look of utter happiness. This was the first time that she had seen him exhibit anything more than a half, or sardonic, smile.

  The transformation of pleasure on his face was exactly the guarantee that Eliana needed to know that she had found her mate for life.

  Rox placed his hands on her thighs and guided himself inside of her. Eliana threw her head back as spasms of ecstasy rippled across her body. They were returning to Earth, she thought, but this was the true feeling of home.

  His hands grazed her breasts as Eliana began the fervent rocking of her hips. She felt a flush glaze her skin, an inexplicable sensation of being both hot and cold at the very same time. Rox raised his torso to meet her, his seated position drawing their silken bodies against one another. Eliana felt herself barely on the edge of control. She pressed her fingers deeply into the firm muscles of his shoulders, holding on as if she could draw additional strength from her lover.

  Eliana sighed against him. She cried out his name as his rising hips pushed him more fully inside of her, connecting them further than they had ever before achieved. Rox brushed his hands down her back, sending shivers through her sensitive skin.

  His kiss crushed her lips. His tongue plundered the depths of her mouth, battling her tongue in a fiery dance. Eliana felt, more than heard, his groan. Something had changed between them. Something had removed all hesitancy. Whatever barrier had prevented the lovers from fully releasing their passion upon each other was now cast aside. It must have been the sudden knowledge of freedom, but for the first time Eliana and Rox came together, not as master and slave, but simply as male and female in the throes of passion.

  As the shuttle catapulted them away from the dangers of Hepton, Eliana and Rox allowed themselves to succumb to the distractions of safety.

  Chapter 8


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